20,086 research outputs found

    From nurse to service-user: a personal cancer narrative.

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    This article presents a ‘snapshot’ of my experience of being a nurse who became a service-user with breast cancer. It begins by outlining the Humanisation of Healthcare Framework (Todres et al, 2009), which is a values-based context which can be used to underpin daily care. Generic suggested applications for each of the dimensions of the framework are provided. This framework is then used to contextualise my experience of receiving my diagnosis and the ensuing chemotherapy. Using the examples I present from my personal narrative, I make some recommendations for “small actions” that can contribute to more humanised and person-centred care. I also hope that this narrative prompts reflection by the reader and thus enhances the quality of care given to others

    Quiet Eye Training in a Visuomotor Control Task

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    Introduction: Several researchers have reported the importance of maintaining a longer final fixation on the target (termed the quiet eye period, QE) prior to performing an aiming task. We present an innovative, perceptual training intervention intended to improve the efficiency of gaze behavior (i.e., QE) in shotgun shooting. Methods: A sample of 20 International-level, skeet shooters were assigned equally to one of two, matched-ability groups based on their pre-test shooting scores. A perceptual training group participated in a 4-step, pre-shot routine, alongside three video feedback sessions involving their own gaze behaviors and those of an expert model in an effort to influence positively QE behaviors. A control group received video feedback of performance, but without the addition of feedback on QE behaviors. Participants completed pre- and post-tests along with an 8-week training intervention. Results: The perceptual training group significantly increased its mean QE duration (397 cw 423 ms), employed an earlier onset of QE (257 cw 244 ms), and recorded higher shooting accuracy scores (62 cw 70 %) from pre- to post-test. Participants in the perceptual training group significantly reduced gun barrel displacement and absolute peak velocity on the post- compared to the pre-test, even though neither variable was overtly trained. A transfer test, based on performance during competition, indicated that perceptual training significantly improved shooting accuracy pre- to post-intervention. No pre- to post-test differences were observed for the control group on the measures reported. Conclusion: The results demonstrate the effectiveness of QE training in improving shooting accuracy and developing a more efficient visuo-motor control strategy. Findings have implications for future research on training visuo-motor behaviors, attention and gaze orientation during the performance of aiming tasks

    Identifying the Micro-relations Underpinning Familiarity Detection in Dynamic Displays Containing Multiple Objects

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    We identified the important micro-relations that are perceived when attempting to recognize patterns in stimuli consisting of multiple dynamic objects. Skilled and less-skilled participants were presented with point light display sequences representing dynamic patterns in an invasion sport and were subsequently required to make familiarity based recognition judgments in three different conditions, each of which contained only a select number of features that were present at initial viewing. No differences in recognition accuracy were observed between skilled and less-skilled participants when just objects located in the periphery were presented. Yet, when presented with the relative motions of two centrally located attacking objects only, skilled participants were significantly more accurate than less-skilled participants and their recognition accuracy improved further when a target object was included against which these relative motions could be judged. Skilled participants can perceive and recognize global patterns on the basis of centrally located relational information

    Inhibition of Human T-Cell Proliferation by mTOR antagonists requires Non-Coding RNA growth-arrest-specific transcript 5 (GAS5)

