24 research outputs found
Post-indepencence stability in the Republic of South Sudan : constraints and prospects
The question of post-independence stability, its constraints and its prospects in South
Sudan is explored from a variety of perspectives in this study. Central to the discussion
is the view that nation and state building, together with social and political cohesion,
aspects which would lead to a more stable country, are seriously lacking in the fabric
of modern South Sudan. Several reasons account for this, among which the lack of
leadership, the failure of political agreements and the absence of a willingness to
compromise in the pursuit of national unity. The view that an understanding of the
problem of stability has to be founded on a full comprehension of the political and
social background to the formation of South Sudan is adopted in the study. The study
proposes a holistic and comprehensive perspective through which the important
subject of stability in South Sudan can be understood and possibly resolved.Political SciencesMSecurity StudiesUnrestricte
The Analysis Of Directly Observed Treatment Short-Course(DOTS) Program Implementation in Central Sumba Regency
Latar belakang: Penyakit Tuberkulosis(Tb) merupakan masalah kesehatan serius di kalangan masyarakat. Angka kasus Tb di Indonesia khususnya Kabupaten Sumba Tengah, Provinsi NTT belum dapat dikendalikan, meskipun program penanggulangan Tb dengan strategi DOTS(Directly Observed Treatment Short-course), sudah dilakukan di Kabupaten Sumba Tengah Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan program DOTS di Kabupaten Sumba Tengah. Metode: Penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif analisis. Sasaran dalam penelitian adalah staf pengelola program Tb di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Sumba Tengah, Kepala Puskesmas Wairasa, staf pengelola Tb di Puskesmas Wairasa, dan Pengawas Minum Obat(PMO). Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara mendalam(in-dept interview). Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu Informed Consent, Audio Recorder, Notes, Kamera, dan Draft Wawancara. Hasil: Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan melalui wawancara mendalam 4 orang partisipan menunjukkan pelaksanaan program DOTS di Puskesmas Wairasa adalah kerjasama Dinas Kesehatan dan Puskesmas Wairasa, peningkatan kompetensi petugas pengelola Tb, Fasilitas penanganan Tb, logistik Obat, penentuan PMO, dan pencatatan dan pelaporan kasus Tb. Hambatan dalam penerapan program DOTS yakni terkait dengan kurangnya pendanaan untuk sarana dan prasarana dalam penerapan program DOTS, ketidakstabilan jaringan internet pada saat proses pelaporan secara online, Pandemi COVID-19, serta perilaku kepatuhan pengobatan pasien Tb. Kesimpulan: Analisis pelaksanaan program DOTS di Puskesmas Wairasa dapat dilihat dari beberapa aspek yaitu kerjasama Dinas Kesehatan dan Puskesmas Wairasa, peningkatan kompetensi petugas pengelola Tb, Fasilitas penanganan Tb, logistik Obat, penentuan PMO, dan pencatatan dan pelaporan kasus Tb. Dukungan dari pemerintah, fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan serta masyarakat sangat diperlukan dalam proses pelaksanaan program DOTS di Puskesmas Wairasa.Background: Tuberculosis (Tb) is a severe health problem in society. The number of Tb cases in Indonesia, especially in Central Sumba Regency, NTT Province, has not been controlled. However, a Tb control program with the DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short-course) strategy has been carried out in Central Sumba Regency to control and decide the transmission of pulmonary Tb in the community. Objective: To analyze the implementation of the DOTS program in Central Sumba Regency, especially the Wairasa Health Center work area. Methods: Qualitative research with descriptive analysis design. The targets in this study were the Tb program management staff at the Central Sumba District Health Office, the Head of the Wairasa Health Center, the Tb management staff at the Wairasa Health Center, and the Drug Drinking Supervisor (PMO). The data collection technique was carried out by in-depth interviews (in-depth interviews). The instruments used in this study were Informed Consent, Audio Recorder, Notes, Camera, and Interview Draft. Results: The results obtained through in-depth interviews with 4 participants indicate that the DOTS program at the Wairasa Health Center is a collaboration