736 research outputs found

    A simple variational approach to the quantum Frenkel-Kontorova model

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    We present a simple and complete variational approach to the one-dimensional quantum Frenkel-Kontorova model. Dirac's time-dependent variational principle is adopted together with a Hatree-type many-body trial wavefunction for the atoms. The single-particle state is assumed to have the Jackiw-Kerman form. We obtain an effective classical Hamiltonian for the system which is simple enough for a complete numerical solution for the static ground state of the model. Numerical results show that our simple approach captures the essence of the quantum effects first observed in quantum Monte Carlo studies.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    New Photodetection Method Using Unbalanced Sidebands for Squeezed Quantum Noise in Gravitational Wave Interferometer

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    Homodyne detection is one of the ways to circumvent the standard quantum limit for a gravitational wave detector. In this paper it will be shown that the same quantum-non-demolition effect using homodyne detection can be realized by heterodyne detection with unbalanced RF sidebands. Furthermore, a broadband quantum-non-demolition readout scheme can also be realized by the unbalanced sideband detection.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Interacting Random Walkers and Non-Equilibrium Fluctuations

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    We introduce a model of interacting Random Walk, whose hopping amplitude depends on the number of walkers/particles on the link. The mesoscopic counterpart of such a microscopic dynamics is a diffusing system whose diffusivity depends on the particle density. A non-equilibrium stationary flux can be induced by suitable boundary conditions, and we show indeed that it is mesoscopically described by a Fourier equation with a density dependent diffusivity. A simple mean-field description predicts a critical diffusivity if the hopping amplitude vanishes for a certain walker density. Actually, we evidence that, even if the density equals this pseudo-critical value, the system does not present any criticality but only a dynamical slowing down. This property is confirmed by the fact that, in spite of interaction, the particle distribution at equilibrium is simply described in terms of a product of Poissonians. For mesoscopic systems with a stationary flux, a very effect of interaction among particles consists in the amplification of fluctuations, which is especially relevant close to the pseudo-critical density. This agrees with analogous results obtained for Ising models, clarifying that larger fluctuations are induced by the dynamical slowing down and not by a genuine criticality. The consistency of this amplification effect with altered coloured noise in time series is also proved.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Two-Photon Doppler cooling of alkaline-earth-metal and ytterbium atoms

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    A new possibility of laser cooling of alkaline-earth-metal and Ytterbium atoms using a two-photon transition is analyzed. We consider a 1S0^{1}S_{0} - 1S0^{1}S_{0} transition, with excitation in near resonance with the 1P1^{1}P_{1} level. This greatly increases the two-photon transition rate, allowing an effective transfer of momentum. The experimental implementation of this technique is discussed and we show that for Calcium, for example, two-photon cooling can be used to achieve a Doppler limit of 123 microKelvin. The efficiency of this cooling scheme and the main loss mechanisms are analyzed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Potentiation rather than distraction in a trace fear conditioning procedure

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    Trace conditioning procedures are defined by the introduction of a trace interval between conditioned stimulus (CS, e.g. noise or light) offset and unconditioned stimulus (US, e.g. footshock). The introduction of an additional stimulus as a distractor has been suggested to increase the attentional demands of the task and to extend the usefulness of the behavioural model. In Experiment 1, the CS was noise and the distractor was provided by an intermittent light. In Experiment 2, the CS was light and the distractor was provided by an intermittent noise. In both experiments, the introduction of a 10s trace interval weakened associative learning compared with that seen in a 0s delay conditioned group. However, there was no consistent evidence of distraction. On the contrary, in Experiment 1, associative learning was stronger (in both trace and delay conditioned groups) for rats conditioned also in the presence of the intermittent light. In Experiment 2, there was no such effect when the roles of the stimuli were reversed. The results of Experiment 2 did however confirm the particular salience of the noise stimulus. The finding of increased associative learning dependent on salience is consistent with arousal-mediated effects on associative learning

    Repeating the Errors of Our Parents? Family-of-Origin Spouse Violence and Observed Conflict Management in Engaged Couples

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    Based on a developmental social learning analysis, it was hypothesized that observing parental violence predisposes partners to difficulties in managing couple conflict. Seventy-one engaged couples were assessed on their observation of parental violence in their family of origin. All couples were videotaped discussing two areas of current relationship conflict, and their cognitions during the interactions were assessed using a video-mediated recall procedure. Couples in which the male partner reported observing parental violence (male-exposed couples) showed more negative affect and communication during conflict discussions than couples in which neither partner reported observing parental violence (unexposed couples). Couples in which only the female partner reported observing parental violence (female- exposed couples) did not differ from unexposed couples in their affect or behavior. Female-exposed couples reported more negative cognitions than unexposed couples, but male-exposed couples did not differ from unexposed couples in their reported cognitions

    Output spectrum of a detector measuring quantum oscillations

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    We consider a two-level quantum system (qubit) which is continuously measured by a detector and calculate the spectral density of the detector output. In the weakly coupled case the spectrum exhibits a moderate peak at the frequency of quantum oscillations and a Lorentzian-shape increase of the detector noise at low frequency. With increasing coupling the spectrum transforms into a single Lorentzian corresponding to random jumps between two states. We prove that the Bayesian formalism for the selective evolution of the density matrix gives the same spectrum as the conventional master equation approach, despite the significant difference in interpretation. The effects of the detector nonideality and the finite-temperature environment are also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Heavy--light mesons in a bilocal effective theory

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    Heavy--light mesons are described in an effective quark theory with a two--body vector--type interaction. The bilocal interaction is taken to be instantaneous in the rest frame of the bound state, but formulated covariantly through the use of a boost vector. The chiral symmetry of the light flavor is broken spontaneously at mean field level. The framework for our discussion of bound states is the effective bilocal meson action obtained by bosonization of the quark theory. Mesons are described by 3--dimensional wave functions satisfying Salpeter equations, which exhibit both Goldstone solutions in the chiral limit and heavy--quark symmetry for mQm_Q\rightarrow\infty. We present numerical solutions for pseudoscalar DD-- and BB--mesons. Heavy--light meson spectra and decay constants are seen to be sensitive to the description of chiral symmetry breaking (dynamically generated vs.\ constant quark mass).Comment: (34 p., standard LaTeX, 7 PostScript figures appended) UNITUE-THEP-17/9

    All-optical switching and strong coupling using tunable whispering-gallery-mode microresonators

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    We review our recent work on tunable, ultrahigh quality factor whispering-gallery-mode bottle microresonators and highlight their applications in nonlinear optics and in quantum optics experiments. Our resonators combine ultra-high quality factors of up to Q = 3.6 \times 10^8, a small mode volume, and near-lossless fiber coupling, with a simple and customizable mode structure enabling full tunability. We study, theoretically and experimentally, nonlinear all-optical switching via the Kerr effect when the resonator is operated in an add-drop configuration. This allows us to optically route a single-wavelength cw optical signal between two fiber ports with high efficiency. Finally, we report on progress towards strong coupling of single rubidium atoms to an ultra-high Q mode of an actively stabilized bottle microresonator.Comment: 20 pages, 24 figures. Accepted for publication in Applied Physics B. Changes according to referee suggestions: minor corrections to some figures and captions, clarification of some points in the text, added references, added new paragraph with results on atom-resonator interactio