1,645 research outputs found

    Meaning in the Process of Signification by the Advertisement of Honda

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    This study mainly deals with the process of signification in order to reveal how meaning is created by the advertisement of Honda HR-V 2014 through the use of expressions. In this study, “Meaning” is an integrated form consisting the three elements which are denotative form, connotative form, and myth form. Using qualitative content analysis (Schreier, 2012), the writer did this study based on Barthes's process of signification (1987) and Peirce's indexicality (1931-58). From the analysis, the writer found out that meaning is created by indexicality. The index connects the product and the traits that the product possesses. Then, the use of expressions in the advertisement visualises the index of the product. The index which was visualised by the use of expressions which produces denotative meaning and connotative meaning. Those denotative meaning and connotative meaning are perceived by the audiences and creates myth which naturalises the index itself. It can be concluded from this study that meaning is created by the index and has undergone several steps in order for audiences to perceive the myth and become unaware of the index

    Sub-Nanosecond Time of Flight on Commercial Wi-Fi Cards

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    Time-of-flight, i.e., the time incurred by a signal to travel from transmitter to receiver, is perhaps the most intuitive way to measure distances using wireless signals. It is used in major positioning systems such as GPS, RADAR, and SONAR. However, attempts at using time-of-flight for indoor localization have failed to deliver acceptable accuracy due to fundamental limitations in measuring time on Wi-Fi and other RF consumer technologies. While the research community has developed alternatives for RF-based indoor localization that do not require time-of-flight, those approaches have their own limitations that hamper their use in practice. In particular, many existing approaches need receivers with large antenna arrays while commercial Wi-Fi nodes have two or three antennas. Other systems require fingerprinting the environment to create signal maps. More fundamentally, none of these methods support indoor positioning between a pair of Wi-Fi devices without~third~party~support. In this paper, we present a set of algorithms that measure the time-of-flight to sub-nanosecond accuracy on commercial Wi-Fi cards. We implement these algorithms and demonstrate a system that achieves accurate device-to-device localization, i.e. enables a pair of Wi-Fi devices to locate each other without any support from the infrastructure, not even the location of the access points.Comment: 14 page


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    A study has been done to know relation of earthworm with physic, chemist and microbiologic condition of ultisol acid soil in North Lampung, Sumatera. The research indicated there was strong positive correlation between contents of light and moderate fractions of soil organic matter and Corganik with earthworm population. There was strong positive correlation between contents of total fraction, light and moderate fractions of soil organic matter, C-organic and earthworm population with their freshweight. There was strong positive correlation between contents of total fraction, moderate and heavy fractions of soil organic matter, N-total and earthworm freshweight with sum of their cocoons. There was strong positive correlation between contents of light and moderate fractions of soil organic matter, C-organic, N-total and earthworm freshweight with weigth of their casts. The population, freshweight, sum of cocoons and casts weight of eartworms have positive correlation with soil porosity. Soil temperature have negative correlation on all of variables. Sum of fungi and totalmicroorganisms have not strong correlation on the earthworms. The low of soil pH have not negative effect on the earthworms, it was suspected because which was lived in there were all of adaptable species with ultisol acid soil. &nbsp

    Serum Level Changes of Neurotrophin-3 After Performing Diabetic Foot Exercise in Diabetic Neuropathy

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    The research aimed to determine the pattern of changes in serum levels of NT-3 in the improvement of diabetic neuropathy, after doing diabetic foot exercise. A true experimental study with randomaized pre – post test control trial. A total of 36 subjects meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the exercise group or the control one with age matched systematic random sampling method. Exercise group had a significant improvement on the score of ABI (p.0.002), systolic blood pressure (p.0.014), diastolic blood pressure (p.0.055), DNS (p.0.01), DNE (p.0.001) and increased of serum level of NT-3 (p.0.049). Control group had result respectively on ABI (p.0.131), systolic blood pressure (p.0.668), diastolic blood pressure (p.0.216), DNS (p.1.00), DNE (p.0.543), and increase of NT-3 (p.0.264). The comparation results of the two groups had a significant different on the score of ABI (p.0.01), systolic blood pressure (p.0.01), diastolic blood pressure (p.0.01), DNS (p.0.01), DNE (p.0.01), and increased of NT-3 (p.0.01). Diabetic foot exercise had a peripheral affect on a clinically significant improvement based on ABI scores, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, DNS and DNE, and increase of serum level of NT-3

    Penerapan Logika Fuzzy Dalam Penjadwalan Waktu Kuliah

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    Penjadwalan dalam suatu perguruan tinggi harus dilakukan dengan baik sehingga tidak menimbulkan tumpang tindih antar mata kuliah yang satu dengan yang lainnya atau pun unsur yang lain. Adapun penjadwalan harus memenuhi semua kondisi yang ada meliputi mata kuliah, ruang kuliah, jam kuliah beserta dosen pengampu. Oleh karena itu diperlukan metode yang akurat untuk mengatur sistem penjadwalan tersebut. Pada penelitian penjadwalan waktu kuliah dengan menggunakan logika fuzzy, ada beberapa metode yang digunakan akan tetapi penggunaan sistem inferensi fuzzy yang akan dipilih. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan ini, pencarian teori melalui studi pustaka dari penelitian yang terdahulu tentang penjadwalan waktu kuliah, teori tentang logika fuzzy dan sistem inferensi fuzzy. State of the art disusun dari penelitian dengan tema yang sama dengan permasalahan penjadwalan waktu kuliah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini menganalisa penggunaan sistem inferensi logika fuzzy untuk mengatasi kesulitan dalam mengatur penjadwalan waktu kuliah. Dengan menggunakan dua kali proses pengujian yaitu pada data jadwal semester gasal tahun akademik 2012/2013 dan data jadwal semester genap tahun akademik 2012/2013. Hal ini terbukti dari peningkatan rata-rata nilai akurasi sebesar 90.12% metode mamdani dan nilai akurasi sebesar 70.63% metode sugeno dengan rata-rata selisih nilai akurasi sebesar 19.50%

