271 research outputs found

    Phytohormonal effects on rhizosphere processes of maize (Zea mays L.) under phosphorus deficiency

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    Effects of the hormones indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), gibberellic acid (GA3), and trans-zeatin (t-Z) on growth, P status and rhizosphere processes of maize (Zea mays L., cv. 'Bezemara') were investigated in a pot experiment at two levels of phosphorus availability (+P: water soluble phosphate and -P: sparingly soluble tricalcium phosphate). Six weeks after seed germination, plants were harvested and analysed for dry weight, shoot length, root surface, P concentration, acid phosphatases activity (acid Pase) in shoot and rhizosphere and the content of carboxylic acids and sugars in the rhizosphere. ANOVA was used to estimate the effects of treatments on measured parameters. Hormone application via rhizosphere had a highly significant effect on the growth of whole plants, their P status and rhizosphere processes. GA3 and t-Z promoted quantitatively shoot and root growth and morphological changes, whereas IAA affected the chemical composition of the rhizosphere. In several parameters, the effects of hormone treatment depended on the P status of plants indicating different sensitivity of +P and -P plants to plant growth regulator (PGR) application (significant interaction of hormone application × P availability). The findings help to improve our knowledge, why PGR treatments and plant growth promoting rhizo-microorganisms have varying effects on plants depending on growth conditions

    Root exudation of phloridzin by apple seedlings (Malus x domestica Borkh.) with symptoms of apple replant disease

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    This study investigates the occurrence of the flavonoid phloridzin (phloretin-2'-O-β-D-glucoside) in root exudates of apple seedlings showing growth reduction related to apple replant disease (ARD). The disease is most likely caused by a complex of soil-borne fungi and bacteria, but the etiology remains to be elucidated. Information on specific exudation processes in the rhizosphere of apple seedlings could contribute to our understanding of the conditions triggering ARD development.To procure ARD symptoms, apple seedlings (Malus x domestica Borkh.) were grown in ARD-conductive soil. Root exudates were collected by submerging the roots in a solution of 0.05 mM CaCl2 for a period of 4 h. The fraction of phenolic root exudates was analyzed using HPLC/DAD (high performance liquid chromatography/diode array detector).Results suggest that (i) phloridzin is a constant root exudate of apple seedlings. It was the most abundant phenol in the collected exudates from replant-diseased as well as healthy seedlings. (ii) Phloridzin exudation, related to root dry matter, was the most intensive at the onset of ARD symptom development and lower during the period when symptoms were most severe or outgrown. (iii) In comparison to healthy seedlings, the phloridzin exudation of apple replantdiseased seedlings was significantly higher only at the onset of ARD symptom development, suggesting a response of the plants to infection.The finding of phloridzin in the root exudates of Malus x domestica Borkh. might have consequences for research on the etiology of ARD. Specialized pathogenic microorganisms could be attracted by this distinct compound. Since it is very characteristic of apple plants, phloridzin might be the compound that ARD-causing microorganisms utilize to recognize their host. For practical applications, phloridzin root exudation could therefore be a parameter in evaluating ARD-susceptibility of different rootstocks

    Occurrence and functioning of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms from oil palm tree (Elaeis guineensis) rhizosphere in Cameroon

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    Phosphorus replenishment, particularly in smallholder agriculture, remains a challenge as it is mainly fertilizer dependent. While the use of soluble mineral phosphate fertilizers is the obvious best means tocombat phosphate deficiency in Cameroon, their use is limited by their high cost and availability at farmer’s level. This study was aimed at maintaining the fertility of Cameroon soils by biological means,in order to improve agricultural production, using low inputs technology. Isolates were obtained from oil palm tree (Elaeis guineensis) root fragments and rhizospheric soils and their activity in mobilizingphosphate from insoluble sources was evaluated on agar plates and liquid culture media containing sparingly soluble phosphates. At the end of incubation time, it appeared that, phosphate solubilizationresulted from a combined effect of pH decrease of the media and organic acids production. Furthermore, each of the tested isolates was able to produce at least one of the most important organic acids such as citrate, malate and tartrate. Among the ten isolates tested, three were identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens and would be considered as potential biofertilizers

    Differences in labile soil organic matter explain potential denitrification and denitrifying communities in a long-term fertilization experiment

