588 research outputs found

    Millimeter wave transmission spectroscopy of gated two-dimensional hole systems

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    We developed a differential transmission to study cyclotron resonance of GaAs/AlxGa1 xAs two-dimensional hole samples. The technique utilizes a modulated AuPd gate isolated by a Si3N4 dielectric from the sample, which is irradiated opposite the gate by millimeter waves ranging from 2 to 40GHz. This technique effectively removes the background signal and yields a hole effective mass of 0:41me with a cyclotron scattering time of 20 ps, consistent with the previous results using different techniques

    Strongly Anisotropic Transport in Higher Two-Dimensional Landau Levels

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    Low-temperature, electronic transport in Landau levels N>1 of a two-dimensional electron system is strongly anisotropic. At half-filling of either spin level of each such Landau level the magnetoresistance either collapses to form a deep minimum or is peaked in a sharp maximum, depending on the in-plane current direction. Such anisotropies are absent in the N=0 and N=1 Landau level, which are dominated by the states of the fractional quantum Hall effect. The transport anisotropies may be indicative of a new many particle state, which forms exclusively in higher Landau levels.Comment: 12 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    Ultrafast photoisomerisation of an isolated retinoid

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    The photoinduced excited state dynamics of gas-phase trans-retinoate (deprotonated trans-retinoic acid, trans-RA−) are studied using tandem ion mobility spectrometry coupled with laser spectroscopy, and frequency-, angle- and time-resolved photoelectron imaging. Photoexcitation of the bright S3(ππ*) ← S0 transition leads to internal conversion to the S1(ππ*) state on a ≈80 fs timescale followed by recovery of S0 and concomitant isomerisation to give the 13-cis (major) and 9-cis (minor) photoisomers on a ≈180 fs timescale. The sub-200 fs stereoselective photoisomerisation parallels that for the retinal protonated Schiff base chromophore in bacteriorhodopsin. Measurements on trans-RA− in methanol using the solution photoisomerisation action spectroscopy technique show that 13-cis-RA− is also the principal photoisomer, although the 13-cis and 9-cis photoisomers are formed with an inverted branching ratio with photon energy in methanol when compared with the gas phase, presumably due to solvent-induced modification of potential energy surfaces and inhibition of electron detachment processes. Comparison of the gas-phase time-resolved data with transient absorption spectroscopy measurements on retinoic acid in methanol suggest that photoisomerisation is roughly six times slower in solution. This work provides clear evidence that solvation significantly affects the photoisomerisation dynamics of retinoid molecules

    Curvature corrections and Kac-Moody compatibility conditions

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    We study possible restrictions on the structure of curvature corrections to gravitational theories in the context of their corresponding Kac--Moody algebras, following the initial work on E10 in Class. Quant. Grav. 22 (2005) 2849. We first emphasize that the leading quantum corrections of M-theory can be naturally interpreted in terms of (non-gravity) fundamental weights of E10. We then heuristically explore the extent to which this remark can be generalized to all over-extended algebras by determining which curvature corrections are compatible with their weight structure, and by comparing these curvature terms with known results on the quantum corrections for the corresponding gravitational theories.Comment: 27 page

    New insulating phases of two-dimensional electrons in high Landau levels: observation of sharp thresholds to conduction

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    The intriguing re-entrant integer quantized Hall states recently discovered in high Landau levels of high-mobility 2D electron systems are found to exhibit extremely non-linear transport. At small currents these states reflect insulating behavior of the electrons in the uppermost Landau level. At larger currents, however, a discontinuous and hysteretic transition to a conducting state is observed. These phenomena, found only in very narrow magnetic field ranges, are suggestive of the depinning of a charge density wave state, but other explanations can also be constructed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    On complexity of special maximum matchings constructing

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    For bipartite graphs the NP-completeness is proved for the problem of existence of maximum matching which removal leads to a graph with given lower(upper)bound for the cardinality of its maximum matching.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Discrete Mathematics, to appea

    AdS/CFT Equivalence Transformation

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    We show that any conformal field theory in d-dimensional Minkowski space, in a phase with spontaneously broken conformal symmetry and with the dilaton among its fields, can be rewritten in terms of the static gauge (d-1)-brane on AdS_(d+1) by means of an invertible change of variables. This nonlinear holographic transformation maps the Minkowski space coordinates onto the brane worldvolume ones and the dilaton onto the transverse AdS brane coordinate. One of the consequences of the existence of this map is that any (d-1)-brane worldvolume action on AdS_(d+1)\times X^m (with X^m standing for the sphere S^m or more complicated curved manifold) admits an equivalent description in Minkowski space as a nonlinear and higher-derivative extension of some conventional conformal field theory action, with the conformal group being realized in a standard way. The holographic transformation explicitly relates the standard realization of the conformal group to its field-dependent nonlinear realization as the isometry group of the brane AdS_(d+1) background. Some possible implications of this transformation, in particular, for the study of the quantum effective action of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory in the context of AdS/CFT correspondence, are briefly discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, minor correction in Abstrac