2,481 research outputs found

    Cultural Profits: How Museums Communicate through Nonprofit Public Relations

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    Public relations is an obscure or unfamiliar field to the average American. Often confused with marketing and advertising, most people associate PR with large corporations trying to manipulate the media. What people don\u27t realize is that PR is all around us, fulfilling a great variety of functions and influencing many publics, not the least of which includes nonprofit PR. Although not at the forefront of the public\u27s image of PR, nonprofit public relations is a totally different animal typically including a small budget and lots of hands-on work. My research includes a foundation of nonprofit PR and how it differs from the corporate setting, and then builds to focus on museums as a specific nonprofit institution. Through both articles on the subject and a collection of interviews with museum PR professionals ranging from small local museums to a large national museum, I have identified goals and methods of museum PR as a reflection of the larger and ever-expanding sector of nonprofit public relations. As a rapidly growing field, research on nonprofit PR is in its fledgling stages and therefore it is important to identify and highlight these key concepts such as cultural worth, free media maximization, and nonprofit networking

    A New Method of Diminishing Errors of Form Generated by the Imprecision of CNC Machines

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    AbstractDuring the processing of the helical surfaces on CNC machines, independent of the number of axes of the machine, there will certainly appear geometric deviations from the theoretical profile. Errors of form, which appear in this situation, can be detected through successive measurements. In order to diminish them, it is possible to use a method of compensation the deviations previously measured, which consists in adapting the CNC code used to obtain the helical profiles to the conditions required by the imprecision generated by the geometry of the machine

    Generierung muriner monoklonaler Antikörper und gentechnische Herstellung spezifischer Fab-Fragmente gegen die tumorassoziierte Isoform 1 des humanen Tenascin C für die Radioimmuntherapie von Gliomen

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    Ein Problem bei der Behandlung von Gehirntumoren sind Resttumorzellen, die am Rande des Tumors gesundes Hirngewebe infiltrieren und operativ nicht entfernt werden können. Einen viel versprechenden Ansatz für die Therapie maligner Gliome stellt die lokale Applikation radioaktiv markierter monoklonaler Antikörper bzw. Antikörper-Fragmente dar, die gegen tumorspezifische Oberflächenmoleküle gerichtet sind. Ziel war es daher, monoklonale Antikörper (mAk) und gentechnisch hergestellte Fab-Fragmente gegen die tumorassoziierte Isoform 1 des humanen Tenascin C (hTNC-1) für die Diagnostik bzw. die Radioimmuntherapie (RIT) von Gliomen zu entwickeln. Die mAk wurden durch Immunisierung von Balb/c Mäusen mit einer der alternativ gespleißten FNIII-Domänen, die für hTNC-1 spezifisch ist, generiert. Diese FNIII-Domäne wurde hierzu gentechnisch hergestellt. Die Immortalisierung und klonale Selektion der erfolgreich herangereiften murinen B-Lymphozyten wurde, angelehnt an das von Kenett und Mitarbeitern entwickelte Protokoll, durchgeführt (Kennett, et al., 1978). Der Antikörper wurde aus den konditionierten Zellkulturmedien des entsprechenden Hybridoma Zellklons mit geringem Aufwand aufgereinigt. Die cDNA-Sequenzen der CH1- und der VH1-Domäne der H- und der L-Kette des neu generierten mAk wurden hierfür in den bakteriellen Expressionvektor pASK85-D1.3 kloniert und gentechnisch hergestellt. Die Fab-Produktion in E. coli konnte so im Labormaßstab etabliert werden. Nach in vitro Evaluation wurden die mAk und Fab-Fragmente mit Indium-111-DTPA radiomarkiert und in U87MG-tragenden SCID-Mäusen getestet. Der mAk mit der höchsten Avidität (WGGD4-B4) wies eine spezifische Bindung mit hoher Affinität (KD ~ 35 nM ± 16 nM) an WHO°III und WHO°IV Gliome auf. Gesunde Hirnareale werden mit diesem mAk nicht adressiert. Die an U87-MG-Tumoren tragende SCID-Mäusen durchgeführten Untersuchungen zeigten für den mAk WGGD4-B4 einen Anstieg der Aktivität im Tumor bis zu 72 h p.i., mit mittleren Anreicherungen von 11% der ID/g Tumor. Anschließend erfolgt eine langsame Dissoziation (~9% ID/g Tumor nach 120h p.i.). Die Aktivität in den Referenzgeweben (z.B. Muskel) blieb zu jedem gemessenen Zeitpunkt niedrig (Muskel <1,65% ID/g). Das gentechnisch hergestellte Fab-D4-B4 erwies sich mit 118 nM ± 23 nM als potenziell geeignet für die nuklearmedizinische Bildgebung. Die VH- und VL-Regionen des mAk WGGD4-B4 konnten mittels 5'-RACE-PCR gewonnen und in den Expressionsvektor pASK85-D1.3 kloniert werden und ermöglichte so eine effiziente Herstellung des Fab-Fragments. Die ebenfalls an U87MG-Tumoren tragenden SCID-Mäusen durchgeführten Untersuchungen, zeigten für dieses Fab eine rasche spezifische Anreicherung am Tumor (40% ID nach 1 h bei i. v. Gabe) und eine schnelle Ausscheidung (0,5% ID/g Tumor, 6 h p.i. und 52,7% ID/g Niere, 6 h p.i.). Das Ziel, mAk und Fab Fragmente zu entwicklen, die zwischen den einzelnen hTNC Isoformen diskriminieren können und somit nur am tumorassoziierten Antigen (TAA) hTNC-1 von Gliomen vom WHO°III und IV binden, konnte erreicht werden. In ersten in vivo Experimenten zeigten sich die In-111 markierten Derivate als sehr viel versprechend

