3,180 research outputs found

    Biomass from Paddy Waste Fibers as Sustainable Acoustic Material

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    Utilization of biomass for green products is still progressing in the efort to provide alternative clean technology.his paper presents the utilization of natural waste ibers frompaddy as acousticmaterial. Samples of sound absorbingmaterial frompaddy waste ibers were fabricated.he efect of the iber density, that is, the iber weight and the sample thickness, and also the air gap on the sound absorption coeicient is investigated through experiment. he paddy ibers are found to have good acoustic performance with normal incidence absorption coeicient greater than 0.5 from 1 kHz and can reach the average value of 0.8 above 2.5 kHz. his result is comparable against that of the commercial synthetic glass wool. Attachment of a single layer of polyester fabric is shown to further increase the absorption coeicient

    Pengaruh Panjang Segmen Pelat Beton Bertulang Dan Jarak Tumpuan Tiang Terhadap Penulangan Pile Slab

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    Desain konstruksi jalan raya menggunakan struktur pile slab telah umum penerapannya dan banyak diaplikasikan di negara Indonesia. Demikian pula, analisis yang digunakan juga sudah mengacu pada standar atau peraturan yang disepakati kegunaannya untuk mendesain setiap elemen strukturnya. Peraturan yang dimaksud untuk mendesain adalah peraturan pembebanan untuk jembatan RSNI T-02-2005, karena konstruksi jalan dengan struktur pile slab memiliki keidentikan dengan tipe konstruksi jembatan. Adapun perilaku struktur pile slab dianalisis menggunakan metode portal ekuivalen untuk penentuan gaya-gaya dalamnya. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan panjang segmen pelat pada struktur pile slab terhadap hasil perencanaan dimensi dan tulangan, maka dilakukan sejumlah model desain sebanyak 3 (tiga) level panjang segmen pelat berturut-turut 8 m, 10 m dan 12 m dengan kombinasi diameter pilar 0,5 m dan 0,6 m. Sebagai tahap akhir hasil desain, diperoleh jumlah kebutuhan tulangan yang paling efisien adalah segmen pelat 8 m dengan diameter pilar 0,5 m, yaitu tulangan D16 - 100 untuk arah memanjang dan D16 - 200 untuk tulangan arah melintang. Tulangan bagi yang diperlukan adalah D13 - 200 untuk masing-masing arah pelat. Kata

    Analisis Minyak Terpentin (Pinus Merkusii) Hasil Produksi Perusahaan Lokal dan Perdagangan Menggunakan Kromatografi Gas-spektroskopi Massa (Kg-sm) Serta Metode Pemurniannya

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    A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the turpuntine oils was undertaken by means of gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy. Two types of sample was analyzed, one was bought from local market in Malang and a sample originally from local producer. Analysis was conducted directly from raw sample after drying over magnesium sulfate anhydrate and also after purification under fractional distillation. It was found that at least 13 compounds was detected contains of turpuntine oil sample from local producer and 10 compounds compose of sample from local market in Malang. α-Pinene as the main compound composes 64.63% from the first sample meanwhile sample from local market indicate in 55.75%. Moreover, fractional distillation under reduced pressure could provide α-pinene in 88.2% purity and 11.8% of δ-carene as the minor compound, respectively

    Adaptive memory-based single distribution resampling for particle filter

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    The restrictions that are related to using single distribution resampling for some specific computing devices’ memory gives developers several difficulties as a result of the increased effort and time needed for the development of a particle filter. Thus, one needs a new sequential resampling algorithm that is flexible enough to allow it to be used with various computing devices. Therefore, this paper formulated a new single distribution resampling called the adaptive memory size-based single distribution resampling (AMSSDR). This resampling method integrates traditional variation resampling and traditional resampling in one architecture. The algorithm changes the resampling algorithm using the memory in a computing device. This helps the developer formulate a particle filter without over considering the computing devices’ memory utilisation during the development of different particle filters. At the start of the operational process, it uses the AMSSDR selector to choose an appropriate resampling algorithm (for example, rounding copy resampling or systematic resampling), based on the current computing devices’ physical memory. If one chooses systematic resampling, the resampling will sample every particle for every cycle. On the other hand, if it chooses the rounding copy resampling, the resampling will sample more than one of each cycle’s particle. This illustrates that the method (AMSSDR) being proposed is capable of switching resampling algorithms based on various physical memory requirements. The aim of the authors is to extend this research in the future by applying their proposed method in various emerging applications such as real-time locator systems or medical applications

