39 research outputs found

    Ein biomolekularer Marker der Osteoarthritis des Kniegelenks

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    Fragestellung: Die Identifizierung von biomolekularen Markern der Osteoarthritis ist das wesentlichste aktuelle Ziel der internationalen Osteoarthritisforschung. Tiermodelle sind geeignet zur genaueren Charakterisierung der Osteoarthritis, speziell auch um den Nutzen biomolekularer Marker zu testen. Sowohl im Modell der kompletten medialen Meniskektomie wie auch der vorderen Kreuzbanddurchtrennung untersuchten wir das Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (COMP). Zwar ist die Funktion dieses MolekĂŒls weiterhin unzureichend bekannt, aber es ist aufgrund einer höheren Menge im Knorpel ein potentieller Marker fĂŒr Serumuntersuchungen, die ein wichtiger Fortschritt in Diagnostik und Therapie der Osteoarthritis sind. Methodik: Als Modell dienten die einseitige komplette mediale Meniskektomie des Kaninchens mittels Arthrotomie bzw. die vordere Kreuzbanddurchtrennung. Jeweils zu den Zeitpunkten 2, 4, 8 und 12 Wochen nach der Operation wurden im jeweiligen Tiermodell je 8 Kaninchen untersucht. Der makroskopische Befund der operierten und nichtoperierten Seite wurde mittels modifizierter Outerbridge-Skala und mittels des Lokalisationsschemas der International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) erhoben. Mikroskopisch wurde jeweils der Gelenkknorpel in der HĂ€matoxylin-Eosin- und der Safranin O-FĂ€rbung untersucht. In der SynovialflĂŒssigkeit der Kniegelenke der operierten und kontralateralen Seite wurde COMP mittels Enzymimmunoassay bestimmt. Zudem wurden Serumanalysen mittels Enzymimmunoassay vorgenommen. Die statistische Analyse erfolgte mittels Wilcoxon-Test (SPSS, Chicago, Ill). Die Tierversuche waren von der Ethikommission der UniversitĂ€t und vom RegierungsprĂ€sidium genehmigt. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen: Die operierten Kniegelenke hatten zu allen Zeitpunkten nach kompletter medialer Meniskektomie und nach vorderer Kreuzbanddurchtrennung erhöhte Scorewerte im Vergleich mit der nichtoperierten Seite. Auch histologisch waren erhöhte Scores in beiden Tiermodellen nachweisbar. Bei Vergleich der operierten mit der kontralateralen, nichtoperierten Seite wurde nach der kompletten medialen Meniskektomie 2 Wochen nach der Operation COMP im operierten Kniegelenk signifikant erhöht gemessen. Im vordere Kreuzbanddurchtrennungsmodell war COMP zu allen Zeitpunkten erhöht. Allerdings war COMP im Serum in keinem der beiden Modelle im Verlauf signifikant erhöht. Mit den Untersuchungen wurde gezeigt, dass Cartilage Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein beim Kaninchen sowohl in der SynovialflĂŒssigkeit wie im Serum nachweisbar ist. Diese beiden Tiermodelle sind gut geeignet, Aspekte des Krankheitsprozesses zu imitieren. Die Bestimmung von COMP zur Verlaufsbeurteilung wĂ€hrend des osteoarthritischen Prozesses erscheint in mindestens einem der beiden Kaninchenmodelle geeignet. Die speziell auch beim Einsatz am Menschen vorzuziehende Form der Bestimmung im Serum gab allerdings keine Werte, die fĂŒr die Verlaufsbeurteilung hilfreich sind. Die Ergebnisse haben eine klare Relevanz fĂŒr die Erforschung beim Menschen

