992 research outputs found

    Universal amplitude ratios from numerical studies of the three-dimensional O(2) model

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    We investigate the three-dimensional O(2) model near the critical point by Monte Carlo simulations and calculate the major universal amplitude ratios of the model. The ratio U_0=A+/A- is determined directly from the specific heat data at zero magnetic field. The data do not, however, allow to extract an accurate estimate for alpha. Instead, we establish a strong correlation of U_0 with the value of alpha used in the fit. This numerical alpha-dependence is given by A+/A- = 1 -4.20(5) alpha + O(alpha^2). For the special alpha-values used in other calculations we find full agreement with the corresponding ratio values, e. g. that of the shuttle experiment with liquid helium. On the critical isochore we obtain the ratio xi+/xi-_T=0.293(9), and on the critical line the ratio xi_T^c/xi_L^c=1.957(10) for the amplitudes of the transverse and longitudinal correlation lengths. These two ratios are independent of the used alpha or nu-values.Comment: 34 pages, 19 Ps-figures, Latex2e, revised version, to be published in J. Phys.

    Nonlocality in mesoscopic Josephson junctions with strip geometry

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    We study the current in a clean superconductor-normal-metal-superconductor junction of length d and width w in the presence of an applied magnetic field H. We show that both the geometrical pattern of the current density and the critical current as a function of the total flux in the junction, depend on the ratio of the Josephson vortex distance a_0 and the range r of the nonlocal electrodynamics. In particular, the critical current has the periodicity of the superconducting flux quantum only for r<a_0 and acquires, due to boundary effects, the double (pseudo-) periodicity for strong nonlocality, r>a_0. Comparing our results to recent experiments of Heida et al. [Phys. Rev. B 57, R5618 (1998)] we find good agreement.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to be published in the RC section of Phys. Rev.

    Strongly interacting WW bosons and supersymmetry

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    We present arguments in favor of the idea that supersymmetric sigma models with compact symmetric K\"ahler spaces as target manifolds have a second-order phase transition in four dimensions. When applied to electroweak symmetry breaking, these models then do not require a light Higgs boson or techni-resonances but predict fermionic superpartners of longitudinal W's and Z with masses at or below TeV scale. Presence of the phase transition leads to a fractional-power energy dependence of fixed-angle scattering amplitude of longitudinal W's and Z's at high energies.Comment: 8 pages, LATEX, UCLA/93/TEP/2

    Topological properties of superconducting junctions

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    Motivated by recent developments in the field of one-dimensional topological superconductors, we investigate the topological properties of s-matrix of generic superconducting junctions where dimension should not play any role. We argue that for a finite junction the s-matrix is always topologically trivial. We resolve an apparent contradiction with the previous results by taking into account the low-energy resonant poles of s-matrix. Thus no common topological transition occur in a finite junction. We reveal a transition of a different kind that concerns the configuration of the resonant poles

    Nonlinear Dynamics in Double Square Well Potential

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    Considering the coherent nonlinear dynamics in double square well potential we find the example of coexistence of Josephson oscillations with a self-trapping regime. This macroscopic bistability is explained by proving analytically the simultaneous existence of symmetric, antisymmetric and asymmetric stationary solutions of the associated Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The effect is illustrated and confirmed by numerical simulations. This property allows to make suggestions on possible experiments using Bose-Einstein condensates in engineered optical lattices or weakly coupled optical waveguide arrays

    Giant Josephson current through a single bound state in a superconducting tunnel junction

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    We study the microscopic structure of the Josephson current in a single-mode tunnel junction with a wide quasiclassical tunnel barrier. In such a junction each Andreev bound state carries a current of magnitude proportional to the {\em amplitude} of the normal electron transmission through the junction. Tremendous enhancement of the bound state current is caused by the resonance coupling of superconducting bound states at both superconductor-insulator interfaces of the junction. The possibility of experimental observation of the single bound state current is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, [aps,preprint]{revtex

    The phase-dependent linear conductance of a superconducting quantum point contact

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    The exact expression for the phase-dependent linear conductance of a weakly damped superconducting quantum point contact is obtained. The calculation is performed by summing up the complete perturbative series in the coupling between the electrodes. The failure of any finite order perturbative expansion in the limit of small voltage and small quasi-particle damping is analyzed in detail. In the low transmission regime this nonperturbative calculation yields a result which is at variance with standard tunnel theory. Our result predicts the correct sign of the quasi-particle pair interference term and exhibits an unusual phase-dependence at low temperatures in qualitative agreement with the available experimental data.Comment: 12 pages (revtex) + 1 postscript figure. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Voltage rectification by a SQUID ratchet

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    We argue that the phase across an asymmetric dc SQUID threaded by a magnetic flux can experience an effective ratchet (periodic and asymmetric) potential. Under an external ac current, a rocking ratchet mechanism operates whereby one sign of the time derivative of the phase is favored. We show that there exists a range of parameters in which a fixed sign (and, in a narrower range, even a fixed value) of the average voltage across the ring occurs, regardless of the sign of the external current dc component.Comment: 4 pages, 4 EPS figures, uses psfig.sty. Revised version, to appear in Physical Review Letters (26 August 1996
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