558 research outputs found

    Seismic risk mapping for Germany

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    International audienceThe aim of this study is to assess and map the seismic risk for Germany, restricted to the expected losses of damage to residential buildings. There are several earthquake prone regions in the country which have produced Mw magnitudes above 6 and up to 6.7 corresponding to observed ground shaking intensity up to VIII?IX (EMS-98). Combined with the fact that some of the earthquake prone areas are densely populated and highly industrialized and where therefore the hazard coincides with high concentration of exposed assets, the damaging implications from earthquakes must be taken seriously. In this study a methodology is presented and pursued to calculate the seismic risk from (1) intensity based probabilistic seismic hazard, (2) vulnerability composition models, which are based on the distribution of residential buildings of various structural types in representative communities and (3) the distribution of assets in terms of replacement costs for residential buildings. The estimates of the risk are treated as primary economic losses due to structural damage to residential buildings. The obtained results are presented as maps of the damage and risk distributions. For a probability level of 90% non-exceedence in 50 years (corresponding to a mean return period of 475 years) the mean damage ratio is up to 20% and the risk up to hundreds of millions of euro in the most endangered communities. The developed models have been calibrated with observed data from several damaging earthquakes in Germany and the nearby area in the past 30 years

    On Weighted Graph Separation Problems and Flow-Augmentation

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    One of the first application of the recently introduced technique of\emph{flow-augmentation} [Kim et al., STOC 2022] is a fixed-parameter algorithmfor the weighted version of \textsc{Directed Feedback Vertex Set}, a landmarkproblem in parameterized complexity. In this note we explore applicability offlow-augmentation to other weighted graph separation problems parameterized bythe size of the cutset. We show the following. -- In weighted undirected graphs\textsc{Multicut} is FPT, both in the edge- and vertex-deletion version. -- Theweighted version of \textsc{Group Feedback Vertex Set} is FPT, even with anoracle access to group operations. -- The weighted version of \textsc{DirectedSubset Feedback Vertex Set} is FPT. Our study reveals \textsc{DirectedSymmetric Multicut} as the next important graph separation problem whoseparameterized complexity remains unknown, even in the unweighted setting.<br

    The value of clinical judgement analysis for improving the quality of doctors' prescribing decisions

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    Background Many initiatives are taken to improve prescribing decisions. Educational strategies for doctors have been effective in at least 50% of cases. Some reflection on one's own performance seems to be a common feature of the most effective strategies. So far, such reflections have mainly focused on the observed outcomes of the doctors' decisions, i.e. on what doctors do in practice. Studies in other fields have shown that another form of feedback based on the analysis of judgements may be useful as well. Objectives The objectives of the study were to discuss the principles underlying clinical judgement analysis, give examples of its use in the medical context, and discuss its potential for improving prescribing decisions. Results Clinical judgement analysis can look behind the outcome of a decision to the underlying decision process. Carefully constructed or selected case material is required for this analysis. Combining feedback on outcomes with feedback based on clinical judgement analysis offers doctors insight both in what they do, and why or when they do it. It may reveal determinants of decision making which are not available through unaided introspection. Interventions using this combination of feedback for improving doctors' prescribing behaviour have been (partly) successful in 4 cases and unsuccessful in one case. Conclusions Clinical judgement analysis gives doctors a structured reflection on the decision-making policy, and can help them to improve their future decisions. It may be especially useful for groups of doctors who try to work towards a consensus policy. The approach is not very helpful when simple decision rules are appropriate

    Two-color Time-resolved Spectroscopy of Helium Using High-order Harmonics

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    The radiative lifetime of the 1s2p(1)P state of helium is measured in a two-colour ionization experiment with a 5% accuracy. The state is excited by the 13th harmonic of a tunable 80 ps laser and ionized by a synchronous ultraviolet laser, with a variable time delay. This experiment demonstrates that the high harmonics generated in a jet of rare gas exposed to an intense laser field provide a tunable short-pulse xuv source ideally suited for pump/probe type of studies and, in particular, short lifetime measurements

    Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Multicut in Directed Acyclic Graphs

