5,808 research outputs found

    Resolving the internal and basal geometry of ice masses using imaging phase-sensitive radar

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    The phase-sensitive radio-echo sounder (pRES) is a powerful new instrument that can measure the depth of internal layers and the glacier bed to millimetre accuracy. We use a stationary 16-antenna pRES array on Store Glacier in West Greenland to measure the three-dimensional orientation of dipping internal reflectors, extending the capabilities of pRES beyond conventional depth sounding. This novel technique portrays the effectiveness of pRES in deriving the orientation of dipping internal layers that may complement profiles obtained through other geophysical surveying methods. Deriving ice vertical strain rates from changes in layer depth as measured by a sequence of pRES observations assumes that the internal reflections come from vertically beneath the antenna. By revealing the orientation of internal reflectors and the potential deviation from nadir of their associated reflections, the use of an antenna array can correct this assumption. While the array configuration was able to resolve the geometry of englacial layers, the same configuration could not be used to accurately image the glacier bed. Here, we use simulations of the performance of different array geometries to identify configurations that can be tailored to study different types of basal geometry for future deployments

    The Spitzer c2d Survey of Large, Nearby, Interstellar Clouds. I. Chamaeleon II Observed with MIPS

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    We present maps of over 1.5 square degrees in Chamaeleon (Cha) II at 24, 70, and 160 micron observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) and a 1.2 square degree millimeter map from SIMBA on the Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST). The c2d Spitzer Legacy Team's data reduction pipeline is described in detail. Over 1500 24 micron sources and 41 70 micron sources were detected by MIPS with fluxes greater than 10-sigma. More than 40 potential YSOs are identified with a MIPS and 2MASS color-color diagram and by their spectral indices, including two previously unknown sources with 24 micron excesses. Our new SIMBA millimeter map of Cha II shows that only a small fraction of the gas is in compact structures with high column densities. The extended emission seen by MIPS is compared with previous CO observations. Some selected interesting sources, including two detected at 1 mm, associated with Cha II are discussed in detail and their SEDs presented. The classification of these sources using MIPS data is found to be consistent with previous studies.Comment: 44 pages, 12 figures (1 color), to be published in Ap

    Control task substitution in semi-automated driving: does it matter what aspects are automated?

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    Objective: The study was designed to show how driver attention to the road scene and engagement of a choice of secondary tasks are affected by the level of automation provided to assist or take over the basic task of vehicle control. It was also designed to investigate the difference between support in longitudinal control and support in lateral control. Background: There is comparatively little literature on the implications of automation for drivers’ engagement in the driving task and for their willingness to engage in non-driving-related activities. Method: A study was carried out on a high-level driving simulator in which drivers experienced three levels of automation: manual driving, semiautomated driving with either longitudinal or lateral control provided, and highly automated driving with both longitudinal and lateral control provided. Drivers were free to pay attention to the roadway and traffic or to engage in a range of entertainment and grooming tasks. Results: Engagement in the nondriving tasks increased from manual to semiautomated driving and increased further with highly automated driving. There were substantial differences in attention to the road and traffic between the two types of semiautomated driving. Conclusion: The literature on automation and the various task analyses of driving do not currently help to explain the effects that were found. Lateral support and longitudinal support may be the same in terms of levels of automation but appear to be regarded rather differently by drivers

    Dimension-six CP-conserving operators of the third-family quarks and their effects on collider observables

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    We list all possible dimension-six CP-conserving SUc(3)×SUL(2)×UY(1)SU_c(3)\times SU_L(2) \times U_Y(1) invariant operators involving the third-family quarks which could be generated by new physics at a higher scale. Expressions for these operators after electroweak gauge symmetry breaking and the induced effective couplings WtbˉWt\bar b, XbbˉXb\bar b and XttˉXt\bar t (X=Z,γ,g,H)( X=Z,\gamma,g,H) are presented. Analytic expressions for the tree level contributions of all these operators to the observables RbR_b and AFBbA^b_{FB} at LEP I, σ(e+e−→bbˉ)\sigma(e^+e^-\rightarrow b\bar b) and AFBbA^b_{FB} at LEP II, σ(e+e−→ttˉ)\sigma(e^+e^-\rightarrow t\bar t) and AFBtA_{FB}^t at the NLC, as well as σ(ppˉ→tbˉ+X)\sigma(p\bar p\rightarrow t\bar b+X) at the Tevatron upgrade, are provided. The effects of these operators on different electroweak observables are discussed and numerical examples presented. Numerical analyses show that in the coupling region allowed by RbR_b and AFBbA^b_{FB} at LEP I, some of the new physics operators can still have significant contributions at LEP II, the Tevatron and the NLC.Comment: 25 page

