69 research outputs found

    دور طريقة القواعد والترجمة في فهم كتب التراث في المعهد مفتاح العلوم ببايو فوتية كيدول لوماجانج

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    Penulisan Skripsi ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan metode Qowa 'id dan Terjemah dalam pengajaran kitab kuning di Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Ulum Banyuputih Kidul Lumajang. Mengetahui faktor faktor yang mendukung penggunaan metode Qowaid dan Terjemah dalam pengajaran kitab kitab kuning di Ponpes Miftahul Ulum Banyuputih Kidul Lumajang. Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana peranan metade Qowaid dan Terjemah dalam memahami kitab kitab kuning diPonpes Miftahul Ulum Banyuputih Kidul Lumajang


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    Jantung merupakan salah satu organ tubuh manusia yang sangat penting yang berperan untuk mengatur peredaran darah manusia. Aktivitas jantung yang bekerja secara terus-menerus ini dinamakan detak jantung. Selain detak jantung, suhu tubuh  juga digunakan sebagai parameter untuk mengukur kesehatan seseorang. Untuk mengetahui detak jantung seorang pasien, dokter di fasilitas kesehatan melakukannya dengan cara memegang pergelangan tangan pasien. merasakan detaknya, dan menghitungnya secara manual. Pemeriksaan suhu tubuh di rumah sakit atau fasilitas kesehatan juga masih bersifat manual dan tidak efektif karena memakan waktu yang lama. Masalah ini juga terjadi karena tidak adanya software dan alat yang dapat mendeteksi detak jantung dan suhu tubuh yang digunakan di fasilitas kesehatan tersebut, sehingga pasien yang berkunjung ke tempat fasilitas kesehatan tersebut harus menunggu lama hasil detak jantung dan suhu tubuh yang dianalisis oleh dokter. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sistem dan alat yang dapat mendeteksi detak jantung manusia dengan sensor MAX30102 dan suhu tubuh dengan sensor DS18B20 dan NodeMCU ESP8266 sebagai control pengendalinya serta aplikasi Blynk sebagai databasenya. Melalui penelitian ini, hasil pengukuran detak jantung dan suhu tubuh diharapkan menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien

    Dinamis-Rasionalis dalam Pemikiran Thaha Husain pada Problematika Peradaban Islam dan Barat

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    The inter-civilization dialogue is necessary: unavoidable. There is no civilization can improve its self without an interaction with other civilization. This phenomenon brings Thaha Husain to review how the civilization of Egypt could be “out of date” compared with the Western civilization. He assumes that it was because of traditional thinking of Muslims. In his opinion, Muslims believe that Islamic tradition is the perfect one: no need to learn from other tradition. Husain talks that to realize this decline is better than to feel perfect (apology). According to Husain, Muslims should learn from history, learn from Western civilization—which is more advanced. In this context, academic fairness is very important for Muslim intellectual to create an academic tradition. Husain supposes that imitating the tradition of the West doesn’t mean imitating its religion. Humanity is the key. From Thaha Husain’s thinking, there are two lessons that can be contemplated. First, life in the tradition is a necessity as life in modern culture. Therefore, there is no tradition which does not accept change and debate in line with the dynamics of humanity. Second, rational approach, scientific and historical criticism is of capital importance to catch up with Western civilizatio

    A Particle Swarm Approach to Collaborative Filtering based Recommender Systems through Fuzzy Features

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    AbstractCollaborative filtering (CF) either memory based or model based, has been emerged as an information filtering tool that provides effective recommendations to users utilizing the experiences and opinions of their similar neighbors when they interact with large information spaces. Memory based CF is more accurate than model based CF but it is less scalable. Our work in this paper is an attempt towards introducing a recommendation strategy (FPSO-CF) based on user hybrid features that retains the accuracy of memory – based CF as well as the scalability of model-based CF in an efficient manner. Since most user features are imprecise in nature, therefore these can be represented more naturally by using fuzzy sets. In this work, we employ particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) to learn user weights on various features and use fuzzy sets for representing user features efficiently. Effectiveness of our proposed RS (FPSO-CF) is demonstrated through experimental results in terms of various performance measures using the MovieLens dataset

    Kiai Abdul Hamid Pasuruan dan Kontribusinya untuk Moderasi Islam

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    Kiai Abdul Hamid Pasuruan is a phenomenal figure, even known by his conscience by layers ofsociety. He has inherited many things related to the earthing of islamic values, especially in teachingislamic academic theory of Ahl Sunna wal al-jamaah. His legacies both of –his thought and his attitudefor facing this life—that can be able to appease for people, up to now many people come to visit hisgrave for pilgrimaging destination. By him, Islam is served softly without fears to others.. Moreover,He was forwarding the happiness of others people, before his self was happy. This step is done basedon his holistic understanding of islam, which is said that able to combine the logic of normative fiqhwith substantial values sufism in the context of life and the large community. The combination ofnormativeity and sufism were ushering firmly and softly. It means, friendly in building therelationship with people. within the sphere of life practice.Kiai Hamid was able to invite people fordoing the obligation of islam, while in the context of persuading and giving example for them, theimportance is creating of maintaining harmony each others.Kiai Abdul Hamid Pasuruan merupakan tokoh fenomenal, bahkan dikenal kewaliannya oleh lapisanmasyarakat. Ia telah mewariskan banyak hal, khususnya ajaran Islam Ahl Sunna wal al-jamaah.Warisan-warisannya yang mampu menyejukkan bagi umat hingga mengantarkan makamnya sampaihari ini masih menjadi tujuan ziarah;Darinya, Islam disuguhkan dengan cara lembut tanpa menakutkan kepada sesama. Bahkan, ia selalumengedepankan agar orang lain senang, sebelum dirinya senang. Langkah ini dilakukan tidak lepasdari pemahamannya yang holistik atas Islam, yang konon mampu mengkombinasikan logikanormatif fikih dengan nilai substansial tasawuf dalam konteks kehidupan bermasyarakat luas.Kombinasi normatifitas fikih dan tasawuf mengantarkan ia tegas, sekaligus lembut. Tegas dalam soalpraktik-praktik keagamaan. Tapi, lembut dalam membangun hubungan dengan siapapun. Dalamlingkup praktik kehidupan, Kiai Hamid mampu mengajak umat agar terus mengerjakan perintahIslam, sembari dalam konteks tetap mengajak dan memberikan contoh kepada mereka, kaitanpentingnya mejaga harmoni dengan sesama.Dari potret kesejarahan hidupnya, ditemukan bahwa Inti dari perannya dengan pola pikir moderatadalah menjaga selalu kesejukan umat melalui pembumian Islam secara menyeluruh dari formalismenuju substansialis atau dari ketuhanan menuju kemanusiaan. Konsistensi ini ini menjadi jalan, iadipandang masih hidup, sekalipun meninggal lama seiring makamnya tidak pernah sepi dikunjungimasyarakat

