3,783 research outputs found

    Incorporating Road Networks into Territory Design

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    Given a set of basic areas, the territory design problem asks to create a predefined number of territories, each containing at least one basic area, such that an objective function is optimized. Desired properties of territories often include a reasonable balance, compact form, contiguity and small average journey times which are usually encoded in the objective function or formulated as constraints. We address the territory design problem by developing graph theoretic models that also consider the underlying road network. The derived graph models enable us to tackle the territory design problem by modifying graph partitioning algorithms and mixed integer programming formulations so that the objective of the planning problem is taken into account. We test and compare the algorithms on several real world instances

    Recordings of digital media life: Advancing (qualitative) media diaries as a method

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    In times of digitalization, analyzing the highly complex media practices and mediated life worlds of individuals has become highly challenging, both in theoretical and methodological terms. From an empirical point of view, diary methods, and particularly qualitative (media) diaries, bear a great potential to gain access to these media practices and analyze them within the contexts of people’s everyday lives. In this article, we propose that it is fruitful to apply the characteristics of real diaries to research settings and consider them when designing diary studies as a researcher. Doing so can help to collect more “genuine” data and get a more holistic and adequate picture of digital media life. These characteristics comprise: (1) authenticity and naturalness, (2) autonomy in design, (3) multimodality and materiality, (4) intrinsic motivation, (5) functionalities of diary keeping, (6) continuity and periodicity, as well as (7) inferences about cultural and social conditions. We provide suggestions for implementing these characteristics in qualitative diary studies, and discuss the empirical challenges accompanying this approach

    Aircraft noise in Berlin affects quality of life even outside the airport grounds

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    Aircraft noise is a particularly problematic source of noise as many airports are located in or near major cities and, as a result, densely populated areas are affected. Data from the Berlin Aging Study II (Berliner Altersstudie II, BASE-II), whose socio-economic module is based on the longitudinal Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) study which has been conducted since 1984, allows us to examine the effect of different levels of aircraft noise on the subjective wellbeing and health of the older residents of a major city, in this case Berlin. The findings show that the presence of aircraft noise, also measured using objective aircraft noise data, is associated with significantly reduced well-being, lower satisfaction with one's living environment, and poorer health. The association between well-being and a crossing altitude reduced by 100 meters is given certain assumptions - for crossing altitudes of between 1,000 and 2,500m - comparable to an income loss of between 30 and 117 euros per month

    Die USA und Pakistan: Probleme einer Partnerschaft

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    'Pakistan ist für die nationale Sicherheit der USA von zentralem Interesse - als Partner im Kampf gegen den internationalen Terrorismus, aber auch als Heimstatt terroristischer Bedrohungen. Diese Doppelrolle Pakistans im 'Global War Against Terror' hat die amerikanische Politik nach dem 11. September 2001 geprägt: Sie setzte ganz und gar auf Präsident Pervez Musharraf und das Militär als Garanten einer erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus. Das langfristige Interesse an einer stabilen Demokratie in Pakistan trat dabei in den Hintergrund. Unterfüttert wurde die nahezu unkonditionierte Politik des Engagement mit mehr als 10 Mrd. Dollar Hilfsleistungen. Auch nach den Parlamentswahlen in Pakistan am 18. Februar 2008 gelten Präsident Musharraf und das pakistanische Militär als Garanten für eine wirksame sicherheitspolitische Kooperation im 'Krieg gegen den Terror' und für die Stabilität in einem Atomwaffenstaat. Nach wie vor gilt der Leitsatz, dass Einfluss auf die Entwicklungen in Pakistan angesichts der wechselvollen pakistanisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen am ehesten durch eine dauerhafte Kooperation mit dem pakistanischen Militär und durch den Aufbau einer langfristig angelegten Partnerschaft genommen werden könne. Kritiker wie Befürworter der bislang stark militärlastigen, von sicherheitspolitischen Erwägungen dominierten Politik sind sich zwar weitgehend einig, dass der Kampf gegen den islamistischen Terrorismus ohne die Herausbildung einer zivilen demokratischen Herrschaft in Pakistan nicht gewonnen werden kann. Doch der Balanceakt zwischen verstetigter Kooperation mit dem Militär und vorsichtigem Demokratisierungsdruck dürfte bis auf weiteres durch ein Übergewicht zugunsten der unmittelbaren sicherheitspolitischen Erwägungen gekennzeichnet sein.' (Autorenreferat

