3,234 research outputs found

    Evaluation of radiometric and geometric characteristics of LANDSAT-D imaging system

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    With vegetation masked and noise sources eliminated or minimized, different carbonate facies could be discriminated in a south Florida scene. Laboratory spectra of grab samples indicate that a 20% change in depth of the carbonate absorption band was detected despite the effects of atmospheric absorption. Both bright and dark hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks can be discriminated from their unaltered equivalents. A previously unrecognized altered area was identified on the basis of the TM images. The ability to map desert varnish in semi-arid terrains has economic significance as it defines areas that are less susceptible desert erosional process and suitable for construction development

    The role of course development and design in an itinerant schooling program: the perceptions of staff members of the School of Distance Education in Brisbane, Queensland

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    This paper examines the perceptions of teachers associated with the Brisbane School of Distance Education (Queensland, Australia), concerning their role in the establishment and implementation of a primary education program for children of the Showmen's Guild of Australasia. Interviews with five itinerant teachers revealed that their responsibilities include assessing correspondence papers from students and maintaining telephone contact with students, home tutors, and parents, as well as working in selected towns on a short-term basis to teach 'face-to-face' lessons to itinerant students. Each teacher worked with between 15 and 20 children, usually in family groups across grade levels. Teachers expressed concerns about the show children's lifestyle and how this has affected their educational and social development. However, all teachers felt that the distance education program had improved the children's educational opportunities and adequately addressed their educational needs. Disadvantages of the children's itinerant lifestyle that the program was unable to address were lack of routine, lack of continuity, dependence on the support of the home tutor, role conflicts of local teachers, and insufficient program funding. Implications for other itinerant education projects include recognizing the importance of teacher attitudes when implementing an educational program for a marginalized group. Contains 20 references. (LP

    The star-formation history of the universe - an infrared perspective

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    A simple and versatile parameterized approach to the star formation history allows a quantitative investigation of the constraints from far infrared and submillimetre counts and background intensity measurements. The models include four spectral components: infrared cirrus (emission from interstellar dust), an M82-like starburst, an Arp220-like starburst and an AGN dust torus. The 60 ÎŒ\mum luminosity function is determined for each chosen rate of evolution using the PSCz redshift data for 15000 galaxies. The proportions of each spectral type as a function of 60 ÎŒ\mum luminosity are chosen for consistency with IRAS and SCUBA colour-luminosity relations, and with the fraction of AGN as a function of luminosity found in 12 ÎŒ\mum samples. The luminosity function for each component at any wavelength can then be calculated from the assumed spectral energy distributions. With assumptions about the optical seds corresponding to each component and, for the AGN component, the optical and near infrared counts can be accurately modelled. A good fit to the observed counts at 0.44, 2.2, 15, 60, 90, 175 and 850 ÎŒ\mum can be found with pure luminosity evolution in all 3 cosmological models investigated: Ωo\Omega_o = 1, Ωo\Omega_o = 0.3 (Λ\Lambda = 0), and Ωo\Omega_o = 0.3, Λ\Lambda = 0.7. All 3 models also give an acceptable fit to the integrated background spectrum. Selected predictions of the models, for example redshift distributions for each component at selected wavelengths and fluxes, are shown. The total mass-density of stars generated is consistent with that observed, in all 3 cosmological models.Comment: 20 pages, 25 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Full details of models can be found at http://astro.ic.ac.uk/~mrr/countmodel

    More shock recovery experiments on mesosiderite analogs

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    Mesosiderites, a small but unique group of stony-iron meteorites with affinities to howardites, eucrites, and pallasites, remain enigmatic in terms of their petrogenesis. They are composed of approximately equal weight proportions of Fe-Ni metal plus troilite and gabbroic, basaltic, and orthopyroxenitic materials. The metal and silicates, which display variable grain sizes and shapes, are delicately intermingled, forming irregular grain boundaries that have been attributed to a wide range of origins from subsolidus metamorphism to supersolidus igneous processes. Perhaps the most relevant question regarding the petrogenesis of mesosiderites is: what is the source and duration of heating that could produce the unequilibrated textures and chemistry of these meteorites? A leading candidate appears to be impacts of metallic core fragments with a differentiated asteroidal surface. This provides not only a suitable source of heat, but also the metal component uniquely required by mesosiderites. A series of shock recovery experiments on mesosiderite analogs has been continued. Textural and chemical similarities have been found that support an impact-derived origin for these unusual meteorites

