1,115 research outputs found

    Future Distribution of Suitable Habitat for Pelagic Sharks in Australia Under Climate Change Models.

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    Global oceans are absorbing over 90% of the heat trapped in our atmosphere due to accumulated anthropogenic greenhouse gases, resulting in increasing ocean temperatures. Such changes may influence marine ectotherms, such as sharks, as their body temperature concurrently increases toward their upper thermal limits. Sharks are high trophic level predators that play a key role in the regulation of ecosystem structure and health. Because many sharks are already threatened, it is especially important to understand the impact of climate change on these species. We used shark occurrence records collected by commercial fisheries within the Australian continental Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to predict changes in future (2050-2099) relative to current (1956-2005) habitat suitability for pelagic sharks based on an ensemble of climate models and emission scenarios. Our predictive models indicate that future sea temperatures are likely to shift the location of suitable shark habitat within the Australian EEZ. On average, suitable habitat is predicted to decrease within the EEZ for requiem and increase for mackerel sharks, however, the direction and severity of change was highly influenced by the choice of climate model. Our results indicate the need to consider climate change scenarios as part of future shark management and suggest that more broad -scale studies are needed for these pelagic species

    Shark conservation hindered by lack of habitat protection

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    Many of the world's shark populations are in decline, indicating the need for improved conservation and management. Well managed and appropriately located marine parks and marine protected areas (MPAs) have potential to enhance shark conservation by restricting fisheries and protecting suitable habitat for threatened shark populations. Here, we used shark occurrence records collected by commercial fisheries to determine suitable habitat for pelagic sharks within the Australian continental Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), and to quantify the amount of suitable habitat contained within existing MPAs. We developed generalised linear models using proportional occurrences of pelagic sharks for three families: Alopiidae (thresher), Carcharhinidae (requiem), and Lamnidae (mackerel) sharks. We also considered aggregated species from the Lamnidae and Carcharhinidae families ('combined sharks' in the models). Using a set of environmental predictors known to affect shark occurrence, including chlorophyll-a concentration, salinity, sea surface temperature, and turbidity, as well as geomorphological, geophysical, and sedimentary parameters, we found that models including sea surface temperature and turbidity were ranked highest in their ability to predict shark distributions. We used these results to predict geographic regions where habitat was most suitable for pelagic sharks within the Australian EEZ, and our results revealed that suitable habitat was limited in no-take zones within MPAs. For all shark groupings, suitable habitats were found mostly at locations exposed to fishing pressure, potentially increasing the vulnerability of the pelagic shark species considered. Our predictive models provide a foundation for future spatial planning and shark management, suggesting that strong fisheries management in addition to MPAs is necessary for pelagic shark conservation

    Population decline in the critically endangered Musschia isambertoi (Campanulaceae) endemic to Desertas Islands (Madeira Archipelago) calls for urgent conservation management

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    Macaronesian islands display a high degree of plant endemicity and correspond to some of the most threatened biodiversity hotspots due to several human driven impacts such as habitat loss, invasive species, overexploitation or climate change. The conservation status of the largest of the two known population of Musschia isambertoi M. Seq., R. Jardim, Magda Silva and L. Carvalho (Campanulaceae) was assessed recently. Field work was done in June 2018 in “Porto das Moças” Deserta Grande (Madeira Archipelago, Portugal), the locus typicus, where in 2006 close to 30 plants were detected with a high variation of age/size between individuals comprising both fully flowering and non-flowering adult plants as well as seedlings, and thus corresponding to a healthy population. This study assesses population size, age and plant size, and genetic, as well as floristic diversity. The total area of the site corresponds to approximately 1500 square meters. Ten individuals were detected, all corresponding to young seedlings not exceeding 15 cm high, and exhibiting approximately the same size and numbers of leaves (4–8). No adult plants or remains of adult plants were seen. Ecological data and direct herbivory evidence suggest that perennial plants are subjected to elimination during the short summer by the feral goat population. Mo lecular data based on ISSR markers show that the nine sampled individuals (out of ten individuals found) are genetically identical, possibly resulting from one parental plant. Results clearly suggest that Musschia isambertoi is very close to extinction. Urgent conservation measures are imperative and should include the immediate fencing of the population followed by the elimination of feral goats from Deserta Grande. The elimination of feral goats was initiated in 1996 (LIFE95 NAT/P/000125, 383,467.00 €) but stopped due to inappropriate conser vation policies of the former Services of the Natural Park of Madeira.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Learning from changes concurrent with implementing a complex and dynamic intervention to improve urban maternal and perinatal health in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2011-2019

