44 research outputs found

    The synthesis of multi-loop control systems for a precision lathe by numerical method

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    The article deals with the problem of the synthesis of multi-loop control system. Modern methods of the synthesis of multi-loop control systems do not provide the control with prescribed accuracy. This paper combines real interpolation method and numerical method

    Long-term validation of MIPAS ESA operational products using MIPAS-B measurements

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    The Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) was a limb-viewing infrared Fourier transform spectrometer that operated from 2002 to 2012 aboard the Environmental Satellite (ENVISAT). The final re-processing of the full MIPAS mission Level 2 data was performed with the ESA operational version 8 (v8) processor. This MIPAS dataset includes not only the retrieval results of pressure–temperature and the standard species H2O, O3, HNO3, CH4, N2O, and NO2 but also vertical profiles of volume mixing ratios of the more difficult-to-retrieve molecules N2O5, ClONO2, CFC-11, CFC-12 (included since v6 processing), HCFC-22, CCl4, CF4, COF2, and HCN (included since v7 processing). Finally, vertical profiles of the species C2H2, C2H6, COCl2, OCS, CH3Cl, and HDO were additionally retrieved by the v8 processor. The balloon-borne limb-emission sounder MIPAS-B was a precursor of the MIPAS satellite instrument. Several flights with MIPAS-B were carried out during the 10-year operational phase of ENVISAT at different latitudes and seasons, including both operational periods when MIPAS measured with full spectral resolution (FR mode) and with optimised spectral resolution (OR mode). All MIPAS operational products (except HDO) were compared to results inferred from dedicated validation limb sequences of MIPAS-B. To enhance the statistics of vertical profile comparisons, a trajectory match method has been applied to search for MIPAS coincidences along the 2 d forward and backward trajectories running from the MIPAS-B measurement geolocations. This study gives an overview of the validation results based on the ESA operational v8 data comprising the MIPAS FR and OR observation periods. This includes an assessment of the data agreement of both sensors, taking into account the combined errors of the instruments. The differences between the retrieved temperature profiles of both MIPAS instruments generally stays within ±2 K in the stratosphere. For most gases – namely H2O, O3, HNO3, CH4, N2O, NO2, N2O5, ClONO2, CFC-11, CFC-12, HCFC-22, CCl4, CF4, COF2, and HCN – we find a 5 %–20 % level of agreement for the retrieved vertical profiles of both MIPAS instruments in the lower stratosphere. For the species C2H2, C2H6, COCl2, OCS, and CH3Cl, however, larger differences (within 20 %–50 %) appear in this altitude range

    Анализ минеральных равновесий термальных вод Байкальской рифтовой зоны с использованием программных пакетов Hydrogeo и PHREEQC

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    В работе изложены результаты сравнительного анализа значений индекса насыщения термальных вод Байкальской рифтовой зоны к ряду породообразующих минералов. Получены интересные, но в то же время спорные, результаты расчетов с применением современных программных продуктов HydroGeo и PHREEQC. В первом случае было выявлено равновесие некоторых терм к кварцу, арагониту, кальциту, доломиту, флюориту, тогда как во втором - в основном к силикатам (кварцу, халцедону, хризотилу, сепиолиту и др.) и так же к флюориту. The paper presents the results of the comparative analysis index values of saturation of the thermal waters of the Baikal rift zone to some rock-forming minerals. Interesting, but at the same time controversial, the results of calculations with the use of modern software products HydroGeo and PHREEQC. In the first case revealed a certain equilibrium therm to quartz, aragonite, calcite, dolomite, fluorite, whereas the second is mostly silicates (quartz, chalcedony chrysotile, sepiolite, etc.) and fluorite

    Digital Collages and Aesthetic-Communicative Networking: Insights into a Workshop of the NFKB Research Cluster Interaction and Participation

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    Dieser Beitrag dokumentiert Eindrücke, Beobachtungen und Ergebnisse aus einem Online-Workshop des Forschungsclusters «Interaktion und Partizipation in der Kulturellen Bildung», der die Vorstellung von Themen, Arbeitsweisen und Prinzipien des Forschungsclusters zum Ziel hatte. Dabei lag es nahe, die Auseinandersetzung selbst interaktiv und partizipativ sowie entlang der Thematik der rahmenden Tagung zu konzipieren. Ein Grossteil der Kommunikation wird hierfür parallel zur Videokonferenz auf ein digitales Whiteboard verlagert, auf dem alle Teilnehmenden individuell und gemeinsam agieren können. Als Material liegen zentrale Fragmente aus einem Text des Clusters bereit, in dem die Begriffe Interaktion und Partizipation in einem gemeinsamen Selbstversuch und geleitet vom Prinzip der Collage verhandelt werden. Dieses Textprinzip wird zum Handlungsprinzip des Workshops: Die Teilnehmenden werden dem Versuch ausgesetzt, in kleinen Gruppen auf dem digitalen Whiteboard sowohl mit dem bereitgestellten als auch mit eigenem Material selbst Collagen zu erstellen. In dem experimentellen Format des Workshops konturiert sich performativ ein ästhetisch-digitaler Möglichkeits- und Erfahrungsraum, in dem die individuellen Positionen und Perspektiven aller Beteiligten über Text, Bild und Sprache interaktiv in vernetzende Artikulationsformen treten. In den entstandenen Collagen kommen Aspekte von Ästhetik, Digitalität und Macht in eindrücklicher Weise zum Tragen.This contribution documents – especially visually – impressions, observations and results from an online workshop «Interaction and Participation in Cultural Education», which aimed to present topics, working methods and principles of the research cluster. It made sense to conceptualize the workshop itself in an interactive and participative manner, as well as along the theme of the framing conference. A large part of the communication is shifted to a digital whiteboard parallel to the video conference, on which all participants can act individually and together. Central fragments from a text of the cluster are available as material, in which the terms interaction and participation are negotiated in a joint self-experiment and guided by the principle of collage. The text principle becomes the operating principle of the workshop: The participants are exposed to the attempt to create collages themselves in small groups on the digital whiteboard using both the provided and their own material. In the experimental format of the workshop, an aesthetic-digital space of possibility and experience is contoured performatively, in which the individual positions and perspectives of all participants interactively enter into networked forms of articulation via text, image and language. In the resulting collages, aspects of aesthetics, digitality and power come into play in an impressive way