between the Health Office and the Wairasa Health Center, increasing the competence of Tb management officers, Tb handling facilities, drug logistics, setting PMO, as well as recording and reporting Tb cases. The obstacles to implementing the DOTS program are related to the lack of facilities and infrastructure funds for implementing the DOTS program, the instability of the internet network during the online reporting process, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Tubercular patient’s compliance with treatment. Conclusion: The analysis of the implementation of the DOTSprogram at the Wairasa Health Center can be seen from several aspects, namely the collaborationbetween the Health Office and the Wairasa Health Center, increasing the competence of Tb control officers, Tb handling facilities, drug logistics, determining PMO, as well as recording andreporting Tb cases. The government, health service facilities, and community support are neededto implement the DOTS program at the Wairasa Health Center
Konsep pendidikan Islam pada dasarnya mewujudkan manusia yang baik (sempurna) sesuai dengan fungsi utama diciptakannya yaitu sebagai hamba Allah SWT. dan khalifah dibumi. Tujuan belajar sejatinya selain mendapatkan pengetahuan tetapi menata cara berfikir dan membentuk perilaku. Jika orientasi seorang pelajar hanya untuk ilmu kognitif maka akan lahir generasi yang tidak berbudi dan beradab. Konsep pendidikan Islam harus tegas, jelas, dan matang, karena nantinya akan diterapkan dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar. Mengingat bahwa kita akan mengahadapi perkembangan zaman yang akan mempengaruhi karakter dan sikap setiap individu terlebih kearah moral yang menurun.Dalam mencari konsep pendidikan Islam menurut KH. M. Hasyim Asy‟ari, penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian Studi Pustaka (library research). Dikerjakan dengan pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu dengan cara membaca, menelaah, dan mengkaji buku-buku serta sumber-sumber lain yang berhubungan dengan masalah dalam karya ilmiah ini.Hasil dari penelitian karya ilmiah ini menunjukan bahwa Konsep pendidikan Islam yang disampaikan KH. M. Hasyim Asy‟ari begitu lengkap dan menyeluruh meliputi semua adab dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar. Dari 8 pokok yang di sampaikan KH. M. Hasyim Asy‟ari dalam Kitab Adab Al-„Alim wa Al-Muta‟allim maka penulis menarik 7 hal penting yang bisa dijadikan bahan sebagai acuan dalam pendidikan Islam yaitu dasar pendidikan Islam, tujuan, materi, metode, prinsip-prinsip, dan evaluasi pendidikan Islam. KH. M. Hasyim Asy‟ari mengedepankan masalah adab yang harus dilaksanakan guna mendapatkan pemahaman dan keberkahan. Dengan konsep yang sudah disampaikan diharapkan membawa dampak positif dalam mengimplemetasikan setiap nilai-nilai didalam memahami ilmu pengetahuan yang sudah dipelajari. Semua usaha tersebut hanya bertujuan lillahi ta‟ala,
Kata kunci: Konsep, Pendidikan Islam, KH. Hasyim Asy’ari
Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan tujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Kepemilikan Asing, Firm Size, dan Leverage terhadap Kinerja
Perusahaan. Kepemilikan Asing diukur dengan persentase kepemilikan efek, Firm
Size diukur dengan Logaritma Natural (LN) aset perusahaan, dan Leverage diukur
dengan Debt Equity Rasio (DER). Sumber data penelitian ini adalah data sekunder
yaitu laporan tahunan yang diperoleh dari www.idx.co.id dan data laporan
kepemilikan efek yang diperoleh dari www.ksei.co.id. Objek penelitian merupakan
perusahaan sektor Consumer Goods Non-Cyclical yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek
Indonesia (BEI). Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan
metode purposive sampling yang mendasarkan pemilihan sampel dengan kriteria
yang telah ditentukan. Banyak sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 82 perusahaan
dengan periode penelitian tahun 2020 sampai 2022 sehingga diperoleh sebanyak
246 data. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis
regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil dari pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan
bahwa Kepemilikan Asing tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja
perusahaan, Firm Size memiliki pengaruh positif signifkan dan Leverage
berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan
Phyllospheric Bacterial Treatments Improve Growth in Helianthus annuus L.
