54 research outputs found

    Lifetime measurements of excited states in neutron-rich nuclei around 48 Ca

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    The lifetimes of the first excited states of the N = 30 isotones 50Ca and 51Sc and the Z = 18 isotopes 44−46Ar isotopes have been determined using a novel technique that combines the Recoil Distance Doppler Shift method with the CLARA-PRISMA spectrometers in multinucleon transfer reactions. The results allow determinination of the effective charges above 48Ca and test the strength of the N = 28 magic number when moving away from the stability line.Gadea Raga, AndrĂ©s, [email protected] ; Algora, Alejandro, [email protected] ; Rubio Barroso, Berta, [email protected]

    Characterisation of lattice damage formation in tantalum irradiated at variable temperatures

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    The formation of radiation-induced dislocation loops and voids in tantalum at 180(2), 345(3) and 590(5)°C was assessed by 3MeV proton irradiation experiments and subsequent damage characterisation using transmission electron microscopy. Voids formed at 345(3)°C and were arranged into a body centred cubic lattice at a damage level of 0.55 dpa. The low vacancy mobility at 180(2)°C impedes enough vacancy clustering and therefore the formation of voids visible by TEM. At 590(5)°C the Burgers vector of the interstitial-type dislocation loops is a&lt;100&gt;, instead of the a/2 &lt;111&gt; Burgers vector characteristic of the loops at 180(2) and 345(3)°C. The lower mobility of a&lt;100&gt; loops hinders the formation of voids at 590(5)°C up to a damage level of 0.55 dpa.</p

    Radiation-induced void formation and ordering in Ta-W alloys

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    We have assessed the formation and evolution of void and dislocation arrangements in Ta, Ta-5wt.%W and Ta-10wt.%W as a function of radiation level at a temperature of 345 ± 3 °C, by combining proton irradiation experiments, transmission electron microscopy and nano-hardness measurements. The damaged structure of tantalum at 0.1 dpa is characterized by the presence of a/2 〈111〉 interstitial dislocation loops and randomly distributed voids, whereas only dislocation loops are observed in the two alloys. Void ordering occurs in tantalum at 0.25 dpa, together with the appearance of dense dislocation tangles. A further increase in damage level leads to a continuous nucleation and growth of voids, and saturation is not attained at a damage level of 1.55 dpa. In contrast, the average size and number density of dislocation loops increases gradually with damage level in the two alloys, and voids only form at 1.55 dpa. Tungsten delays the loop evolution and therefore the formation of radiation-induced voids.</p

    Characterisation of lattice damage formation in tantalum irradiated at variable temperatures

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    The formation of radiation-induced dislocation loops and voids in tantalum at 180(2), 345(3) and 590(5)°C was assessed by 3MeV proton irradiation experiments and subsequent damage characterisation using transmission electron microscopy. Voids formed at 345(3)°C and were arranged into a body centred cubic lattice at a damage level of 0.55 dpa. The low vacancy mobility at 180(2)°C impedes enough vacancy clustering and therefore the formation of voids visible by TEM. At 590(5)°C the Burgers vector of the interstitial-type dislocation loops is a&lt;100&gt;, instead of the a/2 &lt;111&gt; Burgers vector characteristic of the loops at 180(2) and 345(3)°C. The lower mobility of a&lt;100&gt; loops hinders the formation of voids at 590(5)°C up to a damage level of 0.55 dpa.</p

