81 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak Database Monitoring Kinerja Tpa

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    The increasing number of resident in an area impact to the increasing number ofdomestic waste produced by that area.The amount of existing landfill waste is notenough to accommodate all waste.This is the reason why the researchers need todevelop a landfill waste with good performance. Good performance landfill can treatwaste quickly and does not contaminate the environment. Methan gas produced by thelandfill waste can be used as alternatif energy resources. To improve the performance oflandfill waste, the waste management in landfill waste need to be monitored. The landfillwaste monitoring carried out on quality of leacate, volume and concentration of gas,and some other parameters. To facilitate the monitoring process should be developeddatabase software for landfill waste performance monitoring. With this software the datais managed in such a way so that it can be called back quickly and easily and can bedisplayed in various forms of landfill performance analysis report

    Implementasi Logika Fuzzy untuk Otomatisasi Wiper dan Air Pembersih Kaca Mobil Berbasis Atmega16

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    Wiper is a device that is used for cleaning raindrop and dust on the windshield of the vihicles. Its speed usually with the intensity of the raindrop and dust buy using multiple manual switch. However setting the wiper manually may distract the consentration of the drivers. Thus, there have been being developed a hardware system that can handle that problem. This system will censor the raindrop and dust whic its censorship. Then the data will be processed automatically in the micro-controller. As the output, this system employs motor serve and motor washer pump to clean the windshield.Using micro-controller ATmega16 combined with fuzzy logic in this system will be easier. Because the same have characteristics as the system control automatic. Based on the test, the sensorchip can send the data when it recivers stimulus from raindrop or the dust. The wiper will adjust its speed based on the intensity of raindrop received by the censorship

    Optimization Of Lozenges Formula Of Senggugu Root Bark (Clerodendrum Serratum L. Moon) Extracts For Mucus Diluent (Mucolitic) In Combination With Mannitol-lactose-sucrose Fillers

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    Senggugu root bark (Clerodendrum serratum L. Moon) is known as a mucolitics. Senggugu root bark is made in the dosage form of lozenges in combination with sucrose, mannitol and lactose in order to obtain good flavor and comfortable when consumed. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the combination of fillers on the physical properties of granules and tablets as well as the composition of the combination of excipients to produce lozenges of extract of senggugu root bark with optimum physical properties. Seven formulas were made with a combination of mannitol, lactose and sucrose as follows: FI (100%: 0%: 0%), FII (0%: 100%: 0%), FIII (0%: 0%: 100%), FIV (50 %: 50%: 0%), FV (50%: 0%: 50%), FVI (0%: 50%: 50%), and FVII (33.3%: 33.3%: 33.3% ). The results showed that the combination of mannitol, lactose and sucrose affected the physical properties of the granules and lozenges of extract of senggugu root bark i.e. flow rate, hardness, dissolved time, compactibility and perceptive sense. The dominant amount of sucrose and lactose can improve the physical properties of granules and tablets. The optimal composition of the combination of mannitol, lactose and sucrose obtained from Design Expert 7.1.5. program was 5.491%: 37.387%: 57.122%, respectively

    Kegiatan Islami di Kampung Kauman Kota Semarang

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    Kampung Kauman merupakan salah satu cikal bakal pertumbuhan kota Semarang. Dahulunya Kampung Kauman dikenal sebagai pusat peradaban Islam. Kampung Kauman sangat berperan penting dalam penyebaran agama Islam di kota Semarang dan merupakan tempat tinggal atau hunian para pemuka Agama Islam. Kini, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kebudayaan Islam dipengaruhi oleh akulturasi dengan kebudayaan setempat dan inkulturasi dengan budaya luar. Secara eksternal Kampung Kauman memiliki posisi yang sangat sulit, terjepit diantara pesatnya perkembangan fungsi komersial di kawasan Johar, sementara itu semangat untuk mempertahankan suatu sejarah kota di kawasan ini semakin memudar. Melihat kondisi seperti itu maka penelitian ini bertujuan pada mengkaji Kegiatan Islami dan keberlangsungannya di Kampung Kauman Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini pada dasarnya menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang mana untuk memahami fenomena atau gejala sosial dengan lebih menitik beratkan pada gambaran yang lengkap tentang fenomena yang dikaji daripada memerincinya menjadi variabel-variabel yang saling terkait. Melalui penelitian ini maka hasil yang diharapkan adalah fakta yang ada dalam bentuk kegiatan Islami dan keberlangsungannya, menurut rukun Islam, kegiatan Islami tahunan dan kegiatan Islami lainnya, begitupula bentuk pengaruh kawasan sekitarnya terhadap kegiatan islami di Kampung Kauman ini. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat dalam bentuk keunikan Kampung Kauman dari segi kegiatan Islami dan keberlangsungannya yang telah ada sejak turun temurun