The current study focuses on the effect of variation in time of bacterial treatment during different growth phases of seeds on plant growth improvement using Helianthus annuus L. For this purpose, two phyllospheric auxin-producing bacterial strains Bacillus thuringiensis (E4) and Lysinobacillus fusiformis (E6) were used for bacterial treatment. Two experiments were conducted in the present work with pre-germination and post-germination inoculation treatments to seeds. A comparative analysis was made in order to find out the efficiency of Bacillus thuringiensis (E4) and Lysinobacillus fusiformis (E6) for improving growth of Helianthus annuus L. Post-germination treatments were found effective with Bacillus thuringiensis (E4) but Lysinobacillus fusiformis (E6) worked well in both treatments i.e., in pre-germination and in post-germination inoculation treatment
Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of organizational influences On Implementation: the organization theory For Implementation Science Framework
INTRODUCTION: Implementation is influenced by factors beyond individual clinical settings. Nevertheless, implementation research often focuses on factors related to individual providers and practices, potentially due to limitations of available frameworks. Extant frameworks do not adequately capture the myriad organizational influences on implementation. Organization theories capture diverse organizational influences but remain underused in implementation science. to advance their use among implementation scientists, we distilled 70 constructs from nine organization theories identified in our previous work into theoretical domains in the Organization Theory for Implementation Science (OTIS) framework.
METHODS: The process of distilling organization theory constructs into domains involved concept mapping and iterative consensus-building. First, we recruited organization and implementation scientists to participate in an online concept mapping exercise in which they sorted organization theory constructs into domains representing similar theoretical concepts. Multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analyses were used to produce visual representations (clusters) of the relationships among constructs in concept maps. Second, to interpret concept maps, we engaged members of the Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCRN) OTIS workgroup in consensus-building discussions.
RESULTS: Twenty-four experts participated in concept mapping. Based on resulting construct groupings\u27 coherence, OTIS workgroup members selected the 10-cluster solution (from options of 7-13 clusters) and then reorganized clusters in consensus-building discussions to increase coherence. This process yielded six final OTIS domains: organizational characteristics (e.g., size; age); governance and operations (e.g., organizational and social subsystems); tasks and processes (e.g., technology cycles; excess capacity); knowledge and learning (e.g., tacit knowledge; sense making); characteristics of a population of organizations (e.g., isomorphism; selection pressure); and interorganizational relationships (e.g., dominance; interdependence).
DISCUSSION: Organizational influences on implementation are poorly understood, in part due to the limitations of extant frameworks. to improve understanding of organizational influences on implementation, we distilled 70 constructs from nine organization theories into six domains. Applications of the OTIS framework will enhance understanding of organizational influences on implementation, promote theory-driven strategies for organizational change, improve understanding of mechanisms underlying relationships between OTIS constructs and implementation, and allow for framework refinement. Next steps include testing the OTIS framework in implementation research and adapting it for use among policymakers and practitioners
Increasing Access to Organization Theories for Implementation Science
Background Organization theories offer numerous existing, highly relevant, yet largely untapped explanations of the organizational dynamics underlying evidence-based intervention (EBI) implementation. Rooted in ideas regarding power, autonomy, and control, organization theories can explain how and why organizations adopt, implement, and sustain EBI use. Although they have gained visibility, organization theories remain underused in implementation research, perhaps due to their inaccessibility to implementation scientists. To improve access to organization theory among implementation scientists, we summarized organization theories with relevance to implementation science. Methods Led by the Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCRN) Organization Theory for Implementation Science workgroup, we employed a modified Delphi process to reach a consensus among 18 experts at the intersection of organization and implementation science regarding organization theories with relevance to implementation science. From texts that described the organization theories, using standardized abstraction forms, two investigators independently abstracted information regarding constructs, propositions regarding how or why constructs might influence implementation, the potential relevance of organization theories' propositions for implementation, and overviews of each theory. The investigators then reconciled discrepancies until reaching consensus. A third investigator reviewed reconciled abstraction forms for accuracy, coherence, and completeness. Findings We identified nine organization theories with relevance to implementation science: contingency, complexity, institutional, network, organizational learning, resource dependence, sociotechnical, and transaction cost economics. From the theories, we abstracted 70 constructs and 65 propositions. An example proposition from institutional theory is: “Coercive, mimetic, and normative pressures contribute to organizations…within an organizational field [becoming increasingly similar].” These propositions can be operationalized as levers to facilitate EBI implementation. Conclusions To increase use in the field, organization theories must be made more accessible to implementation scientists. The abstraction forms developed in this study are now publicly available on the CPCRN website with the goal of increasing access to organization theories among an interdisciplinary audience of implementation scientists through the CPCRN Scholars program and other venues. Next steps include consolidating organization theory constructs into domains and translating the resulting framework for use among researchers, policymakers and practitioners, aiding them in accounting for a comprehensive set of organization theory constructs thought to influence EBI implementation
