592 research outputs found

    Marcel Mauss e a cumulatividade de saberes

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    A “SĂ©rie Mauss”, em nove volumes, busca romper com a oposição entre a antropologia estrutural e a sociologia durkheimiana, que marcou as ediçÔes francesas anteriores, para estabelecer as condiçÔes de uma cumulatividade de conhecimentos nas ciĂȘncias humanas e sociais. Para alĂ©m do Ensaio sobre a dĂĄdiva, a anĂĄlise sistemĂĄtica do contexto triplo da obra – sua concepção, suas diferentes ediçÔes, suas sucessivas recepçÔes – mostra sua profunda coerĂȘncia teĂłrica e suas inflexĂ”es ligadas Ă  histĂłria intelectual e polĂ­tica, mas tambĂ©m o que hoje percebemos como as idas e vindas entre “aqui” e “lá”. Depois dos especialistas na religiĂŁo e no simbĂłlico, sĂŁo agora os especialistas em tecnologia, linguagem, corpo, psique e meio ambiente que retomam seu trabalho. O que nos encoraja a buscar nele os recursos cognitivos e morais para retomar o futuro graças a um diĂĄlogo tranquilo entre as ciĂȘncias sociais e as ciĂȘncias naturais.Mauss series’ 9 volumes published by PUF between 2012 and 2021 seek to break with the Great Divide between structural anthropology and durkheimian sociology that marked the previous French editions and to promote the conditions for knowledge accumulation in humanities and social sciences. Beyond The gift, the analysis of maussian works’ triple context – that of their conception, that of their different editions, that of their successive receptions – shows both their theoretical consistency and redirections due to intellectual and political history. The series highlights how Mauss used the back and forth movement between Here and There that characterizes today the ethnographic approach. After specialists of religion and symbolic, new scientific appropriations come from specialists of techniques, language, body, psychĂ© and environnement. This should inspire us to reload Mauss’works in order to acquire cognitive and moral resources while reopening the future thanks to an appeased dialog between social sciences and natural sciences

    Marcel Mauss et la cumulativité des savoirs

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    La « sĂ©rie Mauss » en 9 volumes cherche Ă  rompre avec l’opposition entre anthropologie structurale et sociologie durkheimienne qui a marquĂ© les prĂ©cĂ©dentes Ă©ditions françaises pour instaurer les conditions d’une cumulativitĂ© des savoirs en sciences humaines et sociales. Au-delĂ  de l’Essai sur le don, l’analyse systĂ©matique du triple contexte de l’Ɠuvre – sa conception, ses diffĂ©rentes Ă©ditions, ses rĂ©ceptions successives – donne Ă  voir sa profonde cohĂ©rence thĂ©orique et ses inflĂ©chissements liĂ©s Ă  l’histoire intellectuelle et politique, mais aussi ce que nous percevons aujourd’hui comme des allers et retours entre « ici » et « lĂ -bas ». AprĂšs les spĂ©cialistes de la religion et du symbolique, ce sont les spĂ©cialistes des techniques, du langage, du corps, de la psychĂ© et de l’environnement qui s’emparent de son Ɠuvre. VoilĂ  qui encourage Ă  y puiser les ressources cognitives et morales pour rĂ©ouvrir l’avenir grĂące Ă  un dialogue apaisĂ© entre sciences sociales et sciences de la nature.Mauss series’ 9 volumes published by PUF between 2012 and 2021 seek to break with the Great Divide between structural anthropology and durkheimian sociology that marked the previous French editions and to promote the conditions for knowledge accumulation in humanities and social sciences. Beyond The gift, the analysis of maussian works’ triple context – that of their conception, that of their different editions, that of their successive receptions – shows both their theoretical consistency and redirections due to intellectual and political history. The series highlights how Mauss used the back and forth movement between Here and There that characterizes today the ethnographic approach. After specialists of religion and symbolic, new scientific appropriations come from specialists of techniques, language, body, psychĂ© and environnement. This should inspire us to reload Mauss’works in order to acquire cognitive and moral resources while reopening the future thanks to an appeased dialog between social sciences and natural sciences

