261 research outputs found

    Mobilitet i mindre og mellemstore kommuner

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    Mobilitetsstrategier, mobilitetsplaner eller Trafik- og mobilitetsplaner er ord, som de seneste år har vundet frem i både danske og udenlandske kommuner. I Danmark har vi oftest hørt om hvordan der arbejdes med begreberne igennem store projekter, som Formel M og i de største kommuner. Men hvordan arbejdes der med mobilitet, når det primære transportmiddel er privatbilen og alternativerne i den kollektiv trafik er på et minimum? Eller hvordan skabes der en bred opbakning i alle forvaltninger om at se nyt og anderledes på transport i kommunen? I flere af de mindre og mellemstore kommuner er der et ønske om at arbejde med mobilitet, men i en kontekst som giver mening for den udvikling og de visioner som de arbejder med, hvilken oftest er forskellig fra mulighederne i de store byer. Samtidig er der stor forskel på hvordan man ser på mobilitet. Overordnet set handler det for alle kommuner om at skabe de bedst mulige betingelser for borgere og erhvervsliv. I de store byer er der stor fokus på grøn mobilitet, hvor visionerne er at flytte så mange som muligt fra bilen over i den kollektive trafik eller på cykel. I de mellemstore og mindre kommuner er mobilitet at skabe de bedste betingelser for at kunne bevæge sig rundt til de daglige gøremål. Mange mindre kommuner lever af at der er god tilgængelighed til vejnettet og tror ikke så meget på at cyklen kan løse deres udfordringer. Dette ofte fordi de fleste af turene er lange pendlerture og fordi det blot er meget lettere at benytte bilen. I store dele af disse kommuner vil det mere dreje sig om hvorledes det er muligt at sammen tænke og koble de forskellige håndtag der findes og der er råd til. En anden vigtig del, som der er arbejdet med, er at skabe samarbejde på tværs. At få alle forvaltninger til at forstå, hvad mobilitet betyder for deres kerneområde. Mobilitetsplaner tager udgangspunkt i borgernes behov. Hvilke mennesker skal de transportere? Kan de transportere sig selv eller er de afhængige af kommunal kørsel. Oplægget vil handle om, hvordan mobilitet forstås alt efter hvilken kommune der ser på det, hvordan opgaven er grebet an og hvad der har initieret opgaven og processen med den, som udgangspunkt for en drøftelse/debat om hvordan vi behandler begrebet mobilitet i forskellige kontekster. I det følgende beskrives 4 forskellige eksempler på kommuners arbejde med mobilitet

    An Overview and Critique of NCAA Policy Regarding the Use of Sport Psychology Consultants at the Division I Level

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    Over the past 20 years the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division-I (NCAA) has restricted the activities of sport psychology consultants (SPCs) working with student-athletes, particularly at the Division I (D-I) level. In some cases, the restrictions have been based on the assumption that what SPCs do is actually “coaching.” Thus, if SPCs are permitted to interact with student-athletes during practices and competitions they must be considered as “countable” coaches. In this paper, we briefly discuss the history of NCAA rules governing the activities of SPCs, provide excerpts from the sport psychology literature and the NCAA D-I Manual that illustrate how the specialized work of SPCs is different from that of coaches, suggest reasons why allowing student-athletes and coaches access to SPCs during practices and competitions would be beneficial to both groups, and propose ways NCAA legislation might be amended to allow SPCs to work with student-athletes in a manner similar to the ways other athletic department support personnel (e.g., athletic trainers and strength and conditioning coaches) are permitted to do

    Transport i klimaplanen

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    Mange kommuner oplever, at det kan være vanskeligt at gøre noget ved CO2 udslip fra trans- port fordi den i høj grad afhænger af individbaseret adfærd og fordi vi også ønsker høj grad af mobilitet i samfundet. Mange af de virkemidler, der har været kendt og anvendt gennem mange år indenfor trafik- og miljøplanlægning, har imidlertid også en positiv effekt på CO2-udledningen, men CO2-effekten af de enkelte virkemidler har kun i meget lille omfang været direkte dokumenterede. Derfor har der været behov for at indsamle viden om dokumenterede erfaringer med virkemidlers effekt på CO2-udledningen, for at kvalificere forslag til virkemidler og vurderingen af virkemidlers potentiale

    Structure and mechanism of the RNA dependent RNase Cas13a from Rhodobacter capsulatus

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    Cas13a are single-molecule effectors of the Class II, Type VI family of CRISPR-Cas systems that are part of the bacterial and archaeal defense systems. These RNA-guided and RNA-activated RNA endonucleases are characterized by their ability to cleave target RNAs complementary to the crRNA-spacer sequence, as well as bystander RNAs in a sequence-unspecific manner. Due to cleavage of cellular transcripts they induce dormancy in the host cell and thus protect the bacterial population by aborting the infectious cycle of RNA-phages. Here we report the structural and functional characterization of a Cas13a enzyme from the photo-auxotrophic purple bacteria Rhodobacter capsulatus. The X-ray crystal structure of the RcCas13a-crRNA complex reveals its distinct crRNA recognition mode as well as the enzyme in its contracted, pre-activation conformation. Using site-directed mutagenesis in combination with mass spectrometry, we identified key residues responsible for pre-crRNA processing by RcCas13a in its distinct catalytic site, and elucidated the acid-base mediated cleavage reaction mechanism. In addition, RcCas13a cleaves target-RNA as well as bystander-RNAs in Escherichia coli which requires its catalytic active HEPN (higher eukaryotes and prokaryotes nucleotide binding) domain nuclease activity. Our data provide further insights into the molecular mechanisms and function of this intriguing family of RNA-dependent RNA endonucleases that are already employed as efficient tools for RNA detection and regulation of gene expression

    Clickable report tags for identification of modified peptides by mass spectrometry

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    The identification and quantification of modified peptides are critical for the functional characterization of post-translational protein modifications (PTMs) to elucidate their biological function. Nowadays, quantitative mass spectrometry coupled with various bioinformatic pipelines has been successfully used for the determination of a wide range of PTMs. However, direct characterization of low abundant protein PTMs in bottom-up proteomic workflow remains challenging. Here, we present the synthesis and evaluation of tandem mass spectrometry tags (TMT) which are introduced via click-chemistry into peptides bearing alkyne handles. The fragmentation properties of the two mass tags were validated and used for screening in a model system and analysis of AMPylated proteins. The presented tags provide a valuable tool for diagnostic peak generation to increase confidence in the identification of modified peptides and potentially for direct peptide-PTM quantification from various experimental conditions

    Warm-up effects in the learning of discrete motor skills

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    Three experiments were conducted to determine the influence of warming-up activities on performance and on learning in two discrete motor tasks. During initial trials on the criterion task, Ss were given various types of warming-up activities having an activity-set that was either the same as or different from the criterion task. Test trials followed in which all groups practiced the criterion task only. No significant differences in performance on the criterion task were found regardless of the appropriateness of the warming-up activity during initial trials. The results suggested that warming-up properties are not a factor in original learning of discrete motor skills.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/22014/1/0000429.pd

    Quality assessment for LCA

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    VakpublicatieInstitute of Environmental Science
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