1,853 research outputs found

    `Natural' Disaster, Conflict and Aid Allocation

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    This paper looks into aid allocation in the response to multiple crises, focusing more specifically on the cases of concomitance between so-called `natural' hazard/disaster and conflict situations. Over 150 natural disasters have occurred alongside complex political crises in the past seven years alone. Yet, the fields of conflict and disaster research remain largely isolated from one another, and in fact, no aid related research has addressed the issue of the concomitance of conflict and disaster. We exploit a large panel dataset that includes official development aid, and information about the victims from natural disasters and conflicts for 112 developing countries over a period of 35 years. For eight different donor countries and groups of donor countries we find that while conflict does not affect their aid allocation patterns, the occurrence of natural disasters does. The econometric analysis demonstrates that aid allocation needs to be analyzed in a disaggregated fashion -for each donor individually- as donors clearly have different agendas. Applying GMM techniques we account for the endogenous nature of the control variables such as per capita GDP. In addition we use the relative size of the youth cohort as exogenous instrument for conflict.Disaster, Conflict, Aid Allocation, Longitudinal Panel Methods, GMM

    Beaten by the chord to nail the melody: Influence of metric and irregular submerged dissonance accents on auditory sequence learning

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    Dynamic attending theory (Jones, 1976; Large & Jones, 1999) suggests that isochronously repeating salient points in time are predictable and facilitate processing by synchronizing attentional oscillations in the brain. By manipulating amount and spacing of such salience, this design attempts to enhance accuracy of reproduced melodies. Salience was introduced by dissonant harmonies. All subjects seemed to get distracted by the harsh sound of dissonance. However, non-musicians seemed to benefit from a regular Ÿ meter. More research with larger non-musician samples is needed to investigate how dissonance raises cognitive load but may also function as attentional refresher when predictable

    'Natural' disaster, conflict and aid allocation

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    This paper looks into aid allocation in the response to multiple crises, focusing more specifically on the cases of concomitance between so-called 'natural' hazard/disaster and conflict situations. Over 150 natural disasters have occurred alongside complex political crises in the past seven years alone. Yet, the fields of conflict and disaster research remain largely isolated from one another, and in fact, no aid related research has addressed the issue of the concomitance of conflict and disaster. We exploit a large panel dataset that includes official development aid, and information about the victims from natural disasters and conflicts for 112 developing countries over a period of 35 years. For eight different donor countries and groups of donor countries we find that while conflict does not affect their aid allocation patterns, the occurrence of natural disasters does. The econometric analysis demonstrates that aid allocation needs to be analyzed in a disaggregated fashion - for each donor individually - as donors clearly have different agendas. Applying GMM techniques we account for the endogenous nature of the control variables such as per capita GDP. In addition we use the relative size of the youth cohort as exogenous instrument for conflict

