11,418 research outputs found

    Entre el código epigráfico y el literario : cineres atque ossa peremptae (VERG. Aen. 5, 787)

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    La problemática de la recepción del hemistiquio virgiliano cineres atque ossa peremptae (VERG. Aen. 5, 787) en el formulario epigráfico cuestiona la validez y los límites de la Quellenforschung que desde el s. XVIII incide en la teoría y en la práctica de los estudios filológicoliterarios en general, repercutiendo particularmente en el análisis epigráfico. Aunque este planteo exige restringir la difusión usualmente atribuida al hemistiquio de la Eneida, el análisis del origen, naturaleza y supuestas citas directas o adaptadas en las inscripciones métricas pone al descubierto la dinámica de influencias mutuas y complejas entre la expresión literaria y el formulario epigráfico

    Knowing, Being, Doing – Perhaps Not So New: A Comment on Illman and Czimbalmos, Temenos 56 (2)

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    A comment on the article ‘Knowing, Being, and Doing Religion: Introducing an Analytical Model for Researching Vernacular Religion’ by Ruth Illman and Mercédesz Czimbalmos, published in Temenos vol. 56 no. 2 (2020), 171–99

    Forest burials in Denmark: Nature, non-religion and spirituality

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    Burial in the forest is a recent, non-confessional alternative to the established cemeteries owned and run by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark. Danish forest burials fulfil common criteria for non-religion and they are an example of institutionalized non-religion. Their non-confessional character is emphasized in the information material directed towards potential buyers of forest burial plots. Forest burials appeal to both non-members and members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church; in fact, nearly two-thirds of those who had a forest burial by the end of 2021 were members of the church. I have participated in seven tours conducted at different forest burial sites, and I have interviewed nearly fifty participants about their motives for considering buying a forest burial plot. In my analyses, I structure the interviews along the three dimensions, knowing, doing, and being. I found that the motives for people to choose a forest burial reflected both non-religious and religious/spiritual considerations. Forest burials exemplify a religious complexity where nature, non-religion, religion, and spirituality intersect. In this complexity, I see the institution of forest burial as a non-religious vessel, which the buyers fill with their individual thoughts and acts

    The Danish Reformation Celebrations as Civil Religion

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    Geological description of Nittsjö and its environs in Dalarne

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    Southern Monterey County Landscape Study

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    The study's purpose is to deepen the CFMC's understanding of nonprofit organizations serving South Monterey County (SMC); support and strengthen our combined efforts in the region towards a vision of healthy, safe vibrant communities. The CFMC? Identified 320 nonprofit, governments, faith-based and civic organizations serving SMC in Fall 2013? Surveyed those organizations to assess their characteristics, services, capabilities, needs and networks? Conducted five focus groups with 53 leaders to discuss local assets & challenges (in Gonzales, Soledad, Greenfield, King City, and San Ardo

    Orientalisierende Astrologie

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    Dürer und die italienische Antike

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