19 research outputs found
Play(ful) Pedagogical Practices for Creative Collaborative Literacy
This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Portier, C., Friedrich, N., &
Peterson. S. S. (2019). Play(ful) pedagogical practices for creative collaborative literacy, The Reading Teacher, which has been published in final form at doi:org/10.1002/trtr.1795. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.With the goal of supporting children’s writing and content area learning using play as a pedagogical model, K-1 teachers’ action research projects involved children collaborating to create texts for a range of purposes. Their project activities were analyzed for their starting points/motivators, student- and teacher-roles, and artefacts. The activities took the form of small initiatives, a range of themes connecting curriculum areas, and imaginative scenarios. Within each, teachers took on various roles to support student interactions and scaffold literacy learning, while students responded through collaboration, creative expression, and writing. Each activity addressed curriculum objectives related to literacy, while presenting children with opportunities to engage in collaborative, play(ful) learning with peers and/or the teacher and express their learning through creative means. These projects show that there does not have to be a disconnect between the achievement of curriculum objectives and the implementation of play(ful) learning activities
Using social knowledge while interacting at the classroom sand center: Facework and cohesion strategies
© The Author(s) 2018In this study, we investigated the ways in which young children used cohesive devices and demonstrated facework to achieve social purposes in their interactions at the sand centre in one kindergarten class. Analyses of video-recordings of five-year old children revealed that children used cohesive strategies, such as referring to objects and people using pronouns, rather than proper nouns. They used repetitions and conjunctions to tie together the ideas from one speaker to the next. Additionally, conversation partners were readily able to construct appropriate meanings from the general references using contextual information. Further, their oral communication demonstrated cooperativeness and engagement as part of their social development. Children used language primarily for imaginative purposes, in addition to communicating information, regulating others’ behavior, and expressing their individuality and emotional responses to activities at the sand centre. They were least likely to use language for interactional purposes. Children’s use of face-work strategies included complimenting peers, softening regulatory language with words, such as “just”, and showing interest in others’ activities.Social Sciences and Humanities Research Counci
Currículo para os pequenos: o espaço em discussão!
O presente artigo se dispõe a apresentar algumas notas sobre trabalhos na área de educação, em especial de Educação Infantil, sobre a temática da organização do trabalho pedagógico, elegendo o espaço como eixo do debate. Foram selecionados textos de autores nacionais e estrangeiros, frutos de produções recentes publicadas em língua portuguesa. A análise é feita, prioritariamente, a partir de contribuições advindas do campo da Geografia - em destaque para as reflexões de Milton Santos - e da História da Educação, por meio das considerações do pesquisador espanhol Antonio Viñao Frago. O objetivo é contribuir para o debate sobre currículo/propostas educativas voltadas à educação de crianças pequenas, assim como contribuir para as investigações sobre a temática do espaço escolar
Educação infantil e ensino fundamental: desafios e desencontros na implantação de uma nova política
Neste artigo, apresentamos uma análise do processo de ampliação do ensino fundamental e seus reflexos sobre a educação infantil com base em resultados de pesquisa realizada entre 2008 e 2010, cujo objetivo foi estudar esse processo em um sistema municipal de ensino do interior do Estado de São Paulo. A pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa, desenvolveu-se em duas escolas de ensino fundamental e em uma escola de educação infantil. Os resultados revelam, de um modo geral, como nossas atuais políticas públicas têm priorizado os investimentos no ensino fundamental, sem aumentar de modo significativo o seu montante, ao mesmo tempo em que, na implantação de novas medidas, desconsideram a realidade da escola e não a preparam para as mudanças. Além dos resultados dessa pesquisa, para a produção deste artigo também analisamos dados advindos do acompanhamento de um estágio curricular na disciplina de Educação Infantil que compõe um curso de Pedagogia em universidade pública paulista. Assim, tomando como base os resultados da pesquisa e da análise dos estágios, neste trabalho discutimos, de modo mais específico, como a ampliação do ensino fundamental no município, da forma como vem se realizando, tem se refletido negativamente sobre a organização pedagógica da educação infantil. Constatamos, por exemplo, que atividades mecânicas como cópia de letras e números vêm ocorrendo de maneira cada vez mais intensa, sob o argumento de que uma preparação para o ensino fundamental durante a pré-escola seria, agora, ainda mais necessária.We present in this article an analysis of the process of extension of fundamental education and of its impacts on early childhood education based on results of a study conducted between 2008 and 2010, whose object was to investigate this process in a municipal public school system of the State of São Paulo. The research, following a qualitative approach, was carried out in two elementary schools and one early childhood education school. The results show how, generally speaking, our current public policies have announced priority to the investments in fundamental schooling, without increasing their amount significantly, and how, at the same time, in the implementation of new measures, they disregard the school reality and fail to prepare it for the changes. Apart from the results of the study, this article also draws on the analysis of data coming from an undergraduate apprenticeship period conducted as part of the discipline of Early Childhood Education of a Pedagogy course at a public university of the State of São Paulo. Based then on the results of the research and on the analysis of apprentice periods, we discuss more specifically in this text how the extension of the fundamental education in this municipality, in the form it has taken place, has had negative impact on the pedagogical organization of early childhood education. We observe, for instance, that mechanical activities such as copying letters and numbers are been used more and more intensely under the argument that a preparation for fundamental education during pre-school is now even more necessary