    L’ethnographe et les scripteurs populaires

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    Ă  la mĂ©moire de RenĂ© Dans ses enquĂȘtes en France, l’ethnographe des cultures populaires rencontre forcĂ©ment – comme l’historien – des matĂ©riaux Ă©crits, non seulement produits des activitĂ©s administratives ou intellectuelles, mais aussi traces des diverses pratiques de l’écriture qu’ont ses interlocuteurs indigĂšnes (du formulaire Ă  la banderole, du tract Ă  l’ex-voto, de la correspondance Ă  l’agenda, etc.). Il arrive aussi qu’il obtienne de ses informateurs non seulement des entretiens, interac..

    Die Stellung von Marcel Mauss in der internationalen Anthropologie und im GedÀchtnis der französischen Soziologie

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    Die Rolle, die Marcel Mauss bei der BegrĂŒndung einer Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie weltweit gespielt hat, ist kaum zu ĂŒberschĂ€tzen. Vom Essai sur la nature et la fonction du sacrifice, den er 1899 zusammen mit Henri Hubert veröffentlichte, bis zum Essai sur le don, der 1924 erschien, und noch darĂŒber hinaus war Marcel Mauss die treibende Kraft der von Émile Durkheim begrĂŒndeten französischen Schule der Soziologie in sĂ€mtlichen Bereichen der Religionssoziologie und Sozialanthropologie. Sein ..

    La prise en charge de la dépendance des personnes ùgées: les dimensions territoriales de l'action publique

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    Le fichier joint contient uniquement la note de synthĂšse du rapport. Le rapport est disponible sur le site de la Maison des sciences sociales du handicap : mssh.ehesp.fr/wp-content/uploads/2013/.../Territoire_Rapport-final.pdf‎A partir de sept monographies dĂ©partementales, cette recherche explore le fonctionnement concret de la dĂ©centralisation de l'action publique dans le champ de la prise en charge Ă  domicile des personnes ĂągĂ©es dĂ©pendantes, Ă  travers le prisme d'un dispositif particulier : l'allocation personnalisĂ©e d'autonomie. L'analyse du matĂ©riau ethnographique, est organisĂ©e autour de trois dimensions de l'action publique : le contrĂŽle de l'Ă©libigilitĂ©, la solvabilisation financiĂšre de la demande et la tarification des services d'aide autorisĂ©s. Elle rĂ©vĂšle un fort dĂ©calage entre la dĂ©centralisation, telle qu'elle se lit dans les textes, et la dĂ©centralisation telle qu'on la voit fonctionner Ă  l'Ă©chelle des dĂ©partements. Ce sont ainsi les conseils gĂ©nĂ©raux, dans la diversitĂ© de leurs contraintes et de leurs objectifs politiques, qui dĂ©finissent l'acception du terme "mĂ©dico-social" dans le cadre de l'APA, qui dĂ©limitent l'Ă©tendu de leur rĂŽle - de simple financeur Ă  vĂ©ritable tutelle du secteur mĂ©dico-social, qui dĂ©terminent la nature plus ou moins assurantielle de l'APA face au risque qu'induit la variabilitĂ© du prix et du cout de production d'une heure d'aide et son intensitĂ© redistributive. A l'inverse, alors qu'ils sont chargĂ©s, par la loi, de rĂ©guler les coĂ»ts de production des services autorisĂ©s, leur pouvoir effectif de rĂ©gulation butte sur les compĂ©tences dĂ©volues, aux autres Ă©chelons de pouvoirs publics (municipalitĂ©s et services dĂ©concentrĂ©s de l'Ă©tat central) en matiĂšre de dĂ©veloppement de l'emploi et de qualification des services

    Cultural competency of health-care providers in a Swiss University Hospital: self-assessed cross-cultural skillfulness in a cross-sectional study

