11,293 research outputs found

    Prospects for an orbital determination and capture cell experiment

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    A dust experiment which combines measurements of the elemental and isotopic composition of individual particles with orbital information would contribute fundamental, new scientific information on the sources contributing to the micrometeoroid population. The general boundary conditions for such a system are: (1) it must be capable of measuring velocities in the range of 10 km/sec to 100 km/sec with several percent accuracy; (2) it must collect particles in such a way that the debris atoms are locally concentrated so that precise isotopic measurements are possible; (3) it should collect particles over a wide range of sizes starting with a lower limit of 10 microns; (4) it should incorporate materials that will not compromise the isotopic measurements; and (5) it should be large enough to obtain statistically meaningful results within a reasonable exposure time. Techniques which may satisfy these conditions are described

    Plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition of thin carbon films

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    There have been considerable developments in the field of hard cartxm thin film deposition in the past decade. The films show properties of extreme hardness, chemical inertness and optical transparency and their use has been suggested for wear protective coatings. The results presented here concern the use of Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD) to produce these films Details of the effects of the important deposition parameters on their mechanical properties are presented. The deposition system design and implementation are desenbed. The resultant film charactenstics are presented graphically as a function of the deposition vanables Films were produced which exhibited extreme hardness of up to 3000 Vickers. Their deposition rate was found to decrease with substrate temperature and increase with induced bias and pressure. The intrinsic stress and wear resistance were found to increase with the induced bias and substrate temperature but decreased as the pressure was increased. The film adhesion was found to improve at higher temperature and bias and also at higher pressure but films in this region were found to be of reduced hardness. The intrinsic stress and poor adhesion of carbon films were identified as the main difficulties in the application of these films as wear protective coatings Possible ways of improving these film charactenstics were investigated. The main deposition vanables of substrate temperature, induced bias and pressure were identified, along with the possible optimisation of carbon thin film charactenstics by control of the deposition environment

    Editor\u27s Page

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    The Level of Confrontation of Science and the Law

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    Questions of Sovereignty: Pyramid Lake and the Northern Paiute Struggle for Water and Rights

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    The current U.S. government policy of Indian Self-Determination is determined by the principle of tribal sovereignty, which defines how issues identified in Indian Country are addressed. However, tribal sovereignty represents an ideal that has regularly been ignored or contested by private and corporate entities, as well as state and federal government agencies. My research explores this case study of the successful assertion of tribal sovereignty by the Pyramid Lake Paiute tribe as they worked to save Pyramid Lake, the spiritual and economic heart of their reservation. The Pyramid Lake Tribe employed several strategies to secure water for Pyramid Lake and to save the endangered endemic species of fish, the cui-ui and Lahonton cutthroat trout, from extinction. They were opposed by an iron triangle composed of the Nevada Group, an interest group of Nevada water users, the Bureau of Reclamation, and Nevada\u27s congressional delegation which tried to monopolize the waters of the Truckee River. Through numerous court cases and lobbying Congress, the Pyramid Lake Tribe was able to establish that no water issues could be settled without their input. With this nearly all stake holders entered into negotiations to reach an agreement that would serve the needs of every group: the Truckee-Carson-Pyramid Lake Negotiated Settlement Agreement, or PL101-618. The Truckee River Operating agreement was then worked out over the next eighteen years to operationalize PL101-618. I also explore the question of where sovereignty lies, which has important implications for legitimacy of government. For the U.S. government, sovereignty on the Pyramid Lake Paiute Indian reservation lies with the enrolled members of the tribe; however, there is evidence that for some of the people at Pyramid Lake, sovereignty lies with the families. I suggest this disconnect may drive factional conflict within the Pyramid Lake Tribe, which interferes with tribal governance. The members of the Pyramid Lake Tribe and their council are actively working to find solutions to issues created by the limitations of tribal sovereignty and resolutions to the internal conflict that creates animosity among the tribal members. They favor solutions that do not limit their sovereignty

    Economic analysis of an integrated anthropogenic carbon dioxide network for capture and enhanced oil recovery along the Texas Gulf Coast

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    This paper explains the system economics of an example integrated network that uses anthropogenic CO2 from Texas Gulf Coast fossil power plants for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). These CO2 sources and sinks are connected via a pipeline network. A discounted cash flow model indicates that for all candidate oil fields that require less than an estimated 10/BBLinEORcapitalexpenditure,allthreeentities(CO2capture,pipelines,andEORoperators)canhave2010/BBL in EOR capital expenditure, all three entities (CO2 capture, pipelines, and EOR operators) can have 20% internal rate of return at 55 per tonne of CO2 and $56 per barrel of oil. These results include no existing or future tax incentives, and there are some costs not yet included. However, a Monte Carlo analysis shows insight by indicating that the total system rate of return is most sensitive to oil production parameters. Oil price and estimated amount of recoverable oil are the most positively influential factors while the EOR capital cost is the most negatively sensitive factor. The capital costs of capture and CO2 price are less sensitive, both negatively affecting rate of return.Bureau of Economic Geolog

    Pairwise Well-Formed Modes and Transformations

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    One of the most significant attitudinal shifts in the history of music occurred in the Renaissance, when an emerging triadic consciousness moved musicians towards a new scalar formation that placed major thirds on a par with perfect fifths. In this paper we revisit the confrontation between the two idealized scalar and modal conceptions, that of the ancient and medieval world and that of the early modern world, associated especially with Zarlino. We do this at an abstract level, in the language of algebraic combinatorics on words. In scale theory the juxtaposition is between well-formed and pairwise well-formed scales and modes, expressed in terms of Christoffel words or standard words and their conjugates, and the special Sturmian morphisms that generate them. Pairwise well-formed scales are encoded by words over a three-letter alphabet, and in our generalization we introduce special positive automorphisms of F3F3, the free group over three letters.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, paper presented at the MCM2017 at UNAM in Mexico City on June 27, 2017, keywords: pairwise well-formed scales and modes, well-formed scales and modes, well-formed words, Christoffel words, standard words, central words, algebraic combinatorics on words, special Sturmian morphism

    Status of Large Scale Road Tests

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