    57-Fe Mossbauer study of magnetic ordering in superconducting K_0.85Fe_1.83Se_2.09 single crystals

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    The magnetic ordering of superconducting single crystals of K_0.85Fe_1.83Se_2.09 has been studied between 10K and 550K using 57-Fe Mossbauer spectroscopy. Despite being superconducting below T_sc ~30K, the iron sublattice in K_0.85Fe_1.83Se_2.09 clearly exhibits magnetic order from well below T_sc to its N\'eel temperature of T_N = 532 +/- 2K. The iron moments are ordered perpendicular to the single crystal plates, i.e. parallel to the crystal c-axis. The order collapses rapidly above 500K and the accompanying growth of a paramagnetic component suggests that the magnetic transition may be first order, which may explain the unusual temperature dependence reported in recent neutron diffraction studies.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures Submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Accuracy and effectualness of closed-form, frequency-domain waveforms for non-spinning black hole binaries

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    The coalescences of binary black hole (BBH) systems, here taken to be non-spinning, are among the most promising sources for gravitational wave (GW) ground-based detectors, such as LIGO and Virgo. To detect the GW signals emitted by BBHs, and measure the parameters of the source, one needs to have in hand a bank of GW templates that are both effectual (for detection), and accurate (for measurement). We study the effectualness and the accuracy of the two types of parametrized banks of templates that are directly defined in the frequency-domain by means of closed-form expressions, namely 'post-Newtonian' (PN) and 'phenomenological' models. In absence of knowledge of the exact waveforms, our study assumes as fiducial, target waveforms the ones generated by the most accurate version of the effective one body (EOB) formalism. We find that, for initial GW detectors the use, at each point of parameter space, of the best closed-form template (among PN and phenomenological models) leads to an effectualness >97% over the entire mass range and >99% in an important fraction of parameter space; however, when considering advanced detectors, both of the closed-form frequency-domain models fail to be effectual enough in significant domains of the two-dimensional [total mass and mass ratio] parameter space. Moreover, we find that, both for initial and advanced detectors, the two closed-form frequency-domain models fail to satisfy the minimal required accuracy standard in a very large domain of the two-dimensional parameter space. In addition, a side result of our study is the determination, as a function of the mass ratio, of the maximum frequency at which a frequency-domain PN waveform can be 'joined' onto a NR-calibrated EOB waveform without undue loss of accuracy.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Imaging of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies in the Near-UV

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    We present the first ground-based U' (3410 angstroms) images of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIGs). Strong U' emission (median total M_U' = -20.8) is seen in all systems and in some cases the extended tidal features (both the smooth stellar distribution and compact star-forming features) contribute up to 60-80% of the total flux. The star-forming regions in both samples are found to have ages based on spectral synthesis models in the range 10-100 Myrs, and most differences in color between them can be attributed to the effects of dust reddening. Additionally, it is found that star-formation in compact knots in the tidal tails is most prominent in those ULIGs which have double nuclei, suggesting that the star-formation rate in the tails peaks prior to the actual coalescence of the galaxy nuclei and diminishes quickly thereafter. Similar to results at other wavelengths, the observed star formation at U' can only account for a small fraction of the known bolometric luminosity of the ULIGs. Azimuthally averaged radial light profiles at U' are characterized by a sersic law with index n=2, which is intermediate between an exponential disk and an r^(-1/4) law and closely resembles the latter at large radii. The implications of this near-ultraviolet imaging for optical/near-infrared observations of high redshift counterparts of ULIGs are discussed.Comment: 30 pages, 4 tables, and 9 figures, 2 of which are JPEGs. To appear in the August, 2000 edition of the Astronomical Journa

