10 research outputs found

    Prevenção da formação de hidratos em gasodutos submarinos

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    Ao longo do processo de transporte do gás natural em gasodutos submarinos até as Unidades de Processamento, a indústria petrolífera pode enfrentar diversos problemas, dentre eles, a formação de hidratos. O ambiente submarino possui condições propicias de pressão (alta) e temperatura (baixa) para que estas estruturas sólidas se formem. Os hidratos são problemas críticos para a garantia de escoamento, pois podem causar entupimento das tubulações, prisão e problemas de acionamento em equipamentos, podem comprometer a produtividade das operações, aumentar custos de produção e consumo de energia, além de gerar danos aos equipamentos e as estruturas, comprometendo a segurança das atividades e em casos mais extremos, causando a paralisação completa da produção. Por isso, faz-se necessário adotar medidas de controle, planejamento e monitoramento das condições termodinâmicas as quais o gás natural está sendo transportado. Neste trabalho são simuladas as condições próximas das reais enfrentadas durante o transporte do gás natural produzido na Unidade de Produção de Petróleo e Gás Natural FPSO Cidade de Vitória até a Unidade de Tratamento de Gás de Cacimbas. Para verificar as propriedades de fluxo do sistema, a temperatura e a pressão de formação dos hidratos, e dimensionar de forma otimizada o uso de métodos químicos (inibidores) e métodos térmicos (aquecedores) de prevenção será utilizado o software HYSYS. Os resultados obtidos comprovam a eficiência do inibidor termodinâmico metanol na prevenção da formação do hidrato e as vazões necessárias para realizar este controle. Além disso, indica-se a quantidade de energia necessária para que um aquecedor elétrico forneça calor suficiente à tubulação para prevenir a formação de hidratos, mostrando que este método térmico pode substituir a injeção do metanol, porém é necessário avaliar o requisito energético, que pode ser elevado. Palavras-chave: transporte de gás natural; escoamento transiente; hidrato; inibidores de hidrato

    Bridging the legitimacy gap—translating theory into practical signposts for legitimate flood risk governance

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    Legitimacy is widely regarded as a founding principle of ‘good’ and effective governance, yet despite intense academic debate and policy discourse, the concept remains conceptually confusing and poorly articulated in practice. To bridge this gap, this research performed an interpretive thematic analysis of academic scholarship across public administration, public policy, law, political science and geography. Three core themes were identified in relation to representative deliberation, procedural and distributive equity and justice, and socio-political acceptability, with numerous sub-themes therein. In an attempt to clarify conceptual confusion, this paper grounds these theoretical debates in the context of flood risk governance where numerous legitimacy dilemmas exist. A number of questions are presented as conceptual ‘sign posts’ to encourage reflexive governance in the future. Thus, more broadly, we assert the importance of bringing legitimacy to the forefront of contemporary flood risk governance discourse and practice, moving beyond the realm of academic reflection

    Transnational Governance Arrangements: Legitimate Alternatives to Regulating Nanotechnologies?

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    In recent years, the development and the use of engineered nanomaterials have generated many debates on whether these materials should be part of the new or existing regulatory frameworks. The uncertainty, lack of scientific knowledge and rapid expansion of products containing nanomaterials have added even more to the regulatory dilemma with policy makers and public/private actors contenting periods of both under and over regulation. Responding to these regulatory challenges, as well as to the global reach of nanotechnology research and industrial needs, governance arrangements beyond the state have addressed the challenge head-on. This article focuses on the governance arrangements of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which has led to the development of numerous “horizontal anticipatory standards” with an important role in setting the foundation for science, technology and market development. During the course of its operation ISO has broadened its scope to address not only technical issues related to the concept and the size of nanomaterials but also broader aspects of the technology, including health, environment and safety issues. The increasing relevance of the ISO to regulate economic relations and achieve certain public policy goals has given rise to many concerns about its legitimacy. The important questions are whether these governance arrangements may be deemed as being legitimate and where this legitimacy is derived from? What are the main sources of legitimacy at the transnational level and how we can apply them to analyse nanotechnology standardization? This article provides concise answers to these questions. It focuses at the normative concepts of democratic and scientific legitimacy and explores the institutional structures and processes by which nanotechnology standards are established

    Policy design without democracy? Making democratic sense of transition management

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    Long-term policy design, Sustainability, Energy, Democracy, Transition management, Legitimacy, Participation, Network governance, Representative, Accountability,