28 research outputs found

    Endoplasmic reticulum stress and the unfolded protein response in skeletal muscle of subjects suffering from peritoneal sepsis

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    We provide a descriptive characterization of the unfolded protein response (UPR) in skeletal muscle of human patients with peritoneal sepsis and a sepsis model of C57BL/6J mice. Patients undergoing open surgery were included in a cross-sectional study and blood and skeletal muscle samples were taken. Key markers of the UPR and cluster of differentiation 68 (CD68) as surrogate of inflammatory injury were evaluated by real-time PCR and histochemical staining. CD68 mRNA increased with sepsis in skeletal muscle of patients and animals (p < 0.05). Mainly the inositol-requiring enzyme 1α branch of the UPR was upregulated as shown by elevated X-box binding-protein 1 (XBP1u) and its spliced isoform (XBP1s) mRNA (p < 0.05, respectively). Increased expression of Gadd34 indicated activation of PRKR-Like Endoplasmic Reticulum Kinase (PERK) branch of the UPR, and was only observed in mice (p < 0.001) but not human study subjects. Selected cell death signals were upregulated in human and murine muscle, demonstrated by increased bcl-2 associated X protein mRNA and TUNEL staining (p < 0.05). In conclusion we provide a first characterization of the UPR in skeletal muscle in human sepsis

    Current situation of allergy education in Mexico and other parts of Latin America

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    Allergic diseases are one of the most frequent chronic diseases in the world. It has been established that there is a worldwide epidemic of allergic diseases; therefore, the treatment of allergies should be acknowledged as a worldwide priority and the specialty of allergy should be considered an important field in medicine. Due to the fact that allergic diseases involve many organs, and Allergy and Clinical Immunology is one of the specialties in which physicians may be trained to treat patients of all ages, the subject in medical schools is not always taught as an individual specialty but often as part of another subject such as internal medicine or pediatrics. Certified allergists are an important contribution to health systems, providing the necessary care for patients who have allergic diseases. Undergraduate programs in many universities do not include allergy as a subject, contributing to a lack of knowledge regarding the correct management of allergic diseases. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 1 allergist per 50,000 people; however, there is an uneven distribution of allergy and clinical immunology specialists. Most practitioners are localized mainly in larger cities and state capitals, while in other regions, specialists are still greatly needed. Support and training systems are required for allergy and clinical immunology specialists to promote continuing education and keep their clinical competence up to date, which will lead to better care for their patients. Increased exposure to the concepts of allergy and clinical immunology diagnosis and treatment in undergraduate education may also potentially lead to an increase in interest in the field of allergy and clinical immunology among physicians in training. This review will approach allergy education in Mexico and other parts of Latin America

    Anafilaxia en niños y adultos: prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento

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    La anafilaxia es una condición que requiere asistencia inmediata para su resolución, se puede presentar en diferentes entornos: consultorio, hospital, escuela, hogar o en algún otro espacio público. La información aquí contenida forma parte de lineamientos conocidos sobre prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento. Se abordan aspectos epidemiológicos, desencadenantes, factores de riesgo y cofactores; se explican de una manera didáctica los mecanismos fisiopatológicos que se traducen en fenotipos de presentación. Se enfatiza el diagnóstico clínico con base en criterios ya establecidos, se mencionan clasificaciones para evaluar la gravedad de la reacción, así como el rol de las pruebas clínicas o de laboratorio. Como aspectos de relevancia, se abordan el tratamiento de primera elección con adrenalina, instrucciones sobre autoinyectores y diferentes elementos para el tratamiento complementario y de segunda elección. También se refieren aspectos a considerar al dar de alta a un paciente y medidas de seguimiento, con un énfasis preventivo en la comunidad. Finalmente, se menciona el abordaje en el consultorio de alergia para decidir sobre opciones de inmunomodulación. ABSTRACT Anaphylaxis is a condition that requires immediate assistance for its resolution, it can occur in different settings: office, hospital, school, home or some other public space. The information contained herein forms part of known guidelines on prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Epidemiological aspects, triggers, risk factors and co-factors are addressed; physiopathological mechanisms that are translated into presentation phenotypes are explained in a didactic way. Clinical diagnosis is emphasized based on established criteria, classifications are mentioned to evaluate the severity of the reaction, as well as the role of clinical or laboratory tests. As relevant aspects, the first choice treatment with adrenaline, instructions on auto-injectors and different elements for the complementary and second choice treatment are dealt with. They also refer to aspects to consider when discharging a patient and followup measures, with a preventive emphasis on the community. Finally, the allergy clinic approach to deciding on immunomodulation options is mentione

    La Revolución Mexicana y la diplomacia argentina (1910-1913) : los prolegómenos de la mediación del ABC

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    Resumen: En el presente trabajo se desarrollarán básicamente dos ejes temáticos. En primer lugar se analizará el impacto de los acontecimientos revolucionarios mexicanos en las élites argentinas, a través del análisis del discurso empleado en los informes diplomáticos enviados a la cancillería argentina desde México y Washington entre comienzos de 1910 y fines de 1913. De ellos se destacarán dos preocupaciones fundamentales: la alarmante situación interna de México por un lado y el futuro de las relaciones con Estados Unidos por el otro. En segundo lugar se analizará la actitud asumida por dicha cancillería frente a las invitaciones del gobierno norteamericano para que utilizara su influencia moral en procura de la pacificación en México, y vinculado a ello, la permanente búsqueda y adopción de una posición común con las cancillerías de los países vecinos en esta cuestión. La repercusión de la Revolución Mexicana en la Argentina es un tema cuya presunta ausencia en las fuentes de la época llamó la atención de los escasos autores que se ocuparon del mismo1. El contexto en el cual aparecía mencionado en ellas era el del temor a que los acontecimientos revolucionarios mexicanos se reprodujeran en nuestro país, como lo expresaba el publicista Rodolfo Rivarola: “La guerra civil, México en la Argentina, si triunfa el Partido Radical”.Abstract: This article treats two principal subjects: the impact of the Mexican Revolution in the Argentine ruling class, through the analysis of the correspondence from the years 1910-1913 between the Argentine Foreign Office and his diplomatic representatives in Mexico and Washington, including their preoccupation for the alarming chaotic internal situation in Mexico, with a detailed description of the revolutionary events, and the future of the bilateral relations between Argentine and the USA; secondly, the reaction of the Argentine government to the American invitations to mediate in the Mexican conflict, in connection with the common policy adopted by Argentina, Brasil and Chile in this topic

    Temas de historia argentina y americana, 2005, n° 6 (número completo)

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    Imágenes de la periferia. Las exploraciones de Juan Francisco de Aguirre y su historia y geografía de las Provincias del Río de la Plata / Liliana M. Brezzo -- Las exposiciones internacionales en la ciudad de Buenos Aires durante los festejos del Centenario / Florencia Casiraghi de Pryor -- Raúl A. Molina y la historia de la Virgen de Luján / Jorge Juan Cortabarría -- Las visitas a la provincia carmelitana de San Alberto de México en el siglo XVII / María de Lourdes Lascurain de Doucet -- Sobre marinos y funcionarios en el Río de la Plata, conflictos y necesidades (1760-1800) / Guillermo Andrés Oyarzábal -- La Revolución Mexicana y la diplomacia argentina (1910-1913). Los prolegómenos de la mediación del ABC / Ricardo Weinmann -- Documentos -- Necrológicas -- Reseñas Bibliográfica