5 research outputs found

    Transformasi pembelajaran jarak jauh dalam pembentukan karakter santri di Pondok Pesantren Kampus Ainul Yaqin Universitas Islam Malang di era Covid-19 tahun 2021-2022

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    ABSTRAK Pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang erat kaitannya dengan pembentukan karakter santri. Karakter santri diebentuk selama 24 jam. Santri dapat secara langsung melihat dan mecontoh Kiai dan para pengurus pesantren sebagai salah satu bentuk uswah hasanah yang dapat dijadikan contoh dalam pembentukan karakter. Namun karena adanya wabah covid-19, mengharuskan Pondok Pesantren Kampus Ainul Yaqin Universitas Islam Malang bertransformasi menggunkan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Hal ini tentunya akan berpengaruh pada transformasi fokus pembentukan karakter santri di Pondok Pesantren Kampus Ainul Yaqin Universitas Islam Malang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Untuk mendeskripsikan serta memahami perencanaan transformasi pembelajaran jarak jauh dalam pembentukan karakter santri di Pondok Pesantren Kampus Ainul Yaqin Universitas Islam Malang di era covid-19 tahun 2021-2022, 2) Untuk mendeskripsikan serta memahami proses transformasi pembelajaran jarak jauh dalam pembentukan karakter santri di Pondok Pesantren Kampus Ainul Yaqin Universitas Islam Malang di era covid-19 tahun 2021-2022, 3) Untuk mendeskripsikan serta memahami hasil transformasi pembelajaran jarak jauh dalam pembentukan karakter santri di Pondok Pesantren Kampus Ainul Yaqin Universitas Islam Malang di era covid-19 tahun 2021-2022. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan meliputi, mengumpulkan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Perencanaan transformasi pembelajaran jarak jauh dalam pembentukan karakter santri di Pondok Pesantren Kampus Ainul Yaqin Universitas Islam Malang di era covid-19 tahun 2021-2022 meliputi 3 karakter, yakni karakter disiplin, mandiri, dan tanggung jawab, 2) Proses transformasi pembeljaran jarak jauh dalam pembentukan karakter santri di Pondok Pesantren Kampus Ainul Yaqin Universitas Islam Malang menggunakan berbagai macam metode dan didukung oleh kegiatan kepesantrenan yakni, a) karakter disiplin di bentuk menggunakan metode ceramah, motivasi, latihan dan pembiasaan, serta di dukung dengan adanya kontrol absen kehadiran dalam setiap kegiatan kepesantrenan. b) karakter mandiri di bentuk dengan menggunakan metode penugasan, pembiasaan, dan latihan, serta didukung dengan adanya kegitan presentasi terkait materi dalam kitab kuning yang dilaukan secara individual. c) karakter tanggung jawab di bentuk melalui metode penugasan serta didukung dengan adanya tugas kepesantrenan kepada santri, seperti memimpin pembacaan tahil dan Yasin, sholawat diba’, istighosah yang rutin dilakukan pada malam jum’at. 3) Hasil transformasi pembelajaran jarak jauh dalam pembentukan karakter santri menunjukkan bahwa santri memiliki sikap disiplin, mandiri, dan tanggung jawab dalam mengikuti kegiatan kepesantrenan. ABSTRACT Pesantren is an educational institution that is closely related to the formation of the character of students. The character of the students is formed for 24 hours. Students can directly see and model Kiai and pesantren administrators as a form of uswah hasanah which can be used as an example in character building. However, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, it requires the Ainul Yaqin Islamic Boarding College University of Islam Malang to transform using distance learning. This will certainly affect the transformation of the focus on building the character of students at the Ainul Yaqin Campus Islamic Boarding School, Islamic University of Malang. This study aims to: 1) To describe and understand the planning for the transformation of distance learning in the formation of the character of students at the Ainul Yaqin Islamic Boarding College University of Islam Malang in the covid-19 era in 2021-2022, 2) To describe and understand the transformation process of distance learning in the formation of