3,214 research outputs found

    Adhesive coating eliminated in new honeycomb-core fabrication process

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    Technique eliminates use of silicone-based adhesive material as bonding medium. Adhesive requires precise time-temperature cure. Prepreg resin is used as bonding medium, and each layer is laminated together to form honeycomb billet. Process can be used in any application where nonmetallic honeycomb core is being fabricated

    Fluent temporal logic for discrete-time event-based models

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    Fluent model checking is an automated technique for verifying that an event-based operational model satisfies some state-based declarative properties. The link between the event-based and state-based formalisms is defined through fluents which are state predicates whose value are determined by the occurrences of initiating and terminating events that make the fluents values become true or false, respectively. The existing fluent temporal logic is convenient for reasoning about untimed event-based models but difficult to use for timed models. The paper extends fluent temporal logic with temporal operators for modelling timed properties of discrete-time event-based models. It presents two approaches that differ on whether the properties model the system state after the occurrence of each event or at a fixed time rate. Model checking of timed properties is made possible by translating them into the existing untimed framework. Copyright 2005 ACM

    Modelling the early time behaviour of type Ia supernovae: effects of the 56Ni distribution

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    Recent studies have demonstrated the diversity in type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) at early times and highlighted a need for a better understanding of the explosion physics as manifested by observations soon after explosion. To this end, we present a Monte Carlo code designed to model the light curves of radioactively driven, hydrogen-free transients from explosion to approximately maximum light. In this initial study, we have used a parametrised description of the ejecta in SNe Ia, and performed a parameter study of the effects of the 56^{56}Ni distribution on the observed colours and light curves for a fixed 56^{56}Ni mass of 0.6 MM_\odot. For a given density profile, we find that models with 56^{56}Ni extending throughout the entirety of the ejecta are typically brighter and bluer shortly after explosion. Additionally, the shape of the density profile itself also plays an important role in determining the shape, rise time, and colours of observed light curves. We find that the multi-band light curves of at least one SNe Ia (SN 2009ig) are inconsistent with less extended 56^{56}Ni distributions, but show good agreement with models that incorporate 56^{56}Ni throughout the entire ejecta. We further demonstrate that comparisons with full UVOIRUVOIR colour light curves are powerful tools in discriminating various 56^{56}Ni distributions, and hence explosion models.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. Minor changes in notation to match published version in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The Environment of M85 optical transient 2006-1: constraints on the progenitor age and mass

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    M85 optical transient 2006-1 (M85 OT 2006-1) is the most luminous member of the small family of V838 Mon-like objects, whose nature is still a mystery. This event took place in the Virgo cluster of galaxies and peaked at an absolute magnitude of I~-13. Here we present Hubble Space Telescope images of M85 OT 2006-1 and its environment, taken before and after the eruption, along with a spectrum of the host galaxy at the transient location. We find that the progenitor of M85 OT 2006-1 was not associated with any star forming region. The g and z-band absolute magnitudes of the progenitor were fainter than about -4 and -6 mag, respectively. Therefore, we can set a lower limit of ~50 Myr on the age of the youngest stars at the location of the progenitor that corresponds to a mass of <7 solar mass. Previously published line indices suggest that M85 has a mean stellar age of 1.6+/-0.3 Gyr. If this mean age is representative of the progenitor of M85 OT 2006-1, then we can further constrain its mass to be less than 2 solar mass. We compare the energetics and mass limit derived for the M85 OT 2006-1 progenitor with those expected from a simple model of violent stellar mergers. Combined with further modeling, these new clues may ultimately reveal the true nature of these puzzling events.Comment: 4 pages, accepted to Ap

