314 research outputs found

    ‘Good jobs’, training and skilled immigration

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    Has skilled immigration into the UK led to a reduction in the training of native-born workers? To address this concern, this paper describes a theoretical model where immigration can affect the training of native-born workers both positively and negatively, and where its effects may differ according to the characteristics of the migrant and of the training firm's sector. It then investigates this issue empirically using UK Labour Force Survey data from 1995 to 2018. At the aggregate level, there is a small positive association between skilled immigration and native training rates. However, a more disaggregated analysis finds that the relationship between immigration and native training depends on the skill level of the immigrant, the skill level of trainees, and the sector into which immigration occurs. In particular, traded goods sectors show a positive association between training of UK-born workers and both unskilled and skilled immigration. In non-traded high-wage sectors, the association between skilled immigration and UK-born training is negative. These findings highlight the importance of allowing for heterogeneous effects from immigration when formulating policy or when modelling immigration's effects across the wider economy

    The impact of public transportation and commuting on urban labour markets: evidence from the new survey of London life and labour, 1929-32

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    This paper examines the consequences of the commuter transport revolution on working-class labour markets in London, circa 1930. Using GIS-based data constructed from the New Survey of London Life and Labour, we examine the extent of commuting and estimate the earnings returns to commuting. We show that commuting was an important feature for most working-class Londoners in the early-twentieth century. Using a variety of identifying procedures to address the endogeneity of distance commuted, we estimate a likely causal return of between 1.5 to 3.5 percent of earnings for each additional kilometre travelled. We also show that commuting was an important contributor to improvements in quality of life in the early-twentieth century

    The impact of public transportation and commuting on urban labour markets: evidence from the New Survey of London Life and Labour, 1929-32

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    This paper examines the consequences of the commuter transport revolution on working class labour markets in 1930s London. The ability to commute alleviated urban crowding and increased workers’ choice of potential employers. Using GIS-based data constructed from the New Survey of London Life and Labour, we examine the extent of commuting and estimate the earnings returns to commuting. We obtain a lowerbound estimate of two percent increase in earnings per kilometre travelled. We also show that commuting was an important contributor to improving quality of life in the early-twentieth century

    The influence of the theology of John Chrysostom on the writings of John Henry Newman

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    Summaries and keywords in English and AfrikaansJohn Henry Newman maak in sy outobiografiese geskrifte 'n aantal belangrike verwysings na sy toewyding aan Johannes Chrysostomos. Is dit bloot 'n kwessie van vroomheid, of dui dit op 'n dieper verband met die punt dat Newman in sy eie teologiese begrip, geestelike insig en pastorale praktyk deur Chrysostomos beĂŻnvloed word? Hierdie proefskrif poog om te toon dat die besonderse voorbereiding van Newman vir die lees van die Kerkvaders, en in besonder, sy omvattende begrip van Grieks, hom van jongs af tot 'n verdieping in die patristiese denke georiĂ«nteer het, 'n feit wat hoofsaaklik deur sy Briewe en Dagboeke getoon word. Die aanhaling van Chrysostomos as 'n teologiese gesag, in Newman se leerstellige geskrifte en in sy gepubliseerde prediking, word toenemend duidelik en demonstreer wat beskou kan word as teologiese eienskappe wat die twee teoloĂ« gemeen het. In Newman se geestelike begeleiding, veral in sy geestelike bystand en begeleiding van vroue, blyk daar 'n korrelasie te wees met raad wat Chrysostomos in soortgelyke omstandighede gegee het. In hierdie studie word dit ondersoek in 'n vergelyking van die briewe van Chrysostomos aan Olympias, en die korrespondensie van Newman met Maria Giberne. Behalwe enkele teologiese ooreenkomste en invloede, eksplisiet sowel as implisiet, is daar bewyse dat Newman iemand baie soortgelyk aan homself in Chrysostomos gesien het: 'n diep teologiese denker wat as gevolg van sy prediking prominent geword het en aansienlike institusionele weerstand op 'n diep persoonlike manier weerstaan het, en ‘n aansienlike mate van verlies as gevolg van sy oortuiging gely het, en tog onbelemmerd in sy getrouheid aan wat hy as sy missie verstaan het, gebly het, as priester,teoloog, leraar en predikant.John Henry Newman makes a number of significant references in his autobiographical writings to his devotion to John Chrysostom. Is this simply a matter of piety, or does it reveal a deeper connection to the point that Newman is influenced in his own theological understanding, spiritual insight, and pastoral practice by Chrysostom? This thesis attempts to demonstrate that Newman’s very particular preparation for reading the Fathers, and in particular, his comprehensive grasp of Greek, orientated him, from an early age, towards an immersion in Patristic thought, a fact largely demonstrated by his Letters and Diaries. Citation of Chrysostom as a theological authority, in Newman’s doctrinal writings, and in his published preaching, becomes increasingly evident, and demonstrates what might be considered theological characteristics the two theologians hold in common. In Newman’s spiritual direction, particularly in his spiritual accompaniment and guidance of women, there appears to be a correlation with advice given by Chrysostom in similar circumstances; in the present study this is treated in a comparison of the letters of Chrysostom to Olympias, and Newman’s correspondence with Maria Giberne. Beyond any theological similarities, and influences both explicit and implicit, there is evidence that Newman saw in Chrysostom someone very similar to himself: a profound theological thinker, who rose to prominence as a result of his preaching, and who met with serious institutional opposition expressed in a deeply personal way, suffered a considerable amount of loss as a result of holding to his convictions, and yet remained undeterred in his fidelity to what he understood to be his mission, as a priest, a theologian, a teacher and a pastor.New TestamentD. Litt. et Phil. (Biblical Studies