    Reaksi Eterifikasi δ-Guaiene Menggunakan Katalis Fecl3/p-tsoh

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    Δ-guaien merupakan komponen utama kedua dari minyak nilam setelah patchouli alkohol yang dapat diderivatisasi menjadi senyawa eter dengan posisi pada karbon tersier. Senyawa eter pada posisi ini dapat digunakan sebagai zat campuran bahan bakar minyak untuk menaikkan angka oktan. Reaksi eterifikasi dapat dilakukan menggunakan berbagai macam reaksi dengan katalis logam. Penelitian ini fokus pada reaksi katalis logam untuk mensintesis senyawa eter dari δ-guaien sebagai bahan dasar. Reaksi dilakukan menggunakan katalis FeCl3/p-TsOH.H2O dan dianalisa menggunakan FTIR dan KG-SM. Hasil dari FTIR menunjukkan adanya puncak baru pada spectra IR pada 1076 cm-1 yang menunjukkan adanya ikatan C-O eter. Untuk hasil dengan KG-SM, diperoleh senyawa eter sebesar 1,25% dari kromatrogam KG-MS. Persen terbesar dari kromatrogam adalah senyawa alkohol sebesar 88,99%. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa logam efektif digunakan sebagai katalis, namun untuk reaksi eterifikasi katalis seharusnya bebas dari kandungan air untuk mencegah terjadinya produk alkohol

    Pengaruh Pemberian Recombinant Growth Hormone (Rgh) Melalui Metode Oral Dengan Interval Waktu Yang Berbeda Terhadap Kelulushidupan Dan Pertumbuhan Larva Ikan Gurame Var Bastard (Osphronemus Gouramy Lac, 1801)

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    Peningkatan produksi gurame dapat dilakukan salah satunya dengan menggunakan rGH. Penggunaan rGH pada ikan diduga sebagai salah satu metode alternatif untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ikan budidaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas pemberian rGH melalui metode oral dengan interval waktu yang berbeda terhadap kelulushidupan dan pertumbuhan larva ikan gurame. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Balai Perbenihan Budidaya Ikan Air Tawar (BPBIAT) Muntilan, Magelang, pada bulan Semptember-November 2013. Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah larva ikan gurame umur 10 hari setelah habis kuning telur. Pemeliharaan dilakukan selama 63 hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan untuk masing-masing perlakuan. Perlakuan pertama (A) adalah larva ikan gurame diberi rGH setiap 3 hari, Perlakuan kedua (B) adalah larva ikan gurame diberi rGH setiap 4 hari, Perlakuan ketiga (C) adalah larva ikan gurame diberi rGH setiap 5 hari, dan perlakuan keempat (D) yaitu tanpa pemberian rGH. Variabel yang diukur meliputi kelulushidupan (SR), Spesific Growth Rate (SGR) bobot, panjang mutlak, rasio konversi pakan (FCR), dan kualitas air. Nilai kelulushidupan (SR) pada perlakuan A 83,67±1,53, B 82,67±0,58, C82,67±1,53 ,dan D 69,00±1,00; Panjang mutlak pada perlakuan A 3,24±0,02, B 2,93±0,01, C 2,58±0,01, C 2,22±0,01; SGR bobot pada perlakuan A 5,700±0,010, B5,513±0,009, C 5,219±0,012, D 4,966±0,007; dan FCR perlakuan A 0,769±0,016, B 0,829±0,008, C 0,967±0,031, D 1,083±0,028. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian rGH melalui metode oral sangat efektif untuk digunakan pada larva ikan gurame, dan pemberian rGH dengan interval waktu 3 hari menghasilkan laju pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan terbaik pada larva ikan gurame. The increased production of giant gouramy can be improve to accelerate the achievement of giant gouramy production. This can be done by an rGH in the diet. The use of rGH in the diet was alleged as an alternative methods to improve the growth of giant gouramy aquaculture. The purpose of this research was to determine the effectiveness of oral administration of rGH through application of rGH diet at different time intervals with regane to survival and growth of giant gouramy larvae. This research was conducted in the Central Seed Freshwater Aquaculture (BPBIAT) Muntilan, Magelang, on september-november 2013. The fish sample used are giant gouramy larvae age 10 days after the expiration of the yolk. Maintenance performe during 63 days. This study uses 4 treatments and 3 replicates for each treatment. The first treatment (A), giant gouramy larvae was given rGH every 3 days, the second treatment (B), giant gouramy larvae was given rGH every 4 days, the third treatment (C), giant gouramy larvae was given rGH every 5 days, and the fourth treatment (D) was without rGH. The variables measured include survival rate (SR), spesific growth rate (SGR) weight, ansolute growth, food conversion ratio (FCR), and water quality. Survival value (SR) in the treatment of A 83.67 ± 1.53 B 82.67 ± 0.58, C 82, 67 ± 1.53, and D 69.00 ± 1.00; absolute growth treatment A 3.24 ± 0.02, B 2.93 ± 0.01, C 2.58 ± 0.01, and D 2.22 ± 0.01; SGR weight on treatment A 5,700 ± 0,010, B 5, 513 ± 0.009, C 5.219 ± 0.012, and D 4.966 ± 0.007, and FCR treatment A 0.769 ± 0.016, B 0.829 ± 0.008, C 0.967 ± 0.031, and D 1.083 ± 0.028. Based on these results it can be concluded that rGH administration via oral method very effective to be application in giant gouramy larvae, and rGH administration at 3 days intervals resulted in the best growth rate and survival rate of the giant gouramy larvae

