528 research outputs found

    Cross-linking of Nitrogenase Components: Structure and Activity of the Covalent Complex

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    The nitrogenase complex from Azotobacter vinelandii is composed of the MoFe protein (Av1), an α_2β_2 tetramer, and the Fe protein (Av2), a γ_2 dimer. During turnover of the enzyme, electrons are transferred from Av2 to Av1 in parallel with the hydrolysis of MgATP. Using the cross-linking reagent, 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide, we have identified some of the properties of the complex between the two components. The cross-linking reaction was highly specific yielding a single apparent M_r = 97,000 protein. The amount of cross-linked product was essentially independent of whether MgATP or MgADP were in the reaction. Also, the amount was maximum at high ratios of Av2 to Av1. The M_r = 97,000 protein was characterized by amino acid analysis and Edman degradation and was found to be consistent with a 1:1 complex of an Av2 γ subunit and an Av1 β subunit (the amino terminal serine subunit). The complex was no longer active in the nitrogenase reaction which supports, but does not prove, the requirement for dissociation of the complex after each electron transferred. Nitrogenase activity and cross-linking were inhibited in an identical way by NaCl, which suggests that electrostatic forces are critical to the formation of the electron transfer complex

    Nickel Antidot Arrays on Anodic Alumina Substrates

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    Large area nickel antidot arrays with density up to 10^10 /cm^2 have been fabricated by depositing nickel onto anodic aluminum oxide membranes that contain lattices of nanopores. Electron microscopy images show a high degree of order of the antidot arrays. Various sizes and shapes of the antidots were observed with increasing thickness of the deposited nickel. New features appear in the antidot arrays in both magnetization and transport measurements when the external magnetic field is parallel to the current direction, including an enhancement and a nonmonotonous field dependence of the magnetoresistance, larger values of the coercive field and remanence moment, and smaller saturation field

    Genetic risk for aortic aneurysm in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    BACKGROUND: Scoliosis is a feature of several genetic disorders that are also associated with aortic aneurysm, including Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome, and type-IV Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Life-threatening complications of aortic aneurysm can be decreased through early diagnosis. Genetic screening for mutations in populations at risk, such as patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, may improve recognition of these disorders. METHODS: The coding regions of five clinically actionable genes associated with scoliosis (COL3A1, FBN1, TGFBR1, TGFBR2, and SMAD3) and aortic aneurysm were sequenced in 343 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis cases. Gene variants that had minor allele frequencies of <0.0001 or were present in human disease mutation databases were identified. Variants were classified as pathogenic, likely pathogenic, or variants of unknown significance. RESULTS: Pathogenic or likely pathogenic mutations were identified in 0.9% (three) of 343 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis cases. Two patients had pathogenic SMAD3 nonsense mutations consistent with type-III Loeys-Dietz syndrome and one patient had a pathogenic FBN1 mutation with subsequent confirmation of Marfan syndrome. Variants of unknown significance in COL3A1 and FBN1 were identified in 5.0% (seventeen) of 343 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis cases. Six FBN1 variants were previously reported in patients with Marfan syndrome, yet were considered variants of unknown significance based on the level of evidence. Variants of unknown significance occurred most frequently in FBN1 and were associated with greater curve severity, systemic features of Marfan syndrome, and joint hypermobility. CONCLUSIONS: Clinically actionable pathogenic mutations in genes associated with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and aortic aneurysm are rare in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis who are not suspected of having these disorders, although variants of unknown significance are relatively common. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Routine genetic screening of all patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis for mutations in clinically actionable aortic aneurysm disease genes is not recommended on the basis of the high frequency of variants of unknown significance. Clinical evaluation and family history should heighten indications for genetic referral and testing

    MOG-IgG in primary and secondary chronic progressive multiple sclerosis: a multicenter study of 200 patients and review of the literature

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    Background: Antibodies to human full-length myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG-IgG) as detected by new-generation cell-based assays have recently been described in patients presenting with acute demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, including patients previously diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). However, only limited data are available on the relevance of MOG-IgG testing in patients with chronic progressive demyelinating disease. It is unclear if patients with primary progressive MS (PPMS) or secondary progressive MS (SPMS) should routinely be tested for MOG-IgG. Objective: To evaluate the frequency of MOG-IgG among patients classified as having PPMS or SPMS based on current diagnostic criteria. Methods: For this purpose, we retrospectively tested serum samples of 200 patients with PPMS or SPMS for MOG-IgG using cell-based assays. In addition, we performed a review of the entire English language literature on MOG-IgG published between 2011 and 2017. Results: None of 139 PPMS and 61 SPMS patients tested was positive for MOG-IgG. Based on a review of the literature, we identified 35 further MOG-IgG tests in patients with PPMS and 55 in patients with SPMS; the only reportedly positive sample was positive just at threshold level and was tested in a non-IgG-specific assay. In total, a single borderline positive result was observed among 290 tests. Conclusion: Our data suggest that MOG-IgG is absent or extremely rare among patients with PPMS or SPMS. Routine screening of patients with typical PPMS/SPMS for MOG-IgG seems not to be justified