    Scanning Quantum Dot Microscopy

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    Interactions between atomic and molecular objects are to a large extent defined by the nanoscale electrostatic potentials which these objects produce. We introduce a scanning probe technique that enables three-dimensional imaging of local electrostatic potential fields with sub-nanometer resolution. Registering single electron charging events of a molecular quantum dot attached to the tip of a (qPlus tuning fork) atomic force microscope operated at 5 K, we quantitatively measure the quadrupole field of a single molecule and the dipole field of a single metal adatom, both adsorbed on a clean metal surface. Because of its high sensitivity, the technique can record electrostatic potentials at large distances from their sources, which above all will help to image complex samples with increased surface roughness.Comment: main text: 5 pages, 4 figures, supplementary information file: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Acting Egoistically in a Crisis: How Emotions Shape Data Donations

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    The spread of COVID-19 has affected all of us, be it financially, socially, or even physically. It has caused uncertainty and anxiety, which has put people into a "hot" mental state. Referred to as an empathy gap, people are assumed to make emotion-driven decisions in "hot" states compared to "cold" states, which contrasts with the normative assumption of rational decision-making in privacy research. Based on an experimental survey study among 445 participants, we investigate whether people's mental state interacts with individuals' information disclosure decision-making. We measure our research model in the context of actual health data donation, which constitutes a critical surveillance factor in the COVID-19 crisis. Thereby, we contribute to research by (1) investigating data donation behavior amid a crisis and (2) helping to explain further nuances of privacy decision-making and the importance of trust as a context-dependent driver of data donation

    The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1948-02-13

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    This issue of the Wooster Voice contains a report on Wooster\u27s three-way statewide tie in basketball. Also featured on page 1 are theatre updates, a report on a speech given by Dr. H. Mueller that radiation from atomic bombs may cause human mutation. Reports on Greek life and a course being offered in flying are also present. Page 2 features a piece arguing that fining those who miss Chapel service is detrimental to the Christian project. Also featured are a series of quotes from students asked about their professors, all of which are invariably positive or requesting that the same question be asked once they have graduated. Also present is a gossip column and a piece arguing that students are too concerned with getting a degree and disregard the intrinsic value of an education. Page 3 is the sports section. Page 4 consists entirely of continued articles and advertisements.https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1941-1950/1163/thumbnail.jp

    MicroRNA expression after ionizing radiation in human endothelial cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Endothelial cells (EC) in tumor and normal tissue constitute critical radiotherapy targets. MicroRNAs have emerged as master switchers of the cellular transcriptome. Here, we seek to investigate the role of miRNAs in primary human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HDMEC) after ionizing radiation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The microRNA status in HDMEC after 2 Gy radiation treatment was measured using oligo-microarrays covering 361 miRNAs. To functionally analyze the role of radiation-induced differentially regulated miRNAs, cells were transfected with miRNA precursor or inhibitor constructs. Clonogenic survival and proliferation assays were performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Radiation up-regulated miRNA expression levels included let-7g, miR-16, miR-20a, miR-21 and miR-29c, while miR-18a, miR-125a, miR-127, miR-148b, miR-189 and miR-503 were down-regulated. We found that overexpression or inhibition of let-7g, miR-189, and miR-20a markedly influenced clonogenic survival and cell proliferation per se. Notably, the radiosensitivity of HDMEC was significantly influenced by differential expression of miR-125a, -127, -189, and let-7g. While miR-125a and miR-189 had a radioprotective effect, miR-127 and let-7g enhanced radiosensitivity in human endothelial cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data show that ionizing radiation changes microRNA levels in human endothelial cells and, moreover, exerts biological effects on cell growth and clonogenicity as validated in functional assays. The data also suggest that the miRNAs which are differentially expressed after radiation modulate the intrinsic radiosensitivity of endothelial cells in subsequent irradiations. This indicates that miRNAs are part of the innate response mechanism of the endothelium to radiation.</p

    Jahresdynamik und Habitatbindung von Wanzen (Heteroptera) auf renaturierten Moorstandorten in den Kendlmühlfilzen (Oberbayern, Lkr. Traunstein).