    Effect of Hypobaric Hypoxia Induction on Cognitive Function and Glutamate Receptor in Sprague-Dawley Rats

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    Induction of sublethal hypoxia provides neuroprotective effect pathological processes such as myocardial infarc and stroke. This study aimed to know the effect of intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (IHH) induction on cognitive function and glutamate receptor in the rat brain. The study was conducted at dr. Saryanto Institute for Aviation and Aerospace Health (LAKESPRA) from 2015-2016. 25 sprague dawley rats, divided into 4 IHH treatment groups and 1 control group. Group 1 was induced with 1x IHH exposure, group 2 was induced with 2x IHH exposure, group 3 was induced with 3x IHH exposure and group 4 was induced with 4x IHH exposure (days 1, 8, 15 and 22). After induction, cognitive function tests are performed with Y Maze and immunohistochemistry is performed to evaluate the glutamate receptor N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA). There were no significant differences between the four treatment groups compared with the control group (p>0.05) on cognitif function, but significant difference in NMDA receptor. In conclution, HHI induction was not cause change cognitive fuction but increased the response of neuroplasticity of sprague-dawley rats brain tissue which assessed from increasing NMDA receptor.&nbsp

    Substantial consequences and factors leading towards construction project success and failure

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    The phenomenon on the incompletion of construction projects in Malaysia is something very common at the moment. But to a more positive note, there are also successful projects which has been established in a large scale over the years. When there is an existence of such success, yet the project failures are yet to be apprehended as well. Whether the most appropriate measures have been taken in curbing this problem is yet to be sure off, looking at the existence of project failures. Therefore, this paper gives an outlook on the current situation of abandoned projects in Malaysia, and also takes a look on the factors on both success and failures of projects, where the essential information on this was obtained from statistics provided by Ministry of Housing and Local Government, and also based on the comparison matrix that was established from the causes identified by researches from other countries, including Malaysia itself. Some of the information that was able to gather from this was the types of causes with its ranking from the most to the least, and other underlying factors and driving keys on the successful completion of projects. The outlook on the failures and success of a project could be an absolute strategy that could be implemented in the effort towards restoration of abandoned projects in Malaysia, and in other countries as well which are also experiencing the same adverse situation

    Diagnosing students' difficulties in learning mathematics

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    This study considers the results of a diagnostic test of student difficulty and contrasts the difference in performance between the lower attaining quartile and the higher quartile. It illustrates a difference in qualitative thinking between those who succeed and those who fail in mathematics, illustrating a theory that those who fail are performing a more difficult type of mathematics (coordinating procedures) than those who succeed (manipulating concepts). Students who have to coordinate or reverse processes in time will encounter far greater difficulty than those who can manipulate symbols in a flexible way. The consequences of such a dichotomy and implications for remediation are then considered
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