    Metabolomics Reveals Metabolic Biomarkers of Crohn's Disease

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    The causes and etiology of Crohn's disease (CD) are currently unknown although both host genetics and environmental factors play a role. Here we used non-targeted metabolic profiling to determine the contribution of metabolites produced by the gut microbiota towards disease status of the host. Ion Cyclotron Resonance Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (ICR-FT/MS) was used to discern the masses of thousands of metabolites in fecal samples collected from 17 identical twin pairs, including healthy individuals and those with CD. Pathways with differentiating metabolites included those involved in the metabolism and or synthesis of amino acids, fatty acids, bile acids and arachidonic acid. Several metabolites were positively or negatively correlated to the disease phenotype and to specific microbes previously characterized in the same samples. Our data reveal novel differentiating metabolites for CD that may provide diagnostic biomarkers and/or monitoring tools as well as insight into potential targets for disease therapy and prevention

    Utilisation of Mucin Glycans by the Human Gut Symbiont Ruminococcus gnavus Is Strain-Dependent

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    Commensal bacteria often have an especially rich source of glycan-degrading enzymes which allow them to utilize undigested carbohydrates from the food or the host. The species Ruminococcus gnavus is present in the digestive tract of ≥90% of humans and has been implicated in gut-related diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Here we analysed the ability of two R. gnavus human strains, E1 and ATCC 29149, to utilize host glycans. We showed that although both strains could assimilate mucin monosaccharides, only R. gnavus ATCC 29149 was able to grow on mucin as a sole carbon source. Comparative genomic analysis of the two R. gnavus strains highlighted potential clusters and glycoside hydrolases (GHs) responsible for the breakdown and utilization of mucin-derived glycans. Transcriptomic and functional activity assays confirmed the importance of specific GH33 sialidase, and GH29 and GH95 fucosidases in the mucin utilisation pathway. Notably, we uncovered a novel pathway by which R. gnavus ATCC 29149 utilises sialic acid from sialylated substrates. Our results also demonstrated the ability of R. gnavus ATCC 29149 to produce propanol and propionate as the end products of metabolism when grown on mucin and fucosylated glycans. These new findings provide molecular insights into the strain-specificity of R. gnavus adaptation to the gut environment advancing our understanding of the role of gut commensals in health and disease

    Host Genes Related to Paneth Cells and Xenobiotic Metabolism Are Associated with Shifts in Human Ileum-Associated Microbial Composition

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    The aim of this study was to integrate human clinical, genotype, mRNA microarray and 16 S rRNA sequence data collected on 84 subjects with ileal Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or control patients without inflammatory bowel diseases in order to interrogate how host-microbial interactions are perturbed in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Ex-vivo ileal mucosal biopsies were collected from the disease unaffected proximal margin of the ileum resected from patients who were undergoing initial intestinal surgery. Both RNA and DNA were extracted from the mucosal biopsy samples. Patients were genotyped for the three major NOD2 variants (Leufs1007, R702W, and G908R) and the ATG16L1T300A variant. Whole human genome mRNA expression profiles were generated using Agilent microarrays. Microbial composition profiles were determined by 454 pyrosequencing of the V3–V5 hypervariable region of the bacterial 16 S rRNA gene. The results of permutation based multivariate analysis of variance and covariance (MANCOVA) support the hypothesis that host mucosal Paneth cell and xenobiotic metabolism genes play an important role in host microbial interactions

    Pyrosequencing-Based Analysis of the Mucosal Microbiota in Healthy Individuals Reveals Ubiquitous Bacterial Groups and Micro-Heterogeneity

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    This study used 16S rRNA-based pyrosequencing to examine the microbial community that is closely associated with the colonic mucosa of five healthy individuals. Spatial heterogeneity in microbiota was measured at right colon, left colon and rectum, and between biopsy duplicates spaced 1 cm apart. The data demonstrate that mucosal-associated microbiota is comprised of Firmicutes (50.9%±21.3%), Bacteroidetes (40.2%±23.8%) and Proteobacteria (8.6%±4.7%), and that interindividual differences were apparent. Among the genera, Bacteroides, Leuconostoc and Weissella were present at high abundance (4.6% to 41.2%) in more than 90% of the studied biopsy samples. Lactococcus, Streptococcus, Acidovorax, Acinetobacter, Blautia, Faecalibacterium, Veillonella, and several unclassified bacterial groups were also ubiquitously present at an abundance <7.0% of total microbial community. With the exception of one individual, the mucosal-associated microbiota was relatively homogeneous along the colon (average 61% Bray-Curtis similarity). However, micro-heterogeneity was observed in biopsy duplicates within defined colonic sites for three of the individuals. A weak but significant Mantel correlation of 0.13 was observed between the abundance of acidomucins and mucosal-associated microbiota (P-value  =  0.04), indicating that the localized biochemical differences may contribute in part to the micro-heterogeneity. This study provided a detailed insight to the baseline mucosal microbiota along the colon, and revealed the existence of micro-heterogeneity within defined colonic sites for certain individuals

    Microbiota of De-Novo Pediatric IBD : Increased Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii and Reduced Bacterial Diversity in Crohn's But Not in Ulcerative Colitis

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful for the expertise of our sequencing provider NewGene and in particular for the support and help of Dr Jonathan Coxhead.Mrs Karen McIntyre and Dr Dagmar Kastner were invaluable in identifying patients for recruitment in Dundee. Mrs Ann Morrice provided administrative support in Aberdeen. Dr Paul Henderson gave helpful comments on the manuscript. We appreciate the generosity of the families who freely gave their time and samples to make this study possible and the theatre staff of all centers who allowed time for sample collection during busy endoscopy lists.Peer reviewedPublisher PD