Core functions of a financial navigation intervention: An in-depth assessment of the Lessening the Impact of Financial Toxicity (LIFT) intervention to inform adaptation and scale-up in diverse oncology care settings
Background Lessening the Impact of Financial Toxicity (LIFT) is an intervention designed to address financial toxicity (FT) and improve cancer care access and outcomes through financial navigation (FN). FN identifies patients at risk for FT, assesses eligibility for financial support, and develops strategies to cope with those costs. LIFT successfully reduced FT and improved care access in a preliminary study among patients with high levels of FT in a single large academic cancer center. Adapting LIFT requires distinguishing between core functions (components that are key to its implementation and effectiveness) and forms (specific activities that carry out core functions). Our objective was to complete the first stage of adaptation, identifying LIFT core functions. Methods We reviewed LIFT's protocol and internal standard-operating procedures. We then conducted 45–90 min in-depth interviews, using Kirk's method of identifying core functions, with key LIFT staff (N = 8), including the principal investigators. Interviews focused on participant roles and intervention implementation. Recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim. Using ATLAS.ti and a codebook based on the Model for Adaptation Design and Impact, we coded interview transcripts. Through thematic analysis, we then identified themes related to LIFT's intervention and implementation core functions. Two report back sessions with interview participants were incorporated to further refine themes. Results Six intervention core functions (i.e., what makes LIFT effective) and five implementation core functions (i.e., what facilitated LIFT's implementation) were identified to be sufficient to reduce FT. Intervention core functions included systematically cataloging knowledge and tracking patient-specific information related to eligibility criteria for FT relief. Repeat contacts between the financial navigator and participant created an ongoing relationship, removing common barriers to accessing resources. Implementation core functions included having engaged sites with the resources and willingness necessary to implement FN. Developing navigators' capabilities to implement LIFT—through training, an established case management system, and connections to peer navigators—were also identified as implementation core functions. Conclusion This study adds to the growing evidence on FN by characterizing intervention and implementation core functions, a critical step toward promoting LIFT's implementation and effectiveness
“What I Hadn’t Realized is How Difficult it is, You Know?”: Examining the Protective Factors and Barriers to Breastfeeding in the UK
The international recommendation for breastfeeding is that a baby should be exclusively breastfed for six months. Breastfeeding should be continued for up to two years and beyond with complementary foods (WHO, 2016). The United Kingdom exhibits some of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world (HSCIC, 2012). The percentage of mothers who breastfed in the United Kingdom falls below 34% at six months, with only 1% of mothers breastfeeding exclusively at this point (HSCIC, 2012:31). This study sought to examine the protective factors and barriers for breastfeeding in the UK. Mums (n=28), their partners (n=6), and facilitators at breastfeeding support services (n=3) were interviewed (n=37) to learn more about breastfeeding experiences and related factors. Mums (n=28) also completed the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale Short-Form. Factors related to individual knowledge and beliefs, support from partners, family, and friends, clinical experiences, formal support, and stigma all played central roles in the mum’s breastfeeding experience. Efforts should be made to address these factors at community, organizational, and policy levels to improve breastfeeding in the UK
Bacterial nanobiotic potential
Antibiotics are the chemicals responsible for killing pathogenic bacteria but inappropriate and extensive use of antibiotics is hazardous causing adverse impact on human health. Excessive use of antibiotics has led to the development of multiple-drug resistant bacteria posing health hazards to mankind. The study of nanoparticles has revolutionized the problem solving concerns regarding fields of agriculture, chemistry and medicine. Nanoparticles are smaller than atomic nuclei offering more surface area and greater reactivity. Bacterial silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were studied for their antibacterial potential. AgNPs from Bacillus subtilus show the highest antibacterial activity. Nanoparticles exhibiting antibacterial activity can be helpful to reduce the toxic impact of synthetic antibiotics. Present work deals with the green production of silver nanoparticles by exploiting indigenous bacteria. These AgNPs were characterized through Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic (FTIR) analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and UV spectroscopic analysis and were also evaluated for their antibacterial and antifungal potential. The data suggested the extracellular biosynthesis method to be very effective for the biosynthesis of AgNPs in some bacterial strains. Keeping in view the antibacterial potential of studied AgNPs, the present work suggests green production of nanoparticles which can be effectively utilized as environment friendly antibacterial and antifungal agents