97 research outputs found

    Art and Trade in a Postcolonial Context: In Search of the Theatre Routes Linking Brazil and Portugal, 1850 1930

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    Between 1850 and 1930, the transatlantic voyages between Portugal and Brazil made by Portuguese and Brazilian theatre companies reflected the post-colonial cultural relations between the two countries. The theatrical activity produced in Portugal provided parameters for the organization of companies and quite durable acting models in Brazil, where many theatres relied on foreign companies' repertoires. However, especially after the republic was proclaimed in 1889, such transatlantic theatre was perceived in Brazil as representing the old aesthetics questioned by the European avant-garde movements of the early twentieth century. Two case studies illustrate different artistic and economic dynamics of tours, seen as translocal exchanges leading either to tradition or modernization. The former looks at the Portuguese actress Adelina Abranches, who was concerned about the financial health of her touring company, whereas the latter focuses on the Brazilian actress Cinira Polônio, who wished to be in tune with the new times of theatrical activity in Europe

    A formação do nome. Duas interrogações sobre Machado de Assis e Autobibliografias. Solicitação do livro na ficção de Machado de Assis

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    O Bando: um teatro de formas no ar

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    Intoxicações exógenas em crianças menores de seis anos atendidas em hospitais da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil dos casos de intoxicações exógenas de crianças admitidas em hospitais de emergência da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, durante três anos. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se levantamento dos dados a partir dos boletins de atendimento de emergência, tendo sido identificados os casos suspeitos ou confirmados de intoxicação nas seguintes categorias: drogas, medicamentos e substâncias biológicas; solventes orgânicos e hidrocarbonetos halogenados; produtos químicos; monóxido de carbono e outros gases, fumaças e vapores; e pesticidas. RESULTADOS: Foram registrados 1.574 casos de intoxicação entre crianças até cinco anos de idade, sendo que cerca de 40% dos casos envolveu produtos químicos de uso doméstico, 35% os medicamentos, e 15% algum tipo de pesticida. Mais da metade das intoxicações por pesticidas envolveu o chumbinho, um produto ilegalmente vendido como raticida, que frequentemente contém o agrotóxico carbamato. A distribuição dos agentes envolvidos variou significativamente segundo sexo, sendo a frequência relativa das intoxicações por medicamentos e chumbinho maior no sexo feminino em comparação ao masculino. Observou-se que a participação dos produtos químicos de uso doméstico decresceu com a idade, enquanto aumentou a dos medicamentos como agentes da intoxicação. No período analisado não observou-se redução significativa no número total de casos registrados anualmente. CONCLUSÃO: Fortalecer a rede de Centros de Controle de Intoxicações, intervir na linha de produção de embalagens para medicamentos e produtos químicos, aumentar a fiscalização sobre a comercialização ilegal do chumbinho, e enfatizar atividades de educação em saúde são ações que podem contribuir para mudar este panorama.OBJECTIVE: To describe the profile of poisoning cases among children attended during three years at emergency hospitals in the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. METHODS: All confirmed or suspected poisoning cases, due to drugs and biological substances; organic solvents and hydrocarbons; chemical products; carbon monoxide and other gases; and pesticides, were collected. RESULTS: 1,574 cases of poisoning in children up to 5 years of age were detected. Around 40% of the cases involved chemical products of domestic use, 35% were caused by drugs, and 15% by pesticides. More than half of pesticide poisonings involved the "chumbinho", an illegal product sold as a rodenticide, and usually including in its formulation a carbamate. Distribution of agents varied significantly by gender, the relative frequency of poisonings due to drugs and "chumbinho" being higher among females than males. Participation of chemical products of domestic use decreased with age, but the role of drugs increased as agents of poisoning. During the observation period there was no significant reduction in the total number of annual cases. CONCLUSION: Supporting the expansion of the network of Poison Control Centers, developing intervention for the production of safer packaging devices for drugs chemical products, suppressing the illegal commerce of "chumbinho", and fostering health education activities might contribute to modify this situation

    Maternal mental health and nutritional status of six-month-old infants

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    OBJECTIVE To analyze if maternal mental health is associated with infant nutritional status at six month of age. METHODS A cross-sectional study with 228 six-month-old infants who used primary health care units of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil. Mean weight-for-length and mean weight-for-age were expressed in z-scores considering the 2006 World Health Organization reference curves. Maternal mental health was measured by the 12-item General Health Questionnaire. The following cutoff points were used: ≥ 3 for common mental disorders, ≥ 5 for more severe mental disorders, and ≥ 9 for depression. The statistical analysis employed adjusted linear regression models. RESULTS The prevalence of common mental disorders, more severe mental disorders and depression was 39.9%, 23.7%, and 8.3%, respectively. Children of women with more severe mental disorders had, on average, a weight-for-length 0.37 z-scores lower than children of women without this health harm (p = 0.026). We also observed that the weight-for-length indicator of children of depressed mothers was, on average, 0.67 z-scores lower than that of children of nondepressed women (p = 0.010). Maternal depression was associated with lower mean values of weight-for-age z-scores (p = 0.041). CONCLUSIONS Maternal mental health is positively related to the inadequacy of the nutritional status of infants at six months.OBJETIVO Analisar se saúde mental materna associa-se ao estado nutricional infantil no sexto mês de vida. MÉTODOS Estudo seccional com 228 crianças aos seis meses atendidas em unidades básicas de saúde do município do Rio de Janeiro. Médias de peso-para-comprimento e peso-para-idade foram expressas em escores z considerando as curvas de referência do World Health Organization 2006. A saúde mental materna foi aferida pelo General Health Questionnaire com 12 itens. Foram empregados os pontos de corte ≥ 3 para transtornos mentais comuns, ≥ 5 para transtornos mentais mais graves e ≥ 9 para depressão. Na análise estatística empregaram-se modelos de regressão linear ajustados. RESULTADOS As prevalências de transtornos mentais comuns, transtornos mentais mais graves e depressão foram de 39,9%, 23,7% e 8,3%, respectivamente. Para peso-para-comprimento, filhos de mulheres com transtornos mentais mais graves tinham, em média, 0,37 escores z mais baixos do que filhos de mulheres sem este agravo (p = 0,026). Também para o indicador peso-para-comprimento observou-se que, em relação aos filhos de mulheres não deprimidas, crianças de mães deprimidas apresentaram, em média, 0,67 escores z mais baixos (p = 0,010). Depressão materna esteve associada com valores médios mais baixos de escore z de peso-para-idade (p = 0,041). CONCLUSÕES A saúde mental materna está positivamente relacionada à inadequação do estado nutricional de crianças aos seis meses

