21 research outputs found

    Partizipations- und Demokratiestrukturen im Frauenverband

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    Partizipation und Demokratie in katholischen Frauenverbänden sind ein Ertrag des Kampfes sozialer,  nichtchristlicher Frauenbewegungen, die im 19./20. Jahrhundert das Recht auf Selbstbestimmung erstritten. Innerkirchlich brachte das II. Vatikanische Konzil eine starke Motivation: Die Frage nach der Stellung und der wĂĽrde von Laien wurde als Chance wahrgenommen, die Frauenperspektive zu thematisieren. Instrumente der Beteiligung an Diskursen, des Austausches untereinander sowie des EinĂĽbens in partizipatives und demokratisches Miteinander wurden von Beginn an bis heute intensiv genutzt. Ein wesentliches Ziel ist jedoch nicht erreicht: die gleichberechtigte Partizipation von Frauen in allen Bereichen der Kirche, auch in jenen, die die Weihe erforderlich machen. Participation in and the democratic structure of Catholic women's associations are the result of the struggle by social, non-Christian women's movements in the 19th/20th centuries for the right to selfdetermination. Within the Church, the Second Vatican Council contributed a strong motivation: The question of the position and dignity of laypeople was pursued as an opportunity to address the perspective of women. Instruments of participation in discourses, internal exchanges, and experience in participatory and democratic coexistence were intensively used from the beginning to this day. However, one essential goal has yet to be achieved: the equal participation of women in all areas of the Church, including those that require consecration

    FuĂźballroboter mit Lego-Mindstorms

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    In diesem Paper geht es um die Entwicklung und Konstruktion eines Fußballroboters mit Lego-Mindstorms und MATLAB. Dieser soll beliebig mit einem Ball in einem Spielfeld platziert werden und dann selbstst¨andig den Ball suchen und ein Tor erzielen. Dazu muss das Bild einer Webcam, die das Spielfeld erfasst, ausgewertet werden. Die Orientierung mit Hilfe von Punkten auf Roboter und Spielfeld und auch der Aufbau des Roboters wird dargestellt, wobei insbesondere derGreifmechanismus betrachtet wird

    DĂ©veloppement d'un Serious Game en parodontologie : Bacterkill

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    Médecine. Chirurgie dentaireRésumé : Les Serious Games (jeux sérieux) sont des jeux vidéos proposant des expériences à la fois ludiques et éducatives. Ce type de jeu nécessite le développement d’un outil pédagogique adapté. L’étude des différentes théories traitant de la pédagogie nous a permis de définir les objectifs de notre Serious Game. Ce jeu se veut ludique dans l’apprentissage de la flore bactérienne parodontale à l’origine de différentes situations cliniques. Il permet d’étudier ou de revoir la physiopathologie parodontale (épidémiologie, description du biofilm et des complexes bactériens). Nous avons également décrit les 7 espèces bactériennes les plus étudiées, celles ayant un rôle à jouer dans le développement ou le maintien de l’état pathologique. Les connaître permet de savoir avec quelles pathologies elles sont le plus souvent associées, ce qui va conditionner la thérapeutique à appliquer selon la situation clinique. Le succès du traitement parodontal (chirurgical et non chirurgical) va dépendre en grande partie du contrôle de ces espèces. Des quizz sont présents dans le jeu afin de permettre l’auto-évaluation des visiteurs. La vocation de ce Serious Game est de rendre attrayant l’apprentissage par l’interactivité.Summary : Serious Games are video games offering experiences both funs and educatives.This type of game requires the development of an appropriate educational tool. The study of the different learning theories has allowed us to define the objectives of our Serious Game. This game need to be fun during the learning of the bacterial flora, wich leads to different clinical periodontal situations. It allows to study or learn again the periodontal physiopathology (epidemiology, biofilm's description and bacterial complexes). We have also describe 7 bacterial species that are very famous owing to the fact that they play a role in the development or the support of the disease.If we know them, we can learn with which pathology they are often associated. It will determine the treatment needed. The success of periodontal treatment (surgical and non-surgical) will depend of the control of these species. Quiz games are present. They enable the self-evaluation of the player. The purpose of this Serious Game is to make learning attractive thanks to interactivity

    New and Efficient Synthesis of Pyrrolo[3,2- b

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    Expanding the genetic toolbox for Neisseria meningitidis with efficient tools for unmarked gene editing, complementation, and labeling

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    International audienceABSTRACT The efficient natural transformation of Neisseria meningitidis allows the rapid construction of bacterial mutants in which the genes of interest are interrupted or replaced by antibiotic-resistance cassettes. However, this proved to be a double-edged sword, i.e., although facilitating the genetic characterization of this important human pathogen, it has limited the development of strategies for constructing markerless mutants without antibiotic-resistance markers. In addition, efficient tools for complementation or labeling are also lacking in N. meningitidis . In this study, we significantly expand the meningococcal genetic toolbox by developing new and efficient tools for the construction of markerless mutants (using a dual counterselection strategy), genetic complementation (using integrative vectors), and cell labeling (using a self-labeling protein tag). This expanded toolbox paves the way for more in-depth genetic characterization of N. meningitidis and might also be useful in other Neisseria species. IMPORTANCE Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae are two important human pathogens. Research focusing on these bacteria requires genetic engineering, which is facilitated by their natural ability to undergo transformation. However, the ease of mutant engineering has led the Neisseria community to neglect the development of more sophisticated tools for gene editing, particularly for N. meningitidis . In this study, we have significantly expanded the meningococcal genetic toolbox by developing novel and efficient tools for markerless mutant construction, genetic complementation, and cell tagging. This expanded toolbox paves the way for more in-depth genetic characterization of N. meningitidis and might also be useful in other Neisseria species