    Imagined Aboriginality

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    In der umstrittenen Geschichte der Australischen Nation haben eurozentrische Narrative weißer Überlegenheit immer schon zur Legitimierung und AusĂŒbung von Macht und somit zur UnterdrĂŒckung der Indigenen Bevölkerung beigetragen. Anhand der theoretischen Überlegung von Michel Foucault und Pierre Bourdieu versucht diese Arbeit die historisch gewachsenen, aktuell wirkenden Machtstrukturen zu identifizieren, welche Indigene und nicht-Indigene gleichermaßen an spezifische, starre Positionen im Diskurs binden. Ausgehend von Reflexionen ĂŒber die Entstehung des Dokumentarfilm-Projekts „It’s all relative“, mit zwei Indigenen Familien in Australien in 2007, wird argumentiert, dass die Definitionshoheit ĂŒber ‚Aboriginality’, die Macht darĂŒber zu entscheiden wie ‚(authentische) IndigenitĂ€t’ auszusehen hat, eine entscheidende Rolle in der andauernden UnterdrĂŒckung der Indigenen Bevölkerung im multikulturellen Australien darstellt. In ihrem permanenten Kampf um Anerkennung, Rechte und Selbstbestimmung sind Indigene Australier stets dazu angehalten diesen, von außen diktierten, Vorstellungen von ‚IndigenitĂ€t’ zu entsprechen. Die hier verfolgte Argumentationskette wirft Licht auf die komplexen ZusammenhĂ€nge vom Entstehen von indigenen GegenerzĂ€hlungen zu dominanten nationalen Narrativen und der BewĂ€ltigung der Vergangenheit und dem schwierigen Erbe der ‚weißen Nation’– ein Prozess im Zuge dessen Indigene Geschichten nicht selten instrumentalisiert, und in die nationalen Narrative vereinnahmt werden. Wirft man einen Blick auf die vielfacht kritisierten Strategien der Regierungen, wie zum Beispiel The Intervention, die es zum Ziel haben indigene Lebenswelten zu planen, zu verwalten und zu kontrollieren, wird das Unvermögen der Regierung erkennbar, den tatsĂ€chlichen Facettenreichtum der Indigenen Lebenswelten anzuerkennen und sinnvoll damit umzugehen. Diese Arbeit hinterfragt also die ZusammenhĂ€nge der derzeitigen Konzeptualisierung von ‚Kultur’ innerhalb der multikulturellen politischen Agenda von ‚Einheit durch Vielfalt’ und dem existierenden Kanon von sich hartnĂ€ckig haltenden Vorstellungen ĂŒber die Indigene Bevölkerung. In letzter Instanz hinterfragt diese Arbeit die Möglichkeiten und Probleme individuellen Handelns, in diesem Fall des Filmens, als möglichen Weg um das essentialistische VerstĂ€ndnis von Kultur neu zu verhandeln. Der hier vorgestellte ‚dialogische AnnĂ€herung’ an das Filmemachen, inspiriert von Johannes Fabian, schlĂ€gt die Einbeziehung von Elementen von Jean Rouch’s ‚ethno-fiction’ und ‚shared anthropology’ vor, um die naiven und hinderlichen AnsprĂŒche an ObjektivitĂ€t in filmischen ReprĂ€sentationen abzulegen. Aktuelle Beispiele, unter anderem Beth Povinelli’s filmische AnnĂ€herung an die Lebenswelten Indigener Australier, veranschaulichen die Theorie.Eurocentric narratives of white superiority have always shaped Australia’s nation making processes and have legitimised the exertion of power in the country’s contested past. Following the theoretical approaches by Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu, this thesis seeks to come to terms with the historically grown power structures at play, which fix and bind subjects – Indigenous and non-Indigenous people alike – to distinct positions within the discourse. Inspired by reflections about the making of the documentary film project „It’s all relative“ with two Indigenous families in Australia in 2007, it is suggested that the power of defining ‘(authentic) Aboriginality’ is still of relevance, when it comes to contemporary forms of oppression of Indigenous people in contemporary, multicultural Australia. Indigenous People, in their struggle for recognition, are compelled to affirm externally imposed imageries about Indigeneity in order to prove worthy of citizenship, self-determination and to claim land rights. The line of argument presented here sheds light on the complex relationships of emerging Indigenous counter narratives (a process that has recently been strengthened by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s apology in 2008 and the official implementation of the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2009) and the white nation’s coming to terms with its own ‘illegitimate past’ – a process whereby Indigenous stories are often instrumentalised and subsumed into the national narratives (as visualised in the discourse around reconciliation). Reviewing the continuing ‘official’ management of Indigenous live-worlds by strategies such as The Intervention, which has been subject to widespread international critique, reveals the government’s inability to acknowledge and deal with the multi-layered reality of actual living conditions of Indigenous people. This thesis therefore challenges the link between the current conceptualisation of ‘culture’ in the multicultural agenda of ‘unity in diversity’ and the existing canon of images about Indigenous people today. The final aim of this thesis is to challenge individual agency, in this case filmmaking, as a possible means to re-negotiate essentialist understandings of culture. Following Johannes Fabian and Jean Rouch, the ‘dialogical’ approach to documentary filmmaking suggested in this work discards naĂŻve claims to objectivity and suggests the introduction of elements from ‘ethno-fiction’ and ‘shared anthropology’ in order to overcome the obstructive representational stance

