43 research outputs found

    Theoretical Uncertainties in the QCD Evolution of Structure Functions and their Impact on αs(MZ2)\alpha_s(M_Z^2)

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    The differences are discussed between various next-to-leading order prescriptions for the QCD evolution of parton densities and structure functions. Their quantitative impact is understood to an accuracy of 0.02\%. The uncertainties due to the freedom to choose the renormalization and factorization scales are studied. The quantitative consequences of the different uncertainties on the extraction of the strong coupling constant αs\alpha_s from scaling violations in deep--inelastic scattering are estimated for the kinematic regime accessible at HERA.Comment: 10 pages Latex, including 3 eps-figures, and a style file. To appear in: Proc. of the International Workshop: QCD and QED in Higher Orders, Rheinsberg, April, 1996, Nucl. Phys. {\bf B} (Proc. Suppl); The lay-out of the paper has been changed, one figure sent separately before has been bound i

    Tau neutrino deep inelastic charged current interactions

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    The nu_mu -> nu_tau oscillation hypothesis will be tested through nu_tau production of tau in underground neutrino telescopes as well as long-baseline experiments. We provide the full QCD framework for the evaluation of tau neutrino deep inelastic charged current (CC) cross sections, including next-leading-order (NLO) corrections, charm production, tau threshold, and target mass effects in the collinear approximation. We investigate the violation of the Albright-Jarlskog relations for the structure functions F_4,5 which occur only in heavy lepton (tau) scattering. Integrated CC cross sections are evaluated naively over the full phase space and with the inclusion of DIS kinematic cuts. Uncertainties in our evaluation based on scale dependence, PDF errors and the interplay between kinematic and dynamical power corrections are discussed and/or quantified.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure

    John Reed

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