224 research outputs found


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    Impact of gastroesophageal reflux disease on work absenteeism, presenteeism and productivity in daily life: a European observational study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The RANGE (<it>R</it>etrospective <it>AN</it>alysis of <it>G</it>astro<it>E</it>sophageal reflux disease [GERD]) study assessed differences among patients consulting a primary care physician due to GERD-related reasons in terms of: symptoms, diagnosis and management, response to treatment, and effects on productivity, costs and health-related quality of life. This subanalysis of RANGE determined the impact of GERD on productivity in work and daily life.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>RANGE was conducted at 134 primary care sites across six European countries (Germany, Greece, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK). All subjects (aged ≥18 years) who consulted with their primary care physician over a 4-month identification period were screened retrospectively, and those consulting at least once for GERD-related reasons were identified (index visit). From this population, a random sample was selected to enter the study and attended a follow-up appointment, during which the impact of GERD on productivity while working (absenteeism and presenteeism) and in daily life was evaluated using the self-reported Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire for patients with GERD (WPAI-GERD).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, 373,610 subjects consulted with their primary care physician over the 4-month identification period, 12,815 for GERD-related reasons (3.4%); 2678 randomly selected patients attended the follow-up appointment. Average absenteeism due to GERD was highest in Germany (3.2 hours/week) and lowest in the UK (0.4 hours/week), with an average of up to 6.7 additional hours/week lost due to presenteeism in Norway. The average monetary impact of GERD-related work absenteeism and presenteeism were substantial in all countries (from €55/week per employed patient in the UK to €273/patient in Sweden). Reductions in productivity in daily life of up to 26% were observed across the European countries.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>GERD places a significant burden on primary care patients, in terms of work absenteeism and presenteeism and in daily life. The resulting costs to the local economy may be substantial. Improved management of GERD could be expected to lessen the impact of GERD on productivity and reduce costs.</p

    Modelling the impact of wildfire smoke on driving speed

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    Traffic models can be used to study evacuation scenarios during wildland-urban interface fires and identify the ability of a community to reach a safe place. In those scenarios, wildfire smoke can reduce visibility conditions on the road. This can have serious implications on the evacuation effectiveness since drivers would reduce their speed in relation to the optical density on the road. To date, there is no traffic model which explicitly represents the impact of reduced visibility conditions on traffic evacuation flow. This paper makes use of an experimental dataset collected in a virtual reality environment to calibrate two widely used macroscopic traffic models (the Lighthill-Whitham-Richards and the Van Aerde models) in order to account for the impact of reduced visibility conditions on driving speed. An application of the calibrated traffic model considering the impact of smoke has been performed using the WUI-NITY platform, an open multi-physics platform which includes wildfire spread, pedestrian response and traffic modelling. A dedicated verification test has been developed and performed considering different values of optical densities of smoke and traffic densities to ensure the model has been implemented correctly in WUI-NITY. A case study that demonstrates the applicability of the model to real life scenarios was also implemented, based on data from an evacuation drill. This paper shows that the presence of smoke on the road can significantly decrease movement speed and increase evacuation times thus highlighting the need for inclusion of this factor in traffic evacuation models applied for wildland-urban interface fire scenarios

    Three-dimensional food printing: Its readiness for a food and nutrition insecure world

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    Three-dimensional (3D) food printing is a rapidly emerging technology offering unprecedented potential for customised food design and personalised nutrition. Here, we evaluate the technological advances in extrusion-based 3D food printing and its possibilities to promote healthy and sustainable eating. We consider the challenges in implementing the technology in real-world applications. We propose viable applications for 3D food printing in health care, health promotion and food waste upcycling. Finally, we outline future work on 3D food printing in food safety, acceptability and economics, ethics and regulations. .

    Nutrition, sarcopenia and frailty: an Asian perspective

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    Despite a growing body of evidence that nutrition plays a key role in the pathophysiology, prevention and intervention programs of frailty and sarcopenia, as well as in promoting brain health, the awareness and the need to study the relationship between nutrition and functional goals of healthy ageing have not received as much attention or support from research or policy makers. This review reports on the state of knowledge relating to availability of nutrition survey data for older people relating to prevalence of frailty and sarcopenia in Asia, using data from Netherlands for comparison. Data were obtained from a meeting of a group of nutrition experts from Asia supplemented by literature search using key terms of nutrition, frailty, and sarcopenia. Although nutrition surveys may be carried out regularly in several countries, surveys are mainly carried out for the general adult population rather than specifically among the elderly population, and little data is available relating to the impact of nutrition on sarcopenia and frailty. There is an urgent need for more nutritional data relating to maintaining function with age as opposed to disease prevention, to guide health promotion policies and clinical management of increasingly older population and patients. A shift in the gathering of national nutrition data may need to include such functional measurements in relation to older people, as the latter forms the rapidly growing sector of ageing populations world-wide