    Democratization in a passive dendritic tree : an analytical investigation

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    One way to achieve amplification of distal synaptic inputs on a dendritic tree is to scale the amplitude and/or duration of the synaptic conductance with its distance from the soma. This is an example of what is often referred to as “dendritic democracy”. Although well studied experimentally, to date this phenomenon has not been thoroughly explored from a mathematical perspective. In this paper we adopt a passive model of a dendritic tree with distributed excitatory synaptic conductances and analyze a number of key measures of democracy. In particular, via moment methods we derive laws for the transport, from synapse to soma, of strength, characteristic time, and dispersion. These laws lead immediately to synaptic scalings that overcome attenuation with distance. We follow this with a Neumann approximation of Green’s representation that readily produces the synaptic scaling that democratizes the peak somatic voltage response. Results are obtained for both idealized geometries and for the more realistic geometry of a rat CA1 pyramidal cell. For each measure of democratization we produce and contrast the synaptic scaling associated with treating the synapse as either a conductance change or a current injection. We find that our respective scalings agree up to a critical distance from the soma and we reveal how this critical distance decreases with decreasing branch radius

    AgBase: a unified resource for functional analysis in agriculture

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    Analysis of functional genomics (transcriptomics and proteomics) datasets is hindered in agricultural species because agricultural genome sequences have relatively poor structural and functional annotation. To facilitate systems biology in these species we have established the curated, web-accessible, public resource ‘AgBase’ (). We have improved the structural annotation of agriculturally important genomes by experimentally confirming the in vivo expression of electronically predicted proteins and by proteogenomic mapping. Proteogenomic data are available from the AgBase proteogenomics link. We contribute Gene Ontology (GO) annotations and we provide a two tier system of GO annotations for users. The ‘GO Consortium’ gene association file contains the most rigorous GO annotations based solely on experimental data. The ‘Community’ gene association file contains GO annotations based on expert community knowledge (annotations based directly from author statements and submitted annotations from the community) and annotations for predicted proteins. We have developed two tools for proteomics analysis and these are freely available on request. A suite of tools for analyzing functional genomics datasets using the GO is available online at the AgBase site. We encourage and publicly acknowledge GO annotations from researchers and provide an online mechanism for agricultural researchers to submit requests for GO annotations

    Germline mutations in the oncogene EZH2 cause Weaver syndrome and increased human height.

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    The biological processes controlling human growth are diverse, complex and poorly understood. Genetic factors are important and human height has been shown to be a highly polygenic trait to which common and rare genetic variation contributes. Weaver syndrome is a human overgrowth condition characterised by tall stature, dysmorphic facial features, learning disability and variable additional features. We performed exome sequencing in four individuals with Weaver syndrome, identifying a mutation in the histone methyltransferase, EZH2, in each case. Sequencing of EZH2 in additional individuals with overgrowth identified a further 15 mutations. The EZH2 mutation spectrum in Weaver syndrome shows considerable overlap with the inactivating somatic EZH2 mutations recently reported in myeloid malignancies. Our data establish EZH2 mutations as the cause of Weaver syndrome and provide further links between histone modifications and regulation of human growth

    Modelling the early time behaviour of type Ia supernovae: effects of the Ni-56 distribution

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    Recent studies have demonstrated the diversity in type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) at early times and highlighted a need for a better understanding of the explosion physics as manifested by observations soon after explosion. To this end, we present a Monte Carlo code designed to model the light curves of radioactively driven, hydrogen-free transients from explosion to approximately maximum light. In this initial study, we have used a parametrised description of the ejecta in SNe Ia, and performed a parameter study of the effects of the Ni-56 distribution on the observed colours and light curves for a fixed Ni-56 mass of 0.6 M-circle dot. For a given density profile, we find that models with Ni-56 extending throughout the entirety of the ejecta are typically brighter and bluer shortly after explosion. Additionally, the shape of the density profile itself also plays an important role in determining the shape, rise time, and colours of observed light curves. We find that the multi-band light curves of at least one SNe Ia (SN 2009ig) are inconsistent with less extended Ni-56 distributions, but show good agreement with models that incorporate Ni-56 throughout the entire ejecta. We further demonstrate that comparisons with full UVOIR colour light curves are powerful tools in discriminating various Ni-56 distributions, and hence explosion models