student character at the Ainul Yaqin Islamic Boarding College University of Islam Malang in the covid-19 era in 2021-2022, 3) To describe and understand the results of the transformation of distance learning in building the character of students at the Ainul Yaqin Islamic Boarding College University of Islam Malang in the covid-19 era in 2021-2022. This type of research is a case study research with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used include, collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that: 1) Planning for the transformation of distance learning in the formation of the character of students at the Ainul Yaqin Islamic Boarding College University of Islam Malang in the covid-19 era in 2021-2022 includes 3 characters, namely the character of discipline, independence, and responsibility, 2) The transformation process of remote learning in the formation of student character at the Ainul Yaqin Islamic Boarding College University of Islam Malang uses various methods and is supported by activities leadership, namely, a) disciplinary character in the form of using lecture methods, motivation, training and habituation, and is supported by the control of attendance absences in each leadership activity. b) independent character in form using assignment, habituation, and practice methods, and supported by the activities of presentation related to the material in the yellow book that is launched individually. c) the character of responsibility is formed through the method of assignment and is supported by the existence of leadership duties to students, such as leading the recitation of tahil and Yasin, sholawat diba', istighosah which is routinely carried out on Friday nights. 3) The results of the transformation of distance learning in the formation of the character of students show that students have an attitude of discipline, independence, and responsibility in participating in leadership activities. مستخلص البحث المعهد هو مؤسسة تعليمية مرتبطة ارتباطا وثيقا بتكوين شخصية طلابه. يتم تكوين شخصية الطلاب لمدة ٢٤ ساعة. يمكن للطلاب رؤية ونمذجة شيوخ و مشرفي المعهد مباشرة كشكل من أشكال أسوة حسنة والتي يمكن استخدامها كمثال في تكوين الشخصية. ومع ذلك، بسبب تفشي جائحة الكوفيد-١٩، فإنه يتطلب من المعهد الجامعي عين اليقين بجامعة مالانج الإسلامية التحول باستخدام التعليم عن بعد. سيؤثر هذا بالتأكيد على تحول التركيز في تكوين شخصية الطلاب في حرم المعهد الجامعي عين اليقين. يهدف هذا البحث إلى: ١) وصف وفهم تخطيط تحول التعليم عن بعد في تكوين شخصية الطلاب في المعهد الجامعي عين اليقين بجامعة مالانج الإسلامية خلال جائحة الكوفيد-١٩ في العام ٢٠٢١-٢٠٢٢، ٢) وصف وفهم عملية تحول التعليم عن بعد في تكوين شخصية الطلاب في المعهد الجامعي عين اليقين بجامعة مالانج الإسلامية خلال جائحة الكوفيد-١٩ في العام ٢٠٢١-٢٠٢٢، ٣) وصف وفهم نتائج تحول التعليم عن بعد في تكوين شخصية الطلاب في المعهد الجامعي عين اليقين بجامعة مالانج الإسلامية خلال جائحة الكوفيد-١٩ في العام ٢٠٢١-٢٠٢٢. استخدم هذا البحث منهج البحث النوعي بنوع دراسة الحالة. تم جمع البيانات من خلال الملاحظة والمقابلة والوثائق. احتوت تقنية تحليل البيانات من جمع البيانات، تحديدها، عرضها و الاستنتاج منها. أظهرت النتائج ما يلي: ١) يتضمن تخطيط تحول التعليم عن بعد في تكوين شخصية الطلاب لمعهد الجامعي عين اليقين بجامعة مالانج الإسلامية خلال جائحة الكوفيد-١٩ في العام ٢٠٢١-٢٠٢٢ ثلاث شخصيات؛ وهي شخصية الانضباط والاستقلالية والمسؤولية. ٢) عملية تحول التعليم عن بعد في تكوين شخصية الطلاب لمعهد الجامعي عين اليقين بجامعة مالانج الإسلامية تستخدم أساليب مختلفة وتدعمها الأنشطة المعهدية؛ وهي أ) شخصية الانضباط تم تكوينها باستخدام أساليب المحاضرة والتحفيز والتدريب والتعود، ودعمها التحكم في حالات الغياب عن الحضور في كل نشاط معهدي. ب) شخصية الاستقلالية تم تكوينها باستخدام أساليب التعيين والتعود والممارسة، ودعمتها أنشطة العرض المتعلقة بالمواد الموجودة في الكتاب الأصفر الذي يتم إطلاقه بشكل فردي. ج) شخصية المسؤولية تم تكوينها باستخدام أسلوب التكليف أو إعطاء المهام ودعمتها مهام معهدي للطلاب، مثل قيادة تلاوة التهليل وياسن، وصلوات للدباعي، و الاستغاثة التي أجريت في ليالي الجمعة. ٣) اشارت نتائج تحول التعليم عن بعد في تكوين شخصية الطلاب إلى أن الطلاب لديهم موقف من الانضباط والاستقلالية والمسؤولية عند المشاركة في الأنشطة المعهدية