    The Video intervention to Inspire Treatment Adherence for Life (VITAL Start): protocol for a multisite randomized controlled trial of a brief video-based intervention to improve antiretroviral adherence and retention among HIV-infected pregnant women in Malawi

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    Abstract Background Improving maternal antiretroviral therapy (ART) retention and adherence is a critical challenge facing prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV programs. There is an urgent need for evidence-based, cost-effective, and scalable interventions to improve maternal adherence and retention that can be feasibly implemented in overburdened health systems. Brief video-based interventions are a promising but underutilized approach to this crisis. We describe a trial protocol to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of a standardized educational video-based intervention targeting HIV-infected pregnant women that seeks to optimize their ART retention and adherence by providing a VITAL Start (Video intervention to Inspire Treatment Adherence for Life) before committing to lifelong ART. Methods This study is a multisite parallel group, randomized controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of a brief facility-based video intervention to optimize retention and adherence to ART among pregnant women living with HIV in Malawi. A total of 892 pregnant women living with HIV and not yet on ART will be randomized to standard-of-care pre-ART counseling or VITAL Start. The primary outcome is a composite of retention and adherence (viral load < 1000 copies/ml) 12 months after starting ART. Secondary outcomes include assessments of behavioral adherence (self-reported adherence, pharmacy refill, and tenofovir diphosphate concentration), psychosocial impact, and resource utilization. We will also examine the implementation of VITAL Start via surveys and qualitative interviews with patients, partners, and health care workers and conduct cost-effectiveness analyses. Discussion This is a robust evaluation of an innovative facility-based video intervention for pregnant women living with HIV, with the potential to improve maternal and infant outcomes. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03654898. Registered on 31 August 2018

    Memory-like differentiation enhances NK cell responses to melanoma

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    PURPOSE: Treatment of advanced melanoma is a clinical challenge. Natural killer (NK) cells are a promising cellular therapy for T cell-refractory cancers, but are frequently deficient or dysfunctional in patients with melanoma. Thus, new strategies are needed to enhance NK-cell antitumor responses. Cytokine-induced memory-like (ML) differentiation overcomes many barriers in the NK-cell therapeutics field, resulting in potent cytotoxicity and enhanced cytokine production against blood cancer targets. However, the preclinical activity of ML NK against solid tumors remains largely undefined. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Phenotypic and functional alterations of blood and advanced melanoma infiltrating NK cells were evaluated using mass cytometry. ML NK cells from healthy donors (HD) and patients with advanced melanoma were evaluated for their ability to produce IFNγ and kill melanoma targets RESULTS: NK cells in advanced melanoma exhibited a decreased cytotoxic potential compared with blood NK cells. ML NK cells differentiated from HD and patients with advanced melanoma displayed enhanced IFNγ production and cytotoxicity against melanoma targets. This included ML differentiation enhancing melanoma patients\u27 NK-cell responses against autologous targets. The ML NK-cell response against melanoma was partially dependent on the NKG2D- and NKp46-activating receptors. Furthermore, in xenograft NSG mouse models, human ML NK cells demonstrated superior control of melanoma, compared with conventional NK cells. CONCLUSIONS: Blood NK cells from allogeneic HD or patients with advanced melanoma can be differentiated into ML NK cells for use as a novel immunotherapeutic treatment for advanced melanoma, which warrants testing in early-phase clinical trials

    Modern applications of machine learning in quantum sciences

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    In these Lecture Notes, we provide a comprehensive introduction to the most recent advances in the application of machine learning methods in quantum sciences. We cover the use of deep learning and kernel methods in supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning algorithms for phase classification, representation of many-body quantum states, quantum feedback control, and quantum circuits optimization. Moreover, we introduce and discuss more specialized topics such as differentiable programming, generative models, statistical approach to machine learning, and quantum machine learning.Comment: 268 pages, 87 figures. Comments and feedback are very welcome. Figures and tex files are available at https://github.com/Shmoo137/Lecture-Note