    Das Zuwanderer-Problem in Wiederholungsbefragungen am Beispiel des sozio-ökonomischen Panels (SOEP)

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    Musculoskeletal adaptation to PWS

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, 2007.Includes bibliographical references.As human spaceflight extends in both duration and scope, it is critical to better understand the physiologic effects of this novel environment. In the weight bearing structures of the body, bone loss and muscle atrophy far in excess of age-related declines are hallmarks of microgravity adaptation. However, while the physiological effects of such disuse unloading are well-described, the effects of partial weight bearing, such as expected on the moon (16% of Earth's gravity) and Mars (38% of Earth's gravity), have yet to be quantified. In these environments, the risks of musculoskeletal atrophy and accompanying orthopedic injury are uncertain, and a means of further investigation is needed. To address this need, we developed a novel model of Partial Weight Suspension (PWS) that supports investigation of the physiologic effects of chronically reduced quadrupedal loading in mice. Validation of the PWS system was conducted using a gait analysis treadmill and high-precision force platform. These studies showed that peak ground reaction forces were significantly reduced under conditions of partial weightbeari:ng, and changes in gait dynamics were consistent with previous studies of human locomotion. Using the PWS system, we conducted the first known studies of chronic musculoskeletal adaptation to Mars and lunar levels of weight bearing. Adult female BALB/cByJ mice underwent 21 days of partial weight bearing or control treatment. Relative to controls, suspended animals showed significant bone and muscle loss. In particular, bone formation rate was decreased, leading to deterioration of both cortical and trabecular bone structure in mice exposed to weight bearingtbearing. Although material properties of the bone were largely unaffected, structural and geometric changes resulted in lower bone strength.weight bearinged weight bearing at Mars and lunar levels led to similar losses of muscle and bone relative to controls. Comparison with previous literature suggests that adaptation to partial weight-bearing associated with both Mars and lunar loading provided some protection relative to the deconditioning seen in full unloading. Although additional studies are needed, the data also indicated that the musculoskeletal deterioration was not linearly related to the degree of unloading. Altogether, this model provides a validated, controlled system for investigaweight bearingof partial weightbearing and countermeasures on musculoskeletal deconditioning. Our initial findings have practical applications for bioastronautics, suggesting that physiological investigations on the surface of the moon may not be fully predictive for future Mars exploration.by Erika Brown Wagner.Ph.D

    PR Social and Digital Professional Challenges: A Relationship between Organizations and Their Publics

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    Public Relations is extensively integrated into social and digital communication platforms. PR is focused on dialogic communication grounded in the philosophy of caring (Coombs, 2007). The most effective approach to understanding the PR role through social media is to examine how these platforms are used in developing relationships between an organization and its publics. Experienced professionals suggest it is the relationship between an organization\u27s goals and the needs of its publics that allows the most effective communication process. Therefore, students conducted in-depth interviews of members of a student organization to establish the goals of the organization. Then the publics were interviewed to see if the needs of the external audience matched the goals of the organization. From this data, the students developed content for the various social media platforms. The test of this experiment will be when these platforms are established for execution and the impact results in increased membership. This reflected the relationship between Valpo student organizations and increased membership, including potential membership