    Quasi-Normal Mode Expansion for Linearized Waves in Gravitational Systems

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    The quasinormal modes (QNM's) of gravitational systems modeled by the Klein-Gordon equation with effective potentials are studied in analogy to the QNM's of optical cavities. Conditions are given for the QNM's to form a complete set, i.e., for the Green's function to be expressible as a sum over QNM's, answering a conjecture by Price and Husain [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 68}, 1973 (1992)]. In the cases where the QNM sum is divergent, procedures for regularization are given. The crucial condition for completeness is the existence of spatial discontinuities in the system, e.g., the discontinuity at the stellar surface in the model of Price and Husain.Comment: 12 pages, WUGRAV-94-

    dbar/ubar Asymmetry and the Origin of the Nucleon Sea

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    The Drell-Yan cross section ratios, σ(p+d)/σ(p+p)\sigma(p+d)/\sigma(p+p), measured in Fermilab E866, have led to the first determination of dˉ(x)/uˉ(x)\bar d(x) / \bar u(x), dˉ(x)−uˉ(x)\bar d(x) - \bar u(x), and the integral of dˉ(x)−uˉ(x)\bar d(x) - \bar u(x) for the proton over the range 0.02≤x≤0.3450.02 \le x \le 0.345. The E866 results are compared with predictions based on parton distribution functions and various theoretical models. The relationship between the E866 results and the NMC measurement of the Gottfried integral is discussed. The agreement between the E866 results and models employing virtual mesons indicates these non-perturbative processes play an important role in the origin of the dˉ\bar d, uˉ\bar u asymmetry in the nucleon sea.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, ReVTe

    The Spitzer c2d Survey of Large, Nearby, Interstellar Clouds. VII. Ophiuchus Observed with MIPS

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    We present maps of 14.4 deg^2 of the Ophiuchus dark clouds observed by the Spitzer Space Telescope Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS). These high-quality maps depict both numerous point sources and extended dust emission within the star-forming and non–star-forming portions of these clouds. Using PSF-fitting photometry, we detect 5779 sources at 24 μm and 81 sources at 70 μm at the 10 σ level of significance. Three hundred twenty-three candidate young stellar objects (YSOs) were identified according to their positions on the MIPS/2MASS K versus color-magnitude diagrams, as compared to 24 μm detections in the SWIRE extragalactic survey. We find that more than half of the YSO candidates, and almost all those with protostellar Class I spectral energy distributions, are confined to the known cluster and aggregates

    Measurement of the Light Antiquark Flavor Asymmetry in the Nucleon Sea

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    A precise measurement of the ratio of Drell-Yan yields from an 800 GeV/c proton beam incident on hydrogen and deuterium targets is reported. Over 140,000 Drell-Yan muon pairs with dimuon mass M_{mu+ mu-} >= 4.5 GeV/c^2 were recorded. From these data, the ratio of anti-down (dbar) to anti-up (ubar) quark distributions in the proton sea is determined over a wide range in Bjorken-x. A strong x dependence is observed in the ratio dbar/ubar, showing substantial enhancement of dbar with respect to ubar for x<0.2. This result is in fair agreement with recent parton distribution parameterizations of the sea. For x>0.2, the observed dbar/ubar ratio is much nearer unity than given by the parameterizations.Comment: REVTeX, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Measurement of the flux and zenith-angle distribution of upward through-going muons by Super-Kamiokande

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    A total of 614 upward through-going muons of minimum energy 1.6 GeV are observed by Super-Kamiokande during 537 detector live days. The measured muon flux is 1.74+/-0.07(stat.)+/-0.02(sys.)x10^{-13}cm^{-2}s^{-1}sr^{-1} compared to an expected flux of 1.97+/-0.44(theo.)x10^{-13}cm^{-2}s^{-1}sr^{-1}. The absolute measured flux is in agreement with the prediction within the errors. However, the zenith angle dependence of the observed upward through-going muon flux does not agree with no-oscillation predictions. The observed distortion in shape is consistent with the \nu_\mu \nu_\tau oscillation hypothesis with \sin^22\theta > 0.4 and 1x10^{-3} < \Delta m^2 < 1x10^{-1} eV^{2} at 90% confidence level.Comment: 8 pages w/ 3 figures new version contains minor fixes, as it appears in PR
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