    The impact of vasomotion on analysis of rodent fMRI data

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    IntroductionSmall animal fMRI is an essential part of translational research in the cognitive neurosciences. Due to small dimensions and animal physiology preclinical fMRI is prone to artifacts that may lead to misinterpretation of the data. To reach unbiased translational conclusions, it is, therefore, crucial to identify potential sources of experimental noise and to develop correction methods for contributions that cannot be avoided such as physiological noise. Aim of this study was to assess origin and prevalence of hemodynamic oscillations (HDO) in preclinical fMRI in rat, as well as their impact on data analysis.MethodsFollowing the development of algorithms for HDO detection and suppression, HDO prevalence in fMRI measurements was investigated for different anesthetic regimens, comprising isoflurane and medetomidine, and for both gradient echo and spin echo fMRI sequences. In addition to assessing the effect of vasodilation on HDO, it was studied if HDO have a direct neuronal correlate using local field potential (LFP) recordings. Finally, the impact of HDO on analysis of fMRI data was assessed, studying both the impact on calculation of activation maps as well as the impact on brain network analysis. Overall, 303 fMRI measurements and 32 LFP recordings were performed in 71 rats.ResultsIn total, 62% of the fMRI measurements showed HDO with a frequency of (0.20 ± 0.02) Hz. This frequent occurrence indicated that HDO cannot be generally neglected in fMRI experiments. Using the developed algorithms, HDO were detected with a specificity of 95%, and removed efficiently from the signal time courses. HDO occurred brain-wide under vasoconstrictive conditions in both small and large blood vessels. Vasodilation immediately interrupted HDO, which, however, returned within 1 h under vasoconstrictive conditions. No direct neuronal correlate of HDO was observed in LFP recordings. HDO significantly impacted analysis of fMRI data, leading to altered cluster sizes and F-values for activated voxels, as well as altered brain networks, when comparing data with and without HDO.DiscussionWe therefore conclude that HDO are caused by vasomotion under certain anesthetic conditions and should be corrected during fMRI data analysis to avoid bias

    Functional MRI Readouts From BOLD and Diffusion Measurements Differentially Respond to Optogenetic Activation and Tissue Heating

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    Functional blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD) MRI provides a brain-wide readout that depends on the hemodynamic response to neuronal activity. Diffusion fMRI has been proposed as an alternative to BOLD fMRI and has been postulated to directly rely on neuronal activity. These complementary functional readouts are versatile tools to be combined with optogenetic stimulation to investigate networks of the brain. The cell-specificity and temporal precision of optogenetic manipulations promise to enable further investigation of the origin of fMRI signals. The signal characteristics of the diffusion fMRI readout vice versa may better resolve network effects of optogenetic stimulation. However, the light application needed for optogenetic stimulation is accompanied by heat deposition within the tissue. As both diffusion and BOLD are sensitive to temperature changes, light application can lead to apparent activations confounding the interpretation of fMRI data. The degree of tissue heating, the appearance of apparent activation in different fMRI sequences and the origin of these phenomena are not well understood. Here, we disentangled apparent activations in BOLD and diffusion measurements in rats from physiological activation upon sensory or optogenetic stimulation. Both, BOLD and diffusion fMRI revealed similar signal shapes upon sensory stimulation that differed clearly from those upon heating. Apparent activations induced by high-intensity light application were dominated by T2∗-effects and resulted in mainly negative signal changes. We estimated that even low-intensity light application used for optogenetic stimulation reduces the BOLD response close to the fiber by up to 0.4%. The diffusion fMRI signal contained T2, T2∗ and diffusion components. The apparent diffusion coefficient, which reflects the isolated diffusion component, showed negative changes upon both optogenetic and electric forepaw stimulation. In contrast, positive changes were detected upon high-intensity light application and thus ruled out heating as a major contributor to the diffusion fMRI signal

