4,139 research outputs found

    Out of the Red: Building Capitalism and Democracy inPostcommunist Europe

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    Historically, most countries first de- velop a market economy, even under oppressive conditions, before develop- ing a democracy. However, the 1989 revolutions in Central and Eastern Eu- rope produced a counter caseā€”the ini- tiation of simultaneous democratic and economic reforms. Many policy makers and academics outside the region have recommended that stability lies in a co- herent and rigid reform plan for all such states. The United States, for ex- ample, has suggested and still some- times emphasizes a ā€œcookie cutterā€ or ā€œone size fits allā€ recommendation for economic reform, emphasizing stabili- zation, liberalization, and privatization. Economic reform, Washington argues, should be placed above the ā€œwhimsā€ of politics and not fall victim to victories of the left or right

    Virtual Assisted Self Interviewing (VASI): An Expansion of Survey Data Collection Methods to the Virtual Worlds by Means of VDCI

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    Changes in communication technology have allowed for the expansion of data collection modes in survey research. The proliferation of the computer has allowed the creation of web and computer assisted auto-interview data collection modes. Virtual worlds are a new application of computer technology that once again expands the data collection modes by VASI (Virtual Assisted Self Interviewing). The Virtual Data Collection Interface (VDCI) developed at Indiana University in collaboration with the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) allows survey researchers access to the population of virtual worlds in fully immersive Heads-up Display (HUD)-based survey instruments. This expansion needs careful consideration for its applicability to the researcher's question but offers a high level of data integrity and expanded survey availability and automation. Current open questions of the VASI method are an optimal sampling frame and sampling procedures within e. g. a virtual world like Second Life (SL). Further multi-modal studies are proposed to aid in evaluating the VDCI and placing it in context of other data collection modes.Interviewing mode, PAPI, CAPI, CASI, VASI, VDCI, second life

    Virtual Assisted Self Interviewing (VASI): An Expansion of Survey Data Collection Methods to the Virtual Worlds by Means of VDCI

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    Changes in communication technology have allowed for the expansion of data collection modes in survey research. The proliferation of the computer has allowed the creation of web and computer assisted auto-interview data collection modes. Virtual worlds are a new application of computer technology that once again expands the data collection modes by VASI (Virtual Assisted Self Interviewing). The Virtual Data Collection Interface (VDCI) developed at Indiana University in collaboration with the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) allows survey researchers access to the population of virtual worlds in fully immersive Heads-up Display (HUD)-based survey instruments. This expansion needs careful consideration for its applicability to the researcherā€™s question but offers a high level of data integrity and expanded survey availability and automation. Current open questions of the VASI method are an optimal sampling frame and sampling procedures within e. g. a virtual world like Second Life (SL). Further multimodal studies are proposed to aid in evaluating the VDCI and placing it in context of other data collection modes.Interviewing Mode, PAPI, CAPI, CASI, VASI, VDCI, Second Life

    Secure blockchains for cyber-physical systems

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    ā€œBlockchains are a data structure used to perform state agreement in a distributed system across an entire network. One unique trait of blockchains is the lack of a centralized trusted third-party to control the system. This prevents a corrupted trusted third party from being able to control the entire blockchain. All nodes can reach agreement in an untrusted network where nodes do not need to trust one another to believe the accuracy of the information stored. Two main issues occur when trying to apply this technology to other applications: verifiability and scalability. In previous blockchain architectures, there is no way to validate off-chain data i.e. sensor reading. Some have purposed the use of a trusted third-party. Unfortunately, using a trusted third-party undoes a main advantage of blockchains and allows corruption to become a concerning possibility. Other challenges to applying blockchains to cyber-physical systems include keeping a single ledger up-to-date in real-time. The drawbacks of Bitcoin, a popular application of blockchains, have been very well documented in terms of speed. The main purpose of this work is to address the verifiability and scalability issues of blockchains for cyber-physical systems. It proposes a solution that expands the application of blockchains to cyber-physical systems while maintaining the benefits. If the use of blockchains is to be expanded to off-chain data, they need to have the capability to securely encapsulate the physical world in a verifiable way. The following is a list of major contributions by the work: 1) propose a framework for verifying physical transactions in a blockchain, 2) propose a method to increase scalability and allow the use of blockchains in a disconnected network, 3) propose a truncation mechanism for cyber-physical transactions that allow for real-time speed. With these three contributions, this work introduces some additional ideas to blockchains and expands their applicationsā€--Abstract, page iii

