
PERSEPSI REMAJA TENTANG BULETIN SUARA HISMAG (Studi pada \ud pelajar MA Muhammadiyah 03 Godog Laren Lamongan)


This Research is constituted of researcher to know perception of society about community media \ud residing in countryside of Godog kec. Laren. Kab Lamongan. Suara Hismag is published by \ud Hismag. Hismag is a very unique organization, as knowed researcher there is no organizationwhich born from a small village has a good media like Suara Hismag. Besides, as long as \ud existence of Suara Hismag which almost more than 10 year there is no researcher conducting a \ud research to know and also measure the reader. As a member and society of Godog, researcher \ud has responsibility sense of belonging and interest to research about this bulletin \ud This research used Selective Perception theory, explaining that psychological and sosiologis are \ud especial variable which differentiate human being as media audiens. Every responder have a \ud difference of perception to bulletin content and also appearance of Suara Hismag generated by \ud difference of enthusiasm, trust, knowledge, attitude, requirement of individual, social category \ud and social relationship. \ud This research used survey method, with quantitative descriptive research type that is research \ud defining or depicting a number of variable which have the pleasure to with accurate unit and \ud problem without questioning variable relation. Amount of population in this research counted \ud 160 and responder of sampel taken counted 61 responder. Technique data collecting is quesioner \ud closed, the answering has been provided by researcher so that responder remain to chosen \ud appropriately. Technique analyse data use processing of statistic by using formula of Mean to \ud look for mean from overall of adolescent perception about bulletin Suara Hismag. \ud Result of research indicate that responder which have read bulletin Suara Hismag have positive \ud perception. the Positive perception can know to through totally answer is amounting to 4012. \ud After that divided with amount of circularized question to responder, namely 19 question and \ud then obtained with result of mean that is dot of kontinum 211,1 with Interval value 206,6 ­ 255,4 \ud which in positive Interpretation. After that can be concluded that most responder have good \ud perception with existence of bulletin Suara Hismag

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