    Biochemisches Monitoring nach Meniskektomie

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    Fragestellung Die SchĂ€digung des Kollagennetzwerks ist ein frĂŒhes Ereignis der Arthrose (OA). Wir untersuchten ein Kollagen Typ II -Neoepitop (CTX) in der SynovialflĂŒssigkeit (SF) nach kompletter medialer Meniskektomie (ME). Methoden 32 NZW-Kaninchen hatten eine ME des rechten Kniegelenks. Kontrolle: 11 shamoperierte, 8 unoperierte Kaninchen. Die ME-Kaninchen wurden nach 2 (n = 8), 4 (n = 8) , 8 (n = 8) und 12 (n = 8) Wochen getötet, SF-lavagen beider Kniegelenke durchgefĂŒhrt. Der ELISA misst ein Kollagen Typ II - Neoepitop, das nach Spaltung der C-telopeptide cross-linking Domaine entsteht. Makroskopisch: Grading beider Kniegelenke mit einem 9 Felder-Schema: EinzelflĂ€chen und Gesamtsummen von Tibia, Femur (jeweils medial und lateral) und Patella Histologisch: Grading mit H&E und Safranin O Schnitten (u.a. Proteoglykangehalt, Matrixstruktur, ZellularitĂ€t, Tidemark und Osteophyten) Statistik: Wilcoxon - und Mann - Whitney U Test. Ergebnisse Makroskopisch: signifikante VerĂ€nderungen von medialer Tibia und Femur ab 2 Wochen nach ME, im Vergleich mit Gegenseite und mit nichtoperierten Kaninchen. Histologisch: beginnende OA zu allen Zeitpunkten. ME Knie: CTX Werte in der SF deutlich erhöht, zum kontralateralen Knie fĂŒr 2, 4, 8 und 12 Wochen signifikant. Nichtoperierte Tiere: keine Unterschiede linkes vs. rechtes Knie, im Vergleich zur ME zu allen Zeitpunkten signifikant niedriger. Schlussfolgerungen Knorpelmarker sind Parameter der OA. Die Metalloproteinasen 1, 8 und 13 erzeugen ein Kollagen Typ II - Neoepitop, das zum Monitoring der arthrotischen VerĂ€nderungen geeignet erscheint

    Engineered SPIONs functionalized with endothelin a receptor antagonist ameliorate liver fibrosis by inhibiting hepatic stellate cell activation

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    Endothelin-1/endothelin A receptor (ET-1/ETAR) pathway plays an important role in the progression of liver fibrosis by activating hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) - a key cell type involved in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis. Inactivating HSCs by blocking the ET-1/ETAR pathway using a selective ETAR antagonist (ERA) represents a promising therapeutic approach for liver fibrosis. Unfortunately, small-molecule ERAs possess limited clinical potential due to poor bioavailability, short half-life, and rapid renal clearance. To improve the clinical applicability, we conjugated ERA to superparamagnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) and investigated the therapeutic efficacy of ERA and ERA-SPIONs in vitro and in vivo and analyzed liver uptake by in vivo and ex vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), HSCs-specific localization, and ET-1/ETAR-pathway antagonism in vivo. In murine and human liver fibrosis/cirrhosis, we observed overexpression of ET-1 and ETAR that correlated with HSC activation, and HSC-specific localization of ETAR. ERA and successfully synthesized ERA-SPIONs demonstrated significant attenuation in TGFÎČ-induced HSC activation, ECM production, migration, and contractility. In an acute CCl4-induced liver fibrosis mouse model, ERA-SPIONs exhibited higher liver uptake, HSC-specific localization, and ET-1/ETAR pathway antagonism. This resulted in significantly reduced liver-to-body weight ratio, plasma ALT levels, and α-SMA and collagen-I expression, indicating attenuation of liver fibrosis. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that the delivery of ERA using SPIONs enhances the therapeutic efficacy of ERA in vivo. This approach holds promise as a theranostic strategy for the MRI-based diagnosis and treatment of liver fibrosis.</p

    Ein Vergleich zweier Arthrosemodelle : komplette mediale Meniskektomie und vordere Kreuzbanddurchtrennung in den FrĂŒhstadien