    Crystallization of polyethylenes at very high supercooling

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    The crystallization behavior of a senes of ethylene-octene copolymers synthesized using metallocene catalysts has been studied using the Ding-Spruiell method of rapid cooling. In conventional crystallization experiments it was found, as expected, that the spherulite growth rates varied with octene content and molecular weight. When studied at rapid cooling rates the polymers generate their own pseudo-isothermal crystallization temperatures, in agreement with Ding - Spruiell\u27s studies on other systems, however, at the lowest temperatures of crystallization, the spherulite growth rates of all the copolymers studied merge. The W AXD results indicate at the faster crystallization rates that the size of the unit cell unit decreases with decreasing crystallization temperature. A resulting increase in the surface free energy plays a role in the behavior of the copolymers such that spherulitic growth rates of copolymers begin to surpass that of the linear polyethylene at very high supercooling. This is a change in the behavior of the copolymers that should be of considerable relevance to polymer processing conditions. Spinodal transformation could play of role in the leveling off of growth rates at high supercooling

    Index To Biographical Notes in the Proceedings, 1887-1979

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    The Proceedings from 1887-1979 contain over 300 biographical notes on Iowans and on others associated with the Academy. Some of these individuals are not found readily in the standard biographical sources; for others, the notes found in the Proceedings present different aspects of their careers. No biographical notes were found in some early volumes, only one or two notes appeared in 18 volumes, and little has appeared since 1974

    Influence of selection for improved growth rate on pork quality

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    It is hypothesized that selection for improved growth rate has the potential to result in a loss of desirable fresh pork quality. The objective of this study was to investigate if genetic selection of sires for improved growth rate is associated with changes in fresh pork quality. A sample derived from the cross between a commercial line of Duroc sires and white line dams was subdivided according to the sires\u27 estimated breeding value (EBV) for age at 125 kg. Differences in age at 125 kg were achieved by assigning pigs sired by High EBV growth boars (n=48), Low EBV growth boars (n=48) or a control group (n =32). Loin pH and temperature decline were monitored on each carcass. Fresh pork quality characteristics and water holding capacity were monitored at 2 d postmortem. Sensory traits (juiciness, tenderness, chewiness, flavor, and off-flavor) and star probe texture were measured 10 d postmortem. Proteolysis was estimated by desmin degradation and micro-calpain autolysis at 2 d postmortem. Progeny were separated according to the sire EBV group into a Fast Growth EBV group and a Slow Growth EBV group. Selection for improved growth rate resulted in Fast Growth EBV progeny being significantly younger at 125 kg than Slow Growth EBV progeny (153 d vs. 177 d). Sire EBV group did not affect pH decline in the longissimus dorsi. Loin color and drip loss were not affected by growth rate. Loins from carcasses in the fast growth group had higher subjective marbling scores and higher lipid content than loins from carcasses in the slow growth group. EBV did not affect star probe or sensory quality of fresh pork loins. Selection for improved growth rate resulted in significant differences in proteolysis measurements between the Fast Growth and Slow Growth EBV groups. Correlation analysis of growth, quality and biochemical variables was executed within each EBV group. Measures of tenderness and WHC correlations differed between the two groups, as evidenced by differing correlations of significance for pH measurements and strength of sensory trait correlations. Also, the High EBV group was more correlated with measurements of postmortem proteolysis than the Low EBV group. The results show that variation in pork quality could not be attributed to lower pH but could be due to proteolysis differences associated with growth. They also show that selection for rapid growth by improving days of age at 125 kg did not significantly affect the quality of fresh pork loin. Therefore this method of selection can be used without compromising fresh pork quality. It also provides insights into the potential differences associated with selecting for growth rate, especially when looking at the correlations among the two sire EBV groups. The results also demonstrate the importance of accounting for genetic background of the animal in addition to selection practice application when accounting for variations in pork quality. Selection for improved growth rate can be used as a successful selection practice without compromising fresh pork quality