    The Accuracy of Job Seekers' Wage Expectations

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    Job seekers' misperceptions about the labor market can distort their decision-making and increase the risk of long-term unemployment. Our study establishes objective benchmarks for the subjective wage expectations of unemployed workers. This enables us to provide novel insights into the accuracy of job seekers' wage expectations. First, especially workers with low objective earnings potential tend to display excessively optimistic beliefs about their future wages and anchor their wage expectations too strongly to their pre-unemployment wages. Second, among long-term unemployed workers, overoptimism remains persistent throughout the unemployment spell. Third, higher extrinsic incentives to search more intensively lead job seekers to hold more optimistic wage expectations, yet this does not translate into higher realized wages for them. Lastly, we document a connection between overoptimistic wage expectations and job seekers' tendency to overestimate their reemployment chances. We discuss the role of information frictions and motivated beliefs as potential sources of job seekers' optimism and the heterogeneity in their beliefs

    Quantitative Bestimmung der wasserlöslichen Vitamine in verschiedenen Obst- und GemĂŒsesĂ€ften mittels HPLC und massenspektrometrischer Analyse

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    Die Anreicherung an Vitaminen und zusĂ€tzlichen NĂ€hrstoffen von Obst- und GemĂŒsesĂ€ften ist in den letzten Jahren gestiegen. Produkthersteller werben gezielt mit hohem, reichhaltigem Vitamingehalt ihrer Produkte. Auch Packungsangaben werden immer detaillierter. Ob dieser Vitamingehalt ĂŒberhaupt beim Endkunden ankommt, ist fĂŒr diesen nicht ĂŒberprĂŒfbar. Deswegen ist eine diesbezĂŒgliche ÜberprĂŒfung das Ziel dieser Arbeit. Die gewĂ€hlte Methode ist die HPLC/MS, welche die SPE als Probenvorbereitung nutzt. In der LiterarturĂŒbersicht wird auf den derzeitigen wissenschaftlichen Stand bezĂŒglich der wasserlöslichen Vitamine sowie die rechtliche Situation betreffend den Obst- und GemĂŒsesĂ€ften im Sinne der Definition, Deklaration und der industriellen Herstellung in Österreich eingegangen. In darauffolgenden AusfĂŒhrungen sollen die Probenvorbereitung und Probenbehandlung sowie die Messergebnisse dargelegt werden. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die HPLC ein geeignetes Mittel fĂŒr die Untersuchung war. Der kritische Punkt fĂŒr die Vitaminauswertung lag an der Vorbereitung der einzelnen Proben. Der Vorbereitung sollte zukĂŒnftig mehr Beachtung geschenkt werden. Damit könnte erreicht werden, dass die massenspektrometrische Auswertung ebenso reprĂ€sentative Werte wie der UV/VIS-Detektor liefert. Das Vitamin C in den Proben oxidierte jedoch zu schnell und konnte deswegen nicht mit den gewĂ€hlten Messemethoden analysiert werden. Die zu hohen Werte der FolsĂ€ure spiegelten eine Interaktion mit dessen Derivaten wider. Abgesehen von diesen Vitaminen konnte allerdings gezeigt werden, dass die Vitamingehalte den Packungsangaben der GetrĂ€nkehersteller entsprechen.The commercial of vitamins in fruit- and vegetable beverages is rising. Also the quantity of healthy ingredients is more than before. The information of the ingredients is very detailed but not able to proof for customers. Because of that fact one aim is to proof the content of water soluble vitamins in fruit- and vegetable beverages. The other main point is the usage of LC/MS for the determination of this kind of vitamins. SPE is used within this procedure. The first chapter sums up the scientifically issues of water soluble vitamins, the legal situation for the glossary and the production of fruit- and vegetable beverages in Austria. The following chapters contain the preparation of the samples and the results based on the usage of LC including the UV/VIS detector and MS. It shows the LC as a possible method to analyze the vitamins. The UV/VIS showed more representative results than the MS, so there should be a more exact focus on the treatment of the samples before taking the measurement of it. Even there are no exact matches between the measurement and the information of the product, the work shows the correctness of the vitamin contents in each product. These differences are based on environmental influences and other errors in measurement

