310 research outputs found

    Nurses Alumni Association Bulletin, Fall 2008

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    Meetings and Annual Luncheon Table of Contents Officers for 2008-2009 President\u27s Message Treasurer\u27s Financial Report Alumni Scholarship Funds and Endowment Fund Resume of Minutes Alumni Office News Committee Reports Annual Giving Contributors Janet C. Hindson Award Award Qualifications Janet C. Hindson Recipient and Nominees Recipient\u27s Acceptance Speech Ode to Sally Sally\u27s Appreciation News About and From Our Graduates Happy Birthday Interview with a Nurse Memories Fiftieth Anniversary Class 2008 Luncheon Attendees Luncheon Photos In Memoriam Class News~ 2008 Additional Information Application For Nurses Scholarship Fund Application Application For Certification Application For Relief Fund Benefits Hotels Campus Map Note

    Nurses Alumni Association Bulletin, Fall 2005

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    2005 - 2006 Meeting Date Calendar 2006 Annual Luncheon & Meeting Notice Officers, Committee Chairs, Satellite and Volunteers Bulletin Publication Committee The President\u27s Message Treasurer\u27s Report Resume of Minutes Office News Committee Reports Relief Trust Fund Satellite - Harrisburg Satellite Area Bulletin Scholarship Nominating Social Development Annual Giving Janet C. Hindson Award Recipients and Nominees Janet C. Hindson Award Qualifications Quotes from Janet C. Hindson\u27s Recipients Letters Quotes from Letters on Nursing at Jefferson Biography of Lenora Schwartz, \u2766 News About Graduates Memories Odds & Ends How I got my Education U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps Normandy Nightingales Weathered War\u27s Worst Happy Birthday, To Be 80 or more 50th Anniversary Class Center page Luncheon Attendees Class News In Memoriam, Names of Deceased Graduates Additional Information, Pins, Transcript & Address Info Constitution and By-Laws Scholarship Fund Application Certification Reimbursement Application Relief Fund Application List of Hotels Campus Ma

    Nurses Alumni Association Bulletin, Fall 2009

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    2009 - 2010 Meeting Date Calendar 2010 Annual Luncheon & Meeting Notice Officers, Committee Chairs, Satellite and Volunteers Bulletin Publication Committee The President\u27s Message Treasurer\u27s Report Resume of Minutes Office News Committee Reports Annual Giving Contributors Letter to Alumni Janet C. Hindson Award Janet C. Hindson Award Qualifications 2009 Janet C. Hindson\u27s Nominees 2009 Janet C. Hindson\u27s Recipient\u27s Acceptance Speech TJUH\u27s MAGNET Award Our MAGNET Journey News About and From Our Graduates JSN Nursing Alumni Celebration; 117 years of Nursing Education Memories Ballad O\u27Brien Happy Birthday- To Be 80 or More Luncheon Pictures 50th Anniversary Class List for 1959 2009 Luncheon Reservations 50th Anniversary Class List for 1960 Love Ya Lorraine In Memoriam, Names of Deceased Graduates Class News - 2009 Additional Information - Pins, Transcript and Address Information Application For Nurses\u27 Scholarship Fund Certification Reimbursement Application Application For Relief Trust Fund Benefits List of Hotels Campus Map Change of Address Form - Donations - Information Change

    Nurses Alumni Association Bulletin, Fall 2000

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    2000 - 2001 Meeting Date Calendar 2001 Annual Luncheon & Meeting Notice 2000 Fall Social Officers and Committee Chairs Bulletin Publication Committee The President\u27s Message Treasurer\u27s Report Resume of Minutes Alumni Office News Committee Reports Nurses Relief Trust Fund Clara Melville - Adele Lewis Scholarship Fund Satellite Report - Harrisburg Satellite The Fall Luncheon Nominating Alumni Bulletin Development News about our Graduates Presentation on Leadership -Tribute to Janet C. Hindson Thank You Patient Assimilators Third Janet C. Hindson Award Janet C. Hindson Award Qualifications Pinning Ceremony Jeff HOPE Keepsakes Memoirs Happy Birthday 50th Anniversary Class Luncheon Photos Kodak Moment In Memoriam, Names of Deceased Graduates Class News Scholarship Fund Application Certification Reimbursement Application Relief Fund Application Pins, Transcripts, Class Address List, Change of Address Forms Notes Campus Map List of Hotel

    Nurses Alumni Association Bulletin, Fall 2001

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    2001 - 2002 Meeting Date Calendar 2002 Annual Luncheon & Meeting Notice Bulletin Publication Committee, Officers and Committee Chairs The President\u27s Message Treasurer\u27s Financial Report Auditor\u27s Financial Report Alumni Scholarship Fund Resume of Minutes Alumni Office News Committee Reports Nurses Relief Trust Fund Clara Melville - Adele Lewis Scholarship Fund Nominating Social -Annual May Luncheon Social - Fall Luncheon of 2000 Central PA Satellite Committee Report Bulletin Development Annual Giving Contributors News About Our Graduates Janet C. Hindson Award Janet C. Hindson Award - Qualifications Army Nurse Corps Nursing 101 A Loving Aunt\u27s Thoughts Volunteers In Medicine Happy Birthday - To Be 80 Or More Luncheon Photos Collage Fiftieth Anniversary - Class of 1951 In Memoriam, Names of Deceased Graduates Class News Application for Nurses Scholarship Fund Application for Certification Application for Relief Fund Benefits Miscellaneous: Pins, Transcripts, Class Address List, Change of Address Forms Campus Map List of Hotels Note

