10 research outputs found

    Fire Frequency and the Vegetal Mosaic of the Utah State University Experimental Forest

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    A fire history study conducted for the Utah State University (USU) Experimental Forest using three distinct periods of fire frequency, historic (1700-1855), settlement (1856-1909), and suppression (1910-present), showed a decreased mean fire interval (MFI) during the settlement period and a greatly increased MFI during the suppression era. The difference was attributed to the influx of ignition sources during the settlement of the nearby Cache Valley, located 40 kilometers to the west. The interaction of settlers with the resource during logging and livestock grazing activities encouraged the high MFI and created the vegetal mosaic now observed on the study area. The elevation of the study area, 2377 m to 2651 m, places the site in the Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir zone (Picea engelmannii, Parry ex Engelm.-Abies lasiocarpa (Engelm. ex. Wats)). The suppression era and its corresponding increase in MFI has permitted the advancement of tolerant species in the understory of the intoleran lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia (Engelm. ex. Wats)) and aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.). Continue suppression of disturbance from wildfire will allow the lodgepole pine cover type, which experienced the lowest MFI during the settlement period, to be further invaded by tolerant species, leading to a decrease in stand diversity and more intense fires when they do occur

    Comparison of Two Roadside Survey Procedures for Dwarf Mistletoes on the Sawtooth National Forest, Idaho

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    Two roadside surveys were conducted for dwarf mistletoes parasitizing lodgepole pine and Douglas-fir on the Sawtooth National Forest, Idaho. One survey used variable-radius plots located less than 150 m from roads. The 2nd survey used variable-radius plots established at 200-m intervals along 1600-m transects run perpendicular to the same roads. Estimates of the incidence (percentage of trees infected and percentage of plots infested) and severity (average dwarf mistletoe rating) for both lodgepole pine and Douglas-fir dwarf mistletoes were not significantly different for the 2 survey methods. These findings are further evidence that roadside-plot surveys and transect-plot surveys conducted away from roads provide similar estimates of the incidence of dwarf mistletoes for large forested areas

    Comparison of Two Roadside Survey Procedures for Dwarf Mistletoes on the Sawtooth National Forest, Idaho

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    Two roadside surveys were conducted for dwarf mistletoes parasitizing lodgepole pine and Douglas-fir on the Sawtooth National Forest, Idaho. One survey used variable-radius plots located less than 150 m from roads. The 2nd survey used variable-radius plots established at 200-m intervals along 1600-m transects run perpendicular to the same roads. Estimates of the incidence (percentage of trees infected and percentage of plots infested) and severity (average dwarf mistletoe rating) for both lodgepole pine and Douglas-fir dwarf mistletoes were not significantly different for the 2 survey methods. These findings are further evidence that roadside-plot surveys and transect-plot surveys conducted away from roads provide similar estimates of the incidence of dwarf mistletoes for large forested areas

    Variables Associated With the Occurrence of Ips Beetles, Red Turpentine Beetle and Wood Borers in Live and Dead Ponderosa Pines with Post-fire Injury

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    Recently, wildfires and prescribed burning have become more frequent in conifer forests of western North America. Most studies examining the impacts of insects on trees with post‐fire injury have focused on contributions to tree mortality. Few studies have examined fire‐caused injuries to estimate the probability of attack by insects. Scant data quantifying insect associations with one another, or with live and dead fire‐injured trees, are available. We examined live and dead trees with varying levels of fire injury in wildfires in Colorado, Montana, Arizona and the Black Hills aiming to determine fire injury associated with insect infestation, co‐occurrence between insects and insect association with live and dead fire‐injured trees. Bole scorch height estimated the likelihood of attack by Ips spp. Diameter at breast height, bole scorch height and crown scorch height estimated the likelihood of attack by Dendroctonus valens LeConte. Diameter at breast height and bole scorch height estimated the likelihood of attack by wood borers. Ips spp., Dendroctonus valens and wood borers were associated with one another. Ips spp. beetles and wood borers were associated with dead fire‐injured trees, whereas D. valens was often associated with live fire‐injured trees. Focusing on certain fire‐caused injuries may identify trees targeted by Ips spp. beetles, Dendroctonus valens and wood borers

    Genome Scan Meta-Analysis of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, Part III: Bipolar Disorder

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    Genome scans of bipolar disorder (BPD) have not produced consistent evidence for linkage. The rank-based genome scan meta-analysis (GSMA) method was applied to 18 BPD genome scan data sets in an effort to identify regions with significant support for linkage in the combined data. The two primary analyses considered available linkage data for “very narrow” (i.e., BP-I and schizoaffective disorder–BP) and “narrow” (i.e., adding BP-II disorder) disease models, with the ranks weighted for sample size. A “broad” model (i.e., adding recurrent major depression) and unweighted analyses were also performed. No region achieved genomewide statistical significance by several simulation-based criteria. The most significant P values (<.01) were observed on chromosomes 9p22.3-21.1 (very narrow), 10q11.21-22.1 (very narrow), and 14q24.1-32.12 (narrow). Nominally significant P values were observed in adjacent bins on chromosomes 9p and 18p-q, across all three disease models on chromosomes 14q and 18p-q, and across two models on chromosome 8q. Relatively few BPD pedigrees have been studied under narrow disease models relative to the schizophrenia GSMA data set, which produced more significant results. There was no overlap of the highest-ranked regions for the two disorders. The present results for the very narrow model are promising but suggest that more and larger data sets are needed. Alternatively, linkage might be detected in certain populations or subsets of pedigrees. The narrow and broad data sets had considerable power, according to simulation studies, but did not produce more highly significant evidence for linkage. We note that meta-analysis can sometimes provide support for linkage but cannot disprove linkage in any candidate region