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    Background: As the diversity of the European population evolves, measuring providers’ skillfulness in cross-cultural care and understanding what contextual factors may influence this is increasingly necessary. Given limited information about differences in cultural competency by provider role, we compared cross-cultural skillfulness between physicians and nurses working at a Swiss university hospital. Methods: A survey on cross-cultural care was mailed in November 2010 to front-line providers in Lausanne, Switzerland. This questionnaire included some questions from the previously validated Cross-Cultural Care Survey. We compared physicians’ and nurses’ mean composite scores and proportion of “3-good/4-very good” responses, for nine perceived skillfulness items (4-point Likert-scale) using the validated tool. We used linear regression to examine how provider role (physician vs. nurse) was associated with composite skillfulness scores, adjusting for demographics (gender, non-French dominant language), workplace (time at institution, work-unit “sensitized” to cultural-care), reported cultural-competence training, and cross-cultural care problem-awareness. Results: Of 885 questionnaires, 368 (41.2%) returned the survey: 124 (33.6%) physicians and 244 (66.4%) nurses, reflecting institutional distribution of providers. Physicians had better mean composite scores for perceived skillfulness than nurses (2.7 vs. 2.5, p < 0.005), and significantly higher proportion of “good/very good” responses for 4/9 items. After adjusting for explanatory variables, physicians remained more likely to have higher skillfulness (ÎČ = 0.13, p = 0.05). Among all, higher skillfulness was associated with perception/awareness of problems in the following areas: inadequate cross-cultural training (ÎČ = 0.14, p = 0.01) and lack of practical experience caring for diverse populations (ÎČ = 0.11, p = 0.04). In stratified analyses among physicians alone, having French as a dominant language (ÎČ = −0.34, p < 0.005) was negatively correlated with skillfulness. Conclusions: Overall, there is much room for cultural competency improvement among providers. These results support the need for cross-cultural skills training with an inter-professional focus on nurses, education that attunes provider awareness to the local issues in cross-cultural care, and increased diversity efforts in the work force, particularly among physicians

    169 Does atrial differences in endothelium damage, leukocyte and platelet activation contribute to chamber specific thrombogenic status in patients with atrial fibrillation?

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    BackgroundIn atrial fibrillation (AF), the reasons why most of the thrombi form in the left atrium are mainly unknown. In the vasculature, endothelial damage together with platelet activation and inflammation contribute to initiation of blood coagulation and thrombus growth.ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to investigate whether atrial-specific differences in endothelial damage, leukocyte activation, platelet stimulation occur in patients with AF.MethodsTwenty patients (15 men, 5 women; age 55±8 years, 15 paroxystic AF, 5 persistent AF) with AF undergoing ablation were investigated. Blood samples from the left and right atrium were obtained at the start of the procedure. Procoagulant microparticles (MPs), reliable markers of vascular damage were measured by capture assays. Their procoagulant abilities were quantified by functional prothrombinase assay and their cellular origin were determined (endothelium, platelet, leukocyte). In addition, platelet reactivity was evaluated by whole blood flow cytometry for expression of platelet Pselectin (CD62P), active glycoprotein IIbIIIa receptor (PAC-1). Platelet aggregation was evaluated using Arachidonic acid (AA), ADP, TRAP and collageninduced whole blood aggregometry.ResultsNo atrial-specific differences in the levels of total procoagulant MP, leukocyte-derived-MP and platelet-derived MP could be evidenced. Conversely, endothelial-derived MPs (CD105+) were slightly elevated in the right atrium (RA 0.96±0.53 vs. LA 0.80±0.45nm PhtdSer Eq.; p=0.041). Likewise, collagen-induced platelet aggregation was evidenced in the right atrium (Collagen 1mg/l RA: 48±33% vs LA 37±29%; p 0.035; collagen 2,5mg/l RA: 76±25% vs LA: 60±29%; p=0.001).ConclusionsIn patients with AF, endothelial damage and collageninduced platelet aggregation appear slightly more pronounced in the right atrium. Our data did not substantiate the view that chamber specific enhanced thrombogenic status could be a reliable explanation for the increased propensity for thrombus formation observed in the left atrium in AF patients