    Perancangan Mebel Knockdown Yang User-Friendly Untuk Ruang Tamu

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    In America, the price of land for a dwelling house is very high, so many new families or who can be called as a gen x and gen y choose to stay in the apartment, but most of them have goal to move into a landed house. Overseeing that issue, it needs a furniture that is durable and easily moved. Based on that, came an idea to create a furniture which has a light weight and easy to assembly. In this thesis, the furniture is mainly created for the living room area, because according to a research held by IKEA, living room's furniture is ranked first for the most favourable furniture in public. Living room also regarded as one of the most important rooms in a house. As a basic for workmanship, this design is pass through several stages, i.e. the study of literature, data and qualitative observations, programming, design concepts, sketches and schematic design, mock-up, development, final design, and manufacture of prototype 1: 1. This design has five sets of options with differences in knockdown construction that is used in each furniture. The fifth set is intended to ease in disassembling the furniture for users. Apart from that, safety for users is also considered while designing this furniture

    Komunikasi Forensik : Keahlian yang Asing dalam Pengadilan

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    Forensik secara umum diasosiasikan dengan pembuktian atau hadirnya saksi ahli (expert witness) dari disiplin ilmu tertentu. Komunikasi forensik dalam tulisan ini merupakan bagian dari definisi forensik dalam kaitannya dengan penggunaan teknik dan metode ilmiah dari disiplin ilmu komunikasi. Forensik komunikasi digunakan sebagai aplikasi kepakaran atau keahlian pada kasus-kasus atau permasalahan dalam litigasi di pengadilan. Ilmu dan riset komunikasi diaplikasikan dalam forensik dengan mengambil peran konsultan bagi jaksa, pengacara, dan pengadilan tentang beragam strategi atau prosedur sebelum dan atau sepanjang peradilan berlangsung, misalnya dalam hal memberikan nasihat atau pertimbangan tentang publikasi kasus tersebut di media massa dan penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi selama persidangan. Komunikasi forensik juga berperan dalam memberikan keahlian tentang bagaimana populasi secara umum menginterpretasikan pesan dan tendensi pesan apa yang dipersepsikan oleh pembaca, misalnya dalam kasus label peringatan pada produk yang tidak diartikan sama oleh masyarakat umum. Kata kunci: forensic, komunikasi, pengadilan, kasus Forensic evidence is generally associated with the presence of a witness or expert of a particular discipline. Forensic communication in this paper follows the definition of forensic in relation with the use of scientific techniques methods of the communication discipline. Forensic communication is used as an application of expertise or skill on cases or issues in litigation in courts. Communication science and research are applied in Forensics in the form of consultancy provided for judges, lawyers, and the courts on a variety of strategies or procedures prior to and or during trial, for example, by giving advice or judgement about the publication of the cases in the mass media and the use of information and communication technology during the trial. Forensic Communication also plays a role in providing expertise on how the general public interpret messages and what message tendency is perceived by the readers, for example in the case of a warning label on products that are not similarly interpreted by the general public

    The Relation Between Pediatric Immunodeficiency Category and Diarrhea in Aids/hiv Infected Child

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    Introduction: Diarrhea is one of the most prevalent cause of mortality and morbidity in AIDS/HIV infected child. Severe immune suppression increase prolong and persistent diarrhea. The correlation between diarrhea and immune suppression level has not well known yet, particularly in Saiful Anwar Hospital. The aim of this study is to determine relation between immune suppression leveland prolonged or persistent diarrhea in AIDS/HIV infected child. Method: Retrospective crosssectional research were conducted on 68 medical records taken from patients who were admitted between February 2008 and August 2011. The characteristic of data taken were: age, sex, nutritional status, CD4+ counts, duration of diarrhea, other comorbid diseases beside diarrhea (pneumonia, tuberculosis, moniliasis) and the patient outcome. National Guidelines Clinical Management of HIV/AIDS in Children were used to diagnose HIV/AIDS. Immune supression level was determined using CDC guidelines. Immune supression level was ranked in to four categories: no immune deficient, mild suppression, moderate suppression, and severe immunodeficient. Result: Thirty six (53%) patients were male; diarrhea was found in 32 (47%) patients, acute diarhhea in 12 patients, prolonged diarrhea in 1 patient, persistent diarrhea in 19 patients. Forty (40%) were severe immunodeficient, 6% mild, 28% moderate and 40% without immunodefi ciency. Discussion: Statistical analysis showed that there was no correlation between immune supression level and types of diarrhea. (95% CI, p = 0.17)