    Surveying The Virtual World. A Large Scale Survey in Second Life Using the Virtual Data Collection Interface (VDCI)

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    Technology has always introduced changes in the way researchers administer surveys. A new technology known as virtual worlds has now emerged that promises to change data collection once again. Virtual worlds are persistent, online, computer-rendered spaces populated by hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people at a time. Previously, this population has only been surveyed in ways that required respondents to exit the virtual world before giving their answers. No survey method has existed whereby they could be surveyed while remaining present in the virtual space. Needless to say, this is less than ideal for any survey about the respondentā€™s attitudes, perceptions, and behavior within the virtual world itself. This study introduces a method for solving this problem and a tool that allows surveys entirely within a virtual environment. The method is introduced as Virtual Assisted Self Interview (VASI), and the tool for implementing it, the Virtual Data Collection Interface (VDCI). The tool was created and deployed in the virtual world Second Life (SL), where users were asked questions about demographics and quality of life. The valid response numbers for the survey (N=2094) make it the largest in-virtualworld data collection seen so far. This paper discusses the VDCI and describes several different sampling methods, as well as results that provide unique, new insights into virtual world populations. It is found, for example, that the demographic make-up of SL is unlike that of other virtual worlds. Moreover, the SL population is unlike that of other worlds in its approach to gender-switching. The limitations and new hazards of virtual world survey research are also discussed, especially survey "hacking" by individuals hoping to exploit the survey for financial gain. Despite the challenges, the results generally suggest that the VDCI is a valuable new research tool for obtaining representative data on virtual world population.VASI, VDCI, Second Life, Survey Plan, Fieldwork

    Quality of integrated chronic care measured by patient survey: identification, selection and application of most appropriate instruments\ud

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    Objectiveā€‚ To identify the most appropriate generic instrument to measure experience and/or satisfaction of people receiving integrated chronic care.\ud \ud Backgroundā€‚ Health care is becoming more user-centred and, as a result, the experience of users of care and evaluation of their experience and/or satisfaction is taken more seriously. It is unclear to what extent existing instruments are appropriate in measuring the experience and/or satisfaction of people using integrated chronic care.\ud \ud Methodsā€‚ Instruments were identified by means of a systematic literature review. Appropriateness of instruments was analysed on seven criteria. The two most promising instruments were translated into Dutch, if necessary, and administered to a convenience sample of 109 people with a chronic illness. Data derived from respondents were analysed statistically. Focus-group interviews were conducted to assess the semantic and technical equivalence as well as opinions of people about the applicability and relevance of the translated instruments.\ud \ud Resultsā€‚ From 37 instruments identified, the Patientsā€™ Assessment of Care for chronIc Conditions (PACIC) and the short form of the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire III (PSQ-18) were selected as most promising instruments. Both instruments produced similar median scores across people with different chronic conditions. The overall PACIC and its subscales and the overall PSQ-18 were highly internally consistent, but not the PSQ-18 subscales. Overall, the PACIC demonstrated better psychometric characteristics. PACIC and PSQ-18 scores were found to be moderately correlated. Whereas more respondents preferred the PSQ-18, focus-group participants regarded the PACIC to be more applicable and relevant. The technical and semantic equivalence of both instruments were sufficient.\ud \ud Conclusionsā€‚ Because of its psychometric characteristics, perceived applicability and relevance, the PACIC is the most appropriate instrument to measure the experience of people receiving integrated chronic care\u
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