174 research outputs found
Recalibrating windâspeed forecasts using regimeâdependent ensemble model output statistics
This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordRaw output from deterministic numerical weather prediction models is typically subject
to systematic biases. Although ensemble forecasts provide invaluable information
regarding the uncertainty in a prediction, they themselves often misrepresent the
weather that occurs. Given their widespread use, the need for high-quality wind
speed forecasts is well-documented. Several statistical approaches have therefore been
proposed to recalibrate ensembles of wind speed forecasts, including a heteroscedastic
truncated regression approach. An extension to this method that utilises the prevailing
atmospheric flow is implemented here in a quasigeostrophic simulation study and
on GEFS reforecast data, in the hope of alleviating errors owing to changes in
the synoptic-scale atmospheric state. When the wind speed strongly depends on the
underlying weather regime, the resulting forecasts have the potential to provide
substantial improvements in skill upon conventional post-processing techniques. This
is particularly pertinent at longer lead times, where there is more improvement to be
gained upon current methods, and in weather regimes associated with wind speeds that
differ greatly from climatology. In order to realise this potential, an accurate prediction
of the future atmospheric regime is required.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC
A Decision-tree Approach to Seasonal Prediction of Extreme Precipitation in Eastern China
Seasonal prediction of extreme precipitation has long been a challenge especially for the East Asian Summer Monsoon region, where extreme rains are often disastrous for the human society and economy. This paper introduces a decisionâtree (DT) method for predicting extreme precipitation in the rainy season over South China in AprilâJune (SCâAMJ) and the North China Plain in JulyâAugust (NCPâJA). A number of preceding climate indices are adopted as predictors. In both cases, the DT models involving ENSO and NAO indices exhibit the best performance with significant skills among those with other combinations of predictors and are superior to their linear counterpart, the binary logistic regression model. The physical mechanisms for the DT results are demonstrated by composite analyses of the same DT path samples. For SCâAMJ, an extreme season can be determined mainly via two paths: the first follows a persistent negative NAO phase in FebruaryâMarch; the second goes with decaying El Niño. For NCPâJA, an extreme season can also be traced via two paths: the first is featured by ânon El Niñoâ and an extremely negative NAO phase in the preceding winter; the second follows a shift from El Niño in the preceding winter to La Niña in the early summer. Most of the mechanisms underlying the decision rules have been documented in previous studies, while some need further studies. The present results suggest that the decisionâtree approach takes advantage of discovering and incorporating various nonlinear relationships in the climate system, hence is of great potential for improving the prediction of seasonal extreme precipitation for given regions with increasing sample observations
Multilayered feed forward Artificial Neural Network model to predict the average summer-monsoon rainfall in India
In the present research, possibility of predicting average summer-monsoon
rainfall over India has been analyzed through Artificial Neural Network models.
In formulating the Artificial Neural Network based predictive model, three
layered networks have been constructed with sigmoid non-linearity. The models
under study are different in the number of hidden neurons. After a thorough
training and test procedure, neural net with three nodes in the hidden layer is
found to be the best predictive model.Comment: 19 pages, 1 table, 3 figure
Critical temperature of the superfluid transition in bose liquids
A phenomenological criterion for the superfluid transition is proposed, which
is similar to the Lindemann criterion for the crystal melting. Then we derive a
new formula for the critical temperature, relating to the mean
kinetic energy per particle above the transition. The suppression of the
critical temperature in a sufficiently dense liquid is described as a result of
the quantum decoherence phenomenon. The theory can account for the observed
dependence of on density in liquid helium and results in an
estimate K for molecular hydrogen.Comment: 4 pages, 1 fi
Review of progress in Fast Ignition
Copyright 2005 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Physics of Plasmas, 12(5), 057305, 2005 and may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.187124
Exact Minimum Eigenvalue Distribution of an Entangled Random Pure State
A recent conjecture regarding the average of the minimum eigenvalue of the
reduced density matrix of a random complex state is proved. In fact, the full
distribution of the minimum eigenvalue is derived exactly for both the cases of
a random real and a random complex state. Our results are relevant to the
entanglement properties of eigenvectors of the orthogonal and unitary ensembles
of random matrix theory and quantum chaotic systems. They also provide a rare
exactly solvable case for the distribution of the minimum of a set of N {\em
strongly correlated} random variables for all values of N (and not just for
large N).Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures included; typos corrected; to appear in J. Stat.
Multi-level Dynamical Systems: Connecting the Ruelle Response Theory and the Mori-Zwanzig Approach
In this paper we consider the problem of deriving approximate autonomous
dynamics for a number of variables of a dynamical system, which are weakly
coupled to the remaining variables. In a previous paper we have used the Ruelle
response theory on such a weakly coupled system to construct a surrogate
dynamics, such that the expectation value of any observable agrees, up to
second order in the coupling strength, to its expectation evaluated on the full
dynamics. We show here that such surrogate dynamics agree up to second order to
an expansion of the Mori-Zwanzig projected dynamics. This implies that the
parametrizations of unresolved processes suited for prediction and for the
representation of long term statistical properties are closely related, if one
takes into account, in addition to the widely adopted stochastic forcing, the
often neglected memory effects.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur
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