    Fuzzy Side Information Clustering-Based Framework for Effective Recommendations

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    Collaborative filtering (CF) is the most successful and widely implemented algorithm in the area of recommender systems (RSs). It generates recommendations using a set of user-product ratings by matching similarity between the profiles of different users. Computing similarity among user profiles efficiently in case of sparse data is the most crucial component of the CF technique. Data sparsity and accuracy are the two major issues associated with the classical CF approach. In this paper, we try to solve these issues using a novel approach based on the side information (user-product background content) and the Mahalanobis distance measure. The side information has been incorporated into RSs to further improve their performance, especially in the case of data sparsity. However, incorporation of side information into traditional two-dimensional recommender systems would increase the dimensionality and complexity of the system. Therefore, to alleviate the problem of dimensionality, we cluster users based on their side information using k-means clustering algorithm and each user's similarity is computed using the Mahalanobis distance method. Additionally, we use fuzzy sets to represent the side information more efficiently. Results of the experimentation with two benchmark datasets show that our framework improves the recommendations quality and predictive accuracy of both traditional and clustering-based collaborative recommendations

    Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Komputer dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Guru di Kecamatan Sukasari Sumedang

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    In line with the development of information and communication technology (ICT) can not be separated from the availability of facilities and infrastructure and its utilization. The importance of knowledge and insights on ICT and how to get resources is an obligation of the user to improve the quality of knowledge of the importance of ICT. To improve the ability of these technologies will then need to do their training. Inability and limitations to have facilities in information and communication technology, ignorance on the use of computers and the need for self improvement of the users are behind the implementation of this program community service. The aim is to provide information on the importance of ICT, and providing training in the form of computer practice. The method is to do a survey, data collection, data analysis, planning, implementation, assessment and reporting. The result is a program participant gets to know about ICT, as well as getting computer training practices. The implication is that program participants gain knowledge and insight into the use of ICT as well as practices that computer. The conclusion is that education is the process of providing and delivering information and its utilization in theory, training is the practice of theory is given, improving the quality of teachers is the process of adding insight and knowledge, and the use of ICT, so that the program is expected to be a program on improved its quality for teachers in the district SukasariSumedang distric

    Pelatihan dan Lokakarya ICT dalam Upaya Percepatan Pemerataan Mutu Pendidikan di Daerah Tertinggal

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    Pemerintah Republik Indonesia melalui Direktorat Jendral Peningkatan Mutu Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan mengembangkan potensi tenaga pendidik agar mereka mempunyai kualifikasi akademik yang merata terutama untuk daerah-daerah yang tertinggal. ICT (Information and Communication Technologi) merupakan salah satu  upaya untuk  percepatan pemerataan mutu pendidikan pada daerah tertinggal ini. Program pelatihan dan lokakarya yang dilaksanakan, bekerja sama antara PMPTK, LPMP Jawa Barat, INTEL dan Universitas Islam Nusantara dengan menggunakan modul getting started dari intel corporation. Sasaran peserta pelatihan ICT ini  yaitu kelompok KKG, MGMP SMP dan MGMP SMA yang merupakan master teacher yang dilatih. Mereka ini diharapkan nantinya akan melatih participant teacher di daerah masing-masing.


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    Penerapan Running Text pada Dot Matriks bisa dijumpai di pertokoan, perkantoran ataupun di gedung-gedung dan biasanya digunakan sebagai hiasan pintu masuk, iklan bahkan digunakan sebagai wadah menyampaikan informasi kepada khalayak ramai. Seringkali Running Text diperbaharui menggunakan PC/laptop, sehingga  pembaharuan tersebut mengharuskan pengguna melakukan pembaharuan di satu tempat saja.  Apabila pengguna sedang tidak berada ditempat pembaharuan yang telah ditentukan, maka akan kesulitan dalam melakukan pembaharuan.  Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuat sebuah sistem dimana pembaharuan (update) tulisan berjalan (Running Text) yang ada pada Dot Matriks tidak lagi menggunakan PC (Personal Computer), melainkan menggunakan SMS (Short Message Service) dengan Mikrokontroler ATmega16 sebagai pusat kendali perangkang I/O. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa SMS (Short Message Service) bisa diterapkan untuk meng-update tulisan berjalan (Running Text) pada Dot Matriks dengan jumlah karakter sebanyak 157 karakter. Tempat melakukan pembaharuan juga bisa dilakukan dimana saja, namun masih tergantung dengan jaringan.   Kata kunci: Running Text, SMS (Short Message Service), Mikrokontroler, Dot Matrik