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    Fragestellung Vergleichende Untersuchung zweier Arthrosemodelle: komplette mediale Meniskektomie und vordere Kreuzbanddurchtrennung des Kaninchens zu frĂŒhen Zeitpunkten. Methoden 4 verschiedene Gruppen von mĂ€nnlichen erwachsenen NZW Kaninchen wurden untersucht: einseitige komplette mediale Meniskektomie (ME;n=32), einseitige vordere Kreuzbanddurchtrennung (ACLT;n=32),als Kontrollgruppen die einseitige Gelenkeröffnung (sham-OP;n=32) und unoperierte Kontrollen (n=40).Standardisiert erfolgte die mediale Arthrotomie.Die Kaninchen wurden in der vom RegierungsprĂ€sidium genehmigten Studie nach 2, 4, 8 und 12 Wochen getötet. Der makroskopische Befund des rechten und linken Kniegelenks wurde mittels eines 9 - Felderschemas (International Cartilage Repair Society, 1998) fĂŒr Femur, Tibia und Patella beurteilt. Weitere Parameter wie Gelenkerguss (Punktion),Osteophytenbildung, Meniskusregenerat bzw. –verletzungen wurden im Zeitverlauf dokumentiert.Die Befunde wurden mit Wilcoxon und Mann-Whitney-U-Test bewertet. 4 &#956;m Schnitte der rechten und linken Tibien wurden mit H&E und Safranin O gefĂ€rbt,das histologische Grading erfolgte mit einem modifizierten Mankin Score, die statistische Beurteilung mit Wilcoxon und Mann-Whitney-U-Test. Immunhistochemisch wurden Proteoglykan- und Kollagentypen sowie kleine Knorpelstrukturproteine im Knorpel und Osteophyten untersucht. Ergebnisse Die 136 Tiere hatten einen unauffĂ€lligen postoperativen Verlauf. Makroskopisch zeigten die medialen Tibien und medialen Femuren bereits 2 Wochen nach ME eine statistisch signifikante Arthrose (intraindividuelle kontralaterale Kontrolle und im Vergleich zu den nichtoperierten Kontrollen).2 Wochen nach ACLT war nur der mediale Femur signifikant verĂ€ndert. Die LĂ€sionsgrösse und die Anzahl betroffener Areale nahmen mit der Zeit zu. 12 Wochen nach ACLT bestanden medial wie lateral auf Tibia und Femur statistisch signifikante LĂ€sionen, nach ME waren die LĂ€sionen im medialen Kompartment. Beispielhaft fĂŒr weitere Ergebnisse:ein signifikantes Meniskusregenerat wurde in 15 / 32 FĂ€llen ohne zeitabhĂ€ngige Grössenzunahme zu den „spĂ€ten“ Zeitpunkten nachgewiesen. Mikroskopisch waren die arthrotischen VerĂ€nderungen ebenfalls bereits nach 2 Wochen nachweisbar,ein signifikantes Fortschreiten der Arthrose wurde mikroskopisch nicht nachgewiesen.Die LĂ€sionen waren(geplantermassen) oft frĂŒhe LĂ€sionen. Schlussfolgerungen Bisher war nicht dokumentiert,dass frĂŒhzeitig nach bereits 2 Wochen eine makroskopisch deutliche GelenkknorpelverĂ€nderung im Kaninchenmodell sowohl der kompletten medialen ME als auch der ACLT einsetzt. Die Untersuchung erlaubte ein genaues Mapping der arthrotischen Areale im zeitlichen Verlauf.Viele Aspekte des postoperativen Verlaufs (z.B. Gelenkerguss, Meniskusregenerat, zusĂ€tzliche Meniskusrisse) konnten detailliert dokumentiert werden. Die immunhistochemischen Untersuchungen geben Hinweise fĂŒr den gezielten Einsatz von Knorpelmarkern.Die erhobenen Parameter erlauben den differenzierten Einsatz beider Modelle

    Myelination- and immune-mediated MR-based brain network correlates

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    Background Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS), characterized by inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes. Despite demyelination being a hallmark of the disease, how it relates to neurodegeneration has still not been completely unraveled, and research is still ongoing into how these processes can be tracked non-invasively. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) derived brain network characteristics, which closely mirror disease processes and relate to functional impairment, recently became important variables for characterizing immune-mediated neurodegeneration; however, their histopathological basis remains unclear. Methods In order to determine the MRI-derived correlates of myelin dynamics and to test if brain network characteristics derived from diffusion tensor imaging reflect microstructural tissue reorganization, we took advantage of the cuprizone model of general demyelination in mice and performed longitudinal histological and imaging analyses with behavioral tests. By introducing cuprizone into the diet, we induced targeted and consistent demyelination of oligodendrocytes, over a period of 5 weeks. Subsequent myelin synthesis was enabled by reintroduction of normal food. Results Using specific immune-histological markers, we demonstrated that 2 weeks of cuprizone diet induced a 52% reduction of myelin content in the corpus callosum (CC) and a 35% reduction in the neocortex. An extended cuprizone diet increased myelin loss in the CC, while remyelination commenced in the neocortex. These histologically determined dynamics were reflected by MRI measurements from diffusion tensor imaging. Demyelination was associated with decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) values and increased modularity and clustering at the network level. MRI-derived modularization of the brain network and FA reduction in key anatomical regions, including the hippocampus, thalamus, and analyzed cortical areas, were closely related to impaired memory function and anxiety-like behavior. Conclusion Network-specific remyelination, shown by histology and MRI metrics, determined amelioration of functional performance and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Taken together, we illustrate the histological basis for the MRI-driven network responses to demyelination, where increased modularity leads to evolving damage and abnormal behavior in MS. Quantitative information about in vivo myelination processes is mirrored by diffusion-based imaging of microstructural integrity and network characteristics

    Mechanistic interrogation of combination Bevacizumab/dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor response in Glioblastoma implementing novel MR and PET imaging biomarkers.

