4,198 research outputs found

    Chromatographic detection and analysis of traces of hydrocarbons

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    Special analytical column having in series two separate absorption sections charged with beads of porous polymer and a sample of gas detects traces of hydrocarbons. New method requires only 15 minutes for execution

    Dendritic to globular morphology transition in ternary alloy solidification

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    The evolution of solidification microstructures in ternary metallic alloys is investigated by adaptive finite element simulations of a general multicomponent phase-field model. A morphological transition from dendritic to globular growth is found by varying the alloy composition at a fixed undercooling. The dependence of the growth velocity and of the impurity segregation in the solid phase on the composition is analyzed and indicates a smooth type of transition between the dendritic and globular growth structures.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    “He Would Kill Me With His Penis”: Genocidal Rape in Rwanda as a State Crime

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    Only recently have critical criminologists begun a systematic exploration of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity as state crimes (Kramer and Michalowski 2005; Mullins and Rothe 2008; Haveman and Smeulers 2008). This paper contributes to that growing literature through examining the nature and dynamics of sexual violence as it occurred during the 1994 Rwandan genocide. It draws upon empirical examination of events depicted in transcripts of trials held before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. It qualitatively examines the role of leaders in producing mass sexual assaults. It explores how sexual mutilations were more intense expressions of what the genocide’s local leaders hoped to accomplish through the use of rape in the event. It also explores long-term results of victimization for survivors. Finally, this paper then uses an integrated theory of state crime (see Mullins and Rothe 2008; Rothe and Mullins 2006, 2008a) to illuminate the causal forces at play on multiple levels of analysis in producing the sexual violence specifically within the broader genocide

    “We are going to rape you and taste Tutsi women”: Rape During the 1994 Rwandan Genocide

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    Over the past decades, scholars have paid greater attention to sexual violence, in both theorization and empirical analysis. One area which has been largely ignored, however, is the sexual violence during times of armed conflict. This paper examines the nature and dynamics of sexual violence as it occurred during the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Drawing upon testimonies given to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), descriptions of rapes--both singular and mass—were qualitatively analyzed. In general, three broad types of assaults were identified: opportunistic, assaults which seemed to be a product of the disorder inherent within the conflict; episodes of sexual enslavement; and genocidal rapes, which were framed by the broader genocidal endeavors occurring at the time

    Neuronal Control of Swimming Behavior: Comparison of Vertebrate and Invertebrate Model Systems

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    Swimming movements in the leech and lamprey are highly analogous, and lack homology. Thus, similarities in mechanisms must arise from convergent evolution rather than from common ancestry. Despite over 40 years of parallel investigations into this annelid and primitive vertebrate, a close comparison of the approaches and results of this research is lacking. The present review evaluates the neural mechanisms underlying swimming in these two animals and describes the many similarities that provide intriguing examples of convergent evolution. Specifically, we discuss swim initiation, maintenance and termination, isolated nervous system preparations, neural-circuitry, central oscillators, intersegmental coupling, phase lags, cycle periods and sensory feedback. Comparative studies between species highlight mechanisms that optimize behavior and allow us a broader understanding of nervous system function

    Curse of the Monarch

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    This fiction was the most fun I have ever had with writing as I could express my thoughts and images in my own manner and shape it into something that others can enjoy. The name Thoruum was a randomly chosen name that sounded as if it had a strong meaning to it. Lizah was to somewhat interpret an evil being or personality as she is possessed by the Monarch. This story will bring you through the journey of Thoruum as she discovers a town plagued with a mysterious and corrupt power that nobody has been willing or able to stop, until now

    Sequence organization of feline leukemis virus DNA in infected cells

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    A restriction site map has been deduced of unintegrated and integrated FeLV viral DNA found in human RD cells after experimental infection with the Gardner-Arnstein strain of FeLV. Restriction fragments were ordered by single and double enzyme digests followed by Southern transfer (1) and hybridization with 32P-labeled viral cDNA probes. The restriction map was oriented with respect to the 5' and 3' ends of viral RNA by using a 3' specific hybridization probe. The major form of unintegrated viral DNA found was a 8.7 kb linear DNA molecule bearing a 450 bp direct long terminal redundancy (LTR) derived from both 5' and 3' viral RNA sequences. Minor, circular forms, 8.7 kb and 8.2 kb in length were also detected, the larger one probably containing two adjacent copies of the LTR and the smaller one containing one copy of the LTR. Integrated copies of FeLV are colinear with the unintegrated linear form and contain the KpnI and SmaI sites found in each LTR

    A plan for spacecraft automated rendezvous

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    An automated rendezvous approach has been developed that utilizes advances in technology to reduce real-time/near real-time flight operations support personnel to an acceptable level that is near the minimum without jeopardizing the success of the mission. The on-board flight targeting uses a rule-based system to select the pursuit vehicle phasing orbits and uses precise navigation updates from the pursuit/target spacecraft made possible by the global positioning system receivers/processors on both spacecraft to adjust the phasing orbits and achieve rendezvous. The ascent-to-orbit targeting for the pursuit vehicle has been successfully decoupled from the on-orbit orbit transfer phasing targeting. Typical launch window data have been developed for the heavy lift launch vehicle and cargo transfer vehicle for a Space Station Freedom rendezvous mission
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