1,457 research outputs found

    Low temperature shape relaxation of 2-d islands by edge diffusion

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    We present a precise microscopic description of the limiting step for low temperature shape relaxation of two dimensional islands in which activated diffusion of particles along the boundary is the only mechanism of transport allowed. In particular, we are able to explain why the system is driven irreversibly towards equilibrium. Based on this description, we present a scheme for calculating the duration of the limiting step at each stage of the relaxation process. Finally, we calculate numerically the total relaxation time as predicted by our results and compare it with simulations of the relaxation process.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Thermodynamic description of the C-Ge and C-Mg systems

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    The thermodynamic modeling for the C-Ge and C-Mg systems is performed by the CALPHAD method. The enthalpy of formation for Mg2C3, the experimental value of which is not available in the literature, is obtained via first-principles calculation to refine the thermodynamic modeling of the C-Mg system. A comparison of the thermodynamic calculations with the available literature data shows that the presently obtained two sets of thermodynamic parameters for the C-Ge and C-Mg systems can well describe the these two systems

    Efficient Feature Selection and Multiclass Classification with Integrated Instance and Model Based Learning

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    Multiclass classification and feature (variable) selections are commonly encountered in many biological and medical applications. However, extending binary classification approaches to multiclass problems is not trivial. Instance-based methods such as the K nearest neighbor (KNN) can naturally extend to multiclass problems and usually perform well with unbalanced data, but suffer from the curse of dimensionality. Their performance is degraded when applied to high dimensional data. On the other hand, model-based methods such as logistic regression require the decomposition of the multiclass problem into several binary problems with one-vs.-one or one-vs.-rest schemes. Even though they can be applied to high dimensional data with L1 or Lp penalized methods, such approaches can only select independent features and the features selected with different binary problems are usually different. They also produce unbalanced classification problems with one vs. the rest scheme even if the original multiclass problem is balanced

    Controversies in the Facial Inversion Effect: Face Specificity and Expertise

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    This paper reviews studies on the face inversion effect and expertise. It is suggested that the inversion effect be considered as evidence of specific processing in face recognition or expertise of the objects, which meet three prerequisites. Some disputes are also pointed out in the review. It is proposed that further studies should be addressed to the visual differences, physiological basis of cognitive modules, and anatomical and functional location of the respective networks.Надано огляд робіт, у котрих обговорюються ефект інверсії зображення обличчя та експертний підхід у процесі його аналізу. Вважається, що ефект інверсії має розглядатись як свідоцтво специфічної обробки інформації при розпізнанні обличчя або базуватися на експертній оцінці об’єктів з наявністю трьох передумов. В огляді виділені декілька аспектів, що викликають дискусії. Пропонується, щоб наступні дослідження були спрямовані на з’ясування візуальних відмінностей, фізіологічного базису когнітивних модулів та анатомічної та функціональної локалізації відповідних нейронних мере

    Relaxation kinetics in two-dimensional structures

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    We have studied the approach to equilibrium of islands and pores in two dimensions. The two-regime scenario observed when islands evolve according to a set of particular rules, namely relaxation by steps at low temperature and smooth at high temperature, is generalized to a wide class of kinetic models and the two kinds of structures. Scaling laws for equilibration times are analytically derived and confirmed by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    The benefits of intermittent fasting: A review of possible mechanisms on central neurological disorders

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    Intermittent fasting (IF) is a dietary strategy that involves alternating periods of abstention from calorie consumption with periods of ad libitum food intake and has been shown to have beneficial effects in many ways. Recent studies have shown that IF attenuates neurodegeneration and improves cognitive decline, enhances functional recovery after stroke as well as attenuates the pathological and clinical features of epilepsy in animal models. Furthermore, IF induced several molecular and cellular adaptations in neurons that overall enhanced cellular stress resistance, synaptic plasticity, and neurogenesis. In this review, the beneficial effects of IF on central neurological disorders are discussed. The information summarised in this review can be used to help contextualise existing research and better guide the development of future IF interventions

    A NuSTAR Survey of Nearby Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We present a Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), Chandra, and XMM-Newton survey of nine of the nearest ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs). The unprecedented sensitivity of NuSTAR at energies above 10 keV enables spectral modeling with far better precision than was previously possible. Six of the nine sources observed were detected sufficiently well by NuSTAR to model in detail their broadband X-ray spectra, and recover the levels of obscuration and intrinsic X-ray luminosities. Only one source (IRAS 13120–5453) has a spectrum consistent with a Compton-thick active galactic nucleus (AGN), but we cannot rule out that a second source (Arp 220) harbors an extremely highly obscured AGN as well. Variability in column density (reduction by a factor of a few compared to older observations) is seen in IRAS 05189–2524 and Mrk 273, altering the classification of these borderline sources from Compton-thick to Compton-thin. The ULIRGs in our sample have surprisingly low observed fluxes in high-energy (>10 keV) X-rays, especially compared to their bolometric luminosities. They have lower ratios of unabsorbed 2–10 keV to bolometric luminosity, and unabsorbed 2–10 keV to mid-IR [O iv] line luminosity than do Seyfert 1 galaxies. We identify IRAS 08572+3915 as another candidate intrinsically X-ray weak source, similar to Mrk 231. We speculate that the X-ray weakness of IRAS 08572+3915 is related to its powerful outflow observed at other wavelengths