49,080 research outputs found

    Numerical Investigation of Second Mode Attenuation over Carbon/Carbon Surfaces on a Sharp Slender Cone

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    We have carried out axisymmetric numerical simulations of a spatially developing hypersonic boundary layer over a sharp 7∘^{\circ{}}-half-angle cone at M∞=7.5M_\infty=7.5 inspired by the experimental investigations by Wagner (2015). Simulations are first performed with impermeable (or solid) walls with a one-time broadband pulse excitation applied upstream to determine the most convectively-amplified frequencies resulting in the range 260kHz -- 400kHz, consistent with experimental observations of second-mode instability waves. Subsequently, we introduce harmonic disturbances via continuous periodic suction and blowing at 270kHz and 350kHz. For each of these forcing frequencies complex impedance boundary conditions (IBC), modeling the acoustic response of two different carbon/carbon (C/C) ultrasonically absorptive porous surfaces, are applied at the wall. The IBCs are derived as an output of a pore-scale aeroacoustic analysis -- the inverse Helmholtz Solver (iHS) -- which is able to return the broadband real and imaginary components of the surface-averaged impedance. The introduction of the IBCs in all cases leads to a significant attenuation of the harmonically-forced second-mode wave. In particular, we observe a higher attenuation rate of the introduced waves with frequency of 350kHz in comparison with 270kHz, and, along with the iHS impedance results, we establish that the C/C surfaces absorb acoustic energy more effectively at higher frequencies.Comment: AIAA-SciTech 201

    Cosmic-ray induced background intercomparison with actively shielded HPGe detectors at underground locations

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    The main background above 3\,MeV for in-beam nuclear astrophysics studies with γ\gamma-ray detectors is caused by cosmic-ray induced secondaries. The two commonly used suppression methods, active and passive shielding, against this kind of background were formerly considered only as alternatives in nuclear astrophysics experiments. In this work the study of the effects of active shielding against cosmic-ray induced events at a medium deep location is performed. Background spectra were recorded with two actively shielded HPGe detectors. The experiment was located at 148\,m below the surface of the Earth in the Reiche Zeche mine in Freiberg, Germany. The results are compared to data with the same detectors at the Earth's surface, and at depths of 45\,m and 1400\,m, respectively.Comment: Minor errors corrected; final versio

    Integration of remote sensing and surface geophysics in the detection of faults

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    Remote sensing was included in a comprehensive investigation of the use of geophysical techniques to aid in underground mine placement. The primary objective was to detect faults and slumping, features which, due to structural weakness and excess water, cause construction difficulties and safety hazards in mine construction. Preliminary geologic reconnaissance was performed on a potential site for an underground oil shale mine in the Piceance Creek Basin of Colorado. LANDSAT data, black and white aerial photography and 3 cm radar imagery were obtained. LANDSAT data were primarily used in optical imagery and digital tape forms, both of which were analyzed and enhanced by computer techniques. The aerial photography and radar data offered supplemental information. Surface linears in the test area were located and mapped principally from LANDSAT data. A specific, relatively wide, linear pointed directly toward the test site, but did not extend into it. Density slicing, ratioing, and edge enhancement of the LANDSAT data all indicated the existence of this linear. Radar imagery marginally confirmed the linear, while aerial photography did not confirm it

    Determination of gamma-ray widths in 15^{15}N using nuclear resonance fluorescence

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    The stable nucleus 15^{15}N is the mirror of 15^{15}O, the bottleneck in the hydrogen burning CNO cycle. Most of the 15^{15}N level widths below the proton emission threshold are known from just one nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) measurement, with limited precision in some cases. A recent experiment with the AGATA demonstrator array determined level lifetimes using the Doppler Shift Attenuation Method (DSAM) in 15^{15}O. As a reference and for testing the method, level lifetimes in 15^{15}N have also been determined in the same experiment. The latest compilation of 15^{15}N level properties dates back to 1991. The limited precision in some cases in the compilation calls for a new measurement in order to enable a comparison to the AGATA demonstrator data. The widths of several 15^{15}N levels have been studied with the NRF method. The solid nitrogen compounds enriched in 15^{15}N have been irradiated with bremsstrahlung. The γ\gamma-rays following the deexcitation of the excited nuclear levels were detected with four HPGe detectors. Integrated photon-scattering cross sections of ten levels below the proton emission threshold have been measured. Partial gamma-ray widths of ground-state transitions were deduced and compared to the literature. The photon scattering cross sections of two levels above the proton emission threshold, but still below other particle emission energies have also been measured, and proton resonance strengths and proton widths were deduced. Gamma and proton widths consistent with the literature values were obtained, but with greatly improved precision.Comment: Final published version, minor grammar changes, 10 pages, 4 figures, 8 tables; An addendum is published where the last section is revised: T. Sz\"ucs and P. Mohr, Phys. Rev. C 92, 044328 (2015) [arXiv:1510.04956

