4,746 research outputs found

    Spectral partitioning of time-varying networks with unobserved edges

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    We discuss a variant of `blind' community detection, in which we aim to partition an unobserved network from the observation of a (dynamical) graph signal defined on the network. We consider a scenario where our observed graph signals are obtained by filtering white noise input, and the underlying network is different for every observation. In this fashion, the filtered graph signals can be interpreted as defined on a time-varying network. We model each of the underlying network realizations as generated by an independent draw from a latent stochastic blockmodel (SBM). To infer the partition of the latent SBM, we propose a simple spectral algorithm for which we provide a theoretical analysis and establish consistency guarantees for the recovery. We illustrate our results using numerical experiments on synthetic and real data, highlighting the efficacy of our approach.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    The Exchange Rate and Interest Rate Differential Relationship: Evidence from Two Financial Crises

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    This paper examines the contemporaneous and inter-temporal interaction between real exchange rate and real interest rate differential in the two financial crises of 1997 and 2008 by using data from thirteen countries from different world regions. The empirical result shows that negative contemporaneous relationship exists in most countries. In addition, there is little evidence on a systematic inter-temporal relationship between the real interest rate differential and the real exchange rate, and an absence of consistent result in supporting a negative relationship among the thirteen economies. An extremely low change in the conditional correlation between real interest rate differential and real exchange rates can be found in small countries.Contemporaneous, inter-temporal relationship, exchange rate, interest rate differential, financial crisis

    Chiral Anomaly and Index Theorem on a finite lattice

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    The condition for a lattice Dirac operator D to reproduce correct chiral anomaly at each site of a finite lattice for smooth background gauge fields is that D possesses exact zero modes satisfying the Atiyah-Singer index theorem. This is also the necessary condition for D to have correct fermion determinant (ratio) which plays the important role of incorporating dynamical fermions in the functional integral.Comment: LATTICE99(chiral fermion), 3 pages, Latex, espcrc2.st

    DNA double strand breaks but not interstrand crosslinks prevent progress through meiosis in fully grown mouse oocytes

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    There is some interest in how mammalian oocytes respond to different types of DNA damage because of the increasing expectation of fertility preservation in women undergoing chemotherapy. Double strand breaks (DSBs) induced by ionizing radiation and agents such as neocarzinostatin (NCS), and interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) induced by alkylating agents such as mitomycin C (MMC), are toxic DNA lesions that need to be repaired for cell survival. Here we examined the effects of NCS and MMC treatment on oocytes collected from antral follicles in mice, because potentially such oocytes are readily collected from ovaries and do not need to be in vitro grown to achieve meiotic competency. We found that oocytes were sensitive to NCS, such that this ionizing radiation mimetic blocked meiosis I and caused fragmented DNA. In contrast, MMC had no impact on the completion of either meiosis I or II, even at extremely high doses. However, oocytes treated with MMC did show ?-H2AX foci and following their in vitro maturation and parthenogenetic activation the development of the subsequent embryos was severely compromised. Addition of MMC to 1-cell embryos caused a similarly poor level of development, demonstrating oocytes have eventual sensitivity to this ICL-inducing agent but this does not occur during their meiotic division. In oocytes, the association of Fanconi Anemia protein, FANCD2, with sites of ICL lesions was not apparent until entry into the embryonic cell cycle. In conclusion, meiotic maturation of oocytes is sensitive to DSBs but not ICLs. The ability of oocytes to tolerate severe ICL damage and yet complete meiosis, means that this type of DNA lesion goes unrepaired in oocytes but impacts on subsequent embryo quality

    GSPD: An algorithm for time-dependent tokamak equilibria design

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    One of the common tasks required for designing new plasma pulses or shaping scenarios is to design the desired equilibria using an equilibrium (Grad-Shafranov equation) solver. However, standard equilibrium solvers are time-independent and cannot include dynamic effects such as plasma current drive, induced vessel currents, or voltage constraints. In this work we present the Grad-Shafranov Pulse Design (GSPD) algorithm, which solves for sequences of equilibria while simultaneously including time-dependent effects. The computed equilibria satisfy both Grad-Shafranov force balance and axisymmetric conductor circuit dynamics. The code for GSPD is available at github.com/plasmacontrol/GSPD

    IoT Load Classification and Anomaly Warning in ELV DC Pico-grids using Hierarchical Extended k-Nearest Neighbors

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    The remote monitoring of electrical systems has progressed beyond the need of knowing how much energy is consumed. As the maintenance procedure has evolved from reactive to preventive to predictive, there is a growing demand to know what appliances reside in the circuit (classification) and a need to know whether any appliance requires attention and maintenance (anomaly warning). Targeting at the increasing penetration of dc appliances and equipment in households and offices, the described low-cost solution consists of multiple distributed slave meters with a single master computer for extra low voltage dc pico-grids. The slave meter acquires the current and voltage waveform from the cable of interest, conditions the data and extracts four features per window block that are sent remotely to the master computer. The proposed solution uses a hierarchical extended k-nearest neighbors (HE-kNN) technique that exploits the use of distance in kNN algorithm and considers a window block instead of individual data point for classification and anomaly warning to trigger the attention of the user. This solution can be used as an ad hoc standalone investigation of suspicious circuit or further expanded to several circuits in a building or vicinity to monitor the network. The solution can also be implemented as part of an Internet of Things application. This paper presents the successful implementation of HE-kNN technique in three different circuits: lightings, air-conditioning and multiple load dc pico-grids with accuracy of over 93%. Its performance is superior over other anomaly warning techniques with the same set of data

    Electron collection theory for a D-region subsonic blunt electrostatic probe

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    Blunt probe theory for subsonic flow in a weakly ionized and collisional gas is reviewed, and an electron collection theory for the relatively unexplored case, Deybye length approximately 1, which occurs in the lower ionosphere (D-region), is developed. It is found that the dimensionless Debye length is no longer an electric field screening parameter, and the space charge field effect can be negelected. For ion collection, Hoult-Sonin theory is recognized as a correct description of the thin, ion density-perturbed layer adjacent the blunt probe surface. The large volume with electron density perturbed by a positively biased probe renders the usual thin boundary layer analysis inapplicable. Theories relating free stream conditions to the electron collection rate for both stationary and moving blunt probes are obtained. A model based on experimental nonlinear electron drift velocity data is proposed. For a subsonically moving probe, it is found that the perturbed region can be divided into four regions with distinct collection mechanisms
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