    Trainspotting: 'Good jobs', training and skilled immigration

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    While skilled immigration ceteris paribus provides an immediate boost to GDP per capita by adding to the human capital stock of the receiving economy, might it also reduce the number of ’good jobs’, i.e. those with training, available to indigenous workers? This paper analyzes this issue theoretically and empirically. The theoretical model shows how skilled immigration may affect the sectoral allocation of labor and how it may have a positive or negative effect on the training and social mobility of native born workers. The empirical analysis uses UK data from 2001 to 2018 to show that training rates of UK born workers have declined in a period where immigration has been rising strongly, and have declined significantly more in high wage nontraded sectors. At the sectoral level however this link is much less strong but there is evidence of different effects of skilled immigration across traded and non-traded sectors and evidence that the hiring of UK born workers in high wage non-traded sectors has been negatively affected by skilled immigration, although this effect is not large. Taken together the theoretical and empirical analyses suggest that skilled immigration may have some role in allocating native born workers away from ’good jobs’ sectors but it is unlikely to be a major driver of social mobility

    Development of a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous measurement of voriconazole, posaconazole and itraconazole

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    Background Azole-based antifungals are the first-line therapy for some of the most common mycoses and are now also being used prophylactically to protect immunocompromised patients. However, due to variability in both their metabolism and bioavailability, therapeutic drug monitoring is essential to avoid toxicity but still gain maximum efficacy. Methods Following protein precipitation of serum with acetonitrile, 20  ”L of extract was injected onto a 2.1 × 50 mm Waters Atlantis dC18 3  ”m column. Detection was via a Waters Quattro Premier XE tandem mass spectrometer operating in ESI-positive mode. Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) detected two product ions for each compound and one for each isotopically labelled internal standard. Ion suppression, linearity, stability, matrix effects, recovery, imprecision, lower limits of measuring interval and detection were all assessed. Results Optimal chromatographic separation was achieved using gradient elution over 8 minutes. Voriconazole, posaconazole and itraconazole eluted at 1.71, 2.73 and 3.41 min, respectively. The lower limits of measuring interval for all three compounds was 0.1 mg/L. The assay was linear to 10 mg/L for voriconazole (R2 = 0.995) and 5 mg/L for posaconazole (R2 = 0.990) and itraconazole (R2 = 0.991). The assay was both highly accurate and precise with % bias of voriconazole, posaconazole and itraconazole, respectively, when compared with previous NEQAS samples. The intra-assay precision (CV%) was 1.6%, 2.5% and 1.9% for voriconazole, posaconazole and itraconazole, respectively, across the linear range. Conclusion A simple and robust method has been validated for azole antifungal therapeutic drug monitoring. This new assay will result in a greatly improved sample turnaround time and will therefore vastly increase the clinical utility of azole antifungal drug monitoring. </jats:sec

    Comparison Of Finnish, American, And New Zealand Franchisee Satisfaction

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    Franchising is growing as a business model in many countries.  We test a model of franchisee satisfaction across three countries to examine the model’s predictive and measure reliability.  The multi-dimensional franchisee satisfaction model is a significant and reliable predictor of general franchisee satisfaction in different cultures.  Franchise systems looking for an efficient method of measuring and predicting franchisee satisfaction can rely on the model to aid their efforts of managing the franchisor-franchisee relationship.  In the future the model should be tested in other industries, cultures, and with larger samples

    Seafarer fatigue: the Cardiff research programme

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    The application of deep eutectic solvent ionic liquids for environmentally-friendly dissolution and recovery of precious metals

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    publisher: Elsevier articletitle: The application of deep eutectic solvent ionic liquids for environmentally-friendly dissolution and recovery of precious metals journaltitle: Minerals Engineering articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2015.09.026 content_type: article copyright: Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