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    The Multicut problem, given a graph G, a set of terminal pairs T={(si,ti) ∣ 1≀i≀r}\mathcal{T}=\{(s_i,t_i)\ |\ 1\leq i\leq r\}, and an integer pp, asks whether one can find a cutset consisting of at most pp nonterminal vertices that separates all the terminal pairs, i.e., after removing the cutset, tit_i is not reachable from sis_i for each 1≀i≀r1\leq i\leq r. The fixed-parameter tractability of Multicut in undirected graphs, parameterized by the size of the cutset only, has been recently proved by Marx and Razgon [SIAM J. Comput., 43 (2014), pp. 355--388] and, independently, by Bousquet, Daligault, and ThomassĂ© [Proceedings of STOC, ACM, 2011, pp. 459--468], after resisting attacks as a long-standing open problem. In this paper we prove that Multicut is fixed-parameter tractable on directed acyclic graphs when parameterized both by the size of the cutset and the number of terminal pairs. We complement this result by showing that this is implausible for parameterization by the size of the cutset only, as this version of the problem remains W[1]W[1]-hard

    Lower Bounds for the Graph Homomorphism Problem

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    The graph homomorphism problem (HOM) asks whether the vertices of a given nn-vertex graph GG can be mapped to the vertices of a given hh-vertex graph HH such that each edge of GG is mapped to an edge of HH. The problem generalizes the graph coloring problem and at the same time can be viewed as a special case of the 22-CSP problem. In this paper, we prove several lower bound for HOM under the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) assumption. The main result is a lower bound 2Ω(nlog⁥hlog⁥log⁥h)2^{\Omega\left( \frac{n \log h}{\log \log h}\right)}. This rules out the existence of a single-exponential algorithm and shows that the trivial upper bound 2O(nlog⁥h)2^{{\mathcal O}(n\log{h})} is almost asymptotically tight. We also investigate what properties of graphs GG and HH make it difficult to solve HOM(G,H)(G,H). An easy observation is that an O(hn){\mathcal O}(h^n) upper bound can be improved to O(hvc⁥(G)){\mathcal O}(h^{\operatorname{vc}(G)}) where vc⁥(G)\operatorname{vc}(G) is the minimum size of a vertex cover of GG. The second lower bound hΩ(vc⁥(G))h^{\Omega(\operatorname{vc}(G))} shows that the upper bound is asymptotically tight. As to the properties of the "right-hand side" graph HH, it is known that HOM(G,H)(G,H) can be solved in time (f(Δ(H)))n(f(\Delta(H)))^n and (f(tw⁥(H)))n(f(\operatorname{tw}(H)))^n where Δ(H)\Delta(H) is the maximum degree of HH and tw⁥(H)\operatorname{tw}(H) is the treewidth of HH. This gives single-exponential algorithms for graphs of bounded maximum degree or bounded treewidth. Since the chromatic number χ(H)\chi(H) does not exceed tw⁥(H)\operatorname{tw}(H) and Δ(H)+1\Delta(H)+1, it is natural to ask whether similar upper bounds with respect to χ(H)\chi(H) can be obtained. We provide a negative answer to this question by establishing a lower bound (f(χ(H)))n(f(\chi(H)))^n for any function ff. We also observe that similar lower bounds can be obtained for locally injective homomorphisms.Comment: 19 page

    Effects of laser prepulses on laser-induced proton generation

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    Low-intensity laser prepulses (<10(13) W cm(-2), nanosecond duration) are a major issue in experiments on laser-induced generation of protons, often limiting the performances of proton sources produced by high-intensity lasers (approximate to 10(19) W cm(-2), picosecond or femtosecond duration). Depending on the intensity regime, several effects may be associated with the prepulse, some of which are discussed in this paper: (i) destruction of thin foil targets by the shock generated by the laser prepulse; (ii) creation of preplasma on the target front side affecting laser absorption; (iii) deformation of the target rear side; and (iv) whole displacement of thin foil targets affecting the focusing condition. In particular, we show that under oblique high-intensity irradiation and for low prepulse intensities, the proton beam is directed away from the target normal. Deviation is towards the laser forward direction, with an angle that increases with the level and duration of the ASE pedestal. Also, for a given laser pulse, the beam deviation increases with proton energy. The observations are discussed in terms of target normal sheath acceleration, in combination with a laser-controllable shock wave locally deforming the target surface