    Reactivation of the mitosis-promoting factor in postmitotic cardiomyocytes

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    Cardiomyocytes cease to divide shortly after birth and an irreversible cell cycle arrest is evident accompanied by the downregulation of cyclin-dependent kinase activities. To get a better understanding of the cardiac cell cycle and its regulation, the effect of functional recovery of the mitosis-promoting factor (MPF) consisting of cyclin B1 and the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdc2 was assessed in primary cultures of postmitotic ventricular adult rat cardiomyocytes ( ARC). Gene transfer into ARC was achieved using the adenovirus-enhanced transferrinfection system that was characterized by the absence of cytotoxic events. Simultaneous ectopic expression of wild-type versions of cyclin B1 and Cdc2 was sufficient to induce MPF activity. Reestablished MPF resulted in a mitotic phenotype, marked by an abnormal condensation of the nuclei, histone H3 phosphorylation and variable degree of decay of the contractile apparatus. Although a complete cell division was not observed, the results provided conclusive evidence that cell cycle-related events in postmitotic cardiomyocytes could be triggered by genetic intervention downstream of the G1/S checkpoint. This will be of importance to design novel strategies to overcome the proliferation arrest in adult cardiomyocytes

    Measurement and Modeling of Infrared Nonlinear Absorption Coefficients and Laser-induced Damage Thresholds in Ge and GaSb

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    Using a simultaneous fitting technique to extract nonlinear absorption coefficients from data at two pulse widths, we measure two-photon and free-carrier absorption coefficients for Ge and GaSb at 2.05 and 2.5 μm for the first time, to our knowledge. Results agreed well with published theory. Single-shot damage thresholds were also measured at 2.5 μm and agreed well with modeled thresholds using experimentally determined parameters including nonlinear absorption coefficients and temperature dependent linear absorption. The damage threshold for a single-layer Al2O3 anti-reflective coating on Ge was 55% or 35% lower than the uncoated threshold for picosecond or nanosecond pulses, respectively

    Bromination of Graphene and Graphite

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    We present a density functional theory study of low density bromination of graphene and graphite, finding significantly different behaviour in these two materials. On graphene we find a new Br2 form where the molecule sits perpendicular to the graphene sheet with an extremely strong molecular dipole. The resultant Br+-Br- has an empty pz-orbital located in the graphene electronic pi-cloud. Bromination opens a small (86meV) band gap and strongly dopes the graphene. In contrast, in graphite we find Br2 is most stable parallel to the carbon layers with a slightly weaker associated charge transfer and no molecular dipole. We identify a minimum stable Br2 concentration in graphite, finding low density bromination to be endothermic. Graphene may be a useful substrate for stabilising normally unstable transient molecular states

    Dynamics of mesoscopic precipitate lattices in phase separating alloys under external load

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    We investigate, via three-dimensional atomistic computer simulations, phase separation in an alloy under external load. A regular two-dimensional array of cylindrical precipitates, forming a mesoscopic precipitate lattice, evolves in the case of applied tensile stress by the movement of mesoscopic lattice defects. A striking similarity to ordinary crystals is found in the movement of "meso-dislocations", but new mechanisms are also observed. Point defects such as "meso-vacancies" or "meso-interstitials" are created or annihilated locally by merging and splitting of precipitates. When the system is subjected to compressive stress, we observe stacking faults in the mesoscopic one-dimensional array of plate-like precipitates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, REVTE

    Symplectic and orthogonal Lie algebra technology for bosonic and fermionic oscillator models of integrable systems

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    To provide tools, especially L-operators, for use in studies of rational Yang-Baxter algebras and quantum integrable models when the Lie algebras so(N) (b_n, d_n) or sp(2n) (c_n) are the invariance algebras of their R matrices, this paper develops a presentation of these Lie algebras convenient for the context, and derives many properties of the matrices of their defining representations and of the ad-invariant tensors that enter their multiplication laws. Metaplectic-type representations of sp(2n) and so(N) on bosonic and on fermionic Fock spaces respectively are constructed. Concise general expressions (see (5.2) and (5.5) below) for their L-operators are obtained, and used to derive simple formulas for the T operators of the rational RTT algebra of the associated integral systems, thereby enabling their efficient treatment by means of the algebraic Bethe ansatz.Comment: 24 pages, LaTe
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