    Direct observation of Oersted-field-induced magnetization dynamics in magnetic nanostripes

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    We have used time-resolved x-ray photoemission electron microscopy to investigate the magnetization dynamics induced by nanosecond current pulses in NiFe/Cu/Co nanostripes. A large tilt of the NiFe magnetization in the direction transverse to the stripe is observed during the pulses. We show that this effect cannot be quantitatively understood from the amplitude of the Oersted field and the shape anisotropy. High frequency oscillations observed at the onset of the pulses are attributed to precessional motion of the NiFe magnetization about the effective field. We discuss the possible origins of the large magnetization tilt and the potential implications of the static and dynamic effects of the Oersted field on current-induced domain wall motion in such stripes.Comment: Published in Phys. Rev. B 83, 020406 (2011) (Rapid Communications

    Widest geographic distribution of a shallow and mesophotic antipatharian coral (Anthozoa: Hexacorallia): Antipathes grandis VERRILL, 1928 – confirmed by morphometric and molecular analyses

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    We provide the first record of the shallow and mesophotic ( 200 m depth) benthic taxa have such wide geographic distributions

    Sistematización de una experiencia de participación de mujeres en el marco del proyecto social "Tengo la palabra" de la Fundación Plan en el municipio de Jamundí, Valle

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    El presente documento da cuenta de la sistematización de la experiencia “Participación de las mujeres en el del proyecto social Tengo la Palabra”, agenciado por la Fundación Plan en el municipio de Jamundí en el periodo 2014 – 2015, durante el cual se llevó a cabo el proceso de la práctica académica como estudiantes del programa de Trabajo Social de la Universidad del Valle. Como eje de sistematización se aborda la participación de las mujeres en el marco de la experiencia del proyecto Tengo la Palabra y su incidencia en la vida cotidiana. Los sub ejes planteados para desarrollar esta sistematización son: Características de la participación, motivaciones y cambios de roles en la vida cotidiana de las mujeres. La identificación y análisis de estas categorías aportan a la comprensión de las lógicas de participación que se propician desde las instituciones que poseen los recursos para proyectos sociales y el rol que juegan de manera específica los profesionales de Trabajo Social, en su función de intermediarios de las mismas, en contextos en los que priman relaciones de tipo clientelista y paternalista, que históricamente se han construido entre los sujetos (en el caso de esta sistematización), mujeres con necesidades de diverso orden en las comunidades. De igual manera lo anterior, hace aportes para posibilitar una intervención profesional con mayor efectividad. La sistematización de la experiencia mencionada, realiza aportes significativos para la compresión de la realidad social. En este sentido, desde la participación de las mujeres vista desde la perspectiva de género aporta en el proyecto profesional de Trabajo Social, en su función de conocer un objeto para explicarlo, comprenderlo, pero también, para actuar en la modificación y transformación de aquellas necesidades que surgen en los contextos.PregradoTRABAJADOR(A) SOCIA

    Examining the Attitudes and Knowledge of Pregnant Teens on the Topic of SIDS

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    Background: Norfolk has the second highest teen pregnancy rate and third highest infant mortality rate in Southeastern Virginia. SIDS is the third leading cause of infant death in Virginia. Providing a group education intervention modeled after centering pregnancy gives teen mothers the opportunity to learn and receive support in a safe space in hopes of making a positive impact on their attitudes and knowledge regarding SIDS. Hypothesis: Do the attitudes and knowledge of pregnant teens and recent teen mothers change positively after a group education intervention on sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Method: Quasi-experimental non-randomized group trial. This includes pregnant females ages fifteen to nineteen in Norfolk, Virginia at a city general hospital. The data will be collected from a pretest before and posttest after a group education intervention on SIDS. Data Collection: Hypothesis testing will be conducted using a t-test to determine group differences in attitudes and knowledge after the intervention. Participants will also be completing a PRAMS demographics survey. Goal: To see if the SIDS education intervention has an impact on the knowledge of teen mothers in efforts to reduce the current SIDS rate contributing to Norfolk\u27s high infant mortality rate