64 research outputs found

    Profil Hormon Testosteron Rusa Timor (Cervus Timorensis) Jantan Dalam Satu Siklus Ranggah (Testosterone Hormone Profile in One Antler Cycle of Timor Deer (Cervus Timorensis) Stag)

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    The growth and replacement of stags antler on temperate species is physiologically linked to the seasonal rhythms of reproductive hormones. The objective of this research was to determine the pattern of testosterone hormone secretion in timor stags during one annual antler cycle which could be used to determine the active reproductive period of the stag. This research was conducted for 18 months in four adult timor stags (4 – 6 years of age). Blood samples were collected at three weeks intervals for analysis of testosterone hormone using the radioimmunoassay (RIA) method during one antler cycle (i.e. velvet, hard antler and casting stage). Results of this research showed significant difference (

    Kualitas Semen Cair Babi Duroc dalam Pengencer Durasperm yang Disuplementasi Air Buah Lontar dan Sari Tebu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suplementasi air buah lontar (AbL) dan sari tebu (ST) dalam pengencer  durasperm terhadap kualitas semen cair babi duroc. Semen berasal dari tiga ekor babi jantan Duroc berumur dewasa yaitu  2-3 tahun dan dikoleksi dengan menggunakan glove hand method dua kali seminggu. Semen dievaluasi secara makroskopis dan mikroskopis, semen yang berkualitas baik dibagi menjadi tiga bagian dan dikenakan perlakuan: durasperm (PO), durasperm + AbL (P1), durasperm + ST (P2), selanjutnya disimpan dalam kotak Styrofoam bersuhu 18o - 20 oC. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap delapan jam sekali. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Analisis of Variance (ANOVA) dengan menggunakan program SPSS 20. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase motilitas pada jam ke 64 menunjukan P1 40% lebih tinggi (P<0,05) daripada P2 (35.00±1.82) dan P0 (27.50±2.88). P1 memiliki persentase viabilitas spermatozoa 50.94±0.79 lebih tinggi (P<0,05) daripada P2 (45.50±1.94) dan P0 (37.75±3.48). P1 memiliki MPU 52.92±0.61 lebih tinggi dengan P2 (47.38±1.47) dan P0 (40.49±3.47). Abnormalitas dan pH tidak ada perbedaan nyata (P?0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa pengencer suplementasi air buah lontar (P1) efektif untuk mempertahankan motilitas, viabilitas, Abnormalitas, MPU dan menjaga pH tetap stabil

    In-Store Evaluation of Consumer Willingness to Pay for “Farm-Raised†Pre-Cooked Roast Beef: A Case Study

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    A choice-based conjoint experiment was used to examine consumer willingness to pay for a farm-raised pre-cooked roast beef product. Consumers were contacted in a grocery store and provided a sample of the pre-cooked product. Findings indicate there is a small, but statistically significant willingness-to-pay premium for the farm-raised product, suggesting that some product differentiation may result in higher prices for these products. The study outlines an approach to marketing research.beef, conjoint, convenience foods, experiments, in-store tests, surveys, Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing,

    PROFIL HORMON TESTOSTERON RUSA TIMOR (Cervus timorensis) JANTAN DALAM SATU SIKLUS RANGGAH (Testosterone Hormone Profile in One Antler Cycle of Timor Deer (Cervus timorensis) stag)

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    The growth and replacement of stags antler on temperate species is physiologically linked to the seasonal rhythms of reproductive hormones. The objective of this research was to determine the pattern of testosterone hormone secretion in timor stags during one annual antler cycle which could be used to determine the active reproductive period of the stag. This research was conducted for 18 months in four adult timor stags (4 – 6 years of age). Blood samples were collected at three weeks intervals for analysis of testosterone hormone using the radioimmunoassay (RIA) method during one antler cycle (i.e. velvet, hard antler and casting stage). Results of this research showed significant difference (


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    The aims of study was to compare the glycerol concentration in Tris glucose egg yolk (TGEY) diluents on the quality of deer frozen semen. Semen was collected from 5 Timor deer using electroejaculator. Immediately after collection the semen was evaluated macroscopic and microscopically. After initial evaluation, the semen was divided into three tubes and extended with Tris egg yolk with three different glycerol concentrations, which were 10% (TGEY10); 12% (TGEY12) and 14% (TGEY14). The sperm motility, viability, acrosome intact and membrane intact were evaluated in raw semen, after equilibration and after thawing. The results showed that there were no differences (p>0.05) on the sperm motility, viability as well as sperm acrosome intact. Sperm membrane intact in TGEY10 (52.50±5.89%) and TGEY14 (51.50±4.12 %) were higher (p<0.05) than in TGEY12 (49.00±6.58). It was concluded that 10, 12 or 14% glycerol concentration can be used for Timor deer semen cryopreservation

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Hipofisa Sapi terhadap Produktivitas Ayam Petelur (Gallus gallus) Afkir Strain Hisex Brown