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    Introduction Rapid urbanisation in Dar es Salaam, the main commercial hub in Tanzania, has resulted in congested health facilities, poor quality care, and unacceptably high facility-based maternal and perinatal mortality. Using a participatory approach, the Dar es Salaam regional government in partnership with a non-governmental organisation, Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania, implemented a complex, dynamic intervention to improve the quality of care and survival during pregnancy and childbirth. The intervention was rolled out in 22 public health facilities, accounting for 60% of the city’s facility births. Methods Multiple intervention components addressed gaps across the maternal and perinatal continuum of care (training, infrastructure, routine data quality strengthening and utilisation). Quality of care was measured with the Standards-Based Management and Recognition tool. Temporal trends from 2011 to 2019 in routinely collected, high-quality data on facility utilisation and facility-based maternal and perinatal mortality were analysed. Results Significant improvements were observed in the 22 health facilities: 41% decongestion in the three most overcrowded hospitals and comparable increase in use of lower level facilities, sixfold increase in quality of care, and overall reductions in facility-based maternal mortality ratio (47%) and stillbirth rate (19%). Conclusions This collaborative, multipartner, multilevel real-world implementation, led by the local government, leveraged structures in place to strengthen the urban health system and was sustained through a decade. As depicted in the theory of change, it is highly plausible that this complex intervention with the mediators and confounders contributed to improved distribution of workload, quality of maternity care and survival at birth

    REVIEW PAPER Inferred global connectivity of whale shark Rhincodon typus populations

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    Ten years have passed since the last synopsis of whale shark Rhincodon typus biogeography. While a recent review of the species' biology and ecology summarized the vast data collected since then, it is clear that information on population geographic connectivity, migration and demography of R. typus is still limited and scattered. Understanding R. typus migratory behaviour is central to its conservation management considering the genetic evidence suggesting local aggregations are connected at the generational scale over entire ocean basins. By collating available data on sightings, tracked movements and distribution information, this review provides evidence for the hypothesis of broad-scale connectivity among populations, and generates a model describing how the world's R. typus are part of a single, global meta-population. Rhincodon typus occurrence timings and distribution patterns make possible a connection between several aggregation sites in the Indian Ocean. The present conceptual model and validating data lend support to the hypothesis that R. typus are able to move among the three largest ocean basins with a minimum total travelling time of around 2-4 years. The model provides a worldwide perspective of possible R. typus migration routes, and suggests a modified focus for additional research to test its predictions. The framework can be used to trim the hypotheses for R. typus movements and aggregation timings, thereby isolating possible mating and breeding areas that are currently unknown. This will assist endeavours to predict the longer-term response of the species to ocean warming and changing patterns of human-induced mortality

    Using the Hottest Particles in the Universe to Probe Icy Solar System Worlds

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    We present results of our Phase 1 NIAC Study to determine the feasibility of developing a competitive, low cost, low power, low mass passive instrument to measure ice depth on outer planet ice moons, such as Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, and Enceladus. Indirect measurements indicate that liquid water oceans are likely present beneath the icy shells of such moons (see e.g.,the JPL press release "The Solar System and Beyond is Awash in Water"), which has important astrobiological implications. Determining the thickness of these ice shells is challenging given spacecraft SWaP (Size, Weight and Power) resources. The current approach uses a suite of instruments, including a high power, massive ice penetrating radar. The instrument under study, called PRIDE (Passive Radio Ice Depth Experiment) exploits a remarkable confluence between methods from the high energy particle physics and the search for extraterrestrial life within the solar system. PRIDE is a passive receiver of a naturally occurring radio frequency (RF) signal generated by interactions of deep penetrating Extremely High Energy (> 10^18 eV) cosmic ray neutrinos. It could measure ice thickness directly, and at a significant savings to spacecraft resources. At RF frequencies the transparency of modeled Europan ice is up to many km, so an RF sensor in orbit can observe neutrino interactions to great depths, and thereby probe the thickness of the ice layer