    Computation tools for the combat of cardiovascular heart disease

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    The paper discusses two potential applications of computational technologies to combat cardiovascular heart disease in Singapore. The first application involves the exploitation of neural networks for the risk prediction of coronary heart disease. The second application involves the potential integration of artificial intelligence and high performance modelling with clinical biology for the analysis and visualisation of atherosclerosis related structure. The implementation of these computation tools in phases constitutes initial efforts in the development of a digital clinical atherosclerosis laboratory to assist in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular heart disease

    The students' voice: Strengths and weaknesses of an undergraduate medical curriculum in a developing country, a qualitative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In medical education, feedback from students' is essential in course evaluation and development. Students at Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka complete a five year medical curriculum comprising of five different streams. We aimed to evaluate the five year medical curriculum at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A qualitative research was conducted among recent graduates of the faculty. Students' opinions on strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum were collected via questionnaires, which were analysed and classified into common themes. A focus group discussion (FGD) based on these themes was conducted among two student groups, each comprising of a facilitator, two observers and nine students selected as a representative sample from questionnaire respondents. FGDs were conducted using a semi-structured set of open-ended questions to guide participants and maintain consistency between groups. The FGD evaluated the reasons behind students' perceptions, attitudes, emotions and perceived solution. Verbal and non-verbal responses were transcribed and analysed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Questionnaire response rate was 82% (153/186). Students highlighted 68 and 135 different responses on strengths and weaknesses respectively. After analysis of both questionnaire and FGD results the following themes emerged: a well organized module system, increased frequency of assessments, a good variety in clinical appointments, lack of specific objectives and assessments at clinical appointments, community and behavioural sciences streams beneficial but too much time allocation, lengthy duration of course, inadequate knowledge provided on pharmacology and pathology.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We demonstrate how a brief qualitative method could be efficiently used to evaluate a curriculum spanning a considerable length of time. This method provided an insight into the students' attitudes and perceptions of the present faculty curriculum. Qualitative feedback from students highlighted certain key areas that need attention and also possible solutions as perceived by the students'.</p

    Is impaired energy regulation the core of the metabolic syndrome in various ethnic groups of the USA and Taiwan?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The metabolic syndrome (MetS) concept is widely used in public health and clinical settings without an agreed pathophysiology. We have re-examined the MetS in terms of body fuels, so as to provide a coherent cross-cultural pathogenesis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 2001-2) with n = 2254 and Taiwanese National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) sub-set for hypertension, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia assessment (TwSHHH 2002), n = 5786, were used to compare different ethnicities according to NCEP-ATPIII (NCEP-tw) criteria for METS. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using principal components (PC) was employed to differentiate and unify MetS components across four ethnicities, gender, age-strata, and urban-rural settings.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The first two factors from the PC analysis (PCA) accounted for from 55.2% (non-Hispanic white) to 63.7% (Taiwanese) of the variance. Rotated factor loadings showed that the six MetS components provided three clusters: the impaired energy regulation (IER) components (waist circumference, WC, fasting triglycerides, TG, and fasting plasma glucose, FPG), systolic and diastolic blood pressures (BPs), and HDL-cholesterol, where the IER components accounted for 25-26% of total variance of MetS components. For the three US ethnic subgroups, factor 1 was mainly determined by IER and HDL-cholesterol, and factor 2 was related to the BP components. For Taiwanese, IER was determinant for both factors, and BPs and HDL-cholesterol were related to factors 1 and 2 respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>There is a MetS core which unifies populations. It comprises WC, TG and FPG as a core, IER, which may be expressed and modulated in various second order ways.</p

    High dietary diversity is associated with obesity in Sri Lankan adults: An evaluation of three dietary scores.

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    Background: Dietary diversity is recognized as a key element of a high quality diet. However, diets that offer a greater variety of energy-dense foods could increase food intake and body weight. The aim of this study was to explore association of diet diversity with obesity in Sri Lankan adults. Methods: Six hundred adults aged > 18 years were randomly selected by using multi-stage stratified sample. Dietary intake assessment was undertaken by a 24 hour dietary recall. Three dietary scores, Dietary Diversity Score (DDS), Dietary Diversity Score with Portions (DDSP) and Food Variety Score (FVS) were calculated. Body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 kg.m−2 is defined as obese and Asian waist circumference cut-offs were used diagnosed abdominal obesity. Results: Mean of DDS for men and women were 6.23 and 6.50 (p=0.06), while DDSP was 3.26 and 3.17 respectively (p=0.24). FVS values were significantly different between men and women 9.55 and 10.24 (p=0.002). Dietary diversity among Sri Lankan adults was significantly associated with gender, residency, ethnicity, education level but not with diabetes status. As dietary scores increased, the percentage consumption was increased in most of food groups except starches. Obese and abdominal obese adults had the highest DDS compared to non-obese groups (p<0.05). With increased dietary diversity the level of BMI, waist circumference and energy consumption was significantly increased in this population. Conclusion: Our data suggests that dietary diversity is positively associated with several socio-demographic characteristics and obesity among Sri Lankan adults. Although high dietary diversity is widely recommended, public health messages should emphasize to improve dietary diversity in selective food items