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    Purpose: Resistance to bevacizumab (BEV) in glioblastoma (GBM) is believed to occur via activation of molecular networks including the mTOR/PI3K pathway. Implementing an MRI/PET molecular imaging biomarker approach, we sought to interrogate response to combining BEV with the mTOR/PI3K inhibitor BEZ235. Methods: Tumors were established by orthotopically implanting U87MG-luc2 in mice. Animals were treated with BEZ235 and/or BEV, and imaged using diffusion weighted-MRI, T2 weighted (T2w), and T2* weighted (T2*w) before and following delivery of superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) contrast. Maps for changes in relaxation rates: ΔR2, ΔR2* and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) were calculated. Vessel Size Index (VSI) and micro vessel density index (MDI) were derived. 3®-deoxy-3®-[18F]fluorothymidine ([18F]FLT)- and O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine ([18F]FET) PET was further performed and tumor endothelium/proliferation markers assessed by immunohistochemistry. Results: Treatment with BEV resulted in a pronounced decrease in tumor volume (T2w MRI). No additive effect on tumour volume was observed in BEV/BEZ235 combination compared with BEV monotherapy. Ki67 proliferation index staining and [18F]FLT uptake studies were used to support observations. Using ΔR2* and ΔR2 values respectively, BEZ235 + BEV combination significantly reduced tumor microvessel volume in comparison to BEV alone. Decreased MDI was further observed in the combination group; supported by von Willebrand Factor (vWF) immunohistochemistry. We observed decreased [18F]FET uptake following BEV, but failed to observe further reduced [18F]FET uptake in the combination cohort. vWF IHC analysis showed mean tumor vessel size increased in all cohorts. Conclusions: Assessing MR imaging biomarker parameters together with [18F]FET and [18F]FLT PET, informed drug combination mechanism of action and provided clues as to potential clinical response. Translation of a BEZ35/BEV combination regimen could support reduction of peritumoral edemaobviating the requirement for steroids. Implementing hypothesis driven molecular imaging studies facilitates the interrogation of drug response in the pre-clinic. These data may more accurately predict the clinical potential of novel therapeutic approaches in oncology

    Thymidine Metabolism as Confounding Factor of 3'-Deoxy-3'-[18F]Fluorothymidine Uptake after Therapy in a Colorectal Cancer Model.

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    Non-invasive monitoring of tumor therapy response helps in developing personalized treatment strategies. Here, we performed sequential positron emission tomography (PET) and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) to evaluate changes induced by a FOLFOX-like combination chemotherapy in colorectal cancer (CRC) xenografts, to identify the cellular and molecular determinants of these imaging biomarkers. Methods: Tumor bearing CD1 nude mice, engrafted with FOLFOX-sensitive Colo205 CRC xenografts, were treated with FOLFOX (5 fluorouracil, leucovorin and oxaliplatin) in weekly intervals. On d1, d2, d6, d9 and d13 of therapy, tumors were assessed by in vivo imaging and ex vivo analyses. In addition, HCT116 xenografts, which did not respond to the FOLFOX treatment, were imaged on d1 of therapy. Results: In Colo205 xenografts, FOLFOX induced a profound increase in uptake of the proliferation PET tracer 3'-deoxy-3'-[18F]fluorothymidine ([18F]FLT), which was accompanied by increases in markers for proliferation (Ki67, TK1) and for activated DNA damage response (DDR; ÎłH2AX), whereas the effect on cell death was minimal. As tracer uptake was unaltered in the HCT116 model, these changes appear to be specific for tumor response. Conclusion: We demonstrate that [18F]FLT PET can non-invasively monitor molecular alterations induced by a cancer treatment, including thymidine metabolism and DDR. The cellular or imaging changes may not, however, be directly related to therapy response as assessed by volumetric measurements