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas ekstrak hipofisa sapi (EHS) terhadap produktivitas ayam petelurtipehisex brown periode afkir. Penelitian ini menggunakan 60 ekor ayam petelur tipe hisex brown yang berumur 88 minggu dengan berat badan 2,01 ± 8,30 kg. Ayam-ayam tersebut diacak dengan rancangan acak lengkap ke dalam lima grup dan diinjeksi EHS dengan konsentrasi:  0; 7,5; 15; 22,5 atau 30 mg/kg bobot badan. Injeksi dilakukan secara intramuskuler pada otot dada dengan frekuensi satu kali per minggu. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang empat kali, dengan tiga ekor ayam pada setiap ulangan. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan denganuji Duncan. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa injeksi EHS tidak mampu meningkatkan produksi telur, konversi pakan, indeks telur, indeks putih telur, indeks kuning telur, haugh unit, dan tebal kerabang (p>0,05), menurunkan bobot telur dan konsumsi pakan (p<0,05), dan meningkatkan indeks warna kuning telur (p<0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa injeksi EHS tidak efektif untuk meningkatkan produktivitas ayam petelur tipe hisex brown periode afkir. Kata kunci :ekstrak hipofisa sapi, hisex brown, produktivitas, period eafki

    Efek Ekstrak Hipofisa Sapi terhadap Pertambahan Bobot dan Umur Pubertas Mencit Betina (Mus musculus)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak hipofisa sapi terhadap pertambahan bobot badan dan umur pubertas mencit betina. Materi penelitian adalah mencit betina strain swiss webster yang berumur 21 hari, sebanyak 48 ekor dengan kisaran berat badan (BB) 11-13 gram (±12 gram). Rancangan percobaan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 12 ulangan yaitu penyuntikan ekstrak hipofisis dengan dosis 0 mg/g BB (P0, kontrol); 0,05 mg/g BB (P1); 0,10 mg/g BB (P2); 0,15 mg/g BB (P3). Penyuntikan dilakukan dua kali seminggu sejak umur lepas sapih hingga pubertas, secara intraperitoneal. Data pertambahan bobot badan dan umur pubertas dianalis dengan ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan ekstrak hipofisa berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap PBB dan umur pubertas mencit betina. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyuntikan esktrak hipofisa sapi dapat meningkatkan pertambahan bobot badan dan mempercepat umur pubertas mencit betina, dengan dosis ekstrak hipofisa terbaik adalah 0,15 mg/g bobot badan

    Deer Frozen Semen Quality in Tris Sucrose and Tris Glucose Extender with Different Glycerol Concentrations

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    In order to improve Timor deer (Cervus timorensis) frozen semen quality, the influence of sugar and glycerol concentration on semen characteristics of sperm was investigated. The semen was collected from five sexually mature Timor deer using an electroejaculator. The semen was evaluated and divided into six equal tubes and diluted with Tris sucrose glycerol 10% (TSG10); Tris sucrose glycerol 12% (TSG12); Tris sucrose glycerol 14% (TSG14); Tris glucose glycerol 10% (TGG10); Tris glucose glycerol 12% (TGG12); and Tris glucose glycerol 14% (TGG14). The diluted semen was packed in 0.3 ml minitub straw, equilibrated at 5 oC for 4 hours and frozen on liquid nitrogen vapor for 10 minutes. The total of forward motility, viability, acrosome integrity and membrane integrity were assessed in fresh, after equilibration and after thawing. Results demonstrated that the percentage of sperm motility in TSG10was higher (P (63.93±7.23%). The sperm in TSG10 and TSG14 extender were superior in acrosome as well as in membrane integrity. It was concluded that Tris Sucrose with 10% glycerol protected Timor deer sperm better than other combinations

    Deer Frozen Semen Quality in Tris Sucrose and Tris Glucose Extender with Different Glycerol Concentrations

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    In order to improve Timor deer (Cervus timorensis) frozen semen quality, the influence of sugar and glycerol concentration on semen characteristics of sperm was investigated.  The semen was collected from five sexually mature Timor deer using an electroejaculator. The semen was evaluated and divided into six equal tubes and diluted with Tris sucrose glycerol 10% (TSG10); Tris sucrose glycerol 12% (TSG12); Tris sucrose glycerol 14% (TSG14); Tris glucose glycerol 10% (TGG10); Tris glucose glycerol 12% (TGG12); and Tris glucose glycerol 14% (TGG14). The diluted semen was packed in 0.3 ml minitub straw, equilibrated at 5 oC for 4 hours and frozen on liquid nitrogen vapor for 10 minutes. The total of forward motility, viability, acrosome integrity and membrane integrity were assessed in fresh, after equilibration and after thawing. Results demonstrated that the percentage of sperm motility in TSG10was higher (P (63.93±7.23%). The sperm in TSG10 and TSG14  extender were superior in acrosome as well as in membrane integrity. It was concluded that Tris Sucrose with 10% glycerol protected Timor deer sperm better than other combinations
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