    InkilÀnhovin palveluiden tunnettuus- ja mielikuvatutkimus

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyöni aihe on tunnettuus- ja mielikuvatutkimus InkilĂ€nhovi ry:lle, joka on RiihimĂ€ellĂ€ sijaitseva palvelutalo. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kartoittaa sitĂ€, miten hyvin InkilĂ€nhovin eri sidosryhmĂ€t tuntevat ja tietĂ€vĂ€t sen tarjoamat palvelut sekĂ€ toiminnot ja minkĂ€laisia mielikuvia heillĂ€ niistĂ€ on. LisĂ€ksi tutkimuksessa kysytÀÀn vastaajien mielipiteitĂ€ ja mielikuvia InkilĂ€nhovista sekĂ€ mahdollisia InkilĂ€nhovin toimintaan liittyviĂ€ kehitys- ja parannusehdotuksia. InkilĂ€nhovi ry juhli viime vuonna kymmenettĂ€ toimintavuottaan ja tunnettuustutkimus toteutettiin osana InkilĂ€nhovin juhlavuoden toteutusta. InkilĂ€nhovi ry on 2001 perustettu, RiihimĂ€ellĂ€ sijaitseva palvelutalo, joka tarjoaa palvelujaan vanhuksille, kehitysvammaisille ja veteraaneille. InkilĂ€nhovin toiminta painottuu kolmeen pÀÀryhmÀÀn, joita ovat muun muassa erilaiset asumismuodot, asiointipalvelu ja pĂ€ivĂ€toiminta. InkilĂ€nhovin tarkoituksena on toimia vanhusten, vammaisten ja veteraanien elin- ja asunto-olojen parantamiseksi sekĂ€ psyykkisen, sosiaalisen ja fyysisen hyvinvoinnin edistĂ€miseksi. Tutkimus on toteutettu mÀÀrĂ€llisenĂ€ kyselytutkimuksena sekĂ€ paperisena kyselylomakkeena ettĂ€ sĂ€hköisenĂ€ e-lomakkeena. Kysely on lĂ€hetetty InkilĂ€nhovin eri sidosryhmille, kuten asukkaille, asiakkaille, yhteistyökumppaneille ja InkilĂ€nhovin jĂ€senyhdistyksille. Tulokset ovat pÀÀasiassa positiivisia ja InkilĂ€nhovia pidetÀÀn hyvĂ€nĂ€ palvelutalona. Asukkaat ja asiakkaat ovat tyytyvĂ€isiĂ€ palveluihin ja InkilĂ€nhovin ilmapiiriin. Vastaajille on jÀÀnyt hyvĂ€ mielikuva kĂ€ydessÀÀn InkilĂ€nhovissa, ja he ovat tyytyvĂ€isiĂ€ InkilĂ€nhovin toimintaan. Palautteena oli muun muassa, ettĂ€ toiminta on hyvÀÀ ja sitĂ€ toivotaan lisĂ€ttĂ€vĂ€n. Kyselyyn vastanneilta tuli kehitys- ja parannusehdotuksia sekĂ€ toiveita InkilĂ€nhovin toimintaan liittyen. Toivottiin esimerkiksi InkilĂ€nhovin asukkaille virikkeellistĂ€ pĂ€ivĂ€toimintaa, kuten matkoja, tapahtumia, museoita tai nĂ€yttelyitĂ€. Toiveena oli, ettĂ€ ikĂ€rajaa nostettaisiin 65:stĂ€ ylöspĂ€in, jolloin hyvĂ€kuntoisilla iĂ€kkÀÀmmillĂ€kin olisi mahdollisuus osallistua toimintaan. PĂ€ivĂ€toiminnan ja ryhmĂ€toiminnan yhdistelmĂ€ryhmien lisÀÀmistĂ€ toivottiin. JatkotoimenpiteenĂ€ kannattaa lisĂ€tĂ€ markkinointia nykyisille palveluille ja kehittÀÀ toimintaa lisÀÀmĂ€llĂ€ iltatoimintaa.Research of awareness and image My final work subject is knowledge and image research for company InkilĂ€nhovi ry which provides assistance and support services for everyday living and is located in RiihimĂ€ki. The meaning of research is to find out how well different focused groups are aware of InkilĂ€nhovi and their services and what kind of opinions or images they have about InkilĂ€nhovi and their services. The research includes questions that the respondents wished to have answered including those connected to improvements in relation to InkilĂ€nhovi and its services. InkilĂ€nhovi is celebrating their tenth anniversary and knowledge research is a part of the whole years plan. InkilĂ€nhovi was established in 2001, together with InkilĂ€nhovi`s “living assistance premises” in RiihimĂ€ki which execute their services for seniors, veterans and retarded people. The action of InkilĂ€nhovi focuses on three main group and these are: running an errands service, daytime activities and overall living services. The meaning of InkilĂ€nhovi is to produce services which focus on seniors, veterans and retarded peoples better living situations and to improve mental, social and physical wellness. The research has been carried out by a quantitative method by means of a questionnaire in paper format. The questionnaire was sent to InkilĂ€nhovi customers, (the people who are resident there) and to co-operation partners and also to InkilĂ€nhovi union members. Results of research are mostly positive and the answers show InkilĂ€nhovi as a good “living assistance premises”. Customers and people who are living in InkilĂ€nhovi are pleased with the services and atmosphere in InkilĂ€nhovi. Respondents have stated that there is a good image of InkilĂ€nhovi and they are pleased with the activity of InkilĂ€nhovi. The feedback given to InkilĂ€nhovi was that respondents like the activities which InkilĂ€nhovi offers and they would like to have more of it. Improvements and development suggestions that respondents would like to make included: respondents wished more day time activities for those people who are living in InkilĂ€nhovi. The wish was that the age limit would be raised higher than 65 so that healthier older people would have an opportunity to participate in the activities. It was also hoped that there could be a greater combining of groups for day time activity and group activity generally. There should be increased marketing for the present services that are offered