    Financial Well-Being and Postdeployment Adjustment Among Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans

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    Research has yet to examine the relationship between financial well-being and community reintegration of veterans. To address this, we analyzed data from n=1,388 Iraq and Afghanistan War Era Veterans who completed a national survey on post-deployment adjustment. The results indicated that probable major depressive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and traumatic brain injury were associated with financial difficulties. However, regardless of diagnosis, veterans who reported having money to cover basic needs were significantly less likely to have post-deployment adjustment problems such as criminal arrest, homelessness, substance abuse, suicidal behavior, and aggression. Statistical analyses also indicated that poor money management (e.g. incurring significant debt or writing bad checks) was related to maladjustment, even among veterans at higher income levels. Given these findings, efforts aimed at enhancing financial literacy and promoting meaningful employment may have promise to enhance outcomes and improve quality of life among returning veterans

    Self-report and Longitudinal Predictors of Violence in Iraq and Afghanistan War Era Veterans

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    This study, using a longitudinal design, attempted to identify whether self-reported problems with violence were empirically associated with future violent behavior among Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans and whether and how collateral informant interviews enhanced the risk assessment process. Data were gathered from N = 300 participants (n = 150 dyads of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans and family/friends). The veterans completed baseline and follow-up interviews 3 years later on average, and family/friends provided collateral data on dependent measures at follow-up. Analyses showed that aggression toward others at follow-up was associated with younger age, posttraumatic stress disorder, combat exposure, and a history of having witnessed parental violence growing up. Self-reported problems controlling violence at baseline had robust statistical power in predicting aggression toward others at follow-up. Collateral report enhanced detection of dependent variables: 20% of cases positive for violence toward others would have been missed relying only on self-report. The results identify a subset of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans at higher risk for problematic postdeployment adjustment and indicate that the veterans' self-report of violence was useful in predicting future aggression. Underreporting of violence was not evidenced by most veterans but could be improved upon by obtaining collateral information

    Are Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Using Mental Health Services? New Data From a National Random-Sample Survey

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    This study analyzed data from a national survey of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans to improve understanding of mental health services use and perceived barriers

    Criminal justice involvement, trauma, and negative affect in Iraq and Afghanistan war era veterans.

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    Although criminal behavior in veterans has been cited as a growing problem, little is known about why some veterans are at increased risk for arrest. Theories of criminal behavior postulate that people who have been exposed to stressful environments or traumatic events and who report negative affect such as anger and irritability are at increased risk of antisocial conduct. We thus hypothesized that veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or traumatic brain injury (TBI) who report anger/irritability would show higher rates of criminal arrests. To test this, we examined data in a national survey of N=1388 Iraq and Afghanistan War Era Veterans. We found that 9% of respondents reported arrests since returning home from military service. Most arrests were associated with nonviolent criminal behavior resulting in incarceration for less than two weeks. Unadjusted bivariate analyses revealed that veterans with probable PTSD or TBI who reported anger/irritability were most likely to be arrested. In multivariate analyses, arrests were found to be significantly related to younger age, male gender, having witnessed family violence, prior history of arrest, alcohol/drug misuse, and PTSD with high anger/irritability but were not significantly related to combat exposure or TBI. Findings show that a subset of veterans with PTSD and negative affect may be at increased risk of criminal arrest. Since arrests are more strongly linked to substance abuse and criminal history, clinicians should also consider non-PTSD factors when evaluating and treating veterans with criminal justice involvement

    Protective mechanisms and prevention of violence and aggression in veterans.

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    Although a subset of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans show aggression toward others after they return home from military service, little is known about protective mechanisms that could be bolstered to prevent violence. A national longitudinal survey was conducted between 2009 and 2011 using a random sample of veterans who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom. One thousand ninety veterans, from 50 states representing all military branches, completed two waves of data collection, one-year apart (retention rate=79%). The final sample resembled the U.S. military post 9/11 in terms of age, sex, ethnicity, geography, and service branch. Protective mechanisms in socioeconomic (money to cover basic needs, stable employment), psychosocial (resilience, perceiving control over one’s life, social support), and physical (healthy sleep, no physical pain) domains were examined. We found these protective mechanisms predicted decreased aggression and violence at follow-up, particularly with higher risk veterans. Multivariable analyses confirmed protective mechanisms lowered violence through their interaction with risk factors. This study identifies protective mechanisms related to decreased community violence in veterans and indicates that rehabilitation aimed at improving socioeconomic, psychosocial, and physical well-being has potential promise to reduce aggression and violence among veterans after returning home from military service
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