19 research outputs found

    Bioenergy in Switzerland: Assessing the domestic sustainable biomass potential

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    This paper analyzes the sustainable domestic biomass potential for bioenergy in Switzerland. Relevant biomass resources were selected based on expert interviews and literature analyses. A definition of technical and sustainable biomass potentials was developed. The technical and sustainable biomass potentials were then assessed based on technical and sustainability constraints. The sustainable potentials were further subdivided into the already energetically-used potential and the remaining biomass potential. Data was collected from the literature and supplementary interviews with field experts. Finally, the primary energy potential from biomass was calculated and compared to the current Swiss energy demand

    Bioenergy in Switzerland: Assessing the domestic sustainable biomass potential

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    This paper analyzes the sustainable domestic biomass potential for bioenergy in Switzerland. Relevant biomass resources were selected based on expert interviews and literature analyses. A definition of technical and sustainable biomass potentials was developed. The technical and sustainable biomass potentials were then assessed based on technical and sustainability constraints. The sustainable potentials were further subdivided into the already energetically-used potential and the remaining biomass potential. Data was collected from the literature and supplementary interviews with field experts. Finally, the primary energy potential from biomass was calculated and compared to the current Swiss energy demand. We show that there is currently no sustainable potential for agricultural biomass, such as energy crops, crop residues and grass. On the other hand, there is a substantial potential from woody biomass, manure and waste biomass. The main constraints that limit the sustainable biomass potential are competing material utilizations, economic factors as well as the Swiss biofuels policy. Currently, 3.6% of Switzerland's energy demand is met by biomass resources, whereas the remaining potential could provide an additional 3.3%. Hence, with respect to a sustainable energy supply, bioenergy in Switzerland could cover a total share of 7%.Bioenergy Biomass potentials Sustainability constraints Residual and waste biomass Switzerland

    Assessment of some indicators within an impact

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    A thorough presentation and discussion of principles for the selection and building of indicators was given in Chapter 4. Chapter 4 also discussed the role of different kinds of criteria for the selection or building of indicators. A procedure applicable for the selection or building of environmental indicators for transport was arrived at in section 4.4.2. The procedure, including the use of ten criteria listed in Table 25, is brought further in the present Chapter 5. This is done by presenting how the suggested procedure can be applied to seven of the chains of causalities described in Annex 6: direct toxicity of air pollutants (section 5.1), natural habitat fragmentation (section 5.2), non-renewable resource use (section 5.3), loss of cultural heritage due to land take (section 5.4), noise as annoyance to humans (section 5.5), greenhouse effect (section 5.6), and waste (section 5.7). The seven chains have been selected so as to − be of value for European-level policy makers − be of value for national government policy makers − be of value for regional planners and policy makers − be of value for researchers and other academics − be pedagogic − include causality chains that are qualitatively different − include chains that are well described and well known For three of the chains, the application of the different steps of the procedure has been outlined. For six of the chains, examples of existing indicators for a limited number of chain steps are presented and discussed. The chapter also illustrates how the procedure could be applied for the building of an indicator where there is a lack of indicators (section 5.4

    Bridging the Gaps between Design and Use: Developing Tools to Support Environmental Management and Policy

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    Sound decisions in environmental policy and management usually require the examination of alternative solutions, and may require the consideration of alternative problem fornlulations prior to option assessment. Constructing and considering the consequences of alternative problems (variables and relations) and policy options (norms and standards) is fundamental for processes of policy fornlulation (Vickers, 1965)

    Assessment of some indicators within an impact

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    A thorough presentation and discussion of principles for the selection and building of indicators was given in Chapter 4. Chapter 4 also discussed the role of different kinds of criteria for the selection or building of indicators. A procedure applicable for the selection or building of environmental indicators for transport was arrived at in section 4.4.2. The procedure, including the use of ten criteria listed in Table 25, is brought further in the present Chapter 5. This is done by presenting how the suggested procedure can be applied to seven of the chains of causalities described in Annex 6: direct toxicity of air pollutants (section 5.1), natural habitat fragmentation (section 5.2), non-renewable resource use (section 5.3), loss of cultural heritage due to land take (section 5.4), noise as annoyance to humans (section 5.5), greenhouse effect (section 5.6), and waste (section 5.7). The seven chains have been selected so as to − be of value for European-level policy makers − be of value for national government policy makers − be of value for regional planners and policy makers − be of value for researchers and other academics − be pedagogic − include causality chains that are qualitatively different − include chains that are well described and well known For three of the chains, the application of the different steps of the procedure has been outlined. For six of the chains, examples of existing indicators for a limited number of chain steps are presented and discussed. The chapter also illustrates how the procedure could be applied for the building of an indicator where there is a lack of indicators (section 5.4)