    "I must become something else": IdentitÀtskonstruktion und die Superheldenrolle in der Fernsehserie Arrow

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    This thesis deals with how the protagonist of the CW superhero TV series Arrow constructs his identity. Arrow tells the story of Oliver Queen, who returns home after being shipwrecked and assumed dead, to start working as the vigilante superhero Arrow. As a character leading a life split in two – a private and a superhero life – Oliver Queen has difficulties answering the question of who he really is, especially after his time as a castaway and his connection to vari-ous, more or less criminal organizations for which he had to take on different identities. The existing research on superheroes show that there are several explanations for how and why superheroes choose their identity in certain situations. But there is no consensus on how to determine a real identity. The first part of the thesis will examine the theoretical background, first in a general understanding and then applied to superheroes and Arrow, on identity con-struction, the role of the mask, and the definition of a superhero to point out the essential fac-tors for the identity work of superheroes. Using the theory of personal identity by JĂŒrgen Straub, which emphasizes the importance of narration, the following chapters show how the protagonist manages to construct a coherent identity for himself. In the second part, I will analyze the protagonist’s use of narration in the form of monologues and flashbacks in the context of his identity construction over the course of several years as well as his costume, which separates Oliver Queen from the superhero (Green) Arrow, the different roles and names he takes on and his relationships to other people. By telling his stories, remembering past mistakes and then acting differently in the present, he is able to combine his private with his superhero role

    "Allbeliebter Mann" und "klÀgliches Subject" Joseph Friedrich Freiherr von Retzer

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    Lange Zeit war die Literatur der österreichischen AufklĂ€rung ein Stiefkind der germanistischen Forschung, dadurch verschwanden einige Namen damals wichtiger Literaten aus der Literaturgeschichte. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem heute in Vergessenheit geratenen AufklĂ€rer Joseph Friedrich Freiherr von Retzer, der in der zweiten HĂ€lfte des 18. Jahrhunderts als Zensor, Herausgeber, Übersetzer und Schriftsteller tĂ€tig gewesen ist. Er war eine ebenso schillernde wie kontroverse Persönlichkeit: Von vielen Zeitgenossen als sehr belesen und gelehrt bezeichnet, gingen bezĂŒglich Retzers Schriftstellerei die Meinungen besonders stark auseinander, obwohl eine eindeutige Tendenz festzustellen ist. Die meisten kritisierten und belĂ€chelten sein (Nicht-)Können als Dilettantismus. Sein Hauptverdienst liegt vordergrĂŒndig darin, dass er zu Lebzeiten ein weitreichendes Netzwerk an Bekannten, Briefkontakten und Freundschaften pflegte, und damit im Zentrum der Wiener AufklĂ€rung stand. Der Freimauererorden, der dem Freiherrn Kontakte mit wichtigen Wiener Persönlichkeiten und mit GĂ€sten aus dem Ausland ermöglichte und ihm als Schriftsteller Publikationsmöglichkeiten bot, steht zuerst im Mittelpunkt der Analyse. Dann sollen Briefwechsel mit ausgewĂ€hlten deutschen Schriftstellern vorgestellt werden. Insbesondere fĂŒr Friedrich Nicolai und Christoph Martin Wieland war Retzer eine wichtige Informationsquelle im literarischen Zentrum der Wiener AufklĂ€rung. Er informierte die deutschen Schriftsteller ĂŒber literarische Entwicklungen und setzte sich in Wien fĂŒr diese ein

    Psychogene nicht-epileptische AnfĂ€lle - mögliche Ätiologien und KomorbiditĂ€ten

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    Erfassen der Ätiologien und KomorbiditĂ€ten psychogener nicht-epileptischer AnfĂ€lle bei Patienten, die in der Uniklinik TĂŒbingen behandelt wurden

    A summary

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    Coinciding with the Open Access Week 2010 we publish a study on the perceptions and usage trends amongst CSIC scientific community as regards Open Access in general and CSIC institutional repository in particular.Peer reviewe
