18 research outputs found

    Interconversion of intrinsic defects in SrTiO3(001)SrTiO_3(001)

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    Photoemission features associated with states deep in the band gap of n−SrTiO₃ (001) are found to be ubiquitous in bulk crystals and epitaxial films. These features are present even when there is little signal near the Fermi level. Analysis reveals that these states are deep-level traps associated with defects. The commonly investigated defects—O vacancies, Sr vacancies, and aliovalent impurity cations on the Ti sites—cannot account for these features. Rather, ab initio modeling points to these states resulting from interstitial oxygen and its interaction with donor electrons

    Evidence of a second-order Peierls-driven metal-insulator transition in crystalline NbO2

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    The metal-insulator transition of NbO2 is thought to be important for the functioning of recent niobium oxide-based memristor devices, and is often described as a Mott transition in these contexts. However, the actual transition mechanism remains unclear, as current devices actually employ electroformed NbOx that may be inherently different to crystalline NbO2. We report on our synchrotron x-ray spectroscopy and density-functional-theory study of crystalline, epitaxial NbO2 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition and molecular beam epitaxy across the metal-insulator transition at ~810⁰C. The observed spectral changes reveal a second-order Peierls transition driven by a weakening of Nb dimerization without significant electron correlations, further supported by our density-functional-theory modeling. Our findings indicate that employing crystalline NbO2 as an active layer in memristor devices may facilitate analog control of the resistivity, whereby Joule-heating can modulate Nb-Nb dimer distance and consequently control the opening of a pseudogap

    Raman spectroscopy of lithium niobite (LiNbO2)

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    Lithium niobite (LiNbO2) single crystals fabricated via liquid phase electro-epitaxy are studied by Raman spectroscopy. We present the Raman spectra of the pristine and chemically delithiated LiNbO2 crystals under ambient conditions. Two characteristic experimental Raman peaks located at 456 cm−1 and 640 cm−1 are assigned to the O E2g and O A1g phonon modes respectively, as determined from first principles-based calculations. Furthermore, by chemically delithiating the crystals it is shown that the spectral changes of the O E2g can be used to capture lithium content variation within the structure

    Direct Observation of Electrostatically Driven Band Gap Renormalization in a Degenerate Perovskite Transparent Conducting Oxide

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    We have directly measured the band gap renormalization associated with the Moss-Burstein shift in the perovskite transparent conducting oxide (TCO), La-doped BaSnO_{3}, using hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. We determine that the band gap renormalization is almost entirely associated with the evolution of the conduction band. Our experimental results are supported by hybrid density functional theory supercell calculations. We determine that unlike conventional TCOs where interactions with the dopant orbitals are important, the band gap renormalization in La-BaSnO_{3} is driven purely by electrostatic interactions

    Evolution of the Electrode–Electrolyte Interface of LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2\mathrm{LiNi_{0.8}Co_{0.15}Al_{0.05}O_{2}} Electrodes Due to Electrochemical and Thermal Stress

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    For layered oxide cathodes, impedance growth and capacity fade related to reactions at the cathode–electrolyte interface (CEI) are particularly prevalent at high voltage and high temperatures. At a minimum, the CEI layer consists of Li2_2CO3_3, LiF, reduced (relative to the bulk) metal-ion species, and salt decomposition species, but conflicting reports exist regarding their progression during (dis)charging. Utilizing transport measurements in combination with X-ray and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy techniques, we study the evolution of these CEI species as a function of electrochemical and thermal stress for LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2\mathrm{LiNi_{0.8}Co_{0.15}Al_{0.05}O_{2}} (NCA) particle electrodes using a LiPF6_6 ethylene carbonate:dimethyl carbonate (1:1 volume ratio) electrolyte. Although initial surface metal reduction does correlate with surface Li2_2CO3_3 and LiF, these species are found to decompose upon charging and are absent above 4.25 V. While there is trace LiPF6_6 breakdown at room temperature above 4.25 V, thermal aggravation is found to strongly promote salt breakdown and contributes to surface degradation even at lower voltages (4.1 V). An interesting finding of our work was the partial reformation of LiF upon discharge, which warrants further consideration for understanding CEI stability during cycling