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    BACKGROUND: Eosinophils are characteristic participants in allergic inflammation. The intracellular signalling mechanisms involved in the migration of eosinophils to sites of allergic inflammation are poorly understood. Chemotactic responses of eosinophils to platelet-activating factor (PAF), but not eotaxin, have been demonstrated to be dependent upon the activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) but the specific isoform of PI3K involved has not been identified. OBJECTIVE: To determine the roles of the leukocyte-specific PI3K gamma and PI3K delta isoforms of PI3K in PAF-induced chemotaxis of human eosinophils. METHODS: Chemotactic responses of the EoL-1 eosinophilic cell line and human peripheral blood eosinophils were measured. The effects of a PI3K gamma-selective inhibitor (5-[2,2-difluorobenzo(1,3)dioxol-5-ylmethylene]-thiazolidine-2,4-dione; AS604850) and gene knock-down of PI3K gamma and PI3K delta on chemotactic responses were determined. RESULTS: AS604850 caused a concentration-dependent suppression of chemotactic responses of EoL-1 cells and blood eosinophils to PAF but not eotaxin. Specific siRNAs reduced the expression of PI3K gamma and PI3K delta in EoL-1 cells. Knock-down of PI3K gamma by siRNA resulted in a 75% inhibition of the chemotactic response to PAF but had no effect on the response to eotaxin. Knock-down of endogenous PI3K delta by siRNA resulted in a 38% inhibition of the chemotactic response to PAF but had no effect on the response to eotaxin. CONCLUSION: PI3K gamma plays a major role in the induction of chemotaxis in PAF-stimulated eosinophils, while PI3K delta plays a lesser role. Interventions which reduce the activity The central importance of the serine/threonine protein kinase mTOR (mammalian Target of Rapamycin) in the control of cell growth and proliferation is well established. However, our knowledge both of the upstream pathways controlling mTOR activity and of the downstream events mediating these effects is still seriously incomplete. We report a previously unsuspected role for the nonprotein-coding RNA GAS5 in the inhibition of T-cell proliferation produced by mTOR antagonists such as rapamycin. GAS5 transcripts are up-regulated during growth arrest and after rapamycin treatment, and GAS5 has recently been shown to be necessary and sufficient for normal T-cell growth arrest. Down-regulation of GAS5 using RNA interference protects both leukemic and primary human T cells from the inhibition of proliferation produced by mTOR antagonists. The GAS5 transcript is a member of the 5' terminal oligopyrimidine class of RNAs, which is specifically controlled at the level of translation by the mTOR pathway, and the effects of GAS5 on the cell cycle provide a novel and important link to the control of proliferation. These observations point to a significant advance in our understanding of the mechanism of action of mTOR inhibitors, which is likely to lead to improvements in immunosuppressive and cancer therapy

    The influence of expertise on brain activation of the action observation network during anticipation of tennis and volleyball serves

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    In many daily activities, and especially in sport, it is necessary to predict the effects of others' actions in order to initiate appropriate responses. Recently, researchers have suggested that the action-observation network (AON) including the cerebellum plays an essential role during such anticipation, particularly in sport expert performers. In the present study, we examined the influence of task-specific expertise on the AON by investigating differences between two expert groups trained in different sports while anticipating action effects. Altogether, 15 tennis and 16 volleyball experts anticipated the direction of observed tennis and volleyball serves while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The expert group in each sport acted as novice controls in the other sport with which they had only little experience. When contrasting anticipation in both expertise conditions with the corresponding untrained sport, a stronger activation of AON areas (SPL, SMA), and particularly of cerebellar structures, was observed. Furthermore, the neural activation within the cerebellum and the SPL was linearly correlated with participant's anticipation performance, irrespective of the specific expertise. For the SPL, this relationship also holds when an expert performs a domain-specific anticipation task. Notably, the stronger activation of the cerebellum as well as of the SMA and the SPL in the expertise conditions suggests that experts rely on their more fine-tuned perceptual-motor representations that have improved during years of training when anticipating the effects of others' actions in their preferred sport. The association of activation within the SPL and the cerebellum with the task achievement suggests that these areas are the predominant brain sites involved in fast motor predictions. The SPL reflects the processing of domain-specific contextual information and the cerebellum the usage of a predictive internal model to solve the anticipation task. © 2014 Balser, Lorey, Pilgramm, Naumann, Kindermann, Stark, Zentgraf, Williams and Munzert

    The Use of Patterns to Disguise Environmental Cues During an Anticipatory Judgment Task

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    A number of novel manipulations to the design of playing uniforms were used to try to disguise the actions of penalty takers in soccer. Skilled and less-skilled soccer goalkeepers were required to anticipate penalty kick outcome while their opponent wore one of three different uniform designs that were intended to disguise the availability of potentially key information from the hip region. Variations of shapes/patterns were designed to conceal the actual alignment of the hips. Three occlusion points were used in the test film: -160 ms, -80 ms before, and at foot-ball contact. Skilled individuals reported higher accuracy scores than their less-skilled counterparts (p .05); however, the skilled group decreased their accuracy on the experimental conditions compared with the control (p < .05). Findings highlight the potential benefits of designing playing uniforms that facilitate disguise in sport