107 research outputs found

    Measurement of the adhesion between single melamine-formaldehyde resin microparticles and a flat fabric surface using AFM

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    An understanding of the adhesion of microparticles, particularly microcapsules, containing a functional component to a fabric surface is crucial to an effective application of this component to the fibre. Fabric surface is very rough; hence, direct measurement of the adhesion of single microparticles to surfaces with a roughness greater than the particle diameter is difficult. In the study reported here, cotton films were generated by dissolving cotton powder in an organic solvent and their properties including surface roughness, thickness, contact angle and purity were characterised. The adhesive forces between single melamineformaldehyde (MF) resin microparticles and a cotton film under ambient conditions with a relative humidity of above 40% were measured using atomic force microscopy; they are considered to be dominated by capillary forces. It was found that there was little adhesion between a MF microparticle and a cotton film in an aqueous solution of sodium dodecylbenzene sulphonate as surfactant. Repulsion between them was observed, but it reduced with increase in the surfactant concentration and decrease in the pH of the solution. The repulsion contributions are thought to originate mainly from electrostatic repulsion. It is believed that the studies on the adhesion between single MF microparticles and a cotton film under ambient conditions or dispersed in surfactant solutions, are beneficial to the attempts to enhance the adhesion of microcapsules to fabric surfaces via a modification of their surface composition and morphology

    Approaches to study in higher education portuguese students: a portuguese version of the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST)

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    This paper examines the validity of the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students—short version (ASSIST; Tait et al. in Improving student learning: Improving students as learners, 1998), to be used with Portuguese undergraduate students. The ASSIST was administrated to 566 students, in order to analyse a Portuguese version of this inventory. Exploratory factor analysis (principal axis factor analysis followed by direct oblimin rotation) reproduced the three main factors that correspond to the original dimensions of the inventory (deep, surface apathetic and strategic approaches to learning). The results are consistent with the background theory on approaches to learning. Additionally, the reliability analysis revealed acceptable internal consistency indexes for the main scales and subscales. This inventory might represent a valuable research tool for the assessment of approaches to learning among Portuguese higher education students

    Modulations of the Chicken Cecal Microbiome and Metagenome in Response to Anticoccidial and Growth Promoter Treatment

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    With increasing pressures to reduce or eliminate the use of antimicrobials for growth promotion purposes in production animals, there is a growing need to better understand the effects elicited by these agents in order to identify alternative approaches that might be used to maintain animal health. Antibiotic usage at subtherapeutic levels is postulated to confer a number of modulations in the microbes within the gut that ultimately result in growth promotion and reduced occurrence of disease. This study examined the effects of the coccidiostat monensin and the growth promoters virginiamycin and tylosin on the broiler chicken cecal microbiome and metagenome. Using a longitudinal design, cecal contents of commercial chickens were extracted and examined using 16S rRNA and total DNA shotgun metagenomic pyrosequencing. A number of genus-level enrichments and depletions were observed in response to monensin alone, or monensin in combination with virginiamycin or tylosin. Of note, monensin effects included depletions of Roseburia, Lactobacillus and Enterococcus, and enrichments in Coprococcus and Anaerofilum. The most notable effect observed in the monensin/virginiamycin and monensin/tylosin treatments, but not in the monensin-alone treatments, was enrichments in Escherichia coli. Analysis of the metagenomic dataset identified enrichments in transport system genes, type I fimbrial genes, and type IV conjugative secretion system genes. No significant differences were observed with regard to antimicrobial resistance gene counts. Overall, this study provides a more comprehensive glimpse of the chicken cecum microbial community, the modulations of this community in response to growth promoters, and targets for future efforts to mimic these effects using alternative approaches

    The Terebridae and teretoxins: Combining phylogeny and anatomy for concerted discovery of bioactive compounds

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    The Conoidea superfamily, comprised of cone snails, terebrids, and turrids, is an exceptionally promising group for the discovery of natural peptide toxins. The potential of conoidean toxins has been realized with the distribution of the first Conus (cone snail) drug, Prialt (ziconotide), an analgesic used to alleviate chronic pain in HIV and cancer patients. Cone snail toxins (conotoxins) are highly variable, a consequence of a high mutation rate associated to duplication events and positive selection. As Conus and terebrids diverged in the early Paleocene, the toxins from terebrids (teretoxins) may demonstrate highly divergent and unique functionalities. Recent analyses of the Terebridae, a largely distributed family with more than 300 described species, indicate they have evolutionary and pharmacological potential. Based on a three gene (COI, 12S and 16S) molecular phylogeny, including ~50 species from the West-Pacific, five main terebrid lineages were discriminated: two of these lineages independently lost their venom apparatus, and one venomous lineage was previously unknown. Knowing the phylogenetic relationships within the Terebridae aids in effectively targeting divergent lineages with novel peptide toxins. Preliminary results indicate that teretoxins are similar in structure and composition to conotoxins, suggesting teretoxins are an attractive line of research to discover and develop new therapeutics that target ion channels and receptors. Using conotoxins as a guideline, and innovative natural products discovery strategies, such as the Concerted Discovery Strategy, the potential of the Terebridae and their toxins are explored as a pioneering pharmacological resource

    Prune function?

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