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    Content and quality of organic matter (OM) may strongly affect the denitrification potential of soils. In particular, the impact of soil OM fractions of differing bioavailability (soluble, particulate, and mineral-associated OM) on denitrification remains unresolved. We determined the potential N2O and N2 as well as CO2 production for samples of a Haplic Chernozem from six treatment plots (control, mineral N and NP, farmyard manure - FYM, and FYM + mineral N or NP) of the Static Fertilization Experiment Bad Lauchstädt (Germany) as related to OM properties and denitrifier gene abundances. Soil OM was analyzed for bulk chemical composition (13C-CPMAS NMR spectroscopy) as well as water-extractable, particulate, and mineral-associated fractions. Soils receiving FYM had more total OM and larger portions of labile fractions such as particulate and water-extractable OM. Incubations were run under anoxic conditions without nitrate limitation for seven days at 25 °C in the dark to determine the denitrification potential (N2O and N2) using the acetylene inhibition technique. Abundances of nirS, nirK, and nosZ (I + II) genes were analyzed before and after incubation. The denitrification potential, defined as the combined amount of N released as N2O + N2 over the experimental period, was larger for plots receiving FYM (25.9–27.2 mg N kg−1) than pure mineral fertilization (17.1–19.2 mg N kg−1) or no fertilization (12.6 mg N kg−1). The CO2 and N2O production were well related and up to three-fold larger for FYM-receiving soils than under pure mineral fertilization. The N2 production differed significantly only between all manured and non-manured soils. Nitrogenous gas emissions related most closely to water-extractable organic carbon (WEOC), which again related well to free particulate OM. The larger contribution of N2 production in soils without FYM application, and thus, with less readily decomposable OM, coincided with decreasing abundances of nirS genes (NO2− reductase) and increasing abundances of genes indicating complete denitrifying organisms (nosZ I) during anoxic conditions. Limited OM sources, thus, favored a microbial community more efficient in resource use. This study suggests that WEOC, representing readily bioavailable OM, is a straightforward indicator of the denitrification potential of soils

    Methane Flux in Cropland and Adjacent Riparian Buff ers with Different Vegetation Covers

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    While water quality functions of conservation buffers established adjacent to cropped fields have been widely documented, the relative contribution of these re-established perennial plant systems to greenhouse gases has not been completely documented. In the case of methane (CH(4)), these systems have the potential to serve as sinks of CH(4) or may provide favorable conditions for CH(4) production. This study quantifies CH(4) flux from soils of riparian buffer systems comprised of three vegetation types and compares these fluxes with those of adjacent crop fields. We measured soil properties and diel and seasonal variations of CH(4) flux in 7 to 17 yr-old re-established riparian forest buffers, warm-season and cool-season grass filters, and an adjacent crop field located in the Bear Creek watershed in central Iowa. Forest buffer and grass filter soils had significantly lower bulk density (P \u3c 0.01); and higher pH (P \u3c 0.01), total carbon (TC) (P \u3c 0.01), and total nitrogen (TN) (P \u3c 0.01) than crop field soils. There was no significant relationship between CH(4) flux and soil moisture or soil temperature among sites within the range of conditions observed. Cumulative CH(4) flux was -0.80 kg CH(4)-C ha(-1) yr(-1) in the cropped field, -0.46 kg CH(4)-C ha(-1) yr(-1) within the forest buffers, and 0.04 kg CH(4)-C ha(-1) yr(-1) within grass filters, but difference among vegetation covers was not significant. Results suggest that CH(4) flux was not changed after establishment of perennial vegetation on cropped soils, despite significant changes in soil properties

