215 research outputs found

    Preserved Morphology and Physiology of Excitatory Synapses in Profilin1-Deficient Mice

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    Profilins are important regulators of actin dynamics and have been implicated in activity-dependent morphological changes of dendritic spines and synaptic plasticity. Recently, defective presynaptic excitability and neurotransmitter release of glutamatergic synapses were described for profilin2-deficient mice. Both dendritic spine morphology and synaptic plasticity were fully preserved in these mutants, bringing forward the hypothesis that profilin1 is mainly involved in postsynaptic mechanisms, complementary to the presynaptic role of profilin2. To test the hypothesis and to elucidate the synaptic function of profilin1, we here specifically deleted profilin1 in neurons of the adult forebrain by using conditional knockout mice on a CaMKII-cre-expressing background. Analysis of Golgi-stained hippocampal pyramidal cells and electron micrographs from the CA1 stratum radiatum revealed normal synapse density, spine morphology, and synapse ultrastructure in the absence of profilin1. Moreover, electrophysiological recordings showed that basal synaptic transmission, presynaptic physiology, as well as postsynaptic plasticity were unchanged in profilin1 mutants. Hence, loss of profilin1 had no adverse effects on the morphology and function of excitatory synapses. Our data are in agreement with two different scenarios: i) profilins are not relevant for actin regulation in postsynaptic structures, activity-dependent morphological changes of dendritic spines, and synaptic plasticity or ii) profilin1 and profilin2 have overlapping functions particularly in the postsynaptic compartment. Future analysis of double mutant mice will ultimately unravel whether profilins are relevant for dendritic spine morphology and synaptic plasticity

    The actin-binding protein profilin 2 is a novel regulator of iron homeostasis

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    Cellular iron homeostasis is controlled by the iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) 1 and 2 that bind cis-regulatory iron-responsive elements (IRE) on target messenger RNAs (mRNA). We identified profilin 2 (Pfn2) mRNA, which encodes an actin-binding protein involved in endocytosis and neurotransmitter release, as a novel IRP-interacting transcript, and studied its role in iron metabolism. A combination of electrophoretic mobility shift assay experiments and bioinformatic analyses led to the identification of an atypical and conserved IRE in the 39 untranslated region of Pfn2 mRNA. Pfn2 mRNA levels were significantly reduced in duodenal samples from mice with intestinal IRP ablation, suggesting that IRPs exert a positive effect on Pfn2 mRNA expression in vivo. Overexpression of Pfn2 in HeLa and Hepa1-6 cells reduced their metabolically active iron pool. Importantly, Pfn2-deficient mice showed iron accumulation in discrete areas of the brain (olfactory bulb, hippocampus, and midbrain) and reduction of the hepatic iron store without anemia. Despite low liver iron levels, hepatic hepcidin expression remained high, likely because of compensatory activation of hepcidin by mild inflammation. Splenic ferroportin was increased probably to sustain hematopoiesis. Overall, our results indicate that Pfn2 expression is controlled by the IRPs in vivo and that Pfn2 contributes to maintaining iron homeostasis in cell lines and mice

    Rho-kinase-dependent actin turnover and actomyosin disassembly are necessary for mouse spinal neural tube closure

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    The cytoskeleton is widely considered essential for neurulation, yet the mouse spinal neural tube can close despite genetic and non-genetic disruption of the cytoskeleton. To investigate this apparent contradiction, we applied cytoskeletal inhibitors to mouse embryos in culture. Preventing actomyosin cross-linking, F-actin assembly or myosin II contractile activity did not disrupt spinal closure. In contrast, inhibiting Rho kinase (ROCK, for which there are two isoforms ROCK1 and ROCK2) or blocking F-actin disassembly prevented closure, with apical F-actin accumulation and adherens junction disturbance in the neuroepithelium. Cofilin-1-null embryos yielded a similar phenotype, supporting the hypothesis that there is a key role for actin turnover. Co-exposure to Blebbistatin rescued the neurulation defects caused by RhoA inhibition, whereas an inhibitor of myosin light chain kinase, ML-7, had no such effect. We conclude that regulation of RhoA, Rho kinase, LIM kinase and cofilin signalling is necessary for spinal neural tube closure through precise control of neuroepithelial actin turnover and actomyosin disassembly. In contrast, actomyosin assembly and myosin ATPase activity are not limiting for closure

    Immunological Responses and Actin Dynamics in Macrophages Are Controlled by N-Cofilin but Are Independent from ADF

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    Dynamic changes in the actin cytoskeleton are essential for immune cell function and a number of immune deficiencies have been linked to mutations, which disturb the actin cytoskeleton. In macrophages and dendritic cells, actin remodelling is critical for motility, phagocytosis and antigen presentation, however the actin binding proteins, which control antigen presentation have been poorly characterized. Here we dissect the specific roles of the family of ADF/cofilin F-actin depolymerizing factors in macrophages and in local immune responses