    IS1245 genotypic analysis of Mycobacterium avium isolates from patients in Brazil

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    AbstractObjective: Disseminated Mycobacterium avium infection is an emerging opportunistic disease among patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in Brazil. The mode of transmission of M. avium in a developing country setting needs to be better characterized.Methods: Mycobacterium avium strain collections in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro were analyzed according to the strains' IS1245 DNA gel electrophoretic migration patterns. Medical records of the patients from whom M. avium isolates were available were reviewed, and their demographic characteristics were stratified according to the isolates' IS1245 DNA fingerprint patterns.Results: Of 105 patients, 33 (31 %) with M. avium isolated between 1990 and 1994 had strains having IS1245 patterns identical in patterns seen in isolates from two or more patients (designated as cluster pattern strains). Cluster pattern strains were isolated from 21 (39%) of 54 patients with disseminated infection (defined as infection due to M. avium isolated from a sterile site in an adult patient). Six of the cluster pattern strains were isolated only from sterile sites. In São Paulo, cluster pattern strains were significantly more likely to be isolated from patients with disseminated disease.Conclusions: These preliminary observations suggest that in large cities of Brazil, a high proportion (at least 39%) of disseminated M. avium infections in patients with AIDS results from a recent transmission. Some strains of M. avium may be more likely to cause disseminated disease than others after an infection

    Avaliação de testes imunológicos para o diagnóstico da neurocisticercose

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    Introdução: O diagnóstico da neurocisticercose (NCC) deve ser feito pela associação de técnicas de imagem com métodos imunológicos sensíveis e específicos. Objetivos: Avaliar os métodos Elisa e Western blot (Wb), utilizando-se como antígeno extrato bruto salino da larva da Taenia solium, o Cysticercus cellulosae e Wb, empregando-se como antígeno cisticercos da Taenia crassiceps em amostras de soro, para o diagnóstico da NCC. Materiais e métodos: Foram avaliadas amostras de soro de 43 pacientes com diagnóstico de NCC: 21 por clínica, tomografia computadorizada de crânio (TC) e presença de anticorpos anticisticerco no líquido cefalorraquiano (LCR); 22 por clínica e TC e 229 pacientes com diferentes parasitoses. Para as análises desses materiais biológicos foram empregados os métodos Elisa, usando-se como antígeno C. cellulosae, e Wb, usando-se como antígeno C. cellulosae e Cysticercus longicollis. Resultados: O método Elisa utilizando C. cellulosae como antígeno apresentou especificidade de 95% e sensibilidade de 71%. O método Wb utilizando C. cellulosae ou C. longicollis como antígeno apresentou sensibilidade de 86% e especificidade de 99%. Conclusões: Os métodos imunológicos no LCR são importantes para a definição da NCC. Entretanto o método Elisa no soro ainda não é adequado pela sua baixa sensibilidade, mas o Wb apresentou alta especificidade e boa sensibilidade, podendo auxiliar no diagnóstico da NCC, possibilitando sugerir a existência de forma transicional da doença, não demonstrada pela TC.<br>Background: The diagnosis of neurocysticercosis (NCC) has been made by association of neuroimaging studies and use of sensitive and specific serological assays. Objectives: Evaluating Elisa and Western blot (Wb) tests using a crude extract of Cysticercus cellulosae (Taenia solium) as antigen and a Wb test using a glycoprotein of Cysticercus longicollis (Taenia crassiceps) as antigen for the diagnosis of NCC. Methods: Serum samples from 43 patients with NCC: 21patients presenting clinical manifestations, cerebral computed tomography findings compatible with cerebral lesions and high levels of anti-cysticercus antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); 22 patients with clinical manifestations and cerebral computed tomography findings compatible with cerebral lesions and serum samples from 229 patients with other parasitic infections were tested by Elisa standardized with crude extract of C. cellulosae and Wb standardized with glicoprotein of C. cellulosae and C. longicollis. Results: The Elisa test using crude extract of C. cellulosae showed specificity of 95% and sensibility of 71%. Both tests using glycoproteins of either C. cellulosae or C. longicollis showed specificity of 99% and sensibility of 86%. Conclusions: The use of immunological techniques for antibodies detection in CSF was shown to be an important tool for NCC diagnosis. However, detection of antibodies in serum lacked sensibility when Elisa was evaluated. The Wb assay in serum samples was sensitive and specific and it can be helpful for the diagnosis of the transitional form of NCC frequently not detected by cerebral computed tomography