    Histoire sociale et politique des populations

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    Paul-AndrĂ© Rosental, directeur d’études Population et histoire politique au XXe siĂšcle Le sĂ©minaire a poursuivi son Ă©tude des fondements politiques des dynamiques dĂ©mographiques dans la France du XXe siĂšcle, en se centrant sur l’histoire de la mĂ©decine du travail. La crise que connaĂźt, depuis sa crĂ©ation officielle en 1942 et sa confirmation Ă  la LibĂ©ration, cette spĂ©cialitĂ© dominĂ©e, interroge le rĂŽle de l’État, des partenaires sociaux, des mĂ©decins et des entreprises. Les employeurs voient d..

    Detection and quantification of a mycorrhization helper bacterium and a mycorrhizal fungus in plant-soil microcosms at different levels of complexity

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    BACKGROUND: Host plant roots, mycorrhizal mycelium and microbes are important and potentially interacting factors shaping the performance of mycorrhization helper bacteria (MHB). We investigated the impact of a soil microbial community on the interaction between the extraradical mycelium of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Piloderma croceum and the MHB Streptomyces sp. AcH 505 in both the presence and the absence of pedunculate oak microcuttings. RESULTS: Specific primers were designed to target the internal transcribed spacer of the rDNA and an intergenic region between two protein encoding genes of P. croceum and the intergenic region between the gyrA and gyrB genes of AcH 505. These primers were used to perform real-time PCR with DNA extracted from soil samples. With a sensitivity of 10 genome copies and a linear range of 6 orders of magnitude, these real-time PCR assays enabled the quantification of purified DNA from P. croceum and AcH 505, respectively. In soil microcosms, the fungal PCR signal was not affected by AcH 505 in the absence of the host plant. However, the fungal signal became weaker in the presence of the plant. This decrease was only observed in microbial filtrate amended microcosms. In contrast, the PCR signal of AcH 505 increased in the presence of P. croceum. The increase was not significant in sterile microcosms that contained plant roots. CONCLUSIONS: Real-time quantitative PCR assays provide a method for directly detecting and quantifying MHB and mycorrhizal fungi in plant microcosms. Our study indicates that the presence of microorganisms and plant roots can both affect the nature of MHB-fungus interactions, and that mycorrhizal fungi may enhance MHB growth

    Artesunate-mefloquine combination therapy in acute Plasmodium falciparum malaria in young children: a field study regarding neurological and neuropsychiatric safety

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    BACKGROUND: Mefloquine-artesunate combination therapy for uncomplicated falciparum malaria is one of the treatments used in African children. Data concerning neurological safety in adults and children treated with mefloquine and artesunate combination therapy is well documented in Asia. Safety data for neurological and neuropsychiatric side effects of mefloquine and artesunate combination therapy in African children are scarce, although WHO recommends this therapy in Africa. METHODS: A phase IV, open label, single arm study was conducted among African children between 10 and 20 kg with acute uncomplicated falciparum malaria. They were treated over three consecutive days with a paediatric fixed-dose combination of artesunate (50 mg/d) and mefloquine (125 mg/d). Parasitological, clinical and neurological examinations and standardized questions about neuropsychiatric symptoms were carried out on days 0, 4, 7, 28 and 63. The primary objective was to assess the neurological and neuropsychiatric safety of artesunate-mefloquine combination therapy in young children. RESULTS: From December 2007 to March 2009, 220 children with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria were treated with artesunate and mefloquine. 213 children were analysed according to study protocol. 50 neurological and neuropsychiatric adverse events occurred in 28 patients. Eleven drug-related neurological and neuropsychiatric adverse events occurred in eight patients. Sleeping disorders were present in 2.3%, neurological disorders in 1.4%, neuropsychiatric disorders in 1% and eating disorders in 0.5% of the patients. Adverse events were of mild to moderate intensity and resolved spontaneously. CONCLUSION: African children showed a low percentage of self-limited neurological and neuropsychiatric adverse events, confirming studies on neurological safety in Asian children treated with artesunate and mefloquine. Sleeping disorders were most frequently observed