    Students' Need Analysis of English Reading Skills for Academic Purposes

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    The study explores students' needs for English reading skills among students of English Language Studies. It also explores the difficulties in reading skill for academic purposes (English for research) faced by the students. The study is based on the two basic aspects of exploring language needs: Target Situation Analysis and Present Situation Analysis. The participants of the study are 13 graduate students of English Language Studies of PostGraduate Program in the third semester. Questionnaire is an instrument for data collection. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed descriptively. The study showed that most of students often have difficulties in reading English texts for academic purposes. They want to improve their comprehension level through EAP course and enable to improve their writing performance

    Pemanfaatan Serbuk Gergaji Menjadi Biobutanol dengan Hidrolisis Selulase dan Fermentasi Bakteri Clostridium Acetobutylicum

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    Biobutanol adalah jenis alkohol ikatan C-4 (C4H9OH) yang terbuat dari biomassa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan limbah kayu yang dihasilkan dari proses penggergajian kayu yang mengandung selulosa (55%), hemiselulosa (14%), dan lignin (21%). Biobutanol diproduksi dengan cara hidrolisis enzim selulase dan fermentasi bakteri Clostridium acetobutylicum. Variabel pada penelitian ini adalah penambahan enzim selulase pada proses hidrolisis (penambahan enzim atau tanpa penambahan enzim), pH awal proses fermentasi (5 atau 7) dan jumlah penambahan starter bakteri Clostridium acetobutylicum (5 atau 10 ml) dengan variasi lama proses fermentasi 2,4,6,8,10,12 hari. Parameter dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa kadar selulosa, gula tereduksi, dan kadar butanol. Berdasarkan hasil penetian, diketahui bahwa proses hidrolisis dengan penambahan enzim selulase, kondisi awal fermentasi pH 5 dan penambahan inokulum bakteri Clostridium acetobutylicum sebanyak 10 ml dengan lama waktu fermentasi 12 hari merupakan kondisi yang paling efektif menghasilkan kadar butanol tertinggi dari 50 gram limbah serbuk gergaji. Kadar butanol tertinggi sebesar 1,88 % dari 1 Β΅L sampel hasil fermentasi yang diinjeksikan ke dalam kromatografi gas

    Faktor Langsung dan Tidak Langsung yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Wasting pada Anak Umur 6 – 59 Bulan di Indonesia Tahun 2010

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    Hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar menunjukkan prevalensi wasting pada anak di bawah umur lima tahun (Balita) tidak mengalami penurunan yang berarti, yaitu dari 13,6 persen pada tahun 2007 menjadi 13,3 persen pada tahun 2010. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor langsung dan tidak langsung yang berhubungan dengan kejadian wasting pada anak umur 6 – 59 bulan di Indonesia tahun 2010. Desain penelitian ialah kroseksional dengan sampel sebanyak 9897 anak Balita responden Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2010. Variabel dependen pada penelitian ini ialah status wasting anak dan variabel independennya ialah variabel faktor langsung (asupan energi, karbohidrat, lemak, protein, pola menyusui, dan penyakit malaria), faktor tidak langsung dan karakteristik anak (pendidikan bapak, pendidikan ibu, pekerjaan bapak, pekerjaan ibu, persentase pengeluaran pangan terhadap pengeluaran total, status imunisasi, kondisi rumah, umur dan jenis kelamin). Odds Ratio dan 95% Confident Interval dihitung dengan menggunakan analisis regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor langsung dominan yang berhubungan dengan kejadian wasting pada kelompok anak umur 24 – 59 bulan ialah asupan karbohidrat dengan OR (95% CI): 1,29 (1,14 – 1,47). Faktor tidak langsung yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kejadian wasting pada kelompok anak umur 6 – 59 bulan ialah persentase pengeluaran pangan yang tinggi (β‰₯ 70%) dengan OR (95% CI) sebesar: 1,32 (1,11 – 1,56) setelah dikontrol variabel umur dan pekerjaan ayah. Kata kunci : wasting, Balita, faktor langsung, faktor tidak langsung Abstract Baseline Health Research showed that the prevalence of wasting among under five children in Indonesia has not significantly decline, from 13,6 percent in 2006 to 13,3 percent in 2010. The objective of this study was to determine the predictors of wasting among children age 6 – 59 months in Indonesia, 2010. This study was a cross sectional study with 9897 children age 6 – 59 months as samples taken from Baseline Health Research 2010 data. The dependent variable in this study was wasting status. The independent variable were direct factors (intake of energy, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, breastfeeding pattern, and malaria), indirect factors and child characteristics (mother's education and occupation, father's education and occupation, the percentage of food expenditure, immunization status, number of under five children in family, type of living places, house condition, child's age, and sex). Odds Ratio and 95% Confident Intervals were calculated by logistic regression. Analysis showed that the insufficient intake of carbohydrate was the most related factor to wasting in children aged 24 – 59 months with OR (95%CI): 1,29 (1,14 – 1,47). The most related indirect factor to wasting in children aged 6 – 59 months was the percentage of food expenditure by total expenditure β‰₯70% with OR(95%CI): 1,32(1,11 – 1,56) adjusted by child's age and father's education. Keywords: wasting, under five children, direct factors, indirect factor
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