    Actin binding domains direct actin-binding proteins to different cytoskeletal locations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Filamin (FLN) and non-muscle α-actinin are members of a family of F-actin cross-linking proteins that utilize Calponin Homology domains (CH-domain) for actin binding. Although these two proteins have been extensively characterized, little is known about what regulates their binding to F-actin filaments in the cell.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have constructed fusion proteins consisting of green fluorescent protein (GFP) with either the entire cross-linking protein or its actin-binding domain (ABD) and examined the localization of these fluorescent proteins in living cells under a variety of conditions. The full-length fusion proteins, but not the ABD's complemented the defects of cells lacking both endogenous proteins indicating that they are functional. The localization patterns of filamin (GFP-FLN) and α-actinin (GFP-αA) were overlapping but distinct. GFP-FLN localized to the peripheral cell cortex as well as to new pseudopods of unpolarized cells, but was observed to localize to the rear of polarized cells during cAMP and folate chemotaxis. GFP-αA was enriched in new pseudopods and at the front of polarized cells, but in all cases was absent from the peripheral cortex. Although both proteins appear to be involved in macropinocytosis, the association time of the GFP-probes with the internalized macropinosome differed. Surprisingly, the localization of the GFP-actin-binding domain fusion proteins precisely reflected that of their respective full length constructs, indicating that the localization of the protein was determined by the actin-binding domain alone. When expressed in a cell line lacking both filamin and α-actinin, the probes maintain their distinct localization patterns suggesting that they are not functionally redundant.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These observations strongly suggest that the regulation of the binding of these proteins to actin filaments is built into the actin-binding domains. We suggest that different actin binding domains have different affinities for F-actin filaments in functionally distinct regions of the cytoskeleton.</p

    Neuronal Profilin Isoforms Are Addressed by Different Signalling Pathways

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    Profilins are prominent regulators of actin dynamics. While most mammalian cells express only one profilin, two isoforms, PFN1 and PFN2a are present in the CNS. To challenge the hypothesis that the expression of two profilin isoforms is linked to the complex shape of neurons and to the activity-dependent structural plasticity, we analysed how PFN1 and PFN2a respond to changes of neuronal activity. Simultaneous labelling of rodent embryonic neurons with isoform-specific monoclonal antibodies revealed both isoforms in the same synapse. Immunoelectron microscopy on brain sections demonstrated both profilins in synapses of the mature rodent cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum. Both isoforms were significantly more abundant in postsynaptic than in presynaptic structures. Immunofluorescence showed PFN2a associated with gephyrin clusters of the postsynaptic active zone in inhibitory synapses of embryonic neurons. When cultures were stimulated in order to change their activity level, active synapses that were identified by the uptake of synaptotagmin antibodies, displayed significantly higher amounts of both isoforms than non-stimulated controls. Specific inhibition of NMDA receptors by the antagonist APV in cultured rat hippocampal neurons resulted in a decrease of PFN2a but left PFN1 unaffected. Stimulation by the brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), on the other hand, led to a significant increase in both synaptic PFN1 and PFN2a. Analogous results were obtained for neuronal nuclei: both isoforms were localized in the same nucleus, and their levels rose significantly in response to KCl stimulation, whereas BDNF caused here a higher increase in PFN1 than in PFN2a. Our results strongly support the notion of an isoform specific role for profilins as regulators of actin dynamics in different signalling pathways, in excitatory as well as in inhibitory synapses. Furthermore, they suggest a functional role for both profilins in neuronal nuclei

    Protein Phosphatase 1 Dephosphorylates Profilin-1 at Ser-137

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    Profilin-1 (PFN1) plays an important role in the control of actin dynamics, and could represent an important therapeutic target in several diseases. We previously identified PFN1 as a huntingtin aggregation inhibitor, and others have implicated it as a tumor-suppressor. Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) directly phosphorylates PFN1 at Ser-137 to prevent its binding to polyproline sequences. This negatively regulates its anti-aggregation activity. However, the phosphatase that dephosphorylates PFN1 at Ser-137, and thus activates it, is unknown. Using a phospho-specific antibody against Ser-137 of PFN1, we characterized PFN1 dephosphorylation in cultured cells based on immunocytochemistry and a quantitative plate reader-based assay. Both okadaic acid and endothall increased pS137-PFN1 levels at concentrations more consistent with their known IC50s for protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) than protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). Knockdown of the catalytic subunit of PP1 (PP1Cα), but not PP2A (PP2ACα), increased pS137-PFN1 levels. PP1Cα binds PFN1 in cultured cells, and this interaction was increased by a phosphomimetic mutation of PFN1 at Ser-137 (S137D). Together, these data define PP1 as the principal phosphatase for Ser-137 of PFN1, and provide mechanistic insights into PFN1 regulation by phosphorylation
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