    The legacy effect of synthetic N fertiliser

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    Cumulative crop recovery of synthetic fertiliser nitrogen (N) over several cropping seasons (legacy effect) generally receives limited attention. The increment in crop N uptake after the first-season uptake from fertiliser can be expressed as a fraction (∆RE) of annual N application rate. This study aims to quantify ∆RE using data from nine long-term experiments (LTEs). As such, ∆RE is the difference between first season (RE1st) and long-term (RELT) recovery of synthetic fertiliser N. In this study, RE1st was assessed either by the 15N isotope method, or by a zero-N subplot freshly superimposed on a long-term fertilised LTE treatment plot. RELT was calculated by comparing N uptake in the total aboveground crop biomass between a long-term fertilised and long-term control (zero-N) treatment. Using a mixed linear effect model, the effects of climate, crop type, experiment duration, average N rate, and soil clay content on ∆RE were evaluated. Because the experimental setup required for calculation of ∆RE is relatively rare, only nine suitable LTEs were found. Across these nine LTEs in Europe and North America, mean ∆RE was 24.4% (±12.0%, 95% CI) of annual N application, with higher values for winter wheat than for maize. This result shows that fertiliser-N retained in the soil and stubble may contribute substantially to crop N uptake in subsequent years. Our results suggest that an initial recovery of 43.8% (±11%, 95% CI) of N application may increase to around 66.0% (±15%, 95% CI) on average over time. Furthermore, we found that ∆RE was not clearly related to long-term changes in topsoil total N stock. Our findings show that the - often used - first year recovery of synthetic fertiliser N application does not express the full effect of fertiliser application on crop nutrition. The fertiliser contribution to soil N supply should be accounted for when exploring future scenarios on N cycling, including crop N requirements and N balance schemes

    Soft systems methodology: a context within a 50-year retrospective of OR/MS

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    Soft systems methodology (SSM) has been used in the practice of operations research and management science OR/MS) since the early 1970s. In the 1990s, it emerged as a viable academic discipline. Unfortunately, its proponents consider SSM and traditional systems thinking to be mutually exclusive. Despite the differences claimed by SSM proponents between the two, they have been complementary. An extensive sampling of the OR/MS literature over its entire lifetime demonstrates the richness with which the non-SSM literature has been addressing the very same issues as does SSM

    Physicochemical Characterization, and Relaxometry Studies of Micro-Graphite Oxide, Graphene Nanoplatelets, and Nanoribbons

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    The chemistry of high-performance magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents remains an active area of research. In this work, we demonstrate that the potassium permanganate-based oxidative chemical procedures used to synthesize graphite oxide or graphene nanoparticles leads to the confinement (intercalation) of trace amounts of Mn2+ ions between the graphene sheets, and that these manganese intercalated graphitic and graphene structures show disparate structural, chemical and magnetic properties, and high relaxivity (up to 2 order) and distinctly different nuclear magnetic resonance dispersion profiles compared to paramagnetic chelate compounds. The results taken together with other published reports on confinement of paramagnetic metal ions within single-walled carbon nanotubes (a rolled up graphene sheet) show that confinement (encapsulation or intercalation) of paramagnetic metal ions within graphene sheets, and not the size, shape or architecture of the graphitic carbon particles is the key determinant for increasing relaxivity, and thus, identifies nano confinement of paramagnetic ions as novel general strategy to develop paramagnetic metal-ion graphitic-carbon complexes as high relaxivity MRI contrast agents

    Anthropogenic CO<sub>2</sub> Inventory of the Indian Ocean

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    This study presents basin-wide anthropogenic CO2 inventory estimates for the Indian Ocean based on measurements from the World Ocean Circulation Experiment/Joint Global Ocean Flux Study global survey. These estimates employed slightly modified ΔC* and time series techniques originally proposed by Gruber et al. [1996] and Wallace [1995], respectively. Together, the two methods yield the total oceanic anthropogenic CO2 and the carbon increase over the past 2 decades. The highest concentrations and the deepest penetrations of anthropogenic carbon are associated with the Subtropical Convergence at around 30° to 40°S. With both techniques, the lowest anthropogenic CO2 column inventories are observed south of 50°S. The total anthropogenic CO2 inventory north of 35°S was 13.6±2 Pg C in 1995. The inventory increase since GEOSECS (Geochemical Ocean Sections Program) was 4.1±1 Pg C for the same area. Approximately 6.7±1 Pg C are stored in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean, giving a total Indian Ocean inventory of 20.3 ±3 Pg C for 1995. These estimates are compared to anthropogenic CO2 inventories estimated by the Princeton ocean biogeochemistry model. The model predicts an Indian Ocean sink north of 35°S that is only 0.61–0.68 times the results presented here; while the Southern Ocean sink is nearly 2.6 times higher than the measurement-based estimate. These results clearly identify areas in the models that need further examination and provide a good baseline for future studies of the anthropogenic inventory