16 research outputs found

    Spatial ecology of adult muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) in the urban Ottawa reach of the historic Rideau Canal, Canada

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    The Rideau Canal in Canada was constructed in the 1800s to enable strategic military and commercial transport in eastern Ontario between Lake Ontario and the Ottawa River. Today, the Rideau Canal is managed by Parks Canada and remains an engineered ecosystem, particularly in the urban Ottawa reach (7 km long) where it is largely channelized and is partially drained during the winter to protect canal infrastructure (i.e., locks) and provide recreational opportunities (i.e., skating). Interestingly, the Ottawa reach of the Rideau Canal supports one of the few wild urban muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) fisheries in North America supported by natural reproduction. However, little is known about the spatial ecology, residency patterns or survival of this apex freshwater predator in urban environments or canal systems. Radio-telemetry was used to study adult (N = 10; total size range of 64 to 122 cm) muskellunge in the Ottawa reach of the Rideau Canal over a multiple year period. The seasonal movements and home range of muskellunge were greatest during spring corresponding with the period when water levels in the canal were raised and muskellunge were presumably seeking out suitable spawning habitats following ice-off. During the summer fish ranged throughout the entire 7 km urban reach of the canal and by early fall muskellunge moved to the deeper parts of the reach and became largely restricted to an embayment known as Dow’s Lake prior to the lowering of the canal where they stayed for the entire winter. The same pattern of seasonal movements persisted across several years. None of the tagged muskellunge were stranded from the fall canal drainage. One fish emigrated from the urban reach of the canal during the study period, moving upstream through a lock to an exurban reach. In addition, a single tagged fish died from a winterkill event. Environmental influences such as seasonality and water depth (associated with canal operations) are believed to be the primary mechanisms contributing to habitat selection and movement patterns of muskellunge in this reach of the Rideau Canal. Data on the spatial ecology of muskellunge in the urban reaches of the Rideau Canal will inform management of this unique population of fish to ensure that the historic and ecological values are balanced to preserve this iconic Canadian natural heritage site and its biota."The authors would like to thank the Ottawa Chapter of Muskies Canada for the funding and field assistance provided during this study."https://www.alr-journal.org/articles/alr/abs/2010/02/alr012-10/alr012-10.htm

    The attractiveness of pop art in marketing based on the works of Andy Warhol. A case study of the project by Andy Warhol for Absolut.

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    Celem pracy było wykazanie na przykładzie pop-artu relacji pomiędzy sztuką a marketingiem oraz wynikających z nich korzyści. Zjawiska pochodzące zarówno ze świata kultury (zwłaszcza istotne okazało się być rozróżnienie pomiędzy kulturą popularną i masową), jak i marketingu (reklama, 4P). Przedmiot badań to współpraca Andy’ego Warhola z firmą „Absolut”, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem projektu opakowania oraz butelki wykonanej przez artystę dla tej firmy. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły tezę, iż kultura popularna stanowi istotne źródło inspiracji dla marketingu.The aim of the study was to show the relationship between art and marketing at example of pop art and the benefits of this cooperation. Phenomena are from the different scientific area - world of culture (especially important turned out to be a distinction between popular culture and mass) and marketing (advertising, 4P). The subject of research is a collaboration of Andy Warhol with „Absolut” with special emphasis on project packaging and bottles made by the artist for this company. The results confirmed the thesis that popular culture is an important source of inspiration for marketing

    An integrative treatment for reducing test anxiety and improving academic self-esteem in learning disabled students

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    Test anxiety can be debilitating to test performance, thus the abilities of test anxious individuals may not be measured accurately. This study examined the efficacy of relaxation training, guided imagery, positive self-talk, and study skills training on anxiety reduction and academic self - esteem in test-anxious , learning disabled high school and college students. A randomized treatment control group design with pretest and post-test measures was used to assess the efficacy of treatment. Participants in the treatment group showed a greater reduction in test anxiety, and improvements in academic self-esteem from pretest to post-test relative to participants in the control group. Implications of the results are discussed

    An integrative treatment for reducing test anxiety and improving academic self-esteem in learning disabled students

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    Test anxiety can be debilitating to test performance, thus the abilities of test anxious individuals may not be measured accurately. This study examined the efficacy of relaxation training, guided imagery, positive self-talk, and study skills training on anxiety reduction and academic self - esteem in test-anxious , learning disabled high school and college students. A randomized treatment control group design with pretest and post-test measures was used to assess the efficacy of treatment. Participants in the treatment group showed a greater reduction in test anxiety, and improvements in academic self-esteem from pretest to post-test relative to participants in the control group. Implications of the results are discussed

    Spatial ecology of adult muskellunge (

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    The Rideau Canal in Canada was constructed in the 1800s to enable strategic military and commercial transport in eastern Ontario between Lake Ontario and the Ottawa River. Today, the Rideau Canal is managed by Parks Canada and remains an engineered ecosystem, particularly in the urban Ottawa reach (7 km long) where it is largely channelized and is partially drained during the winter to protect canal infrastructure (i.e., locks) and provide recreational opportunities (i.e., skating). Interestingly, the Ottawa reach of the Rideau Canal supports one of the few wild urban muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) fisheries in North America supported by natural reproduction. However, little is known about the spatial ecology, residency patterns or survival of this apex freshwater predator in urban environments or canal systems. Radio-telemetry was used to study adult (N = 10; total size range of 64 to 122 cm) muskellunge in the Ottawa reach of the Rideau Canal over a multiple year period. The seasonal movements and home range of muskellunge were greatest during spring corresponding with the period when water levels in the canal were raised and muskellunge were presumably seeking out suitable spawning habitats following ice-off. During the summer fish ranged throughout the entire 7 km urban reach of the canal and by early fall muskellunge moved to the deeper parts of the reach and became largely restricted to an embayment known as Dow’s Lake prior to the lowering of the canal where they stayed for the entire winter. The same pattern of seasonal movements persisted across several years. None of the tagged muskellunge were stranded from the fall canal drainage. One fish emigrated from the urban reach of the canal during the study period, moving upstream through a lock to an exurban reach. In addition, a single tagged fish died from a winterkill event. Environmental influences such as seasonality and water depth (associated with canal operations) are believed to be the primary mechanisms contributing to habitat selection and movement patterns of muskellunge in this reach of the Rideau Canal. Data on the spatial ecology of muskellunge in the urban reaches of the Rideau Canal will inform management of this unique population of fish to ensure that the historic and ecological values are balanced to preserve this iconic Canadian natural heritage site and its biota