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    Im Jahr 1998 wurde auf seit elf Jahren renaturierten Frästorfabbaufeldern in den Kendlmühlfilzen, einem Hochmoorkomplex südlich des Chiemsees (Oberbayern, Lkr. Traunstein), die Heteropterenfauna in sechs ausgewählten Habitaten untersucht. Seggenried, Birkenaufwuchsfläche, Zwergstrauchheide, Wollgrasfläche und Schwimmrasen stellen unterschiedliche Sukzessionsstadien auf Renaturierungsflächen mit verschiedenen Standortbedingungen (Wasserstand, Nährstoffverfügbarkeit) dar. Die sechste Fläche war eine Fläche der Hochmoorweite (Schlenken-Komplex) und diente als Referenzfläche. Die Probenahmen erfolgten mit einem Insektensauggerät und dem Kescher. Mit zusätzlichen Fängen auch in den Randbereichen wurden insgesamt 6750 Wanzen in 55 Arten nachgewiesen. - Von verschiedenen faunistisch bemerkenswerten oder häufigen Arten wurden Vorkommen in Bayern, Aktivitätsdynamik und Habitatansprüche dokumentiert. Es wurde je nach Art und Überwinterungsstrategie ein ein- (Eiüberwinterer) oder zwei- bis mehrgipfliger (Imaginalüberwinterer) Verlauf der Jahresaktivität festgestellt. - In den sechs Habitaten konnten in Abhängigkeit von der Struktur des Habitates oder der vorkommenden Pflanzenarten Zeigerarten determiniert werden: Zeigerarten für das Seggenried waren in den Kendlmühlfilzen unter anderen Nabis rugosus, für die Birkenaufwuchsfläche Kleidocerys resedae und Pilophorus clavatus, für die Zwergstrauchheide Scolopostethus decoratus, Orthotylus ericetorum und Nabis ericetorum, für die Wollgrasfläche Hebrus pusillus, für den Schwimmrasen Microvelia reticulata, Cymus melanocephalus, Pachybrachius fracticollis und Pachybrachius luridus, und für das Hochmoor Agramma ruficorne. Hebrus ruficeps und Agramma ruficorne sind in den Kendlmühlfilzen tyrphophil.StichwörterHochmoor, Heteroptera, tyrphophil, hygrophil, Hebrus ruficeps, Jahresdynamik, Renaturierung, Habitatbindung, Kendlmühlfilzen.In 1998, the Heteroptera fauna of six selected habitats in the Kendmühlfilzen, an ombrotrophic bog south of Lake Chiemsee (Upper Bavaria, County of Traunstein), was investigated. Parts of the Kendlmühlfilzen were formerly exploited for peat and were restored eleven years ago. Carex rostrata wetland, birch woodland, Calluna-heathland, Eriophorum vaginatum wetland, and sedge-rich floating mats on restored areas represent succession states due to different abiotic conditions (groundwater level, nutrient supply). The sixth site was a natural peat bog (hummock-hollow-complex) and served as reference of undisturbed habitats. The samples were made with an insect suction sampler (D-vac) and with a sweep net. Additional plots in border areas included, a total of 6750 true bugs of 55 species were collected. Bavarian records, annual activity dynamics and habitat preferences in the Kendlmühlfilzen of several remarkable and frequent species are described. - Populations dynamics with one activity maximum (hibernation as eggs) or two and more activity maxima (hibernation as imago) were observed. The following indicator species were identified: (1) e.g. Nabis rugosus, (2) Kleidocerys resedae and Pilophorus clavatus, (3) Scolopostethus decoratus, Orthotylus ericetorum and Nabis ericetorum, (4) Hebrus pusillus, (5) Microvelia reticulata, Cymus melanocephalus, Pachybrachius fracticollis and Pachybrachius luridus, and for habitat (6) Agramma ruficorne. Hebrus ruficeps and Agramma ruficorne are tyrphophilous in the Kendlmühlfilzen.KeywordsHochmoor, Heteroptera, tyrphophil, hygrophil, Hebrus ruficeps, Jahresdynamik, Renaturierung, Habitatbindung, Kendlmühlfilzen