    Collective excitation spectrum of a disordered Hubbard model

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    We study the collective excitation spectrum of a d=3 site-disordered Anderson-Hubbard model at half-filling, via a random-phase approximation (RPA) about broken-symmetry, inhomogeneous unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) ground states. We focus in particular on the density and character of low-frequency collective excitations in the transverse spin channel. In the absence of disorder, these are found to be spin-wave-like for all but very weak interaction strengths, extending down to zero frequency and separated from a Stoner-like band, to which there is a gap. With disorder present, a prominent spin-wave-like band is found to persist over a wide region of the disorder-interaction phase plane in which the mean-field ground state is a disordered antiferromagnet, despite the closure of the UHF single-particle gap. Site resolution of the RPA excitations leads to a microscopic rationalization of the evolution of the spectrum with disorder and interaction strength, and enables the observed localization properties to be interpreted in terms of the fraction of strong local moments and their site-differential distribution.Comment: 25 pages (revtex), 9 postscript figure

    NICMOS Snapshot Survey of Damped Lyman Alpha Quasars

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    We image 19 quasars with 22 damped Lyman alpha (DLA) systems using the F160W filter and the Near-Infrared Camera and Multiobject Spectrograph aboard the Hubble Space Telescope, in both direct and coronagraphic modes. We reach 5 sigma detection limits of ~H=22 in the majority of our images. We compare our observations to the observed Lyman-break population of high-redshift galaxies, as well as Bruzual & Charlot evolutionary models of present-day galaxies redshifted to the distances of the absorption systems. We predict H magnitudes for our DLAs, assuming they are producing stars like an L* Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) at their redshift. Comparing these predictions to our sensitivity, we find that we should be able to detect a galaxy around 0.5-1.0 L* (LBG) for most of our observations. We find only one new possible candidate, that near LBQS0010-0012. This scarcity of candidates leads us to the conclusion that most DLA systems are not drawn from a normal LBG luminosity function nor a local galaxy luminosity function placed at these high redshifts.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for Feb. 10 issue of Ap

    What Powers Ultra-luminous IRAS Galaxies?

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    We present an ISO SWS and ISOPHOT-S, mid-infrared spectroscopic survey of 15 ultra-luminous IRAS galaxies. We combine the survey results with a detailed case study, based on near-IR and mm imaging spectroscopy, of one of the sample galaxies (UGC 5101). We compare the near- and mid-IR characteristics of these ultra-luminous galaxies to ISO and literature data of thirty starburst and active galactic nuclei (AGN), template galaxies. We find that 1) 70-80% of the ultra-luminous IRAS galaxies in our sample are predominantly powered by recently formed massive stars. 20-30% are powered by a central AGN. These conclusions are based on a new infrared 'diagnostic diagram' involving the ratio of high to low excitation mid-IR emission lines on the one hand, and on the strength of the 7.7um PAH feature on the other hand. 2) at least half of the sources probably have simultaneously an active nucleus and starburst activity in a 1-2 kpc diameter circum-nuclear disk/ring. 3) the mid-infrared emitting regions are highly obscured. After correction for these extinctions, we estimate that the star forming regions in ULIRGs have ages between 10^7 and 10^8 years, similar to but somewhat larger than those found in lower luminosity starburst galaxies. 4) in the sample we have studied there is no obvious trend for the AGN component to dominate in the most compact, and thus most advanced mergers. Instead, at any given time during the merger evolution, the time dependent compression of the circum-nuclear interstellar gas, the accretion rate onto the central black hole and the associated radiation efficiency may determine whether star formation or AGN activity dominates the luminosity of the system.Comment: 63 pages postscript (ex. MS Word), 11 postscript and 2 gif figures, submitted to ApJ. See also http://www.mpe-garching.mpg.de/ISO/preprint/MPE-IR-97003.htm