    Empowering Self-Reliant Students: Navigating the Covid-19 Era as Autonomous Santri

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    This study investigates the effects that the COVID-19 epidemic had on the Ainul Yaqin Islamic Boarding College of the University of Islam Malang and its choice to use distance learning for all educational endeavors as a result of those effects. The research method used in this study is called a qualitative case study, and it uses many approaches to data collecting, such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The processes of gathering, reducing, presenting, and deriving conclusions from the data are included in data analysis. According to the findings, the implementation of remote learning has resulted in a shift in the emphasis placed on developing students characters. More specifically, more emphasis has been placed on the character characteristics of discipline, independence, and responsibility, which are crucial in an environment involving distance learning. These character qualities are honed throughout ones life through the cultivation of four stages and components of character: moral belief, moral action, moral responsibility, and moral awareness


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    In the process of character building is not enough with formal education only, but also need to be supported and cooperate with institutions outside the formal school, such as Pesantren. Pondok Pesantren is known as the oldest educational institution. Pondok Pesantren is also known with the characteristic in shaping the character of students into students who have the character Akhlakul Karimah. The same is also sought by Pondok Pesantren Sabilurrosyad Gasek Malang in shaping the character of students. This research was conducted to know the character of the planned, the process of character building students, and the results of the establishment of students at Pondok Pesantren Sabilurrosyad Gasek Malang. This research uses qualitative descriptive approaches using several data collection processes including observations, interviews, and documentation. Furthermore, researchers use qualitative analysis to study the results of research, data reduction, data display, and draw conclusions. The results of the research that has been done are students have discipline, religious, Tawadhu ', and nationalists using a variety of methods such as habituation, reward and punishment, discourse and motivation and supported by activities in boarding schools.Kata Kunci: Pembentukan Karakter, Santri, Pondok Pesantre

    Empowering Self-Reliant Students: Navigating the Covid-19 Era as Autonomous Santri

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    This study investigates the effects that the COVID-19 epidemic had on the Ainul Yaqin Islamic Boarding College of the University of Islam Malang and its choice to use distance learning for all educational endeavors as a result of those effects. The research method used in this study is called a qualitative case study, and it uses many approaches to data collecting, such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The processes of gathering, reducing, presenting, and deriving conclusions from the data are included in data analysis. According to the findings, the implementation of remote learning has resulted in a shift in the emphasis placed on developing students characters. More specifically, more emphasis has been placed on the character characteristics of discipline, independence, and responsibility, which are crucial in an environment involving distance learning. These character qualities are honed throughout ones life through the cultivation of four stages and components of character: moral belief, moral action, moral responsibility, and moral awareness

    Transformasi Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh dalam Pembentukan Karakter Santri di Pondok Pesantren Kampus Ainul Yaqin Universitas Islam Malang

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    The covid-19 outbreak requires the world of education to transform using distance learning. Likewise, what happened to the Ainul Yaqin Islamic Boarding College University of Islam Malang. Ainul Yaqin Islamic Boarding College University of Islam Malang decided to carry out all leadership activities through distance learning. This will certainly have an impact on the formation of the character of students. In writing this research, using a type of case study research with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used include, collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study show that the existence of distance learning transformation affects the focus on building the character of students, namely the character of discipline, independence, and responsibility, which is in accordance with the character of distance learning. The character is formed through 4 stages of character building components, namely, moral belief (moral beliefe), moral action (moral action), moral responsibility (moral responsibility), moral awareness (moral awarness), and a tendency to behave a person is formed so that this attitude becomes a characteristic called character